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My Cost of Living. Documented.

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So, you spend twice as much on booze than on food.

Do you see anything wrong with that?

I understand that reading is difficult, but given the op says they cook at home, wouldn't someone of moderate intelligence be able to extrapolate that food and groceries are included in the shopping expenditure?

Nah, better to make ill-supported judgemental remarks about alcohol consumption.

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Well some farang school teachers earns around 30 to 40k per month and they are doing ok , if you live alone I guess you'll be just fine. The rent should be no more than 7-8000 baht for a studio.

So since the op has a family to take care of 70-80 k is just about right.

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The figures are ass about in some instances.

And keep in mind some of these things his wife pays half.

He pays to much for some things to little for others.

Just curious, not saying it's not possible but how did your wife who is still young buy a house, after uni working life would be quite short.

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Purpose of this stupid thread?

Idle banter, I suppose. Have you ever made polite conversation?

Yeah, but polite conversation is what one makes.

Not, "Hi my name is ***** and here is what my family and I spend, allow me to break it down...."

anyway, it's unimportant, and maybe some people enjoy comparing notes with the OP.

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how much was spent on obtaining the tracker software itself?

after trying heaps, I took a step back and settled back on good old MS Money.

It's free, and it's looking after all that spent, and good for extrapolating future budgetting over multiple countries and Exchange Rates for next upcoming round-the-worlder

For basic monthly expense tracker, try the free app Depoza. Depends on how much detail you want. Works OK for me.

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I see the posters that make less than he spends on just his overheads are all indignant about it. laugh.png

Seems okay as they only go out once a month, and didn't take a trip away anywhere for those two months, but I guess that's down to having a 3 year old.

When the uni fees and condo repayments are finished that total will be down 17,500b p/m, so only about 60k baht, which really is cheap.

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Lunch:1,094, ..........................................................................30 baht a day sound about right, thai food.

School (KG1) : 8,000..............................................................Dont know, dont have kids

Rent (my half) : 9,000.............................................................18k a month, seems expensive.

Condo repayments: 12,000.....................................................This is the gross figure as you are getting rent to offset this figure.

Gas: 1,550...............................................................................Thats a lot of gas. one large cylinder is 300-400 baht, we have a restaurant and use 1 a month

Shopping: 16,475....................................................................A lot of western food i think

Alcohol: 4,117 (some bottles of wine and a btl of scotch)........Sound about right

Motorbike service: 10,920........................................................I would get a new bike and a new mechanic, I brought a whole bike for 10k, 300 for a service.

elec, water, internet: 4,945.......................................................Try turning off the air conn sometimes.

Eating out (once) : 2,344..........................................................Wow, thats an expensive restaurant, 2k for one meal out

Misc: 3,913...............................................................................Does your wife know about this, lol

Coffee: 811...............................................................................Buy a coffee machine

Computer/Tech: 2,600..............................................................I presume this is a one off purchase or repair, as internet already listed.

Phone credit: 500.....................................................................Use line

M.A Degree (I pay 1/4) : 5,500.................................................240,000 a year for a degree, wow

Meds: 25..................................................................................A packet of paracetamol

Total: ........ drumroll........ 83,794...........................................I used to live on less in Australia

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WOW a new member, joined 38 minutes ago and first post are about how much the spend in a month in Thailand, very curious indeed, given its these sorts of threads normally result in lots of posts and battles of the cheap charlies, which it seems hasnt happened in a while it appears

Obviously bored out of their brains.

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OP, you have my curiosity.

What school cost 8,000 baht per month? I don't know of any school that allows payment by the month. Maybe I misunderstood. Thank you in advance for your clarification.

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"Motorbike service: 10,920." I think I'd be looking for a new bike.

Yeah, my Forza just cost me 400 odd for it's 12.000 Ks service.

Isn't that a scooter?

Proper motorbikes cost a bit more than 400b for a service!

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I thought it was a useful post.

I haven't broken down my expenses in detail, but I did work out that as a single person I was spending about 34K per month all in (no medical insurance though - I save up what would be the policy premium and take my chances, not because I don't think it's irresponsible not to have it, I just find I don't get on with doctors and their fees, let alone their opinions and M&M's style of handing out pills without telling you what they are (Bumrungrad excepted - they sold be brand name stuff for for 21,600 that I can buy myself at full retail brand name for 6800 - plus another 40K just to tell me what I already knew), so when I do need medical assistance it racks up quite heavily, but I think if you have a buffer of cash it's the cheaper way (with all their 'get out clauses'). I don't want insurance for chemo/radiation or airlift to my own country. I do need their help if I have a broken leg or something there - that's something I need an expert for. It doesn't take long to build up quite a decent cash buffer for that, a bit like a Lloyds backer not needing car insurance if they invest their money in Lloyds.

Anyhow, back to the point: With GF no kids, no car anymore - not required), I've found that it went from 34K to more like 80K - not because she spends much at all on herself, but she loves to give stuff to others (which of course means me). I give her immediate family money independently her of that, so on balance she spends about the same as me but on different things, which when you take into account that I pay the rent/elec/net/phones etc means she actually spends more than me.

Eating out once, maybe twice per week, lots of home cooking which she's a dab hand at, and the rest is street food.

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Purpose of this stupid thread?

You beat me to it - I was going to ask the OP why has he posted the info?

I'm starting a new brigade, the "if you don't like it then move on" brigade.

I appoint myself the founder, anyone want to join?

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"Motorbike service: 10,920." I think I'd be looking for a new bike.

Yeah, my Forza just cost me 400 odd for it's 12.000 Ks service.

Isn't that a scooter?

Proper motorbikes cost a bit more than 400b for a service!

You call it what you like, but I'm calling it a motorbike, because it is a bike, whether it is 50cc, or 650cc, and it is run by a motor.

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Purpose of this stupid thread?

You beat me to it - I was going to ask the OP why has he posted the info?

I'm starting a new brigade, the "if you don't like it then move on" brigade.

I appoint myself the founder, anyone want to join?

OP has not asked a question nor returned to reply to any comments. I was curious as to his motivation in posting such detail which is relevant only to his specific circumstances. I can only presume that this is like posting pictures of the meal you are eating or the minutiae of your daily life on social media to all and sundry which apparently is the norm these days........

If you had not quoted my post I would have already moved on........thumbsup.gif

Edit typo

Edited by topt
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Purpose of this stupid thread?

I believe the purpose was simply to annoy JDiddy.

And to think, 4 whole weeks to wait for the next installment. biggrin.png

Brilliant...this is (honestly) the very first time I have Laughed out Loud on TV.

Give him (or her, you never know these days) a medal.

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Guess I'm doing ok at 16k a month then....smile.png

You got me beat I and my g/f are about double that. Careful Charlie they will add another C word in front of your name. A lot of high rollers on here but a trip through the hospital doors soon changes that. There are a lot of gringo's sorry farang here living on a shoe string. I was brought up in an era where you save something for a rainy day. If there is no rainy day my g/f can use the money to go on down the long path that is called the journey of life.

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I find this quite interesting although inaccurate, since the condo repayments are included then the rent received for the condo should also be included.

I am a "number nut" and spent my working life as a computer program developer. A few years before i retired i wrote a spreadsheet program to record my monthly budget and expenses compared to budget. I needed to know how much money I would need after retiring.

I have continued to maintain this monthly detail as it helps me to know where all my money goes. Also helps to keep maid and occasional gardener honest. (Quite a lot more detail than the OP.)

I live a quite extravagant life, large condo in BKK, very large house and garden and swimming pool in the country. I support myself and GF. My expenses average at about 85,000 per month.

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Man you doing really well my overheads well and truly exceed that ,and i am a tight wad.

I have a friend that lives pension check to pension check the really good life until he hit a hospital bill roadblock. A pensioner here must be aware of the games their home government are playing with their currencies mine included. The UK now wants to cut business taxes to 15% or less and guess who that will affect. With the currency wars the race to the bottom it affects all of us. We think we are OK till our governments get stupid and cut interest rates or do some other stupid thing to cheapen our currency and raise exports. Its all about big business and exports and cheap rates so the slaves will borrow and spend more. We expats are constantly being marginalized and pushed to the back of the bus.

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