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A fine day: Driver fined THB400 for not stopping car during national anthem


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others believed this was real, and condemned the man for “not loving the country

You want to show your love for the country? Pick up your trash.

But that's too much work compared to stop moving for a minute....

Edited by klauskunkel
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I live at Bang Saen, a hour South of BKK. A Thai holiday/day trip destination.

6pm every night the beach comes to an absolute stand still. Nat Anthem is played on speakers all along the beach. Cars,bikes, people.

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Nationalism is a mental illness. It is only by pure luck we were all born in the country we were born in. Nothing to be proud of, you didn't do anything and neither did anyone else.

Pretty sure my Mom and Dad did something. But I agree with your point. Nationalism (and I might add, religion) cause many of the world's problems.

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So all the red traffic lights in the country should be replaced with loudspeakers playing the National anthem?

Where I live there are loudspeakers set up at the side of roads where there are no nearby houses, I have heard talking or "music" playing while

riding past, but I'm not sure if the National Anthem is played.

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This is a good start. I noticed the disrespect for flag and country started in about 2000. This is a good law. Many countries through the world have the same law, but in most, it is not enforced. May God bless His Majesty the King, the Royal Family and Thailand.

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This is a good start. I noticed the disrespect for flag and country started in about 2000. This is a good law. Many countries through the world have the same law, but in most, it is not enforced. May God bless His Majesty the King, the Royal Family and Thailand.

pray enlighten us to which countries have "the same law"? or are you just making it up?

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it is a symbol of respect for your country to stand up while the national

anthem is being played.

but is it legal requirement for all vehicular traffic to come to stand still during

the national anthem.

fining one driver may leave a sour taste in the mouth.

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the officer explained that there really is a law stating that you must stop your car if you hear the national song and/or see the country’s flag being raised. Those who disobey could face up to a THB4,000 fine and two years in prison

I could possibly understand at a stretch if one is driving very slowly across a parade square or within a temple compound, but c'mon! What next, land all planes in Thai airspace at 08:00 and 18:00? All this nationalism should wane as a country progresses, not the other way

Progression, being an upward trend, must do constant battle with political gravity. Regression, on the other hand being downward in nature, is prone to free-fall, with apparently (in some cases) unlimited terminal velocity. For the benefit of they who take exception to my manners of expression, this means it is much easier to go backward, than forward.

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You want to show your love for the country? Pick up your trash.

But that's too much work compared to stop moving for a minute....

It's the anthropomorphic law of entropy: People will always do something that requires less energy, but not something that requires more.

As for respecting country, flag, music, etc... inanimate things don't need respect. My Thai inlaws put it best when I asked why they don't stop what they're doing at home when the music plays at 8 and 6. They said "you only need to stop or stand up when somebody's looking. When you're alone or with family/friends, don't bother."

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the officer explained that there really is a law stating that you must stop your car if you hear the national song and/or see the country’s flag being raised. Those who disobey could face up to a THB4,000 fine and two years in prison

I could possibly understand at a stretch if one is driving very slowly across a parade square or within a temple compound, but c'mon! What next, land all planes in Thai airspace at 08:00 and 18:00? All this nationalism should wane as a country progresses, not the other way

Progression, being an upward trend, must do constant battle with political gravity. Regression, on the other hand being downward in nature, is prone to free-fall, with apparently (in some cases) unlimited terminal velocity. For the benefit of they who take exception to my manners of expression, this means it is much easier to go backward, than forward.

Progression = forward; regression = backward. But I get your meaning.

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I have lived here for 10 years now and have never, even on one of the military bases, seen anyone stop when the Anthem was being presented. Pedestrians stopped but never a car or motorcycle!!

One yellower-than-yellow politician actually proposed that all vehicles be required to stop at 8am and 6pm during the Yellow - Red war years.

It was pointed out that it was, errrr, how could I say it without opening myself to legal prosecution.... oh, I can't.

that's because the yellows and the junta have all the good idea'scheesy.gif .

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I always stop when i ear the anthem in the radio. Howhever I had to change various car in the last years de to many rear end collisions...

As tongue in cheek as that may have been, it could well be the truth.

To enforce a 'law' (?) like this on a public road is both irresponsible and dangerous. i would like to see where this is stated in the highway code for Thailand.

Imagine crossing a highway or doing a U-turn when the hands hit 08:00 or 18:00......................wink.png

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I can relate to that while on medical hold in the Navy for a back problem I was taken to Captain's Mass and given 30 days in the cooler and lost a stripe for not standing for the National Anthem prior to seeing a movie. And yes, I used crutches to get to the theater and just wanted to sit after a 8 min. walk.

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Pffft,...peanuts.....I was fined once in Vietnam 20 years ago, for driving my wheelchair in a one way,...I was so amazed and happy to get a fine for this and would have a field day explaining this to my friends for many years to come ...the ultimate story..! but somebody spoiled my fun by telling the policeman that it would be stupid to give me a fine for this,...and the police man turned away..

This one is even better,...happened to me in my country Belgium,...Can't stop laughing,....This morning I had to go to Court to clear a Handicapped Parking offense, to explain my case I needed my original handicapped parking card,....so far so good,...I was cleared of any wrong doing,. and so, I could go,....once outside I saw a parking ticket on my car !!! I had no handicapped parking card ! ! ! ! ! catch 22......Ooo,... the Irony of it !!!


You villan

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Visited Betong a number of times during the early 90's and recall that traffic did stop when the anthem was played at 6pm on loudspeakers situated around the town. Would usually be in a taxi on my way from the Malaysian border but not much traffic in that sleepy town in those days.

No idea if it also happened at 8am - way too early for me to be up and about.

Until the mid 90's the immigration office was located in town, about 6km from the border, and would close at 6pm sharp. So anyone crossing the border at 6pm would find the office shut when they reached it. Happened a few times to me but just had to complete the card/stamp either the following day or later when heading back to the border. No problem either with the hotels over the lack of immigration stamps in my passport. Great place to chill out from my work in Malaysia.

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Nationalism is a mental illness. It is only by pure luck we were all born in the country we were born in. Nothing to be proud of, you didn't do anything and neither did anyone else.

"Mental illness" ... pffffft. 'A childish, petulant, and OTT comment. But it IS all an accident of birth and perhaps a bit irrational when manipulated - as politicians tend to do - to mask national problems and prejudices and push personal agendas.

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makes one feel young again - takes me back to up-in-the-country Primary Schools days, lined up on the basketball court before classes

I wonder how the deep deep southerners take it? who follow Waktu Waktu

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