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Paul Ryan defends support of Donald Trump


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Nothing wrong with a bit of racism, most people have some somewhere. But if you are running for President of the USA then how are you going to buddy up to all those foreign world leaders, some of them are actually of a different colour! Worse than that some of them are women!

There are only so many walls you can build

Edited by dunroaming
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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

So what you're saying is you have no problem with racism....so long as it's not directed at you.

And I suppose you don't have one single solitary racist bone in your body.

Everybody on the planet is a racist in one form or another.

Some are just more racist than others.

It's the way of life and has been for thousands of years and will continue until the end of the human race.

Deal with it.

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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

Oh right...........so people hiring only whites for a particular position, that's "an overrated invented PC word"..........people of color indiscriminately being shot, that's some "PC Brigade" matter. Fire go out in your cave mate?

One of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on TV.

If I want to hire only whites for a position, then that is my decision and don't harm anyone with it, forcing me to hire other would mean racism against me in your perfect world.

Being shot for having a particular skin color is something completely different, it's called murder or attempted murder, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Calling me a caveman is also racism, but I assume that racism in your world only applies to others.

You just showed your real colors.

No, that is the definition, and by not considering someone of color for the position you ARE harming people with it. Did you miss the whole civil rights movement of the 60's? Do you not understand what that was all about.

Guilty of being derogatory toward uneducated people making ignorant comments and using a caveman as an anaology, is that racism (?) no. There is no caveman race, mister.

So if I hire a white person I'm harming someone of color because I don't hire him.

So when I hire someone of color, I must be harming white people.

I think your argument is flawed to say the least.

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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

So what you're saying is you have no problem with racism....so long as it's not directed at you.

And I suppose you don't have one single solitary racist bone in your body.

Everybody on the planet is a racist in one form or another.

Some are just more racist than others.

It's the way of life and has been for thousands of years and will continue until the end of the human race.

Deal with it.

We're all like that? Come on, man. You're like that. No, we're not all racists.

Sooooo, let me understand your logic...since we're all basically racists ANYWAY, then racism is okay? We should just accept the racism? God's plan. Donald Trump is a racist, "deal" with it? I think a civilized society can ask more from our leaders than this.

Your premise, we're all racist...is bullshit. Racism is rooted in ignorance and were not all ignorant. People are different, yes. Accepting the differences is what differentiates us from the racists. Giving in to your inherited racism is what separates us from, let's face it, all Trump's minions.

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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

There is plenty of real racism in the world and it is as prevalent on the left as on the right. However, it is mostly the left that falsely use that label to discredit people that are not racist at all.

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Ryan is a total sleazeball whether he supports the racist, fascist candidacy of trump or not. Have people actually looked at the idiotic, draconian policies that horrible man Ryan supports? He's supposed to be a "reasonable" republican. You can keep him and that entire, disgusting party. ALL wings of it. There are no decent republicans left. There used to be but that's long gone. The republicans deserve trump, but the nation does not!

Edited by Jingthing
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I still think that come November the two choices will be neither of the two popular, current contenders.

If Trump doesn't make it on the first ballot at the convention then within an hour of the announcement there will be so many private jets landing in Cleveland there will be an aviation hazard.

Edited by bendejo
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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

Oh right...........so people hiring only whites for a particular position, that's "an overrated invented PC word"..........people of color indiscriminately being shot, that's some "PC Brigade" matter. Fire go out in your cave mate?

One of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on TV.

people of color indiscriminately being shot, glad to see that you understand the tragedy when blue is randomly shot. Food stamps not show up in your mailbox?

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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

Oh right...........so people hiring only whites for a particular position, that's "an overrated invented PC word"..........people of color indiscriminately being shot, that's some "PC Brigade" matter. Fire go out in your cave mate?

One of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on TV.

people of color indiscriminately being shot, glad to see that you understand the tragedy when blue is randomly shot. Food stamps not show up in your mailbox?

Cheap shot as that was not the discussion.

All lives matter.

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Ryan is a total sleazeball whether he supports the racist, fascist candidacy of trump or not. Have people actually looked at the idiotic, draconian policies that horrible man Ryan supports? He's supposed to be a "reasonable" republican. You can keep him and that entire, disgusting party. ALL wings of it. There are no decent republicans left. There used to be but that's long gone. The republicans deserve trump, but the nation does not!

Total sleazeball? No, and that's coming from a me, raging Liberal. I don't see him as a "total" sleazeball. Hypocrite, yeah, sure, but "total?"

I don't want to just throw around "total sleazeball" for every Republican.

Even after the Republican party is "TOTALLY" crushed in November, we'll still have to deal with them.

Ryan believes his ideas have merit. A sleazeball would have different priorities...like Trump. Trump believes in himself and money.

If Trump is the defining "Total sleazeball"...Ryan is a minor league asterisk. Ryan would be FIRED in the first show of the new season...coming to NBC this December!

Edited by Pinot
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Racism is an overrated word invented by the PC brigade. It's like saying you have freedom of expression, but only if you don't say something we don't like to hear.

Oh right...........so people hiring only whites for a particular position, that's "an overrated invented PC word"..........people of color indiscriminately being shot, that's some "PC Brigade" matter. Fire go out in your cave mate?

One of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on TV.

people of color indiscriminately being shot, glad to see that you understand the tragedy when blue is randomly shot. Food stamps not show up in your mailbox?

Cheap shot as that was not the discussion.

All lives matter.

Nice touch...the food stamps thrust thumbsup.gif "olé"

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Ryan is a total sleazeball whether he supports the racist, fascist candidacy of trump or not. Have people actually looked at the idiotic, draconian policies that horrible man Ryan supports? He's supposed to be a "reasonable" republican. You can keep him and that entire, disgusting party. ALL wings of it. There are no decent republicans left. There used to be but that's long gone. The republicans deserve trump, but the nation does not!

Total sleazeball? No, and that's coming from a me, raging Liberal. I don't see him as a "total" sleazeball. Hypocrite, yeah, sure, but "total?"

I don't want to just throw around "total sleazeball" for every Republican.

Even after the Republican party is "TOTALLY" crushed in November, we'll still have to deal with them.

Ryan believes his ideas have merit. A sleazeball would have different priorities...like Trump. Trump believes in himself and money.

If Trump is the defining "Total sleazeball"...Ryan is a minor league asterisk. Ryan would be FIRED in the first show of the new season...coming to NBC this December!

"Even after the Republican party is "TOTALLY" crushed in November, we'll still have to deal with them."

Only in your dreams is that going happen.

Anyone voting for the criminal Hilary can't have any integrity at all.

​Trump isn't a politician he's a businessman who's had to deal with the corrupt politicians which the criminal Hillary is most certainly one.

So he knows how to play the game was played and the reverse of that is he knows how fix the problems.

Unless you actually listen Trump and go back and look at his interviews from way before he was a candidate you have no idea who he is

other than what the Liberal Democrat media tells you about him. The US media is totally in the bag for liberal democrats and has been for years.

regardless of who the republican candidate is they will be savaged by accusations of racists, Bigots or whatever it takes to convince people not to vote

for them.

Don't believe me? Contrast the treatment of Hillary in the liberal press.

Here's someone running for president that has a history of lies, deceit, and generally criminal activity.

If ANY republican had her resume of even half of her dishonesty they would have never made it to a position to even run for president.

They have protected her just like they do Bill Clinton.

It's a corrupt, rigged system that's about to be disassembled and exposed and if there's any justice at all some people are going to jail.


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