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Trump: Charges of anti-Semitism over tweet are 'ridiculous'


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My detergent bag has a star like trumps saying WASHES WHITES WHITER.

Anti semitic pri****

How dare they?


Anti-semetic/ clan related credit union ? ..racist bastards

That's so disingenuous. Credit Union names are irrelevant. We're talking about slogans for major POLITICAL campaigns or movements. In this case, the highest office.

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Serious question: can someone explain to me why antisemitism still exists at all? I know down history the Jews were held responsible for the death of Jesus, and traditionally were money-lenders, both of which caused resentment, and that they tended to keep themselves apart, which didn't foster integration - but nowadays...? None of those things surely apply.

Jews have a great sense of humour - I grew up with the Marx Brothers, Danny Kaye, Woody Allen, Seinfeld and so on. The list of towering Jewish minds in the arts and sciences is immense - who doesn't admire Einstein, Kafka, Rothko, Paul Simon etc?

They garnered a lot of sympathy because of their treatment by the Nazis (I know, the Israelis are rapidly using up that store of sympathy, but still, that's just Israel).

It's often hard to tell someone is Jewish by looking at them so it can't be a physical thing. They often marry non-Jews. Some cling to their traditions, but so what? I'm assuming they have integrated in most places to the extent that they are no longer - as an exclusive group - gaining an unfair share of resources.

Why the continued hate? The latter point is my best guess, but it hardly seems justified by the fact that they are simply good at business. Someone please explain.

Because they are incredibly successful and powerful. With that comes jealousy and also a feeling that they use their power to benefit their aims.

Similar to the US being hated around the world. Same with any group that is powerful. Why do the Scots and Welsh hate the English?

One thing you have to bear in mind though is what constitutes antisemitism. Antisemitism is often claimed where it does not exist, which can skew the true amount in the minds of the casual observer. For example, accusing people of antisemitism for using a star, or ANY legitimate criticism of Israel. Again, the same thing applies to other groups - Muslims accuse people of being Islamophobic for expressing legitimate concerns about the radicalism that exists in Islam.

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About the trump troops vicious attacks on journalists that happen to be Jews.

Malarkey. Journalists that happen to be Jews AND dishonest, far left liberals. Being Jewish has nothing to do with it. rolleyes.gif

It's not reasonable to think that social media bombing reporters that happen to be Jewish (from ANY political perspective) that write anything critical of trump with atrocious explicitly Nazi style comments and graphics is OK. It would be reasonable to criticize them based on perceived political bias. trump himself or his official campaign is not doing this bombing of Jewish reporters, but factions of his enthusiastic support base ARE doing that and trump has done NOTHING to dissuade them from continuing.

To be clear, and I will repeat this point again, on the vicious antisemitic hate speech social media bombing of Jewish reporters, I am not talking about graphics or comments that have even one tiny bit of ambiguity about what they are about. I am talking about HARD CORE Nazi style "Jews to the gas" kind of stuff. These are enthusiastic trump supporters.

A bit of satire:

Now comes the Star of David ruckus, another case of agenda-driven media hype. As Trump’s representatives have explained, posting an image of a six-pointed star on a pile of money with a message about corruption is a perfectly innocent gesture. It’s just as innocent as Trump’s previous retweets of a message from “WhiteGenocideTM” and of fabricated black-on-white crime data from a neo-Nazi Twitter account. “These memes float around the internet,” says Trump’s adviser, Ed Brookover. “There’s nothing going on here. … I can’t believe that we keep coming back to this.”

I can’t believe it, either. Week after week, reporters who cover Trump’s latest remarks and tweets about blacks, Latinos, Arabs, Muslims, Jews, and Native Americans come back to the same story. They keep trying to make Trump look like a bigot. But we won’t be fooled.


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trump, as usual, DOUBLING DOWN on his stuff.

This is just going to fuel the right wing extremist RACIST base in his campaign to go even further.

Their dear leader (who appears to love autocrats everywhere) clearly is OK with it.


"They shouldn't have taken it down. You know, they took the star down," Trump said to a crowd of several thousand at a rally on Wednesday night. "They should have left it up. I would have rather defended it -- just leave it up. I'd say: No, that's not a Star of David. That's just a star."

For more than five minutes, Trump defended the tweet, uttering the word "star" at least two dozen times and keeping alive a five-day-old controversy that most leaders of the Republican Party had hoped would fade away. Trump tried to narrow the controversy to the proper name of the six-point shape while ignoring that the image had previously appeared on a white supremacist website, according to mic.com, and that it was positioned atop a sea of money, which is a common way to denigrate Jews.

All this begs the question which many are asking -- does trump REALLY even WANT to be president? Someone who really wanted to be president would have given a speech CONDEMNING the extremist racist fascist supporters in his base LONG AGO. It's clear trump will never do that. That is not a winning tactic. Which is kind of good, because sensible Americans really, really, really don't want him to be president either!

Sure, he's got most of the right wing and/or racist white MALE vote locked up.

But look at who he has offended! A clear majority!









People with physical disabilities


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Let it go.

You do what you want.

This topic is about what it's about, and here's more.

For anyone that's interested, please read the ENTIRE article.

It also addresses the member who expressed curiosity about antisemitism in general:

Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?

When confronting racism and anti-Semitism, there is only one acceptable response. It’s not “no comment” or “I don’t know anything about David Duke.” It’s unequivocal condemnation.

Trump may abhor anti-Semitism, but, however unconsciously, he instrumentalizes it and spreads it. Then he doubles down to defend doing so.

Even if a candidate’s fiery rhetoric and more outrageous actions eventually fade from memory, they leave a legacy behind. In Trump’s case, that legacy may well be about enabling and legitimizing Jew hatred.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/344435/is-donald-trumps-inadvertent-anti-semitism-worse-than-the-real-thing/#ixzz4Dk7erj8l

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There's more:


Donald Trump isn’t an anti-Semite. He just plays one on TV.

Anti-Semites are by and large as dumb as a pile of bricks, but even they must know that in an us-against-them world, Trump has chosen to stand with them. He is standing up to the Jews, the Anti-Defamation League and all of that, and insisting on the good name of his daughter and his son-in-law and above all on the purity of his own soul, that what many perceive as an anti-Semitic tweet is anything but. This is part of his anti-PC stance, in which he thinks he turns ugly into admirable. It is childish.
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I doubt that Donald is anti-semitic. This is one of his more subtle ways of appealing to the extreme right wing. I doubt he tells Jewish jokes when his son-in-law is in the room.

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Let it go.

You do what you want.

This topic is about what it's about, and here's more.

For anyone that's interested, please read the ENTIRE article.

It also addresses the member who expressed curiosity about antisemitism in general:

Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?

When confronting racism and anti-Semitism, there is only one acceptable response. It’s not “no comment” or “I don’t know anything about David Duke.” It’s unequivocal condemnation.

Trump may abhor anti-Semitism, but, however unconsciously, he instrumentalizes it and spreads it. Then he doubles down to defend doing so.

Even if a candidate’s fiery rhetoric and more outrageous actions eventually fade from memory, they leave a legacy behind. In Trump’s case, that legacy may well be about enabling and legitimizing Jew hatred.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/344435/is-donald-trumps-inadvertent-anti-semitism-worse-than-the-real-thing/#ixzz4Dk7erj8l
That went right over your head. I'll help you, Disney, Frozen, Trump speech.
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Trump's son-in-law under fire from family

Jared Kushner's family denounces his use of their Holocaust history to defend the GOP nominee against charges of anti-Semitism.

"Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law and increasingly a power player atop his presidential campaign,

was an obvious choice to publicly defend the candidate this week amid a firestorm over a tweet that many viewed as anti-Semitic."

"But now he's under fire from his own relatives, who are angry he invoked their grandparents' story of survival during the Holocaust in an attempt to defend Trump."

"The tweet, which Trump heartily defended during a rally in Cincinnati on Wednesday night even after Kushner’s efforts to quell the uproar,

featured an image of Hillary Clinton over a backdrop of dollar bills. Inside a red, six-pointed Star of David, white text labeled Clinton the “most corrupt candidate ever.”

Read more here to see what the family thinks of the Bloviator:


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The trump "Frozen" defense is silly because the star on that comic book has no antisemitic CONTEXT to it.

The graphic in question, showing piles of money and "corruption" borrows from classic antisemitic global financial control conspiracy theories, so when you add a Star of David sort of star to that, everyone sensible sees the connection. Including the Nazi type websites where that particular graphic originated.

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The trump "Frozen" defense is silly because the star on that comic book has no antisemitic CONTEXT to it.

The graphic in question, showing piles of money and "corruption" borrows from classic antisemitic global financial control conspiracy theories, so when you add a Star of David sort of star to that, everyone sensible sees the connection. Including the Nazi type websites where that particular graphic originated.

The context of an image of a star is exactly what you want or don't want to think.. I just saw a way to get the information at the front of the meme.. others saw a sheriff's badge.. yet others saw the star of David... why? Because it fits their particular agenda.
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More about trump's lame "Frozen" defense:

It just goes to show that facts no longer matter in this election cycle. It’s no matter that we know where the meme came from — that it was created by anti-Semites with the expressed purpose of perpetuating anti-Semitism. Trump would like for you to ignore that fact, and instead think the outrage is just because we have a dishonest media.

In addition to the alt-right’s stereotypes about Jews being rich and corrupt, one more theme runs through the alt-right’s hatred of Jews in particular: the idea that Jews control the media. As a member of the press, I’m a main target of their hatred, and one of the central themes to these messages I receive is that “my people” control the media and its coverage of Trump in particular.

Even with Trump’s denial that the meme he posted was anti-Semitic (which, again, it was, as a point of fact, given its origins), he has sent yet another dog whistle to his alt-right supporters. In a speech in which he stood up and refused to apologize for his tweet, expressed frustration it was even deleted, and then accused the “dishonest media” for reporting on the story, the alt-right received a very clear message from their presidential nominee.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/344544/donald-trump-sinks-to-new-level-of-absurdity-with-frozen-tweet/#ixzz4DpULxBxW

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I wonder if anyone (besides David Duke) is stupid enough to really believe this partisan nonsense.

Trump is a strong supporter of Israel. He has a Jewish son-in-law and a Jewish daughter. His two grandchildren are Jewish. The executive vice president of his organization is Jewish. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization. On top of that, Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide.

This whole "anti-Semitic" charade is absurd. . wink.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I wonder if anyone (besides David Duke) is stupid enough to really believe this partisan nonsense.

Trump is a strong supporter of Israel. He has a Jewish son-in-law and a Jewish daughter. His two grandchildren are Jewish. The executive vice president of his organization is Jewish. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization. On top of that, Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide.

This whole "anti-Semitic" charade is absurd. . wink.png

All true. The U.S.A. and Israel are on the same team... Obama and Islam, likewise, are on the same team. I'll choose the former over the latter, everyday of the week, and twice on Saturdays.

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Trump has a 80% negative rating with the jews.

Trump always "hits hard" at those that don't like him. Not surprised he would insult them after seeing the latest polls.

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I wonder if anyone (besides David Duke) is stupid enough to really believe this partisan nonsense.

Trump is a strong supporter of Israel. He has a Jewish son-in-law and a Jewish daughter. His two grandchildren are Jewish. The executive vice president of his organization is Jewish. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization. On top of that, Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide.

This whole "anti-Semitic" charade is absurd. . wink.png

I don't believe he is antisemitic, but do realise he is doing what he can tl pull in the antisemitic votes in stead of distancing himself from them.
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I wonder if anyone (besides David Duke) is stupid enough to really believe this partisan nonsense.

Trump is a strong supporter of Israel. He has a Jewish son-in-law and a Jewish daughter. His two grandchildren are Jewish. The executive vice president of his organization is Jewish. He has served as a grand marshal at New Yorks annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization. On top of that, Trumps right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide.

This whole "anti-Semitic" charade is absurd. . wink.png

I don't believe he is antisemitic, but do realise he is doing what he can tl pull in the antisemitic votes in stead of distancing himself from them.

Yea. The Jews already hate him so why not go for the bigotry votes. Smart move by Trump ...

I wonder if there are enough hate groups out there, he could pull off a win ?

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Well, if y'all are going to take your talking points straight outa the HuffPo or Salon or Rolling Stone etc, you'll believe Trump is the Devil In Carnet, eh? whistling.gif

Well, I could recommend reality to you as a source, but as we both know, you have a well-documented record of denying it.

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Trump has a 80% negative rating with the jews.

Trump always "hits hard" at those that don't like him. Not surprised he would insult them after seeing the latest polls.

And a link to a poll from a reputable source would be nice to support that assertion

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Reply to Jared Kushner.

Basically, sure trump has some Jews close to him in his life (whoopee do), but as he is a public figure running for PRESIDENT his public actions related to actions of HIS campaign MATTER:


This doesn’t sound like a candidate distancing himself from those who, as you acknowledge, were “careless in choosing an image to retweet.” Indeed, this brings up the very awkward point that your father-in-law has a problem not only with extremist followers, he has a problem with his campaign staff being tightly interlinked with those extremist followers.

The more one looks at your father-in-law, the more examples one finds of him articulating the belief that apologizing for or distancing himself from racist comments is a sign of weakness. So even if it is unfair that Trump’s critics tar and feather him with the most vile rhetoric emanating from some of his supporters, his refusal to dissociate himself from such rhetoric, his refusal to reprimand supporters who do say such vile things, is the opposite of political leadership.

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