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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

my gut feeling is, gentlemen, that the exact opposite will occur.

your 'great britain' will split apart. scottland will separate and re - unite with the eu. what will happen to london, the financial hub of europe?

what means do you have to make you great, (again?)?

and apart from that, given the magnitude of this event, the margin of 'win' over 'loose' is way too slim. there will be a lot of disgruntled brits having to live with and suffer from this short sighted decision.

My gut feeling is that Britain need look no further East than Switzerland or North to Iceland and Norway for ways to deal with the EU and the rest of the world. Yes, they've shaken up the status quo, but it's not like there aren't plenty of examples from other countries in Europe who decided after the WW2 that joining the EU would prevent the next one. There are a lot of ideas from that era and people whose ideas have proved to be wrong.

They will need some smart people to lead them. I wish them the best.

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It is interesting that it's pro-business that voted Remain while more agricultural and older people went the other way. Reminds me of when Switzerland had a similar referendum (to join or not). Zurich and main business cantons said yes, French speaking, Bern Basel etc said no and the no's won it.

There was then talk of doomsday for Switzerland as well. Didn't happen though. The CHF is practically on par with the Euro (1.08, last I checked, last week)

This is part of the reason why I point to the Muslim invasion as motivation for the "leave" voters. The "ordinary working man" neither fully understands nor cares about macro economics. He cares about the safety of his family, and the preservation of his way of life. While intellectuals preach the philosophy of "open borders" and "one world", the realists who work for a living see the injustice of Sharia Law and absolute suppression of freedom of religion (as well as so many other freedoms suppressed by Islamic rulers).

So, while the article atop this thread, as well as most of the posters here, have focused primarily on the economic issues and impact of the Brexit vote; I must ask again, if the deciding factor in the outcome wasn't the Muslim invasion!

You sir are a racist and therefore your views and comments are not welcome in a civilized debate. There is no Sharia law in the Uk and there never will be. This illusion of a muslim invasion is exactly that; an illusion and fortunately sane people with a proper and respectful perspective on matters are here to tell you where to get off.

And you, sir, have every right to tell me that you disagree with me and my sociopolitical beliefs. Now, try doing the same to a Muslim fundamentalist. Then come back and tell us how that went for you.

All wonderful stuff and you insert Muslims into it?

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

There is absolutely no way the UK is going to stop immigration, so many industries have become completely dependent on them, expect immigrants from poorer countries in the future.

Are there any poorer countries than Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Syria, Libya and African nations because these people are already in the UK and either working, claiming benefits or illegal immigrants.

The UK will not stop immigration it will be selective and allow people who are needed in the country just like those here who are working in Thailand.

The only two countries you listed there that are currently not controlled by the UK alone are Bulgaria and Romania. It has always been our choice to accept immigrants from Albania, Syria, Libya and African nations, why would leaving the EU change UK border controls that the EU has never had any control of? There are actually people deluded into believing that the EU has opened our doors to people from outside the EU. There is already a points system for people from outside the EU, do not expect a change in that respect, just more people from the poorer countries you listed, we will need them to make up for the losses of immigrants from the EU.

Firstly I don't believe multiculturalism works. Just look at the vote today,. The Scots, N.Irish and many Welsh want away from England and we are about as close to the same culture as you get. Live in the Middle east and you will have a greater understanding. They do not work. The UK was and is becoming a country of to many different cultures that could not mix. before the you are racist brigade jump on, no I am not. It is an observation that I have seen and many would agree.

The working people of the UK voted to leave and that's because they see immigration as a huge problem everyday in daily life.

But you possibly live in Thailand? Complain much about immigration?

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In less than an hour after the result was announced, Nicola Sturgeon is already muttering about having to have a second referendum, so we can expect that to be on the agenda again shortly!

She is determined to take Scotland out of the Union, and this is the very excuse she has been waiting for !

So what will Scotland do? Join the EU on its own? Good luck.

Making a statement like that immediately after is an emotional response and laughable at best.

Scotland is frankly a drain on the rest of the UK so good riddance.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

LOL..in 2015 the UK contributed 12.5% of the EU budget, and is number 3 on the list after France and Germany...so your comment about leeches is hysterical...so unless your french or German...you could in fact be defined as a leech if your European

You forgot to count the rebates and subsidies, which make England the leeches of the EU. 12.5 % is counted before the deductions, and England has more deductions than the rest of the EU combined. England gets more money than it pays, a fact that should be reserved for countries with more political challenges, say Eastern or Southern European, not a well-developed western country.

You name Germany and France which is good, proving you understand that they finance the EU. Why WAS England leeching for so many years??? Even the Irish pay. Are you saying Ireland is a better developed society than the UK?

Anyway, I sold all my pounds the other day, now it's time to cash in. LOL.

Many EU politicians pointed this out recently and change was coming, like winter. So the leeches moved on.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

my gut feeling is, gentlemen, that the exact opposite will occur.

your 'great britain' will split apart. scottland will separate and re - unite with the eu. what will happen to london, the financial hub of europe?

what means do you have to make you great, (again?)?

and apart from that, given the magnitude of this event, the margin of 'win' over 'loose' is way too slim. there will be a lot of disgruntled brits having to live with and suffer from this short sighted decision.

Just one question to you sir....... Do you consider the EU to be democratic?

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Brexit. If ever there was evidence that democracy doesn't work this is it. Or to paraphrase Churchill.. 5 minutes with the average voter will convince you that democracy is a bad idea.

And yet you benefited from the economy that a liberal democracy offered, and are here in Thailand living off of it.

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In less than an hour after the result was announced, Nicola Sturgeon is already muttering about having to have a second referendum, so we can expect that to be on the agenda again shortly!

She is determined to take Scotland out of the Union, and this is the very excuse she has been waiting for !

So what will Scotland do? Join the EU on its own? Good luck.

Making a statement like that immediately after is an emotional response and laughable at best.

Scotland is frankly a drain on the rest of the UK so good riddance.

Like your post, think it is a bit more serious than you state. No problem, as a previous poster has said, it will all be back to normal next week. If it does not return to normal I am sure the previous poster will blame everyone but their self.

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Good Riddance to the European Union and all the M.E.P.'s with their sinecures and massive pension plans. Mr & Mrs Kinnock will now have to find another gravy train. Yes, the pound will drop at first but markets will recover.

Hopefully, a drying up of the cheap labour from Poland and Ukraine.

A typical example for you.......Bae Systems in Scotlands Shipyards recently laid off hundreds of Scottish workers....then hired Polish workers at about 6 pound an hour less.....bah.gif


Good friend of mine has been a long distance truck (lorry - sorry) driver, HGV all the bells and whistles licenses for a couple of decades. The complete disentegration of the UK truck driving business put squarely at the East Europeans, especially Lithuanians and Estonians. Work for considerably less, but more importantly, break all the UK highway codes, litter everywhere, and constantly get lost, or crash whilst looking at their GPS... Fill up cheap diesel in Belgium prior to crossing the channel, and the UK truck owners have to compete but abide by all the laws that are broken by the above.

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I am absolutely gutted about this decision to leave.

Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted> this up and must now resign. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now everyone will pay the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And being Scottish myself, I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

as someone else stated on this forum before: this is a blatant and convincing display of the short comings of 'democracy'.

giving a bunch of bald - headed old - timers the opportunity to destroy the dreams and ambitions of the young people who will shape our nations was the biggest <deleted> - up in british post - war history.

What are you talking about? The voting was not restricted to "bald headed old fools"

Go back to sleep, we will wake you in 2 or 3 years and let you know whats been going on.

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It is interesting that it's pro-business that voted Remain while more agricultural and older people went the other way. Reminds me of when Switzerland had a similar referendum (to join or not). Zurich and main business cantons said yes, French speaking, Bern Basel etc said no and the no's won it.

There was then talk of doomsday for Switzerland as well. Didn't happen though. The CHF is practically on par with the Euro (1.08, last I checked, last week)

This is part of the reason why I point to the Muslim invasion as motivation for the "leave" voters. The "ordinary working man" neither fully understands nor cares about macro economics. He cares about the safety of his family, and the preservation of his way of life. While intellectuals preach the philosophy of "open borders" and "one world", the realists who work for a living see the injustice of Sharia Law and absolute suppression of freedom of religion (as well as so many other freedoms suppressed by Islamic rulers).

So, while the article atop this thread, as well as most of the posters here, have focused primarily on the economic issues and impact of the Brexit vote; I must ask again, if the deciding factor in the outcome wasn't the Muslim invasion!

You sir are a racist and therefore your views and comments are not welcome in a civilized debate. There is no Sharia law in the Uk and there never will be. This illusion of a muslim invasion is exactly that; an illusion and fortunately sane people with a proper and respectful perspective on matters are here to tell you where to get off.

Social Justice Warrior? bah.gif

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Not good for Brit expats living in Thailand on a pension.

1 pound = only 47 baht now and they say the pound will sink further. Good luck with that.

Share markets are crashing too, those with shares will suffer too.

And this is good?

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It's weird that the Australian stock market and Asian stock markets plunged by 4% on the news. Trade with the UK is less than 3%, Britain's exit will take years to occur and Australian companies aren't suddenly producing 4% less. I guess the market just hates uncertainty. I hope the crash of the pound doesn't take the Aussie with it (but it probably will).

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

I note the non capitalised "great" so on that basis and that basis alone I agree with the comment. Great Britain ceased to be great when all the red bits disappeared from the map of the world. The UK was fine before it joined the EU and will no doubt be fine again when it has left. Trade tariffs might become a problem but that is a fixable problem after all China is not in the EU but manages to survive without it so why not the UK?

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I remember when all the pundits predicting the demise of the Dollar when the Euro was created. A cartoon I saw showed the Euro standing over the Dollar like Mohammed Ali did after destroying Liston. I said then don't count Dollar out until the count of 10. I thought it would take a war to revive the Dollar but I never thought it would be a civil war in the European Union and England to do it. Look the value of the Euro to Dollar. The world should be happy the reserve currency is the Dollar. The Euro just took an uppercut from its own right hand.

You're right. The immediate aftermath of such a big change in the political landscape always brings the brainless scaremongerers out of the woodwork. Let them have their say, they will all be gone soon and move onto something else to spew their negative and ill informed opinions at.

It leaves people with some level of intelligence to debate sensibly.

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Firstly I don't believe multiculturalism works. Just look at the vote today,. The Scots, N.Irish and many Welsh want away from England and we are about as close to the same culture as you get. Live in the Middle east and you will have a greater understanding. They do not work. The UK was and is becoming a country of to many different cultures that could not mix. before the you are racist brigade jump on, no I am not. It is an observation that I have seen and many would agree.

The working people of the UK voted to leave and that's because they see immigration as a huge problem everyday in daily life.

I have to disagree with your opening opinion. I think that America clearly proved that multiculturalism can work very effectively. However, it should be noted that the overwhelming majority of the "cultures" that merged in America's "great melting pot" all had a similar moral, social and legal structure. I strongly oppose allowing Islam into Western society because it is clear that the moral, social, and legal structure of Islam is RADICALLY different, and ABSOLUTELY incompatible with all western, and most Asian cultures. Sharia Law, the subjugation of women, and the total intolerance for other religions in all Islamic states is absolute proof of this. The Quran states unequivocally that those things are required elements of Islamic life. We of Western and Asian cultures can NOT live with those rules. ... And, again, Islam is NOT a "race". It is a culture! There are Muslims in every race on the planet.

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I wonder what the chances are of clubbing together with Australia, New Zealand, etc. Denmark would probably want in too.

As long as big disputes don't break out over the music, booze, drugs, etc, I don't see a problem.

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

So what's the plan this time? Subjugate Africans and Asians at gunpoint and steal their resources? It's the only thing Britan has ever been "great" at. Well it worked last time. May as well give it a go again. There is bugger all else the UK has at its disposal to be "great".

Tut tut. Obviously not British, let alone an Englishman....

Do read up on your history old chap, including technology and science in the last 300 years, up to, and including the 21st century...

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EU was conceived to prevent the far-right from taking over - now "England" has welcomed them with open arms - reminiscent of 1930s Germany - and we know where that went.

And why is there a surge in support for far-right parties now? That's right, EU's handling of the refugee crisis.

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Where are all the people who said the baht was going to crash?! A pint of milk will be about 5baht now. Rice will probably be something we can get in the uk to bring back to Bangkok. Even cheaper holidays in the UK for years to come.

Will pensioners be able to live in Thailand any more?

All this because the daft politicos asked the people what they thought. Bless.

Dear oh dear, the pound will bounce back. it is sentiment and it never remains. But please keep on with your nonsense, its amusing to read all of the posts from clueless people who have no idea what is actually going on.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Only the German and UK economy contributes to the EU out of the 28 members.

The UK's net payment is about £10Bn/a, I wonder where that is going to come from now?

Get your facts right.

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It's weird that the Australian stock market and Asian stock markets plunged by 4% on the news. Trade with the UK is less than 3%, Britain's exit will take years to occur and Australian companies aren't suddenly producing 4% less. I guess the market just hates uncertainty. I hope the crash of the pound doesn't take the Aussie with it (but it probably will).

Goes to show that the panicing was controlled. Soros c.s. have preached the bad news and all the sick believers fell in his trap. Bet you that he (Soros) will again gain big out of this.

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

When was the last time Britain was great? The Empire? Faintly remember Rhodesia being handed over. The past is long gone for "Great" Britain.

And now it's time for Australia to get Britain out of its flag and Britain's monarch off its coins.

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Not good for Brit expats living in Thailand on a pension.

1 pound = only 47 baht now and they say the pound will sink further. Good luck with that.

Share markets are crashing too, those with shares will suffer too.

And this is good?

The stock markets and currencies are already flying back towards normalcy so the scare mongering that took place pre-Brexit proved to be baseless.

I think that it is brilliant that the Brexit was cemented by those living in the North of England being the influential factor in this momentous decision!!

I hope that all of the money men in London were weeping into their cornflakes this morning!!

I used to live in the prosperous South East before moving to Thailand (just in case you ask).

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

LOL..in 2015 the UK contributed 12.5% of the EU budget, and is number 3 on the list after France and Germany...so your comment about leeches is hysterical...so unless your french or German...you could in fact be defined as a leech if your European

You forgot to count the rebates and subsidies, which make England the leeches of the EU. 12.5 % is counted before the deductions, and England has more deductions than the rest of the EU combined. England gets more money than it pays, a fact that should be reserved for countries with more political challenges, say Eastern or Southern European, not a well-developed western country.

You name Germany and France which is good, proving you understand that they finance the EU. Why WAS England leeching for so many years??? Even the Irish pay. Are you saying Ireland is a better developed society than the UK?

Anyway, I sold all my pounds the other day, now it's time to cash in. LOL.

Many EU politicians pointed this out recently and change was coming, like winter. So the leeches moved on.

Yeah, I'm sure you would have made a lot on the 100 pounds that you sold.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Only the German and UK economy contributes to the EU out of the 28 members.

The UK's net payment is about £10Bn/a, I wonder where that is going to come from now?

Get your facts right.

One of the strange things missing from the campaign were facts. Figures bandied arround by both sides with no or little truth. Democracy is a fallacy these days based on lies.

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You sir are a racist and therefore your views and comments are not welcome in a civilized debate. There is no Sharia law in the Uk and there never will be. This illusion of a muslim invasion is exactly that; an illusion and fortunately sane people with a proper and respectful perspective on matters are here to tell you where to get off.

And you, sir, have every right to tell me that you disagree with me and my sociopolitical beliefs. Now, try doing the same to a Muslim fundamentalist. Then come back and tell us how that went for you.

All wonderful stuff and you insert Muslims into it?

Sorry, Alan. I only did so because the accusation of racism was a reaction to my remarks against Islam - which, of course, is NOT a race. But why let facts get in the way of knee jerk liberal insult?

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