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Patong tuk-tuk driver, four others, arrested for assault on Swedish tourist

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Setting aside the actions of the cowardly attackers there is a loud message in this story for a lot of people.

Don't stagger home drunk alone at 3.45 am, particularly in Patong or Pattaya.

He is lucky to be alive given the penchant these days to bring out the slash and stab weaponry.

I`ve been staggering home sometimes before and sometimes after 3.45 am in both Patong and Pattaya for years now and never had any problems.Be aware of your surroundings and keep your yap shut and you`ll be just fine.

The difference between you and the guy in the OP? You've been learning the ropes for years. He's probably fresh off the airplane.

And you forgot to use the word "yet" in your statement. Most folks have never been attacked, right up until they are attacked.

There but for the Grace of God, go I. And I took the oath in the '80s and haven't had a drink since. But that doesn't make me immune.

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I would like to suggest hanging them by their balls from a high tree...but that would obviously not work...these sorry excuses for men have no balls...morons...each and every one...


so what were your reading then ? there were 5 of them

Police have arrested one tuk-tuk driver and four other suspects for the assault of a Swedish tourist on Bangla Rd in Patong early yesterday morning (June 27).

Yes, all five have been moved to an inactive post for the time being.


This is why i do not come thailand anymore.Nothing will happen over this.Not worth the risk.Look how many times you see things like this.And thats nothing to compared to what is realy happening.BYE BYE Thailand.You were warned.And you have done nothing to stop it.


Tuk-tuk driver Natee Dechaoop is a very, very small man, with a heart the size of a grape. He refuses to ever fight another man, unless he is joined by three or four other idiot friends. He might consider fighting a woman, or a child. But, never another man without either a lethal weapon, or several other men. What a wimp.

Where I grew up, the only acceptable reason to fight was to defend myself and my family from harm. And that being the case, the objective of any fight was to win. Not to prove how tough we were.

Tossing up my dukes and fighting one on one to prove something- that was the idiot move.

You can call the guy a wimp, but it's the Swede who was laid out on the road. So who, exactly, got what they were after, the Thais or the Swede?

Not defending what they did, or why they did it. But judging them by a foreign standard of manhood is to underestimate them.

Well, that may have been a good reason to fight back home. But, knowing what we know about the vast majority of these tuk tuk thugs, what do you think the chances are, that they simply picked a fight with this unsuspecting guy, then ganged up on him? If I were a betting man, I would give it 97% odds. That is simply who they are. The profession simply does not seem to attract noblemen. He just simply did not see it coming, as I would bet the friends were simply lurking in the shadows, looking for a chance to pummel someone.


Tuk-tuk driver Natee Dechaoop is a very, very small man, with a heart the size of a grape. He refuses to ever fight another man, unless he is joined by three or four other idiot friends. He might consider fighting a woman, or a child. But, never another man without either a lethal weapon, or several other men. What a wimp.

Where I grew up, the only acceptable reason to fight was to defend myself and my family from harm. And that being the case, the objective of any fight was to win. Not to prove how tough we were.

Tossing up my dukes and fighting one on one to prove something- that was the idiot move.

You can call the guy a wimp, but it's the Swede who was laid out on the road. So who, exactly, got what they were after, the Thais or the Swede?

Not defending what they did, or why they did it. But judging them by a foreign standard of manhood is to underestimate them.

Well, that may have been a good reason to fight back home. But, knowing what we know about the vast majority of these tuk tuk thugs, what do you think the chances are, that they simply picked a fight with this unsuspecting guy, then ganged up on him? If I were a betting man, I would give it 97% odds. That is simply who they are. The profession simply does not seem to attract noblemen. He just simply did not see it coming, as I would bet the friends were simply lurking in the shadows, looking for a chance to pummel someone.

The vast majority of the Tuktuk drivers are nice guys making an easy living. As always, there are exceptions.

OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it … there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But let’s just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someone’s business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA … many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff … it really was like a movie. I said “OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain … ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE”

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents … there is nothing new under the sun … you throw down one too many, grow some “whisky muscles” … F with the bull … and get the horns.

Same same … EVERYWHERE

(Except in your imagination)

Having done time in a taxi, in Australia, this is very relevant and well said. I did business in parts of town that at least at one time, taxi drivers going into the area, would call Base and "receive" police escorts!!! . . . and i was caught down one of these mean streets, with 8 coloured gents of no mean intent. . and I reversed down this lane with great vigor not caring who or what i cleaned up on the way. An interesting exit yes.

Not quite what they expected.

I also had a very solid steering wheel lock as my "gaff" iron.

Young guys high on coke and booze who want to prove their masculinity, were also a hazard. Yes it happens everywhere in the world, not just here, keeping in mind, that Thailand has one of the highest murder rates in the world.

Far and away above anywhere outside of South America and Africa.

These are statistics worth noting and its a good thing to have in mind by keeping your mouth shut and maintaining a low profile when out. Drunk or otherwise. Its a pity more tourists are not taught that the land of smiles, has another less forgiving, very un-Buddhist side to it.

Some would consider this tourist to be "unlucky". Other of us would say he's lucky to be alive.


Phuket is a nightmare I was thinking of living in Thailand but I keep hearing of foreigners being attacked. They really don't like foreigners do they?

Phuket and Koh Samui are the two worst spots in the country. They are so fed up with foreigners, and so jaded, that they do not know how to treat people well, react poorly when pushed, and simply take the fun out of being there. I lived on Samui for many years, and only after I moved, did I realize how bad it had become. It is populated by very few locals. Most left long ago with their fortunes. It is mostly transplants, who have no pride in the local community, and just do not care. Some have an ax to grind against foreigners, and many have a bad attitude. It is not bad in the rest of Thailand. Many areas the people are wonderful, warm, friendly, open, and helpful. Those two tourist zones used to be quite glorious. Spectacular. But, now they are over congested, crazy overpriced, and worn out, pale shadows of their former selves.


Tuk-tuk driver Natee Dechaoop is a very, very small man, with a heart the size of a grape. He refuses to ever fight another man, unless he is joined by three or four other idiot friends. He might consider fighting a woman, or a child. But, never another man without either a lethal weapon, or several other men. What a wimp.

Where I grew up, the only acceptable reason to fight was to defend myself and my family from harm. And that being the case, the objective of any fight was to win. Not to prove how tough we were.

Tossing up my dukes and fighting one on one to prove something- that was the idiot move.

You can call the guy a wimp, but it's the Swede who was laid out on the road. So who, exactly, got what they were after, the Thais or the Swede?

Not defending what they did, or why they did it. But judging them by a foreign standard of manhood is to underestimate them.

Well, that may have been a good reason to fight back home. But, knowing what we know about the vast majority of these tuk tuk thugs, what do you think the chances are, that they simply picked a fight with this unsuspecting guy, then ganged up on him? If I were a betting man, I would give it 97% odds. That is simply who they are. The profession simply does not seem to attract noblemen. He just simply did not see it coming, as I would bet the friends were simply lurking in the shadows, looking for a chance to pummel someone.

The vast majority of the Tuktuk drivers are nice guys making an easy living. As always, there are exceptions.

Wow. I wonder how many on this forum would agree with you on that. That has not been my experience. I consider them to be sharks. Out to make a quick buck, whatever it takes. Few are fair minded. Many are violent, and malcontents.


Swedish Muslim by the looks...I could be wrong....sad day for tuk tuk drivers...pay the fine, 500 baht and go back to work please.

Not from the names announced = Frederik Gustav Wilhelm Erikson Holm and Federik Holm Ericsson Oestlund. rolleyes.gif

But probably would have been better if a Muslim, most of the TUK TUK drivers in that area are Muslim. Could help, wink.png


The tuk- tuks sit at end of Bangla RD. I lived there and once I wanted to return to Nicky's handlebar bar, and tuk-tuk wanted 500 baht and if you been there its around the other side of beach road 1/2 k Thieves they are and rude.

quality tourist how about quality tourist providers.

Get a scooter. thumbsup.gif Rent one for ST stay or buy one for LT stay wink.png


I always manage to go out, get extremely drunk and NOT get beaten up .........


always managed to go out, and did NOT get beaten up, always, more interested in women then in alcohol .........tongue.png


OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But lets just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someones business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff it really was like a movie. I said OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents there is nothing new under the sun you throw down one too many, grow some whisky muscles F with the bull and get the horns.


(Except in your imagination)

Well said. Out come the Thai bashers around here as usual.

Every city across the world has these problems. Just because it's Thailand and you are an expat that's wants to be a king all the time is not going to change human nature. Our resident Thai bashers are deeply engaged in a psycological bias call confirmation bias. Anytime something happens bad in Thaialnd you confirm your prejudices. Yes Thailand no doubt has its certain set of unique problems, but so does every city and country. Plenty of violence happens even on the way home at night in simple conservative towns.


I walk past there all the time absolutely $ hitfaced, hand-carts, upside down, you name it and guess what? I always get asked Tuk Tuk Mr..? I smile and reply No Khrab, normally get a smile back and on my way (normally fall into Thai-pan Lol) I also sport a Baldy head but without the Taliban beard, have never had any trouble off the wall of Tuk Tuks spread across that end of Bangla. They don't just set about people for nothing so as someone has already said the guy has done something to trigger an attack, I not defending him being beaten up but you have to be right with people and normally they are right with you... get full of beer and start GoBBing off then expect some action.


Agree!!! Here's my two cents on Thai taxi and tuk tuk drivers. Many are honest, but, every once in awhile you get a taxi driver that demands a higher price then agreed upon because they couldn't find the hotel they said they knew the location of. And then there's the tuk tuk driver that says, Oh, its night 20baht more, or I take you long ways (not off his regular route and less then half the distance) saying, you pay 30 baht. Now, in their defense, after exiting the Bangkok bus in Pattaya, we loaded into a tuk tuk with two Germans, and possibly a Swede. From my previous experience, I knew the fare for me and my wife would be 300baht. So, expected it. The two Germans got out first. The driver told them 300 baht for both for drive to their hotel. The smaller of the two went nuts. Yelling at him, saying, 'You're f**king crazy. You're ripping us off.' Driver responds calmly, 'I take you long way.' That German jammed the money in his hand, as the other remained silent, then told him to 'F Off' as he walked to hotel entrance. My wife and I were the last to get out. There was a bag still sitting on the seat. The driver asked us if it was ours. It was the Germans. We wondered, where that was going to end up.

OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it … there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But let’s just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someone’s business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA … many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff … it really was like a movie. I said “OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain … ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE”

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents … there is nothing new under the sun … you throw down one too many, grow some “whisky muscles” … F with the bull … and get the horns.

Same same … EVERYWHERE

(Except in your imagination)


Only five against him, lucky swede.

our income comes from tourists so lets beat them up

our ONLY income comes from tourists, so lets assault them methodically


Maybe all you keyboard warriors should keep your verdicts wrapped up until the whole story is unearthed. He might have been viciously assaulted, sure, but he might also have been the one launching an attack on the tuk tuk driver.

Having lived in both Sweden and Thailand and experienced the night life extensively in both countries, I have seen plenty more Swedes out looking for a fight than Thais.


Only five against him, lucky swede.

our income comes from tourists so lets beat them up

That was the case.

Drunk and embroiled in an argument with tuk-tuk driver..

I'll assume it was over $$..


Looks like a 4 man job for 50 kg Thai man..

One on one is not always fair fight..

And the name of the game, is not to get your ass kicked or watch a friend get beat up..

And there are no rules in a street fight..

There ARE rules in a street fight....

1. Get the first punch in

2. Get the first kick in

3. Fight dirty

4. If it's looking bad for you, and you're able, run!

Having said that, being out at 3.00+ am, with a skin full, your judgement probably isn't as good as it once was, if it was ever good, so don't put yourself in that position, and NEVER upset the natives........even if you think/know you're right.

Follow that, and you won't need rules 1 to 4.


I walk past there all the time absolutely $ hitfaced, hand-carts, upside down, you name it and guess what? I always get asked Tuk Tuk Mr..? I smile and reply No Khrab, normally get a smile back and on my way (normally fall into Thai-pan Lol) I also sport a Baldy head but without the Taliban beard, have never had any trouble off the wall of Tuk Tuks spread across that end of Bangla. They don't just set about people for nothing so as someone has already said the guy has done something to trigger an attack, I not defending him being beaten up but you have to be right with people and normally they are right with you... get full of beer and start GoBBing off then expect some action.

Right on Lokie. I've occasionally had a couple too many, in a dozen countries, walked home, interacted with locals en route, always politely, and never even felt threatened.

My money is on the Swede provoking the natives.

Tuk-tuk driver Natee Dechaoop is a very, very small man, with a heart the size of a grape. He refuses to ever fight another man, unless he is joined by three or four other idiot friends. He might consider fighting a woman, or a child. But, never another man without either a lethal weapon, or several other men. What a wimp.

Where I grew up, the only acceptable reason to fight was to defend myself and my family from harm. And that being the case, the objective of any fight was to win. Not to prove how tough we were.

Tossing up my dukes and fighting one on one to prove something- that was the idiot move.

You can call the guy a wimp, but it's the Swede who was laid out on the road. So who, exactly, got what they were after, the Thais or the Swede?

Not defending what they did, or why they did it. But judging them by a foreign standard of manhood is to underestimate them.

Well, that may have been a good reason to fight back home. But, knowing what we know about the vast majority of these tuk tuk thugs, what do you think the chances are, that they simply picked a fight with this unsuspecting guy, then ganged up on him? If I were a betting man, I would give it 97% odds. That is simply who they are. The profession simply does not seem to attract noblemen. He just simply did not see it coming, as I would bet the friends were simply lurking in the shadows, looking for a chance to pummel someone.

The vast majority of the Tuktuk drivers are nice guys making an easy living. As always, there are exceptions.

Wow. I wonder how many on this forum would agree with you on that. That has not been my experience. I consider them to be sharks. Out to make a quick buck, whatever it takes. Few are fair minded. Many are violent, and malcontents.

Doesn't really matter how many on this forum agree with me, it is as I stated.


OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But lets just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someones business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff it really was like a movie. I said OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents there is nothing new under the sun you throw down one too many, grow some whisky muscles F with the bull and get the horns.


(Except in your imagination)

Well said. Out come the Thai bashers around here as usual.

Every city across the world has these problems. Just because it's Thailand and you are an expat that's wants to be a king all the time is not going to change human nature. Our resident Thai bashers are deeply engaged in a psycological bias call confirmation bias. Anytime something happens bad in Thaialnd you confirm your prejudices. Yes Thailand no doubt has its certain set of unique problems, but so does every city and country. Plenty of violence happens even on the way home at night in simple conservative towns.

Yes, these things do happen everywhere.

Brakes "fail" on buses going down hill everywhere, too.

But, in Phuket it's the frequency of these incidents that is note-worthy. Why do these things happen over and over again?

Usually, in that place called "everywhere", people who assault other people receive huge fines and/or prison.

Buses that crash on hills in "everywhere" are usually examined to find the real cause of the crash.

The problem here, specifically in Thailand, is the reaction of the authorities whereby they take no action to stop these bad things happening. In fact, given half a chance, they sweep it under the carpet.

A 500 Bt fine for assault against a foreigner, no charges filed against either drivers, or, bus owners provide no incentive to improve.

Anyone who has lived in Thailand long enough, knows that appearances are far more important than reality.


A frequent traveller of Phuket for the last 10 years, makes you wonder if the Thai's actually understand why it is so dead in Patong, low season/rain season, no no no no it is not beat up tourist season all year around, every year. In the 10 years of my travelling to Phuket, I have never seen it so quiet, there are more people holding up ping pong signs (in your face), then there are tourists walking along Bangla Road, Soi Sea Dragon is dead, also a frequent visitor to Tiger, couldn't help notice bar fines are still up there varying from 1,000 to 1,500 baht and the girls prices from 2,000 to 5,000, with no farangs at the bars, night in, night out, but the prices are still up there, the disco's are dead if your so inclined, the Tuk Tuk prices are still the same, although motorbike taxi prices have quadrupled. I always thought if your in competition, you would seriously consider dropping your pants to attract the customers, obviously too much ego/pride, or just plan dumb. I have never returned home from a tourist destination with my pockets full of money, can't help it if people don't want to entice me to spend it.


OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it … there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But let’s just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someone’s business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA … many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff … it really was like a movie. I said “OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain … ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE”

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents … there is nothing new under the sun … you throw down one too many, grow some “whisky muscles” … F with the bull … and get the horns.

Same same … EVERYWHERE

(Except in your imagination)

Whilst I agree with you to a point when you was a taxi driver in the USA did you rip people off and become violent when challenged? Did you resist the use of meters and cause civil disorder when it looked like they were going to have to be used? Did you decide when you realised that the last 500M were up a steep hill decide to charge 200 Baht extra and again become violent when challenged? Did you assault public transport (IE bus) drivers when they opened a new route which challenged your rip off monopoly? Did you damage other peoples cars when you thought they were parked (legally) on the spot that you considered you had a divine right to? All of these things, and others, were a regular occurrence when I lived in Phuket and formed part of my decision to move elsewhere. Yes the Swedish fellow might have been in the wrong but these tuk tuk lowlifes in Phuket have a very well earned bad reputation and continue to maintain it with considerable ease.


OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it … there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But let’s just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someone’s business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA … many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff … it really was like a movie. I said “OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain … ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE”

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents … there is nothing new under the sun … you throw down one too many, grow some “whisky muscles” … F with the bull … and get the horns.

Same same … EVERYWHERE

(Except in your imagination)

Whilst I agree with you to a point when you was a taxi driver in the USA did you rip people off and become violent when challenged? Did you resist the use of meters and cause civil disorder when it looked like they were going to have to be used? Did you decide when you realised that the last 500M were up a steep hill decide to charge 200 Baht extra and again become violent when challenged? Did you assault public transport (IE bus) drivers when they opened a new route which challenged your rip off monopoly? Did you damage other peoples cars when you thought they were parked (legally) on the spot that you considered you had a divine right to? All of these things, and others, were a regular occurrence when I lived in Phuket and formed part of my decision to move elsewhere. Yes the Swedish fellow might have been in the wrong but these tuk tuk lowlifes in Phuket have a very well earned bad reputation and continue to maintain it with considerable ease.

Oh my! You think I am a Tuk Tuk fan ??? Far from it. However, the thesis here is about how to behave in the world .. especially in the crazier bar scene / hours .. and keep your teeth in place.

I do not kick soi dogs .. and I do not provoke Tuk Tuk drivers. I speak a little Thai, have manners .. and the brains to smile and say "no thank you ... " in their native tongue.

Let me tell you ... regardless of how rotten some Tuk Tuk drivers are .. they are equally lazy ... they did not get up and attack that guy .. he lite their fuse, and it blew up in his face.

I do not take Tuk Tuk in BKK because they ask for ridiculous prices, and are absent of basic common sense.

Example. One kilometer from the condo, Tuk Tuk asks for 80 Baht. I explain "Air con taxi - 40 baht. Will pay 40 baht.

He drives off .. and directly past my condo. In other words, he ended up on the same place .. absent 40 baht !!!

You can not fix stupid, so why even try?

I do sympathize with those who live in tourists-traps and are held hostage by the Tuk Tuk / Taxi mafia.

I stopped visiting Phuket because I simply will not pay 400 - 600 baht every time I need to get from A to B. It is not just the money ... I really do not like to be insulted, and really do wish Thai would understand ... Farang care about "face:" too.


so what were your reading then ? there were 5 of them

I think its a "tongue in cheek" post, after all there were only 4 tuk tuk supporters available at the time.


OK .. quick update from the real world .. (not Faragatoia where nothing like this ever happens.)

Here in the real world, and all around it … there are people you simply do not toy with. Taxi Drivers, Construction Workers, Factory Workers, and close friends in a local pub. I think we all know "Ain't gonna end well"

But let’s just focus on Taxi drivers (Tuk Tuk) drivers for a moment.

Long ago and far away, I was a taxi driver in the USA .. one of the large north eastern cites. If we were sitting in queue, and some drunk came along and got into someone’s business .. what do you think we did? Sit there with our thumbs up our arse and watch it all unfold ???

Of course not. Why. We relied on each other for safety, and there is safety in numbers. And if you did NOT lend a hand, do you think the lads would lift a finger when your number came up?

Since it was USA … many many drivers carried a gun. I personally carried a police baton and a fishing gaff. That is correct. A large tuna hand gaff and a club.

Let me tell you .. at 3 AM, when two large guys had me alone on the street, and I showed them the gaff … it really was like a movie. I said “OK, there are two of you and one of me .. but know one thing for certain … ONE of you gets the gaff, FOR SURE”

They walked away.

I am so tired of the Right Honorable Representatives of Farangatopia acting like it is different here in Thailand than other places.

Gents … there is nothing new under the sun … you throw down one too many, grow some “whisky muscles” … F with the bull … and get the horns.

Same same … EVERYWHERE

(Except in your imagination)

Stupid comment.


A frequent traveller of Phuket for the last 10 years, makes you wonder if the Thai's actually understand why it is so dead in Patong, low season/rain season, no no no no it is not beat up tourist season all year around, every year. In the 10 years of my travelling to Phuket, I have never seen it so quiet, there are more people holding up ping pong signs (in your face), then there are tourists walking along Bangla Road, Soi Sea Dragon is dead, also a frequent visitor to Tiger, couldn't help notice bar fines are still up there varying from 1,000 to 1,500 baht and the girls prices from 2,000 to 5,000, with no farangs at the bars, night in, night out, but the prices are still up there, the disco's are dead if your so inclined, the Tuk Tuk prices are still the same, although motorbike taxi prices have quadrupled. I always thought if your in competition, you would seriously consider dropping your pants to attract the customers, obviously too much ego/pride, or just plan dumb. I have never returned home from a tourist destination with my pockets full of money, can't help it if people don't want to entice me to spend it.

Your right about Bangla...,

there seems to be more touts than tourists sometimes... although IMO Soi Sea Dragon has improved slightly over the last 12 months, everything else is same same as you noted - overpriced and not doing much business, but as said many times before on here thats the Thai business model; No business put prices up!

Maybe, as has been muted over the last several years they want to turn the Bangla Rd into hotels/family resort area and move all the Go Go bars back towards Middle rd area, there is a reason Tiger Group built a Boxing stadium etc there isn't there??


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