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Dozens of reports of assaults, rapes at Swedish festivals


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Note the AP report came from Helsinki not Stockholm. Aside from trying to keep it quiet the Swedish authorities sprang into action by handing out anti-groping wristbands.


So obviously if a woman is raped who didn't wear one she is obviously asking for it. What a cunning ruse to transfer responsibility to the victim not the foreign perpetrators. Perhaps if women wore bin ages over their heads and never went out alone after dark that would fix the problem.

Sweden is the rape capital of Europe, largely (we now know from leaked official documents which had been hushed up) as a result of importing young Muslim men. Germany and other European countries with large intakes of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East are also suffering a spike in sex crimes.

However, the EU forbids member nations to record or publish the ethnicity of citizens who are accused of crimes, lest this should offend migrant communities which happen to contribute more than their share of criminal activity to their adopted homeland.

The privileged and remote Brussels bureaucrats, whose primary interest appears to be to provide a pool of unlimited cheap labour for their industrial lobbyists, are determined to inflict "multiculturalism" upon their captive congregations, whether they like it or not.

It is not racist to fear the unwelcome and irreversible changes which are already starting to result from ongoing mass immigration from underdeveloped countries to historically enlightened and progressive Europe.

Let us face reality. Most migrants from poor nations do not come to our shores because they wish to "contribute to our society" as some political leaders would have us believe. They come out of self-interest. And they bring with them cultural traits which can cause massive changes to the host society - such as having much larger families.

By 2050, it is estimated, the majority of young people in the UK will have Muslim parents. The implications of this astonishing prediction go far beyond the vexed question of protecting our wives and daughters from young migrant men whose religion and culture fails to teach men to respect women. Potentially, almost every aspect of our lives is bound to be affected.

Within half a century, it has been estimated, many European countries could have a majority of voters who are followers of Islam, with the ability to transform not just the social mores of society but the legal and political structures built up over thousands of years.

It is vital to cut through the stifling veil of political correctness which currently prevents such important issues being publicly debated and acted upon on the grounds of racism. Facts are not racist.

The alternative is for national political leaders to ignore the lessons of the referendum vote and become increasingly out of touch with those they are meant to represent,

This would be a recipe for deepening the alienation between indigenous and immigrant populations and could cause the complete breakdown of the world's most democratic and civilised societies.

Everyone can sympathise with economic migrants who wish to improve their living standards by coming to relatively prosperous developed economies like the UK. But we are also surely entitled to ask: What's in it for us?

Edited by Krataiboy
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Give me any ethnic group in any part of the world, and I can find you some despicable examples in their midst.

The perps may have been Muslims.

But they represent a tiny minority of the Muslim population of the area.

They could have just as easily been drunk over-entitled WASP frat boys, who did exactly the same thing at concerts when I was a kid, 40 years ago.

Yet, some of my best friends were WASPs. I guess that makes me a WASP apologist?

Edited by impulse
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Give me any ethnic group in any part of the world, and I can find you some despicable examples in their midst.

The perps may have been Muslims.

But they represent a tiny minority of the Muslim population of the area.

They could have just as easily been drunk over-entitled WASP frat boys, who did exactly the same thing at concerts when I was a kid, 40 years ago.

Yet, some of my best friends were WASPs. I guess that makes me a WASP apologist?

Were the WASP frat boys taught at home that sexual assault was acceptable? Try asking any woman in a burqua what she thinks of a western girl in a tank top, or sunbaking topless on a beach. Do you expect it will be tolerance of others lifestyles? So what attitudes do her children grow up with?

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Give me any ethnic group in any part of the world, and I can find you some despicable examples in their midst.

The perps may have been Muslims.

But they represent a tiny minority of the Muslim population of the area.

They could have just as easily been drunk over-entitled WASP frat boys, who did exactly the same thing at concerts when I was a kid, 40 years ago.

Yet, some of my best friends were WASPs. I guess that makes me a WASP apologist?

Were the WASP frat boys taught at home that sexual assault was acceptable?

Based on their behavior, or based on what their Mommy taught them? Because the only one that matters...

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If you import the Third World, it's what you'll get. According to the UN's Human Development Index, Sweden will be a Third World country by 2030 - below even Mexico and Cuba and Bulgaria.

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Police reported that the perpetrators linked to the assaults were 'young men, who are foreigners'.

They have arrested two boys, both living at a nearby asylum centre for unaccompanied refugee children.


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Nothing in the original story mentions Muslims or migrants. That should be noted. Choices are being made as to what is acceptable and not. It tells a story of prejudice and racism here.

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Nothing in the original story mentions Muslims or migrants. That should be noted. Choices are being made as to what is acceptable and not. It tells a story of prejudice and racism here.

Unfortunately those cards have been played so often the reaction to them is likely to be increasingly 'Yeah? So what?'

There is a problem that needs to be tackled but probably won't be as the authorities would then have to admit the problem exists. It isn't looking good...

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Then you are all going to really love this one:

Swedish Politician Says It's "Worse" When Swedish Men Rape Women Compared To When Immigrants Do

Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sorman, who represents a district of the capital Stockholm, said on Twitter that it is "worse" when Swedish men rape women compared to when immigrants rape women because of cultural differences according to Breitbart.

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If you do, the next time a Euro expat in Thailand does something let's call out the Christians. Under your racist/prejudice thinking it's the foreign Christian that drives these crimes in Thailand.

Why would you assume a Euro expat in Thailand is Christian?

Plenty of Jewish and Muslim Europeans, and some Hindu (even a Sikh or two).

Exactly and the same goes for those who assume the preps are Muslims. I'm just saying this is about crime and the individuals who do it.

You need to search on Google and Youtube about rapes in Scandanavia, Sweden& Norway in particular. It is very clear who is doing it and why nothing is being done.

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I would hope that all countries are keeping track of who is committing what type of crimes. That's not about racism, but it's always a good idea to keep accurate records of the age, gender, racial/ethnic background, educational background and other factors of people committing any type of crime.

Crime prevention programs have to know who is at the greatest risk in order to target the right groups for educational purposes, if nothing else.

Certainly if it is immigrants involved, then whether one agrees with them being in the country, at a minimum they need to have education and training on the laws, consequences and what constitutes a crime.

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Nothing in the original story mentions Muslims or migrants. That should be noted. Choices are being made as to what is acceptable and not. It tells a story of prejudice and racism here.

Hey! You forgot to add "Bigot". The favourite word of the left when they've run out of arguments.

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Sadly many EU countries are experiencing these style attacks. The press are also trying to hush it up. If you have lived in the middle east then you will know that the women in the country are subjected to this type of behavior regularly. I am not being racist or a bigot just reporting a fact from my experiences. Nigel Farage also mentioned that this could happen in the UK, although it already has and hushed up and was shouted and branded a racist by left wing luvvies. The fact was he was right.

When you have cultures that see this as the normal practice and then coming to a western, civilized country then it is only a matter of time before these attacks are common and the norm.

Thus, the backlash that is just beginning. <deleted> the PC crap. If you your children aren't safe to enjoy life, then something needs to be done. It's not racist. It's about safety, freedom, and dignity. Do what it takes to eliminate the problem!!

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Nigel Farage was 100% correct in saying the European Parliament is in a state of denial as are most Europeans.

The EU Parliament in denial? The EU and the flood of immigrants are all part of a long-term plan to destroy Europe, which includes / included WW1 and WW2.

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Ragnar Lothbrok will be turning in his grave!

I was in Sweden a month ago. and whilst my friend was driving me around the city he stopped and pointed and said "this is our new no go area for Swedish nationals'!! He continued that it was a completely Muslim area of migrants and any local entering the area risked beatings or rape. He said even the police stay out. Quite shocking for the 21 century in Europe.

At some point the vikings will decide to take their countries back and it is all going to get ugly. Maybe this is what the ultra elite are planning in order to make it easier to bring in a single European wide policing and military system headed from Brussels. SE Asia and ASPAC has never looked so good. My return ticket went in the bin along time ago.

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Note the AP report came from Helsinki not Stockholm. Aside from trying to keep it quiet the Swedish authorities sprang into action by handing out anti-groping wristbands.


So obviously if a woman is raped who didn't wear one she is obviously asking for it. What a cunning ruse to transfer responsibility to the victim not the foreign perpetrators. Perhaps if women wore bin ages over their heads and never went out alone after dark that would fix the problem.

Sweden is the rape capital of Europe, largely (we now know from leaked official documents which had been hushed up) as a result of importing young Muslim men. Germany and other European countries with large intakes of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East are also suffering a spike in sex crimes.

However, the EU forbids member nations to record or publish the ethnicity of citizens who are accused of crimes, lest this should offend migrant communities which happen to contribute more than their share of criminal activity to their adopted homeland.

The privileged and remote Brussels bureaucrats, whose primary interest appears to be to provide a pool of unlimited cheap labour for their industrial lobbyists, are determined to inflict "multiculturalism" upon their captive congregations, whether they like it or not.

It is not racist to fear the unwelcome and irreversible changes which are already starting to result from ongoing mass immigration from underdeveloped countries to historically enlightened and progressive Europe.

Let us face reality. Most migrants from poor nations do not come to our shores because they wish to "contribute to our society" as some political leaders would have us believe. They come out of self-interest. And they bring with them cultural traits which can cause massive changes to the host society - such as having much larger families.

By 2050, it is estimated, the majority of young people in the UK will have Muslim parents. The implications of this astonishing prediction go far beyond the vexed question of protecting our wives and daughters from young migrant men whose religion and culture fails to teach men to respect women. Potentially, almost every aspect of our lives is bound to be affected.

Within half a century, it has been estimated, many European countries could have a majority of voters who are followers of Islam, with the ability to transform not just the social mores of society but the legal and political structures built up over thousands of years.

It is vital to cut through the stifling veil of political correctness which currently prevents such important issues being publicly debated and acted upon on the grounds of racism. Facts are not racist.

The alternative is for national political leaders to ignore the lessons of the referendum vote and become increasingly out of touch with those they are meant to represent,

This would be a recipe for deepening the alienation between indigenous and immigrant populations and could cause the complete breakdown of the world's most democratic and civilised societies.

Everyone can sympathise with economic migrants who wish to improve their living standards by coming to relatively prosperous developed economies like the UK. But we are also surely entitled to ask: What's in it for us?

All true, by the year 2030, France will have more than 50% Muslim population. Britain 40% Even America will be 12%.!

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The article was carefully crafted not to add adjectives such as Muslim or Islamic or Immigrants...political correctness trying to cover up the consequences of their liberal agenda...

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Nothing in the original story mentions Muslims or migrants. That should be noted. Choices are being made as to what is acceptable and not. It tells a story of prejudice and racism here.

There are none so blind as those who do not want to see .sad.png

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It's very likely mostly Muslims. Swedish press corps (and Scandinavians and northern Europeans) are very hamstrung by avoiding mentioning the word 'Muslims'. Like the mass-groping in Germany. Swedish boys should do a better job of watching out for the girls. Girls should carry mace. Perhaps also a knife which they can plunge into the ball sack of an offender. That would sober up the attacker pretty quick.

Expect a whole lot more of such abuse in the future.

Message to Swedish girls (and Danes, Germans, Norwegians, etc): learn self-defense, and don't be shy about being dynamic in thwarting unwanted advances.

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Nothing in the original story mentions Muslims or migrants. That should be noted. Choices are being made as to what is acceptable and not. It tells a story of prejudice and racism here.

Mainstream media filter the news and don't report facts which could potentially polarize society.

This fact hiding, especially about immigrants, has become very common in the last 20 years.

It is propaganda, nothing less.

Problems in society cannot be properly acted on if the problems don't get reported in an accurate manner.

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I know it got nothing to do with the op but how do you translate Schloss ?

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