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Desperate British family begs for help to bring dying sister home from Thailand


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While sounding a bit cold, if the family wants life support terminated,then the article text about wanting to bring the dying person home does not make a lot of sense. While I can understand the family's desire to bring the dead body home for whatever funeral or burial service they are looking for, I think they should consider the realities of the situation. When why worry about the hospital bill? As the saying goes "they can bill me", and good luck to the hospital collecting on the bill.

You missed the point.

They want the hospital to pull the plug and release the body. However the hospital won't release the body until the bill is paid.

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A lot of people in this world are poor and they want to see the world too. And when you are going to die at an early age anyways, you don't really give a crap about rules or things like this too.

I hope your family won't be begging all and sundry for your mistakes...

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Its a good money spinner to keep a patient alive even though there is little chance of recovery , I heard of some horror stories about Thailands Hospitals and how mercenary they are.

unlike hospitals in other countries not to be mentioned, where money is of no concern.

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People in the UK are constantly shocked, surprised and offended that they are actually expected to pay for complex medical care involving the use of highly trained staff and specialist equipment and facilities.

One wonders how we got to this point.

You must be a Yank where people get screwed by insurance companies, big pharma and greedy doctors. In most civilised countries they charge a little extra for fuel, smokes and beer so by the time you are old there is money in the government pot to pay.

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A little confusing, we have a patient who is being kept alive in hospital, the family are suggesting that if the equipment was turned off,mthen she would die. The next breath states they would like to bring the unfortunate lady back to the uk to die with family beside her.

Does this indicate they want to fly the lady back as a medical evacuation complete with the life support systems ?

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I don't understand why the family don't pay the bills themselves... if they don't have the money then they should take out a load, earn money, sell their possessions, etc.

I am sure that's more or less the same thing the "businessmen" inside the hospital have worked out already.

Just compare the cost of the electricity bill and some nurses playing on Line or Facebook, with what the final bill it's going to look like, makes me wonder why some TV posters don't invest into those sort of money making's machines, ops, "hospitals".....

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I don't get it.

If as the article stated that she had health problems since she was young surely there would have been travel insurance and this would cover the medical expenses .

If not and not trying to be smart but we have seen many times tourists not taking out travel insurance and ending up being stuck with hefty bills .

36,000 and rising and I didn't know if it's true about their statement about its Thai culture not turning off the machine. My wife did it for her father.

Travel insurance doesn't cover preexisting conditions.

I am from the USA, and always buy travel medical insurance with medical evacuation included. The policy specically states no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. I'm 62, and the cost is about $210 for 4 weeks of coverage. I usually buy from American Express.

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This might sound cold but that the doctors not wanting to turn off is certainly within their right as the Thai law states they might be seen committing murder. Under all circumstances it will need a competent family member to come to Thailand to sign appropriate documents. It is not clear whether any of the familiy members has been out here to talk with the hospital. The partner had to fly back as the visa ran out - why didn't any other family member then fly out here - also to discus end of life possibilities?

Secondly it is also not really clear what the family wants for the 36.000 GBP - if they "pull the plug" they will likely bring home a body. If the body is cremated it can even go as a carry-on. If they want to try to do an ambulance flight so she can die at home, we are looking at some really serious money.

I am sorry but this is another one travelling without adequate insurance. If you are worried about your health, then consider to stay inside Europe instead and use the EU blue card (well, at least until Brexit takes effect).

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The biggest lump of tourist (apart from the usual poor backpacker) are elder people who, after a life of working and hardship, are able to make a holiday to the destination they always have been dreaming about.

Unfortunately, these elder people suffer already of some diseases.

Some inherent to the elder age and some others inherent to the job they have been doing for many years.

The point is that NO insurance company will validate a claim for a hospitalization for an existing disease.

This nullifies the cost of an expensive medical insurance which at the end will not pay a dime if something happens.

I agree with the posters who claim that Thailand (and other travel destinations) should not be held responsible if something happens to this people and the hospital will ask them to pay their bills before leaving the hospital.

But travelling without insurance is maybe the only resource these elder people have to see their dream be fulfilled before they die.

IMHO, when people reach the age of retirement and put a life of hard labour behind them, their own country should take care of them if something happens while on holiday.

Their own country has billions of $$$$$ to feed and house some immigrants who have never contributed to the Social Security of their country but has not 40,000 BP for his own citizens?

Then nobody will take any insurance anymore and let the home country pay for it all. Its quite clear here the lady took a risk not taking insurance and now the family is in trouble. Maybe her estate when she dies is enough to cover it. Its now the families responsibility not your countries.

So, according to you, giving to elder people a social security that is valid in their own country and when travelling is a waste of money.

After all, they have been contributing to the social security many years of their life.

You find it sooooooooooo much better to see your own country pay for housing/medical security/school/etc. to a bearded guy who has no respect for your country and has never give a penny to social security or the tax system.

Maybe you like it too the way they "thank you" by exploding devices in public, shooting innocent people, behead innocent people and thread their wifes as cattle.

Welcome Jihady Rob.

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I don't get it.

If as the article stated that she had health problems since she was young surely there would have been travel insurance and this would cover the medical expenses .

If not and not trying to be smart but we have seen many times tourists not taking out travel insurance and ending up being stuck with hefty bills .

36,000 and rising and I didn't know if it's true about their statement about its Thai culture not turning off the machine. My wife did it for her father.

Perhaps she was honest and disclosed any previous medical conditions.

If she did then perhaps no insurance would cover her.

I have told my wife that if anything similar would happen to me, then switch me off asap and take me home to die.

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Its a good money spinner to keep a patient alive even though there is little chance of recovery , I heard of some horror stories about Thailands Hospitals and how mercenary they are.

Funny that. I live in rural Thailand and the local hospital that I use sometimes and the private regional one have always been very good and not particularly expensive.

This is from personal experience and not an "I have been told" story.

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I don't get it.

If as the article stated that she had health problems since she was young surely there would have been travel insurance and this would cover the medical expenses .

If not and not trying to be smart but we have seen many times tourists not taking out travel insurance and ending up being stuck with hefty bills .

36,000 and rising and I didn't know if it's true about their statement about its Thai culture not turning off the machine. My wife did it for her father.

My travel insurance doesn't cover existing conditions. Maybe that is the problem here...
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The biggest lump of tourist (apart from the usual poor backpacker) are elder people who, after a life of working and hardship, are able to make a holiday to the destination they always have been dreaming about.

Unfortunately, these elder people suffer already of some diseases.

Some inherent to the elder age and some others inherent to the job they have been doing for many years.

The point is that NO insurance company will validate a claim for a hospitalization for an existing disease.

This nullifies the cost of an expensive medical insurance which at the end will not pay a dime if something happens.

I agree with the posters who claim that Thailand (and other travel destinations) should not be held responsible if something happens to this people and the hospital will ask them to pay their bills before leaving the hospital.

But travelling without insurance is maybe the only resource these elder people have to see their dream be fulfilled before they die.

IMHO, when people reach the age of retirement and put a life of hard labour behind them, their own country should take care of them if something happens while on holiday.

Their own country has billions of $$$$$ to feed and house some immigrants who have never contributed to the Social Security of their country but has not 40,000 BP for his own citizens?

Then nobody will take any insurance anymore and let the home country pay for it all. Its quite clear here the lady took a risk not taking insurance and now the family is in trouble. Maybe her estate when she dies is enough to cover it. Its now the families responsibility not your countries.

So, according to you, giving to elder people a social security that is valid in their own country and when travelling is a waste of money.

After all, they have been contributing to the social security many years of their life.

You find it sooooooooooo much better to see your own country pay for housing/medical security/school/etc. to a bearded guy who has no respect for your country and has never give a penny to social security or the tax system.

Maybe you like it too the way they "thank you" by exploding devices in public, shooting innocent people, behead innocent people and thread their wifes as cattle.

Welcome Jihady Rob.

Oh dear, someone should explain to you that saving money on refugees does not mean the elderly will get it. What I am saying is that if you don't have insurance you are to blame yourself and that your country should not bail you out. Because once that starts everyone wants to be bailed out and nobody will take any responsibility.

Now if you want to include your anti refugee points in this topic.. have fun its just stupid. Because even before there were refugees no country bailed out its inhabitants like that. Now if you can show me a direct link where taking in refugees has caused this to happen I will accept that you have won the argument. But as far as i can see that is not the case.

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Beggars belief that UK Consulate is not monitoring the situation as to life expectancy of the ill sister and advising the family. Unless there is sound medical advice that the sister is clinically dead, turning of life support as a solution to mounting debt seems to be a callous decision.

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Ok Williamson family,You say that it is the decision of the Thai medics keeping your family member alive that is causing hugh depts. So that means that you must have expected her to die with out the life support,right ? Solution ,Quit paying the hospital and she will surely die saving you much expense.Problem solved.

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The next of kin should fly out, talk to the doctors & then make a decision to "unplug"

If I was the Doctor I would keep her going until family made the decision.

As mentioned can you imagine the headline if the Doctor let her go


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People in the UK are constantly shocked, surprised and offended that they are actually expected to pay for complex medical care involving the use of highly trained staff and specialist equipment and facilities.

One wonders how we got to this point.

You must be a Yank where people get screwed by insurance companies, big pharma and greedy doctors. In most civilised countries they charge a little extra for fuel, smokes and beer so by the time you are old there is money in the government pot to pay.

Not a Yank. 100% Brit as I regularly point out in many topics here. But as a noob, you wouldn't know that so I can forgive you your transgression.

I fail to follow your reasoning. UK tax receipts on "fuel, smokes and beer" do not benefit the Thai government or any other foreign government and certainly do not end up in the hands of private hospitals in Asia. Perhaps you think the shareholders of this hospital should shoulder the cost because the patient is British. Or perhaps the Thai patients should all pay "a little extra" to fund her medical bills.

So, I stick to my opinion as stated in my earlier post. In fact, your views simply confirm that you, like most of my fellow Brits, take the NHS for granted and expect its benefits to be magically extended around the globe at the wave of a UK passport. Not going to happen, old bean.

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People in the UK are constantly shocked, surprised and offended that they are actually expected to pay for complex medical care involving the use of highly trained staff and specialist equipment and facilities.

One wonders how we got to this point.

Heheee surely up are not comparing your comment to Thailand? Highly trained?

You are hte one being laughed at thesetat2013. You obviously know nothing about Thailand outside the Pink Pussy Bar. You certainly know nothing of the highly trained Thai doctors, mostly trained abroad, to be fair.

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Wouldn't the most cost effective thing to do, if the goal is to let her die with some family around, is to fly some family here? I think it is hugely expensive to fly someone in her condition to the UK .. equal or more than the hospital bill that they claim they already cannot afford, so wouldn't this be obvious to everyone???

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Usually you would bring someone back to the UK or to their home country to get long term care, to be next to their family, to get better care, etc. Not fly them back at highly unusual costs (that you cannot pay) just so you can pull the plug.

If you really look at the article, it seems the family is complaining that this is mostly inconvenient for them. The poor lady has 3 adult sisters, and a partner? who left her here .. these are people 50-60 years old, not too old to travel, not strapped with 5 infants at home, should have a few assets, a credit card or two, know how to manage a thing or two in life ...

Not one person can come here, unplug her, get her cremated, negotiate the bill, try to make some payments, etc?

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