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Time for a change....UK or NZ?


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When i arrived in Thailand i remember talking to a guy who had been here many years...he told me that most long termers have had enough after 10-12 years. I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. All i could think was this is paradise and he is so wrong!

After nearly 14 years here i think i am at that limit. I didn't want to go off Thailand but for various reasons, I have.

It's unfortunately not the same place I fell in love with and I want my kids to experience somewhere different while they are growing up.

We are in a fortunate position where we have a trustworthy team of staff who can run our resort without us.

The question is would you choose the UK or NZ for your family?

The kids have UK passports so getting schooling there would be fairly straightforward, although returning to the place i left all those years ago (with those grey skies) doesn't appeal so much.

New Zealand would be a bit more of a challenge, having to get visas for the kids, me and my Thai wife. I worked there many years ago and we went on holiday last year and loved the place.

I would be interested to hear opinions, especially if someone has made a similar move.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by mr_lob
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I'm from Oz and feeling a bit the same way, in light of the way things have been going here. A mate has suggested KK in Malaysia where he has "retired" with his wife and they have an excellent Aussie Restaurant there.

I'm retired but we have a teenage daughter who is doing very well in High School here and I don't want to make her change schools, otherwise I would seriously consider KK which I love. The same applies with NZ, I used to ski there a lot and although I don't imagine I'd be doing much , if any of that now, I still love the South Island, Queenstown in particular.

Just some thoughts !

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm an Aussie too. I would take kiwi over UK any day, beautiful country but starting to get very expensive ,like everywhere I guess. Although probably a decision you would want to make yourself or advice from people who know you well IMO

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