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The daily dangers of working as a Bangkok transgender sex worker


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The daily dangers of working as a Bangkok transgender sex worker
by Asian Correspondent Staff
By Caleb Quinley

BANGKOK, Thailand is widely known for its notorious red light scene and an abundance of sex tourism. Massage parlors, Gogo bars, brothels and clubs all house thousands of sex workers desperately trying to survive the Bangkok grind. Each individual has their own unique story — often filled with desperation, poverty, exploitation and, in many cases, slavery.

Women and girls in the sex industry are often the main focus of interest in research projects from various agencies and organizations around the world. Yet there has been very little investigation to understand the experiences, vulnerabilities, and abuses of transgender persons working in the sex industry, despite the large population of transgender sex workers in Thailand.

“A significant benefit in conducting this kind of research is that it diversifies our understanding of vulnerability and adds nuance to the ever-developing conversation on gender-based violence,” says Jarrett Davis, an independent social researcher and consultant regarding exploitation and violence issues.

Full story: https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/06/daily-dangers-working-bangkok-transgender-sex-worker/


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Transgenders by large are not a nice bunch of people, always marginalized and ostracized since birth,

they have learned how to defend themselves the hard way, and some time they forget that there are

many people that actually sympathized with them and wants nothing but to treat them equally,

however, the TG's are by now weary and weary of society mistreating them and will go on the

attack immediately when feels cornered.... and thus making difficult to come close and befriend them.....

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".......and, in many cases, slavery"

That was as far as i got. Didn't even touch on the trans issue.

Caleb should get out more and not just read statistics from studies carried out by NGO's looking for funding.......................coffee1.gif

Edited by chrisinth
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many people that actually sympathized with them and wants nothing but to treat them equally,

Maybe that is the problem for the vulnerable in general, not just LGBT.... it is not sympathy that is wanted... try for empathy.

The Deaf or Downs Syndrome child knows that people look at them differently. They know people speak apologies to their parents.... and it does not make one jot of difference to enhance their efforts to be just another person in the community.

Seems people would rather resolve their conscience by allowing Refugees to live in their next neighbourhood than to accept those who are, shall we generalise and say, "different"

Walk a mile in their shoes.....

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Transgenders by large are not a nice bunch of people, always marginalized and ostracized since birth,

they have learned how to defend themselves the hard way, and some time they forget that there are

many people that actually sympathized with them and wants nothing but to treat them equally,

however, the TG's are by now weary and weary of society mistreating them and will go on the

attack immediately when feels cornered.... and thus making difficult to come close and befriend them.....

Sounds like a lot of men and women i know too.

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There must be a big demand for the services of men in frocks if beach road Pattaya is the norm .As for their being abused judging by arrest reports they seem to do a lot of abusing of other people if given half a chance.

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Who writes this crap they all chose to sell there ars no one makes them

Not being argumentative, but just curious...do you think they would work as prostitutes if they could find other work that pays the same? I've often wondered how many are truly trans, and just gays who believe they can make more money as a ladyboy...anyway, I've never known a ladyboy so have no insight into what makes them turn to this work...

actually, yes. many girls are in it for the lifestyle and because how easy the job is compared to doing real work (laziness), nevermind the fact that most are just too stupid to do a job that would be paid even half of what they can make in a bar.

regarding your second question, I'd advise you to have some contacts with ladyboys and then you can assess by yourself if they really just are gay men.

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this problem is not unique to bangkok or thailand for that matter.

transgenders are experiencing similar problems in many other parts of the world.

the god news is that there is a gathering momentum for their cause to be heard and

some countries have resolved to recognise them as third gender.

with time matters ought to improve.

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I'm with a long time girlfriend now but before I was, I messed around with ladyboys about as often as I messed around with girls. And in my experience I only ever had a problem with a ladyboy once, I can't remember what it was about but she got upset and lashed out over something in my room at like 4am, she totally fought like a girl and was easy to turf out of my room, no harm. However, I've had girls spike my drink and/or rob me on several occasions, a ladyboy has never done that.

Anybody who thinks ladyboy hookers are more trouble that girl hookers is wrong.

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Who writes this crap they all chose to sell there ars no one makes them

Not being argumentative, but just curious...do you think they would work as prostitutes if they could find other work that pays the same? I've often wondered how many are truly trans, and just gays who believe they can make more money as a ladyboy...anyway, I've never known a ladyboy so have no insight into what makes them turn to this work...

No one chooses to be a sex worker because it is a glamorous life, regardless of whether they were born as a female or are transgender. Many people in that line of work were either born into poverty and/or had incredibly screwed up childhoods. How would you like to barely eek out a living by constantly having unenjoyable sex with people who completely repulse you?? A gay man can easily do everything a straight man can do but just keeping his sex life in the closet. Why would anyone choose to join a group of people who are looked down on by almost all segments of society, including by most other members of the LGBT community?

In the case of transgender females, an alarmingly high number of them are sex workers because the percentage of them that are unemployed and/or homeless is frightfully high. There are very few employers who would hire a trans person due to the stigma and fear of a negative reaction from customers or coworkers.

The following is from a comprehensive study on transgender issues in the USA, which is a country where people are supposed to have far better protections and opportunities. But the reality is that these issues are universal across every country and culture, and Thailand is no exception. Human nature trumps all else at the end of the day, and 'ladyboys' in Thailand are not treated any better than trans people in the USA, regardless of what you may hear about 'tolerant' Thai customs. Imagine being part of a group that is so marginalized by society that 20% of your peers have been homeless and 40% of your peers will attempt suicide. These are the rates in the USA, but I am sure the rates are probably higher in Thailand.


Understanding Issues Facing Transgender Americans provides a high-level introduction of the issues facing transgender Americans, including:

Violence: According to the 2013 Hate Violence Report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, transgender people were much more likely to experience threats, intimidation, harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence than non-transgender people. The report found that transgender women and transgender people of color are much more vulnerable to violence, especially at the hands of law enforcement. In 2013, more than half of all LGBT homicide victims were transgender women of color.

Suicide Risk: 41% of respondents to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey reported having attempting suicide at some point in their lives. This compares to 1.6% of all Americans who have reported attempting suicide. Respondents who were bullied, harassed, assaulted, or expelled because they were transgender or gender non-conforming in school reported elevated levels of suicide attempts (51%).

Homelessness and Discrimination in Housing: One in five transgender people has experienced homelessness at some time in their lives because of discrimination or family rejection. Transgender people facing homelessness also face discrimination from agencies that should be helping them, with nearly one in three (29%) reporting being turned away from a shelter. One in five transgender people (19%) in the United States has been refused a home or apartment, and more than one in ten (11%) have been evicted, because of their gender identity.

Health: Unequal access to healthcare and discriminatory healthcare exclusions deny transgender people coverage for medically necessary care, including hormone therapy, counseling, and other transition-related care. Even when transgender people have full health insurance coverage, however, they often face discrimination by health care providers.

HIV/AIDS: Transgender people, specifically transgender women of color, are at heightened risk for HIV. Estimates are that one in four black transgender people in the United States is living with HIV/AIDS. Discrimination, stigma, social isolation, bias among health and social service providers, and a lack of targeted prevention efforts have all contributed to these high levels of infection.

Discrimination in Public Accommodations: In a 2014 study conducted in Massachusetts, 65% of transgender people reported experiencing discrimination in a place of public accommodation in the past 12 months. The study revealed that bathrooms in restaurants, libraries, cinemas, shopping malls, airports, and other places open to the public were locations of frequent, sometimes serious harassment and abuse of transgender people. Only 17 states and the District of Columbia prohibit discrimination in public accommodations on the basis of gender identity, covering 36% of Americans. Identity

Documents: Official identity documents, particularly drivers’ licenses, birth certificates, social security numbers, and passports, that do not match with a transgender person’s gender presentation can obstruct employment and travel, as well as ex¬pose transgender people to harassment, violence, refusal of service, job loss, and more. - See more at: http://www.lgbtmap.org/news/understanding-transgender-issues-unfair-price-release#sthash.tuS8QBvV.dpuf

Edited by RaoulDuke
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I personally know some very nice "Kathoeys", who won't fit the general perception most people have, and those are the ones an average tourist or even an expat would not easily be able to "detect". They are kind, honest, gentle, silent, and very feminine, all without the hand running through the hair every ten second thing, without flashy handbags, overdressing, sponge bras, and without the loud (often scary) overacting.

I believe those are the very few who really have been born in the wrong body and to whom the whole transgender issue is not a choice, but fate. The other 95% are - at least in my opinion - nothing more but gay crossdressers who do it for the cash and perhaps even premeditated theft and extortion. Those 95% destroy any hope for a "normal" life for the good 5% which is very sad.

Fear there's no solution to this problem...

Ok - Thai and transgender bashers may continue with their business now as usual. Thanks for listening.

Edited by MockingJay
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There is always hope...they could come to America and become an officer in Obama's military...leading the troops into battle...defending the nation with the spike from a high-heel shoe...subduing the enemy with the threat of an all-out oral frontal attack...with the imminent threat of an attack from the rear...

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I personally know some very nice "Kathoeys", who won't fit the general perception most people have, and those are the ones an average tourist or even an expat would not easily be able to "detect". They are kind, honest, gentle, silent, and very feminine, all without the hand running through the hair every ten second thing, without flashy handbags, overdressing, sponge bras, and without the loud (often scary) overacting.

I believe those are the very few who really have been born in the wrong body and to whom the whole transgender issue is not a choice, but fate. The other 95% are - at least in my opinion - nothing more but gay crossdressers who do it for the cash and perhaps even premeditated theft and extortion. Those 95% destroy any hope for a "normal" life for the good 5% which is very sad.

Fear there's no solution to this problem...

Ok - Thai and transgender bashers may continue with their business now as usual. Thanks for listening.

Most of the kathoeys that I know hold down regular jobs, such as the front desk clerk at my dentist office. Outside of the bar and sextrade scene, most are just regular people trying to make a living and enjoy life.

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There is always hope...they could come to America and become an officer in Obama's military...leading the troops into battle...defending the nation with the spike from a high-heel shoe...subduing the enemy with the threat of an all-out oral frontal attack...with the imminent threat of an attack from the rear...

Actually they'd be the most useful 'females' on the front line considering they still can manage to have the physical strength of a male. Hummm. I wonder how that works??? whistling.gif

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Bananafish, can you spell hetrosexual with your spaghetti, it is the norm believe it or not.

All this gay thing, its only been around lately due to the liberal attitude, when I went to school I never knew a single gay man, not its like a fashion statement.

World has gone to pot.

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I personally know some very nice "Kathoeys", who won't fit the general perception most people have, and those are the ones an average tourist or even an expat would not easily be able to "detect". They are kind, honest, gentle, silent, and very feminine, all without the hand running through the hair every ten second thing, without flashy handbags, overdressing, sponge bras, and without the loud (often scary) overacting.

I believe those are the very few who really have been born in the wrong body and to whom the whole transgender issue is not a choice, but fate. The other 95% are - at least in my opinion - nothing more but gay crossdressers who do it for the cash and perhaps even premeditated theft and extortion. Those 95% destroy any hope for a "normal" life for the good 5% which is very sad.

Fear there's no solution to this problem...

Ok - Thai and transgender bashers may continue with their business now as usual. Thanks for listening.

MJ, I liked your post because that's pretty much how I see it as well, sorta sums it up.

Get away from the bar scene and they are just 'normal' people trying to earn a living.

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...they sell sex in Thailand....???

...so we should sympathize...???

...I sympathize with all 'others' that go through hell trying to work here legally after they have been duped to come here....

...or cleaned out otherwise through the marriage scams etc...

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Transgenders by large are not a nice bunch of people, always marginalized and ostracized since birth,

they have learned how to defend themselves the hard way, and some time they forget that there are

many people that actually sympathized with them and wants nothing but to treat them equally,

however, the TG's are by now weary and weary of society mistreating them and will go on the

attack immediately when feels cornered.... and thus making difficult to come close and befriend them.....

While I agree with your writing, people must also take into account these individuals also suffer from identity crisis, lack of acceptance,

as well as numerous hormonal medications that don't interact well with alcohol which causes huge emotional instability...

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It's incredibly sad that those with the benefit of a Western education still seem to delight in prejudice towards others. What business is it of yours how a ladyboy, a gay man, or anyone else choose to live their lives?

Who are you to judge someone for a choice which doesn't, in the slightest bit, impinge on the way you choose to live your life?

Katoeys are not a single person who has wronged the nation. There are good katoeys and bad katoeys and every spectrum in between. They are treated with contempt by society and by so many of the absolute fools who haunt this board and for what? Choosing to act like or be a different gender? No wonder they have a hard time. They risk assault by pathetic people who can't come to terms with their own sexuality on a daily basis. Their families often treat them terribly. Many of them are packed off into sex work by their greedy, lousy families. And yes, many do become hardened for it. Wouldn't you?

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I'm with a long time girlfriend now but before I was, I messed around with ladyboys about as often as I messed around with girls. And in my experience I only ever had a problem with a ladyboy once, I can't remember what it was about but she got upset and lashed out over something in my room at like 4am, she totally fought like a girl and was easy to turf out of my room, no harm. However, I've had girls spike my drink and/or rob me on several occasions, a ladyboy has never done that.

Anybody who thinks ladyboy hookers are more trouble that girl hookers is wrong.

My experiences duplicate yours. More often, the girls are crazier than the boys, er, lady boys.

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