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AP sources: Gingrich, Christie being vetted for Trump VP


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AP sources: Gingrich, Christie being vetted for Trump VP
STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has begun formally vetting prospective vice presidential picks.

The New York billionaire is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, among what he previously described as a short list of possible running mates. Their inclusion was confirmed by people with direct knowledge of the vetting process who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the situation publicly.

Trump begins the vetting process with less than three weeks before the start of the Republican National Convention, when he said he would publicly unveil his pick.

Gingrich and Christie, who both received vetting paperwork in the last 24 hours, emerged as a prominent Trump allies in recent months, even as the presumptive nominee faced deep and sustained skepticism from many GOP leaders. Trump's relationship with other would-be running mates was badly strained in the bruising Republican primary season, leaving him with a small pool of willing and qualified candidates.

Trump on Thursday acknowledged Christie was under consideration.

"I'm certainly looking at him and I always will. Whether it's for that or something else," Trump told conservative radio host Howie Carr. He later described Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as "somebody we respect a lot."

Pence told Indiana reporters Thursday he hasn't spoken with Trump in several weeks and referred questions to the Trump campaign, which declined to comment further on the vice presidential search.

While formal vetting did not begin until this week, Trump told The Associated Press last month he'd narrowed his vice presidential list to "a very good list of five or six people."

His vice presidential pick could be crucial to easing the concerns of Republicans who worry about his lack of political experience, as well as his temperament to be commander in chief. Tapping a political insider would also be a way for Trump to signal a willingness to work with the party establishment he has thoroughly bashed even after emerging as the presumptive nominee.

Many have already ruled out consideration, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott and primary rival Marco Rubio, a Florida senator seeking re-election.

"I have never sought, will not seek and do not want to be considered for vice president," Rubio wrote on Facebook.

Trump said last month, and has repeated in the weeks since, he preferred someone with political experience to help him guide his agenda through Washington.

"I think that's good for a number of reasons. No. 1, if you win, which hopefully we will. I want help with — you know, I want a hand with legislation, getting things through. And if you bring a business person — we don't need another business person," Trump said.

Christie was vetted four years ago by 2012 nominee Mitt Romney's research team. The Christie administration's more recent involvement in the so-called "Bridgegate" political retribution scandal could complicate his 2016 prospects.

Gingrich, who ran for president in 2012, served as House speaker from 1995 to 1999. He has political baggage as well, having been married three times and lived in Washington for decades.

Yet Trump has said he's looking for a running mate with a long history in the public eye to help with the vetting process.

"For the most part they've been vetted over the last 20 years. In other words, you people have gone to every dinner that they've ever attended, one way or another," Trump said. With a military or business person, he said, "the vetting is a whole different story. Whereas the politicians are, generally speaking, pretty well vetted."

Trump also said that he wants to announce his pick at the July GOP convention: "I do think I don't want to make a decision until the actual convention, not even before it. I mean until it."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-01

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Move over Titanic here comes the good ship "Trump" Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. You just have to love these two choices what a hoot!! I love when Gingrich comes on Fox News and tells the world Trump is against the establishment. He was the establishment when holding office. What a hypocrite

Edited by elgordo38
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Well at least the choice is now clear for voters of the world's premiere military power. The yanks can choose a neocon, war mongering, corrupt Hilary totally beholden to Wall St, the Military Industrial Complex and other criminal organizations, or a neocon, torture loving, racist Trump totally beholden to Wall St, the Military Industrial Complex and other criminal organizations.

With such diversity and exceptional quality on offer it must be a wrenching decision. Before other nationalities chuckle at the farce that is democracy in the US, perhaps they should have a close look at their home offerings, different faces, same rancid smell.

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Nearly every potential VP has made it clear that they're not interested in being on a ticket with Trump and no one except his family and washed up celebrities want to speak at the convention.

That's why it has to be either Christie or the Newt - their careers are both over so they've got nothing to lose. And when the election goes down the toilet, they'll still be able to be talking heads on Fox "News".

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My first debate question for VP nominee Gingrich.

Sir, you were speaker of the house and authorized spending $60 million taxpayer dollars harassing the Clintons in the WhiteWater fake scandal.

After you were exposed having sexual relations on your office desk with an intern, abandoned your cancer stricken wife and resigned in shame do you think it's fair the republicans reimburse the taxpayers for that $60 million?

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Aha. It seems DANGEROUS donald trump is down to two exceptionally unattractive and abrasive VP choices. Good news that it can't do better than that.

Maybe it will get better. Two of his (very few) earlier endorsements were from Palin and Carson. Surely Trump has plans for them in his cabinet.

Carson can give new meaning to 'asleep at the wheel.'

Palin would be great entertainment no matter what position. Every time she tries to speak a legible (123 phrase) sentence, listeners laugh like mad and talk show hosts have a ball.

I would love to hear a conversation between Trump and Palin. Never any completed sentences, just endless 2 and 3-word phrases overlapping each other. What a hoot!

Hide and watch. As you do, think back to the last time you saw Trump lay all of his cards out on the table before the last hand was dealt. Let me help you out, that would have been....NEVER. rolleyes.gif

Many times Trump has 'lain all his cards on the table' - usually regarding lawsuits. And more often than not, HE'S LOST ! Bwah ha ha, chortle, snicker-rrr, ha ha !

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This is a big disappointment, Trump has stated he has such a high regard for Sarah Palin, who doesn't with her foreign policy credentials. I was so much hoping it was going to be her after the Brexit result we do so much need to be cheered up. She might have even discovered where Africa is by now.

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It will be Gingrich. How can Trump resist that grinning round face staring back at him, nodding up and down like a newt, in full agreement with everything Trump asserts. Every day, grinning, nodding approval, grinning some more, nodding more approval. It would be heaven for Trump in the Oval office.

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It will be Gingrich. How can Trump resist that grinning round face staring back at him, nodding up and down like a newt, in full agreement with everything Trump asserts. Every day, grinning, nodding approval, grinning some more, nodding more approval. It would be heaven for Trump in the Oval office.

I read that in one season of the apprentice, one of the contestants was a very overweight guy who was massively incompetent and yet Trump refused to fire him. Trump's explanation: fat guys are funny and good for ratings. So maybe Christie?

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It will be Gingrich. How can Trump resist that grinning round face staring back at him, nodding up and down like a newt, in full agreement with everything Trump asserts. Every day, grinning, nodding approval, grinning some more, nodding more approval. It would be heaven for Trump in the Oval office.

I read that in one season of the apprentice, one of the contestants was a very overweight guy who was massively incompetent and yet Trump refused to fire him. Trump's explanation: fat guys are funny and good for ratings. So maybe Christie?

You've made a key point. For Trump, this isn't a campaign to see who's the best candidate for an important job.

For him, it's a giant reality show, and he's determined (and succeeding) at getting the most views.

I met briefly with a man who has won 2 Oscars (music composition on Indiana Jones' movies, etc). I asked him what qualities he recommends for making a great movie. I thought he might say, "a big budget. Stars. Great story. Great director, etc."

He said, "it's all about putting butts in seats." That guy should be Trump's campaign manager. In other words, the success of the campaign has nothing to do with issues, policy proposals, wisdom, caring for constituents, etc. It's all about gaining the most notice.

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Not surprised potential VP's are running for the hills. Hard to find some-one who would want to join "team loser".

I bet the line to be Hillary's VP is a mile long. They would move into the top spot once she is indicted.

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If the choices are Gingrich or Christie then he should 100% go for Gingrich.

There needs to be someone on the ticket for the Executive Branch who knows how the Legislative Branch works. The president needs to know how to work with Congress...although the current president and VP were both Senators they still don't know how to get much done.

Gingrich is also, more than any other single person, responsible for the budget surpluses at the end of Clinton's term.

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If the choices are Gingrich or Christie then he should 100% go for Gingrich.

There needs to be someone on the ticket for the Executive Branch who knows how the Legislative Branch works. The president needs to know how to work with Congress...although the current president and VP were both Senators they still don't know how to get much done.

Gingrich is also, more than any other single person, responsible for the budget surpluses at the end of Clinton's term.

Oh, I didn't know that he pushed through the rise in taxes during Clinton's first term. Interesting.

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My first debate question for VP nominee Gingrich.

Sir, you were speaker of the house and authorized spending $60 million taxpayer dollars harassing the Clintons in the WhiteWater fake scandal.

After you were exposed having sexual relations on your office desk with an intern, abandoned your cancer stricken wife and resigned in shame do you think it's fair the republicans reimburse the taxpayers for that $60 million?

Buzzz-that's harsh. Painfully accurate though. I doubt it's Gingrich. Gingrich is nuts and that's two too many on the ticket. Christie? He couldn't get elected in Jersey again.

Pence seems like a low-risk, low-reward kind of option, which is often a sound play in the realm of vice presidenting but doesn’t seem very Trumpy.

What Trump needs is someone who will shake up the campaign. Someone who appeal to the hockey Moms. Someone who shoots wolves from helicopters. Have you guessed where I'm going with this?

Please baby jesus, make it Sarah.

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Please baby jesus, make it Sarah.

Are you familiar with the expression "jumping the shark"? 'Cause that's what McCain did with "Drill baby, drill" Palin.

Trump is colorful, but he ain't gonna lose the plot.

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He oughta go for Sanders. No vetting required.

And I hate to say it, but his selection of VP may be the VP most likely to become president since LBJ.

Who has committed himself to doing everything he can to make sure that Trump doesn't become president. Why does the right wing persist in this delusion that Sanders and the vast majority of his supporters might support Trump who has on almost every issue taken a stand that is extremely right wing.

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He oughta go for Sanders. No vetting required.

And I hate to say it, but his selection of VP may be the VP most likely to become president since LBJ.

Who has committed himself to doing everything he can to make sure that Trump doesn't become president. Why does the right wing persist in this delusion that Sanders and the vast majority of his supporters might support Trump who has on almost every issue taken a stand that is extremely right wing.

Between Christie, Gingrich and Sanders, who has actually been a serious contender for a nomination for President? Who can pull the most votes away from HRC?

Why would a smart guy choose the 2nd or 3rd best vote getter of the 3?

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