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They have arrived in big numbers now.

Last night they had an outdoor meeting right on Jomtien beach , where they praised the Lord and sang hallelujah songs. Most of them were Americans on a mission to save the poor souls here .

So I asked one of them what they were doing here and the response was they were here to save people from sins and turn to the Lord. My reply was Pattaya is full of them , then I wished them good luck .


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Just a short visit, I hope? unsure.png

It's one thing practicing your faith in peace.

It's an entirely different thing to believe your faith is the only way and that's it's your duty to brainwash other people.


Don't they need a work permit to do this?

It looks similar to other kinds of volunteer tasks for which a work permit is required.


Maybe I'm mellowing with age.

Years ago, I felt these people, well intentioned though they may be, were a tad rude, lobbing here to "Convert the Heathen Buddhists."

We have a whole group of them.. no, not Heathen Buddhists, but the other lot, wanting to"save our souls," living here in our village in Chiang Mai.

At one stage, quite a number of them seemed to relocate but they've been back a while... and... WE ARE GLAD THEY ARE BACK!

They are all good, quiet people, I bump into some of them at the Basketball Court when I walk our dog and they are always polite and they bring "life to our village."


Just a short visit, I hope? unsure.png

It's one thing practicing your faith in peace.

It's an entirely different thing to believe your faith is the only way and that's it's your duty to brainwash other people.

Very true. wai2.gif

Personally i'm with Mr Hawking's, There was no time for God thumbsup.gif


They will be more useful in Western Countries in the moslim area's or just in muslim countries.

They, the muslims, need saving not the Thais and the tourists/expats, well have heard it all already.


I saw 3 young kids sitting on the sidewalk in a semi-circle around my favorite legless beggar. I made my donation though I had to reach around the kids. I walked past again 45 minutes later and they were still there... I told them that if they were blocking his cup, that he could not make a living... and i hoped that they gave him some money too...

The wise ass kid told me they were giving him a greater gift of prayer. They do not give money.

I could easily imagine these kids going back home and boasting how they prayed with legless beggars on the streets of CM - I understand that these kids were like 20 and probably never worked a day in their lives, but geez, help the poor guy out a little too.

I don't know much about any religion but wouldn't Jesus have given the guy some money for food?


At least they're not the type of "missionaries" who forcibly give you the choice of "convert or off with your head" !!


Work permits?

of course. they are taking a job away from the thais. cant come up with how but i am sure they are. some christian nutters came from nz a few years ago to save some bar girls. they went home and said that the girls did not seem to want to be saved. i am a kiwi and i have to admit that us kiwis are a few years behind the times, part of our charm i suppose. now i am going to contradict my self because nz was the first country in the world to legalize prostitution. i am even more proud of this than i am of the all blacks. just wish our hookers were better looking.


The Christians are in the village I spend a lot of time in too. They give the locals clothes and charity and food parcels in an attempt to convert them. The locals them go straight round to the temple and give thanks and make merit for their good luck in receiving the gifts [bribes]. I don't know a single local who has been converted yet but they let the Christians think they have been.


Always remember sitting in a friends bar and listening to this missionery couple going on about how the girls had told them about being forced into the work so as to provide money for family ,boy friends etc , ,i knew the girls in question and they had just been messing with them ,thought it was a great laugh telling them a pack of lies , and the two dogooders had swallowed it hook ,line and sinker .smile.png


Don't they need a work permit to do this?

It looks similar to other kinds of volunteer tasks for which a work permit is required.

The "must have a work permit" brigade strike again.


They will be more useful in Western Countries in the moslim area's or just in muslim countries.

They, the muslims, need saving not the Thais and the tourists/expats, well have heard it all already.

"They will be more useful in Western Countries in the moslim area's or just in muslim countries".

Yes, and then get their heads chopped off.


Don't they need a work permit to do this?

It looks similar to other kinds of volunteer tasks for which a work permit is required.

The "must have a work permit" brigade strike again.

I don't think they do, religions are let off, you only need a work permit for meaningful work.


The Christians are in the village I spend a lot of time in too. They give the locals clothes and charity and food parcels in an attempt to convert them. The locals them go straight round to the temple and give thanks and make merit for their good luck in receiving the gifts [bribes]. I don't know a single local who has been converted yet but they let the Christians think they have been.

That's because the Christians and the Thais have about the same mentality, only the Christians will be far better drivers.


of course. they are taking a job away from the thais. cant come up with how but i am sure they are. some christian nutters came from nz a few years ago to save some bar girls. they went home and said that the girls did not seem to want to be saved. i am a kiwi and i have to admit that us kiwis are a few years behind the times, part of our charm i suppose. now i am going to contradict my self because nz was the first country in the world to legalize prostitution. i am even more proud of this than i am of the all blacks. just wish our hookers were better looking.

No William------you may be getting mixed up with prostitution amongst sheep . NZ didn't legalise prostitution until just a few years ago 2003----However NZ does stand out for being the first country in the world to allow women the vote. That is something to be even more proud off.

Nice country----nice people enjoyed my 12 years there----just a bit to conservative for me in the 60s, I am sure its changed a lot......................coffee1.gif

Prostitution: Legal

New Zealand--Since 2003 prostitution has been decriminalized. It is legal for citizens over 18 years old. http://prostitution.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000772#newzealand


I just think that maybe they should change the image a bit...Here is Buddha, serene just standing or laying around looking peaceful.....Here's Jesus.....nailed to cross..

My Gf converted to Chrisianity quite awhile ago. She quit going to Church. Doesnt mess with Buddist nonsense either. I came along at just the write time.....So maybe in time this could help Thailand if the converts go the way of my Gf........in the long run.

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