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Police corruption case - top commander speaks out


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both of the cops should be sacked, bribery is a big offense, they should be dismissed and lose the rights to their pension. Make the bastards get an honest job to earn an income

If Thailand really serious of cleaning up the police force they should look into the Singapore system. If this would have happend in Singapore, the guy that paid the bribe and the guy that accepted the bribe would be jailed between 2-5 years, kicked out of the police force and loose the pensions, housing etc.

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Something we didn't already know?

Quote: Ombudsman: Royal Thai Police found to be most corrupt

BANGKOK, 29 March 2012 (NNT) - The Office of the Ombudsman Thailand has reported its success over the past 12 years, saying the Royal Thai Police has been found to be the most corrupt agency in Thailand.

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What! The idiot paid corruption money for a promotion and when nothing happened he lodged a formal complaint that his corruption money did not work?

I mean seriously, can you honestly believe this?

Either the Police force is so rampant with corruption that this kind of behaviour is normal, therefore he felt it was safe to complain (as everyone does it and will understand) OR he is the biggest muppet to ever hold a Policemans badge.

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both of the cops should be sacked, bribery is a big offense, they should be dismissed and lose the rights to their pension. Make the bastards get an honest job to earn an income

Completely agree, if the PM wants to tackle corruption then here is an great opportunity to show you mean business.

They are lucky they are not in the Philippine police force with Duterte now in charge.

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Either the Police force is so rampant with corruption that this kind of behaviour is normal, therefore he felt it was safe to complain (as everyone does it and will understand) OR he is the biggest muppet to ever hold a Policemans badge.

Not "either ... or", both statements apply. whistling.gif

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Either the Police force is so rampant with corruption that this kind of behaviour is normal, therefore he felt it was safe to complain (as everyone does it and will understand) OR he is the biggest muppet to ever hold a Policemans badge.

Not "either ... or", both statements apply. whistling.gif

Fair enough. thumbsup.gif

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Re-reading the article I'm finding more nuggets:

He added that if there were other victims of officer Chaninthat's behaviour then they should come forward and report the matter to investigators.

What about officers who actually did receive a promotion after bribing the correct official?

They'll get another medal for having done the process in the right way.

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Bribery is no big offense here, more a way of life and totally entrenched in the system.

Bribery is only a form of "sakdina" and expected in the Thai culture! The comment that the General had to refer to a committee because they "didn't know what to do about the perp." tells you everything about the system!

Why do people insist on judging the Thai system (feudal to the core) against Western values? It hasn't changed and it definately will not change in the future! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

"Why do people insist on judging the Thai system (feudal to the core) against Western values?"

People aren't judging, they are criticizing, with good reason. People with guns who are supposed to protect the public and enforce the law are being promoted based on their ability to pay bribes, not their ability to do their jobs. This means incompetent criminals rise up the ranks and leave the honest cops behind (not really, honest people know better than to join the RTP).

This also happens in the military and the civil service, and the bribe money is often borrowed from loan sharks and has to be paid back with the proceeds from corruption. The result is corruption so deeply entrenched it is accepted as normal procedure and therefore acceptable. It also results an unpredictable tax on the economy in the form of required bribes, risk in doing business since business owner's can't predict future bribes that will be demanded, and all levels of government management being held by people who aren't necessarily good at their jobs, they just paid the right bribes. It's a good way to mismanage a country and hold back the economy.

To state the obvious, the military is very much a part of this system, and the junta isn't going to change it.

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"This is bad for the image of the police," said commander Charoen.

Umm... may I please correct the commander? What he should've said was, "This IS the image of the police."

How could you be so cruel? Next you'll be suggesting that running down and killing a policeman is ok, if you have good connections.

Seems as how that precedent has already been established.

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