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Call for Australian leader's resignation amid election chaos


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Tony Abbott is finished. Good riddance. The sooner Malcolm and half the other halfwits on his team vacate their seats the better off the Libs will be.

As for labour, nothing short of a mass gassing will fix those corrupt foolish morons.

The greens did their best to bring tassie to,their knees, sure they'd love to have a crack at the main island too.

There is no answer in the current line up. Since we can't bring back Bob Menzies, somebody better go and see if Johnny Howard or Peter Costello can come back and sort this mess out. Either that or dig bob up and prop him up in the chair, he'd probably do better than this lot have.

It wasn't the Greens it was Left Wing activists organisation 'Get Up' that spent nearly $0.5M and 3000 volunteers campaigning against Conservative Liberals in Tasmania and wiped them out. Pretty impressive result. They will certainly move this strategy to the mainland and take out even more Right Wing conservative candidates. It would be interesting to see if they targeted Right Wing extremists like Bernardy and have him thrown out of Parliament. Knock em off one by one.

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Tony Abbott is finished. Good riddance. The sooner Malcolm and half the other halfwits on his team vacate their seats the better off the Libs will be.

As for labour, nothing short of a mass gassing will fix those corrupt foolish morons.

The greens did their best to bring tassie to,their knees, sure they'd love to have a crack at the main island too.

There is no answer in the current line up. Since we can't bring back Bob Menzies, somebody better go and see if Johnny Howard or Peter Costello can come back and sort this mess out. Either that or dig bob up and prop him up in the chair, he'd probably do better than this lot have.

It wasn't the Greens it was Left Wing activists organisation 'Get Up' that spent nearly $0.5M and 3000 volunteers campaigning against Conservative Liberals in Tasmania and wiped them out. Pretty impressive result. They will certainly move this strategy to the mainland and take out even more Right Wing conservative candidates. It would be interesting to see if they targeted Right Wing extremists like Bernardy and have him thrown out of Parliament. Knock em off one by one.

Mate the greens have been working hard to destroy the Tasmanian economy for years, forget about this last errection.

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Up2 is wearing rose coloured glasses and pretenders to be a socialist...my ass...the crap we have now was started by the Hawk and Keating labour parties, how quick they forget, Labour hasn't been the workers party since 1980....i was around when interest rates hit 17% when textile jobs disappeared overseas, Preston, Clifton Hill and Collingwood were the centre of the shoe industry in Victoria turned into ghost towns, theres a lot more i can talk about from that era but your a selective reader.

Get your head out of the 50's neither party are anything like they were, medicare only works for the healthy to bad if your really sick, labour were more than happy to sell out last time they were in government.

I will say it one more time, the reason both parties struggle to govern over the past 10 years is....The Middle Classes have been screwed so tight theres nothing left to get, the people have spoken time for these parties to address it, globalisation isn't working.

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Up2 is wearing rose coloured glasses and pretenders to be a socialist...my ass...the crap we have now was started by the Hawk and Keating labour parties, how quick they forget, Labour hasn't been the workers party since 1980....i was around when interest rates hit 17% when textile jobs disappeared overseas, Preston, Clifton Hill and Collingwood were the centre of the shoe industry in Victoria turned into ghost towns, theres a lot more i can talk about from that era but your a selective reader.

Get your head out of the 50's neither party are anything like they were, medicare only works for the healthy to bad if your really sick, labour were more than happy to sell out last time they were in government.

I will say it one more time, the reason both parties struggle to govern over the past 10 years is....The Middle Classes have been screwed so tight theres nothing left to get, the people have spoken time for these parties to address it, globalisation isn't working.

It's the Labor Party. What undermines Medicare is subsidising private Health Insurance. What undermines Education is funding Private Education. You simply cannot fund both. Shoe factories? next you will be getting all sentimental over Typewriter factories. Globalisation is here and you have to get used to it and manage it so it benefits people not just Corporations.

Yes both major Party's are losing support. 1M conservative voters have moved across to racist right wing Independents and 0.5M Left Wing voters have moved across to Greens and Xenophon type Independent Party's. This election is just the result you get.

Bernardy seems to be setting himself up as the Australian version of racist, xenophobic and bigoted Trump.

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It's the Labor Party. What undermines Medicare is subsidising private Health Insurance. What undermines Education is funding Private Education. You simply cannot fund both. Shoe factories? next you will be getting all sentimental over Typewriter factories. Globalisation is here and you have to get used to it and manage it so it benefits people not just Corporations.

Yes both major Party's are losing support. 1M conservative voters have moved across to racist right wing Independents and 0.5M Left Wing voters have moved across to Greens and Xenophon type Independent Party's. This election is just the result you get.

Bernardy seems to be setting himself up as the Australian version of racist, xenophobic and bigoted Trump.

I hope your claims are true. I would MUCH rather see Oz as a true multi-party democracy than a 2 horse race like in the US.

Then we have to find a way to get rid of the "unrepresentative swill" of the senate. Bugger state's rights, equal representation for all Australians, and no more balance of power held by Tasmanian weirdos.

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Up2 the slide is on, we were warned many moons ago by brits and yanks that deregulation did not work, Labour took us down that path, there version of it, the very first reaction to it has come from Britain im fairly confident eventually that there will and there has to be a change to how the world does business.

The middle class is beginning to revolt, they are the ones that drive the economy, the British want out of the EU, at this point in time the world is about where it was after the great depression.

​As for the AU election, Shorten has succeeded in lifting Labour's primary vote from its lowest ever in 2013 to its

second lowest ever in 2016, a massive jump of 2%, in 2013 there primary vote was 33.4% 1 in 3 voters voted for them in 2016 it is 35.4% at the moment and could drop once postal votes are counted as they tend to go to Liberals.

​Very fanciful stuff turning an ordinary performance into a win, 2 in 3 voters did not tick Labour as 1.

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Up2 is wearing rose coloured glasses and pretenders to be a socialist...my ass...the crap we have now was started by the Hawk and Keating labour parties, how quick they forget, Labour hasn't been the workers party since 1980....i was around when interest rates hit 17% when textile jobs disappeared overseas, Preston, Clifton Hill and Collingwood were the centre of the shoe industry in Victoria turned into ghost towns, theres a lot more i can talk about from that era but your a selective reader.

Get your head out of the 50's neither party are anything like they were, medicare only works for the healthy to bad if your really sick, labour were more than happy to sell out last time they were in government.

I will say it one more time, the reason both parties struggle to govern over the past 10 years is....The Middle Classes have been screwed so tight theres nothing left to get, the people have spoken time for these parties to address it, globalisation isn't working.

It's the Labor Party. What undermines Medicare is subsidising private Health Insurance. What undermines Education is funding Private Education. You simply cannot fund both. Shoe factories? next you will be getting all sentimental over Typewriter factories. Globalisation is here and you have to get used to it and manage it so it benefits people not just Corporations.

Yes both major Party's are losing support. 1M conservative voters have moved across to racist right wing Independents and 0.5M Left Wing voters have moved across to Greens and Xenophon type Independent Party's. This election is just the result you get.

Bernardy seems to be setting himself up as the Australian version of racist, xenophobic and bigoted Trump.

You cant be a real commie mate, how could you not have a soul? your a chardonnay socialist, a lot of people lost there jobs during the 80's many never returned to work.

Private health and education is just part of the fabric of the aussie way because medibank then medicare will never ever be able to treat who needs to be treated in the time that is required, as if governments want to foot the entire bill...they dont and that included Shortens lot.

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Up2 is wearing rose coloured glasses and pretenders to be a socialist...my ass...the crap we have now was started by the Hawk and Keating labour parties, how quick they forget, Labour hasn't been the workers party since 1980....i was around when interest rates hit 17% when textile jobs disappeared overseas, Preston, Clifton Hill and Collingwood were the centre of the shoe industry in Victoria turned into ghost towns, theres a lot more i can talk about from that era but your a selective reader.

Get your head out of the 50's neither party are anything like they were, medicare only works for the healthy to bad if your really sick, labour were more than happy to sell out last time they were in government.

I will say it one more time, the reason both parties struggle to govern over the past 10 years is....The Middle Classes have been screwed so tight theres nothing left to get, the people have spoken time for these parties to address it, globalisation isn't working.

It's the Labor Party. What undermines Medicare is subsidising private Health Insurance. What undermines Education is funding Private Education. You simply cannot fund both. Shoe factories? next you will be getting all sentimental over Typewriter factories. Globalisation is here and you have to get used to it and manage it so it benefits people not just Corporations.

Yes both major Party's are losing support. 1M conservative voters have moved across to racist right wing Independents and 0.5M Left Wing voters have moved across to Greens and Xenophon type Independent Party's. This election is just the result you get.

Bernardy seems to be setting himself up as the Australian version of racist, xenophobic and bigoted Trump.

You cant be a real commie mate, how could you not have a soul? your a chardonnay socialist, a lot of people lost there jobs during the 80's many never returned to work.

Private health and education is just part of the fabric of the aussie way because medibank then medicare will never ever be able to treat who needs to be treated in the time that is required, as if governments want to foot the entire bill...they dont and that included Shortens lot.

Unemployment rate is pretty good in Australia and isn't really an issue. What is an issue is the distribution of wealth. Low wage growth transferring the wealth to the 'haves' and Corporate Australia able to avoid paying Tax.

The government doesn't have any money. That is our money and up to us to decide what that money is spent on and who. The Right Wing would like to give that money to the wealthy elite and Corporate Australia with tax shelters, Corporate welfare, off shore havens and family trusts. The People's money is best spent on welfare safety nets, health, education and building / maintaining infrastructure.

Want to privatise health, education, reduce Corporate taxation to 5% take it to an election and see if you win.

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Your beginning to talk some sense up2 but i beg to differ on the unemployment rate, under Labor they quietly transferred long term unemployed on to disability allowance that was back in 2011-2012, i recall the uproar here from the brothers, BOTH parties have SMUDGED the figures and tried to make them selves look good, the real rate of unemployed and under employed would be close to 12%, you wanna take a walk around the burbs of Melbourne brother and talk to the rank and file than sitting in Brunswick st drinking your lattes and dreaming of a social revolution.

I might add that BOTH parties tried to do a snow job on us with the balance of trade figures and the AU$ against the US$, completely sucked in 2/3rds of the country.

The AU economy has been on the slide since the early 2000's its 2 years up 4 years down, sick sick sick and the reason its sick is the middle classes have been screwed to the wall, there have been some reports in that big paper down south from several large corporations about 18 months back that recognised the need to lift the take home pay of workers or there weren't going to be anyone who could afford there products, the world has been were we are now before a restructure will come or the world economy will collapse, hopefully one or both of these shoot yourself in the foot political parties will start to structure policy to reflect what is needed.

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What's that saying? Oh yes, people get the government they deserve 55555555555555555555

Actually the two major Party's got the Government they deserve. The electorate couldn't have called it better.

LNP split loony far right and Labor split center Left. The result: Chaos.

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Up2 the slide is on, we were warned many moons ago by brits and yanks that deregulation did not work, Labour took us down that path, there version of it, the very first reaction to it has come from Britain im fairly confident eventually that there will and there has to be a change to how the world does business.

The middle class is beginning to revolt, they are the ones that drive the economy, the British want out of the EU, at this point in time the world is about where it was after the great depression.

​As for the AU election, Shorten has succeeded in lifting Labour's primary vote from its lowest ever in 2013 to its

second lowest ever in 2016, a massive jump of 2%, in 2013 there primary vote was 33.4% 1 in 3 voters voted for them in 2016 it is 35.4% at the moment and could drop once postal votes are counted as they tend to go to Liberals.

​Very fanciful stuff turning an ordinary performance into a win, 2 in 3 voters did not tick Labour as 1.

Bill is a crook, a unionist thug.

He hasn't achieved much at all. What a dipshiiiit

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Katter the mad hatter Independant has gone over to the Blue side, jumping away from Shorten's grips...

Shorten's attempt to turn the bulls in his favour and shorten Turnbull's career seem more to have flopped with each passing day now

...still, it would have good for once the country made a Barnarby Choice

the big two need to be taken down a rung or two

Edited by tifino
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