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PM wants netizens to stop “sharing” pictures of rape victim in social media


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"He went on saying that he would like to appeal to female entertainers such as songstresses to wear properly and to refrain from wearing sexually."

Christ, not this BS again.

so it's a hint of "it's your own fault"?

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Well if anyone saw the Lakhorn last night they would see why there are so many attacks. I don't watch myself but was working on the computer and just saw the guy staking some girl to the ground and leaving her there. A few minutes later some guy had grabbed another girl by the throat. Well maybe this type of so called TV has a little to blame toward violence towards women. To me this whole TV drama should be looked at more closely by the power in charge.

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If it wasn't for social media many, many crimes would never be addressed. As unsavory as it is; keeping the pictures in the forefront stops the case from being swept under the rug like so many others.

I think showing photos of the victim when she was alive might have the effect you're looking for, but showing her dead body (as seems to be the case here) is both unnecessary and disrespectful...

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"He went on saying that he would like to appeal to female entertainers such as songstresses to wear properly and to refrain from wearing sexually."

Errr... wasn't this poor lady a school teacher?

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there should be a water shed time like in the UK for young kids to go to bed, oh sorry if there not watching this gratuis violent sh.t on TV then there out trying to sell flowers etc to tourists who arn't coming hear anymore

Well if anyone saw the Lakhorn last night they would see why there are so many attacks. I don't watch myself but was working on the computer and just saw the guy staking some girl to the ground and leaving her there. A few minutes later some guy had grabbed another girl by the throat. Well maybe this type of so called TV has a little to blame toward violence towards women. To me this whole TV drama should be looked at more closely by the power in charge.

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there should be a water shed time like in the UK for young kids to go to bed, oh sorry if there not watching this gratuis violent sh.t on TV then there out trying to sell flowers etc to tourists who arn't coming hear anymore

Well if anyone saw the Lakhorn last night they would see why there are so many attacks. I don't watch myself but was working on the computer and just saw the guy staking some girl to the ground and leaving her there. A few minutes later some guy had grabbed another girl by the throat. Well maybe this type of so called TV has a little to blame toward violence towards women. To me this whole TV drama should be looked at more closely by the power in charge.

No this "rape culture" needs to be eliminated from Thai society. How many of these inane shows run with the "boy meets girl, boy rapes girl, boy gets girl" story lines? Often they'll throw in a "boy beats girl" either before, after, or even during the rape before she 'succumbs' to him...

This trivialisation of rape—all the while pixelating cigarettes and guns—along with the PM's simian victim-blaming comments demonstrates a truly barbaric side to Thai 'culture.'

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Don't see what the problem is, unless he means pics of the dead body. If he does just stop the cops releasing such material, if not it's just a photo of a teacher when alive.

The problem is that its the rescue workers that most of the time take the photos and even some time post it on their own website / facebook etc

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The issue is not the dress of victims, beit a woman, man or a child.

The problem is the sick mind of people who "think", or "rationalise" is maybe a better term, that they can do what they desire with anyone they want.

A minimum sentence of rapists being death sounds good and with the moral aspect of that I do not have a problem personally, however, if the sentence is death anyway, it removes the last external restraint not to kill the victim.

Now that is indeed a dilemma for the Law makers.

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The PM was supporting a tearful appeal by the victim's mother to stop the circulation of graphic crime scene photos on social media.

It seems some people are missing the PM's point. It is what Gecko123 above said, it is about uncensored photograph(s) of the

women, in which she is lying dead on the bed, face up on her back, legs spread, with only a shirt on that is rolled up to above her chest and

her slashed throat is visible, thus her naked body.

How do I know? Someone (Thai) described the above to me and would get me the photograph. And commented on what nice

breasts she has/had.

I did not get (to see) the photograph. And don't need to.

wasn't aware of such photos, in that case he is justified

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The PM was supporting a tearful appeal by the victim's mother to stop the circulation of graphic crime scene photos on social media.

It seems some people are missing the PM's point. It is what Gecko123 above said, it is about uncensored photograph(s) of the

women, in which she is lying dead on the bed, face up on her back, legs spread, with only a shirt on that is rolled up to above her chest and

her slashed throat is visible, thus her naked body.

How do I know? Someone (Thai) described the above to me and would get me the photograph. And commented on what nice

breasts she has/had.

I did not get (to see) the photograph. And don't need to.

wasn't aware of such photos, in that case he is justified

Yes, it turned up on my FB feed this morning, the story was about how the PM said the picture shouldn't be shared - and attached to the story was the very same picture that shouldn't be shared, just in case you hadn't seen it yet!

He's right in this case (about not sharing the picture). But I'm stunned by his comments about refraining from dressing sexily - this poor girl was killed in her own bed of a locked bedroom.

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wasn't aware of such photos, in that case he is justified

I did not get (to see) the photograph. And don't need to.

Yes, it turned up on my FB feed this morning, the story was about how the PM said the picture shouldn't be shared - and attached to the story was the very same picture that shouldn't be shared, just in case you hadn't seen it yet!

He's right in this case (about not sharing the picture). But I'm stunned by his comments about refraining from dressing sexily - this poor girl was killed in her own bed of a locked bedroom.

Old fashioned misogynistic knuckle draggers don't let facts interrupt their flow of ignorance - "never miss an oppurtunity to put women and victims in their place", is no doubt his watchword.

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According to news reports, at least some of the social media sharing of the crime-scene photos was done to show the savagery of the murder in order to build support for the death penalty to be imposed. To the best of my knowledge, no Thai news media - either print or on-line - published any graphic photos of the victim. This was strictly a social media problem.

Doesn't justify for a moment the thoughtless disrespect for the victim's dignity and the family's privacy, but such are the times in which we live.

Edited by Gecko123
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Oh Chanosaurus you wise old man. Yes, if only women would wear "proper clothes", rapes would ever happen.

Try at least entering the 20th century (I am not expecting you to leap all the way to the 21st). A woman's clothes do not allow anyone to rape her and a "no" means "no". Try telling that to your average Thai male.

Now on the fact that people shouldn't distribute the murder pictures I completely agree with you.
That being said you were not that worried when it came to very graphic pictures from the KT murders being shared nor do you seem very worried of pictures of murder and traffic victims being splattered on the front page of any Thai newspaper?

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I agree with the general on this....but try telling that to facebook zombies.

They aren't zombies they are 'netizens' this makes them seem like they are important or well informed. The term makes me cringe.

Wat does that term mean ''neitzens'' ?its a first for me .

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I agree with the general on this....but try telling that to facebook zombies.

They aren't zombies they are 'netizens' this makes them seem like they are important or well informed. The term makes me cringe.

Wat does that term mean ''neitzens'' ?its a first for me .

Don't take this the wrong way. But we have this thing nowadays called Google. You just type in what you're looking for and 'voila'. P

I'll save you the time.

Neitizens: a user of the Internet, especially a habitual or avid one.

You're welcome

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