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"Lady Kai" goes to temple - "if I did wrong may I be struck down!"


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"Lady Kai" goes to temple - "if I did wrong may I be struck down!"

Image: Manager Online

BANGKOK: -- The woman at the center of a major scandal gripping Thailand has gone to a northern temple to pay her respects to a famous monk. She told reporters that she swore an oath that if she has done wrong then "may she be struck down". But if her accusers have done wrong and stolen from her "may they face everything coming to them".

Lady Kai - who is not titled at all,just plain Monta Yokratanakan - is at the center of an alleged human trafficking case that is beginning to look murkier by the day. It has now been alleged that it could lead to senior politicians, top brass police and members of the army.

Claims have been made by alleged victims of "Lady Kai" that she tried to persuade girls under the age of 18 to go and be "looked after" by rich men gambling at casinos. Victims have claimed they were being enticed to Hong Kong. When they refused to go it is said that Lady Kai filed false accusations of theft against them.

One woman at least was jailed and one engineering student was held for several months before blowing the case open with a counter claim against the fake lady citing false and malicious accusations.

Lady Kai had visited the temple of Wat Yai in Phitsanulok and talked to reporters at the Topland Hotel after. She said she had often come to pay respects to a senior figure there, Phra Phut Chinarat.

"I told him that if I did wrong may I face unpleasant consequences in my life. But if these people stole from me let just good things flow in my direction. If I did wrong I should be struck down but if they did (referring to the claimants) let them be struck down."

She asserted that she would face a request to meet prosecutors on Sunday. She was not fleeing.

"I am just living my normal life, " she claimed, "I am not fleeing anywhere. Society seems to have decided I am guilty. Some media have decided that I am guilty. I just have the court available to me to defend myself."

She complained about the lawyer for the complainants throwing accusations at her about human trafficking saying that a court would decide. Regarding her fake title she said "oh, don't worry about that.

This is a case of theft pure and simple. It is really not a big deal as some have made out. I never caused anyone to be jailed".

Prosecutors are unlikely to agree. Indeed a case is being made that the law was broken in terms of claims made about her status. Police have suggested a statute whereby she may be prosecuted.

On the issue of her title Lady Kai expounded about her bountiful philanthropy in helping the underprivileged. "It was other people who called me Ying Kai (Lady Kai) out of gratitude. They sometimes even referred to me as Khun Ying Kai".

People allowed to use that title are invariably members of or close relations to the Royal Family.

"It is not self promotion," she opined."I can't stop them calling me that, it is up to them. But my employees just called me "boss"."

She denied all charges against her adding: "The courts will decide. People should realize we are in an age of democracy and we must obey the decision of the courts".

Her lawyer beside her at all times confirmed that she was yet to read formal notification of the request to meet investigators on Sunday but they had heard about it in the media and she would be there.

The family of the first year engineering student Koy - all of whom were accused of a 10 million baht theft - have claimed that they left Lady Kai's employ after Koy had been pestered about working in Hong Kong where she was told she could earn between 2-5 million baht.

They have claimed this was to be servicing rich businessmen at casinos abroad and they further claim that others under 18 are involved and that the case reaches up to politicians and senior figures in the police and army.

Sources: Thairath, Manager Online

-- 2016-07-07

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Buttering up the courts like a true crook. Soon will come the envelopes dripping with ill gotten money inside. She's the lowest of the low. scum of the earth, Its amazing how any person (sane or otherwise)n can say that the Thai courts often do a bang up job (no pun intended).

This is sick; innocent, decent people have actually spent months or even years of their lives in sub human prison conditions because of this old boiler's malicious lies. She is a vile, repulsive individual who i hope gets thrown under the bus (even if it is to save the bacon of some other affiliated crooked people). Damn

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If any deity was to stuck the wrong doers of this country, she be in a very, very long line of people waiting to be struck

down, and hard..... chief in front will be the abbot of the Dhammachayo temple....

Edited by ezzra
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this goes deep. very deep. let's hope she doesnt die before the all involved gets exposed.

for the last time her name is Gai - Chicken not Kai -Egg.

which came first?

anyway she looks the innocent type right?

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The Thai news last night made claims of her bankruptcy several years back as well as more details by ex employees and connections to certain high level ex forcibly removed politicians and their kind. Of course no direct names were given as of yet but E1 here will get the idea of to whom they were referring about. Their is also some problem as to how she got a diplomatic passport since she is not involved with the gov supposedly. I would have to say that if the whole truth comes out, many influential people will fall. I have a feeling either she will be silenced, or run to dubai. Time will tell bUT every day more scum is found out with her in the middle of it.

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Did everybody see the BP article this morning, police found 20 passports in her condo.

Back to the 'official' passport, I'm hoping more will be shared about the full specifics of why she was issued an 'official' passport.

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So clearly she doesn't really believe in her religion. You can always spot someone 'religious' who isn't a real believer or has massive doubts. They either get offended easily if you say something bad about their religion (don't worry - you're going to heaven or coming back as a rich actor and I'm going to hell. Why would you care?) or, they say stuff like "May god strike me down if I've done wrong" meaning they don't believe a word of it.

Either way; this woman is a fraud in every way. She's driven by power and money. So deluded that she thinks she's so important she can do whatever she likes. And there are many more like her.

I hope she contracts Ebola and someone live streams her demise 24 hours a day. Vile human being.

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Maybe we will get some action against her, the politicians and senior figures in the police and army as it appears they could all be connected to the red side of affairs. Perfect opportunity to clear out a bit more opposition and it is beyond doubt that any action taken against her and others will not be for all the the proper reasons.

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Let her go to the temple but if there is evidence against her charge her when she comes back. There is no place for people who set others up for not adopting a slave like attitude to them. We all know how Thailand says it is cleaning its act up so let's see if this becomes one very clean act.

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Be careful what you wish for the other Hiso's just might grant your wish to save there butt's, Trust me I'm not Thai but know for a fact most rich shady Thai's can't be trusted. Better get a new pair of running shoes you will need them.

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"...she swore an oath that if she has done wrong then "may she be struck down""

Somebody needs to tell her she went to the wrong religious outlet. Maybe find a church down the street. Buddhism doesn't "work" this way...

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"it could lead to senior politicians, top brass police and members of the army ...."

For her sake, I hope her accident insurance policy is current

Not for he sake - when she dead she's dead and the cash is of no value - unless of course she instructs her relatives to bury all her assets with her, however, as they seem to be such a bunch of slime bags, they would probably liquidate all her assets and either write a cheque or a promissory note and deposit that in her coffin.

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Did everybody see the BP article this morning, police found 20 passports in her condo.

Back to the 'official' passport, I'm hoping more will be shared about the full specifics of why she was issued an 'official' passport.

Why, because she is special - special what I don't know or care but special. However, lets hope "the powers that be" have got the balls to actually do something constructive for once -- but probably unlikely as she is special.

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