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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

You forgot to thank the French for invading their countries in the first place,last century and leaving a mess behind.Colonization is where this all stems from.

Or that France more than any other colonial power still meddles in the affairs of its "Former Colonies" destabilising Governments and ensuring French dominance of their Economies.

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You never cease to amaze. 80 + people including babies and children have died in an horrible unjustified attack on the innocent. Children now without parents. Parents losing there children. Can't just for once you put aside your petty point scoring agenda's. And use this thread as a condolence page is that to much to ask for really.

My deepest condolences to families who have died and suffered in this attack. My thoughts are with you today.

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And yet we still pander and bow down to islam out of fear of being labeled racists. Stop being so scared of name calling and wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.


>>wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.

..to do so would involve the slaughter of 1.5 billion people. I think that would give you some sort of immoral equivalence to the scum who committed the barabaric atrocity in the OP.

There are psychopathic fanatical murderers and terrorists in every religion..Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists. Stereotyping an entire people or religion because of the actions of some is exactly what creates the fanatics in the first place. You are acting as their recruiting sergeant.

Has any terrorist in history ever blamed unfair stereotyping as their motivation? I'd love to see that link.

Pretty obvious really.
You despise me, my family, my race and my religion, discriminate against, and hate me...OK ...I'll show you what real hatred is.
And repeat, as in yours and others Islamophobic posts in this forum.
So you have a vicious cycle.
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Crap. Just found out our friends were there. Posted pics of the fireworks, but no response yet. We're very worried.

If you know his real name there's an emergency / dedicated hotline that you can reach via (+33

Should have someone speaking EN there,

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i read a witness saying there was a man shooting, but there was no gunfire

oh dear - another smoking gun and the usual situation actors

Youtube is going to be conspiracy-busy again

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Wouldn't surprise me if this attack was planned for one of the Euro 2016 match crowds. There were several games there, including England-Iceland. Maybe they had to change the plan for some reason, or just decided that hitting a holiday crowd was more of an arch deed of piteous massacre.

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Before all you truck haters go getting off, remember: people kill people not trucks. Should we limit the size of trucks, reduce fuel capacity, more in depth background checks on truck drivers... just what is the solution? Will France allow truck ownership to carry on this way?

You can be sure they'll never grant Conceal and Carry permits. The logistics are just too overwhelming.

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Crap. Just found out our friends were there. Posted pics of the fireworks, but no response yet. We're very worried.

If it helps Craig, there was thousands of people there, hopefully your friends are safe and well.

Sobering times.

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A very sad tragedy and my sympathies go out to all those families affected. I still strongly believe and this attack confirms this, multiculturalism isn't working and it is because of this, we are having these type of attacks. What is even sadder is we will probably continue to have more.

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A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

You forgot to thank the French for invading their countries in the first place,last century and leaving a mess behind.Colonization is where this all stems from.

Or that France more than any other colonial power still meddles in the affairs of its "Former Colonies" destabilising Governments and ensuring French dominance of their Economies.

May be its to deflect the fact that they have had their @r5es kicked on more than one occasion cheesy.gif

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A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

You forgot to thank the French for invading their countries in the first place,last century and leaving a mess behind.Colonization is where this all stems from.

Or that France more than any other colonial power still meddles in the affairs of its "Former Colonies" destabilising Governments and ensuring French dominance of their Economies.

So...... nothing to do with the Persians invading Europe, then?

Or Alexander of Macedonia conquering most of the known world?

Or the Greek destruction of the Trojan civilization?

Or the Romans conquering everyone that stood against them?...... Except the Scott's... Go the Scott's.

Or the couple of hundred of years of "barbarian" invasions into Europe?

Or Charlemaign, the holy roman emporer, who rebuilt the European empire?

Or the Vatican sanctioned crusades?

Or the spread of the Islamic caliphates around the Mediterranean and beyond?

Or rise of the Ottoman Empire?

Just French colonization then... Left over from Napoleon no doubt.

What an extremely narrow view of humanities history... Born as nomads... Colonizing what was worth settling, and defending that as best as could be done.... NOW is the time to once again defend what is theirs... Route out the traitors in their midst, and retaliate against known aggressors .....a lot of those can probably be found in the middle eastern countries they have supported over the last fifty year... Although some time may be lost whilst looking for the hand of friendship that has been so savagely hacked off

Anyhow... Not being an expert on French colonies.... I'm still pretty sure that they don't meddle that much in its former Asian colonies... Well not in Vietnam, at least.

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They should know it's coming with all the immigrants pouring in....

The driver (the terrorist) was a French man, born in Nice, his home town.

A Muslim of North African origin... as I'v said already only a few millions in France, so nothing to do with immigrants, same in Bataclan, same for Charlie hebdo, all those terrorists were French nationals.

Social misfits with an history of delinquent, all of them.

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There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of first, second, and even third generation refugees from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar living in the US and Europe. I don't remember any of them committing a terrorist attack (maybe someone can find one!). And there are now first, second, and third generation refugees from Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Afghanistan, too. And they seem to commit a terrorist act every other week or so. Gee, I wonder why that is? What COULD the difference possibly be???

The Qaran! Read it and weep!

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Crap. Just found out our friends were there. Posted pics of the fireworks, but no response yet. We're very worried.

If it helps Craig, there was thousands of people there, hopefully your friends are safe and well.

Sobering times.

Thanks. He's French, she's Thai and is good friends with my wife. No response from her on FB, Line or Skype. And as you know Thai gals, they are never far away from their social media. Many are trying to contact her. Wifey is freaking out a bit. Both there on holiday with their kids. We're in Armenia. I'll post an update later.

The kind words, and hot line number, are sincerely appreciated.

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As a French citizen, I find worrying that the ratio of posts in this thread offering sympathy and condolences lower than what is commonly seen in any thread about the death of some random tourist in his hotel room.

However, racist / islamophobe / "hang them all and let Allah sort them out" type of posts abound.

Putting this on "failed multiculturalism" and "weakness from the leftists" is total BS but I'm not in the mood to explain now.

And for what it's worth, I think that France has long lost the power to significantly meddle with the affairs of the former colonies.

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Crap. Just found out our friends were there. Posted pics of the fireworks, but no response yet. We're very worried.

If it helps Craig, there was thousands of people there, hopefully your friends are safe and well.

Sobering times.

Thanks. He's French, she's Thai and is good friends with my wife. No response from her on FB, Line or Skype. And as you know Thai gals, they are never far away from their social media. Many are trying to contact her. Wifey is freaking out a bit. Both there on holiday with their kids. We're in Armenia. I'll post an update later.

The kind words, and hot line number, are sincerely appreciated.

Brother, keep in mind the time there. They're probably in the fart sack.

Hope all is well.

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You never cease to amaze. 80 + people including babies and children have died in an horrible unjustified attack on the innocent. Children now without parents. Parents losing there children. Can't just for once you put aside your petty point scoring agenda's. And use this thread as a condolence page is that to much to ask for really.

My deepest condolences to families who have died and suffered in this attack. My thoughts are with you today.

everybody is sorry for the victims. But, this was an entirely avoidable incident. Warnings were given that if x,y and z kept happening, bloodshed would occur. No heed was taken of warnings, and those with the vision to see the end result were branded hateful racists and bigots. Well its not good enough. Time for apologies to those that correctly called this normalization of terror against non believers.

Once again, fingers out of your ears this time. If you keep insisting on importing (sending navies to collect them setting sail no less!!!)religious extremists with no checks whatsoever from the ME and NAfrica you will be murdered in ever bigger numbers in ever more spectacular fashions. When the next generations are born incountry the problems will be exponential. Simple really when PC is ignored and logic followed.

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As a French citizen, I find worrying that the ratio of posts in this thread offering sympathy and condolences lower than what is commonly seen in any thread about the death of some random tourist in his hotel room.

However, racist / islamophobe / "hang them all and let Allah sort them out" type of posts abound.

Putting this on "failed multiculturalism" and "weakness from the leftists" is total BS but I'm not in the mood to explain now.

And for what it's worth, I think that France has long lost the power to significantly meddle with the affairs of the former colonies.

If I were you mate, I'd be less worried about the folk on TVF and more worried about the morons running your country.

French people must be getting fairly sick of the wish washy decisions of the incompetent folk who claim they are running the show.

Time for the French folk to claim back their streets, only the people can make it safe again.

Please accept my condolences, I hope the French people get strong. Take care.

Edited by neverdie
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As a French citizen, I find worrying that the ratio of posts in this thread offering sympathy and condolences lower than what is commonly seen in any thread about the death of some random tourist in his hotel room.

However, racist / islamophobe / "hang them all and let Allah sort them out" type of posts abound.

Putting this on "failed multiculturalism" and "weakness from the leftists" is total BS but I'm not in the mood to explain now.

And for what it's worth, I think that France has long lost the power to significantly meddle with the affairs of the former colonies.

I agree with everything except :

And for what it's worth, I think that France has long lost the power to significantly meddle with the affairs of the former colonies.

Africa is still a huge board game for French government and companies. Areva, Total and other still play a huge role in the politics by litteraly showering the ones they want in power and the french government is well aware of this and push it to continue...

And for what it's worth, I think that France has long lost the power to significantly meddle with the affairs of the former colonies.

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WOW. This will never end. RIP to the deceased. sad.png

We really have to face the fact that these people are waging a war on Western Society. We can argue until the cows come home about who's responsible, who and why it started, and the level of support they enjoy amongst the Muslim population. The fact remains that they believe that they are at war. Wars end when one side comprehensively defeats the other. We can either accept defeat, or defeat them. There really is no other option.

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You never cease to amaze. 80 + people including babies and children have died in an horrible unjustified attack on the innocent. Children now without parents. Parents losing there children. Can't just for once you put aside your petty point scoring agenda's. And use this thread as a condolence page is that to much to ask for really.

My deepest condolences to families who have died and suffered in this attack. My thoughts are with you today.

Those are nice sentiments, and it's surely a great loss to the famalies of the dead and injured, but unfortunately they won't save anyone from the next attack.

In fact, nothing can save people in Europe from further deaths as they're already baked into the "multicultural" cake.

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We really have to face the fact that these people are waging a war on Western Society. We can argue until the cows come home about who's responsible, who and why it started, and the level of support they enjoy amongst the Muslim population. The fact remains that they believe that they are at war. Wars end when one side comprehensively defeats the other. We can either accept defeat, or defeat them. There really is no other option.

OK, what do you suggest then? reasonable estimates put the percentage of Muslims living in France around 8%. Should we put 8% of the people in concentration camps? dump them in the Mediterranean Sea for someone else to pick them up? build a wall on the Italian border?

We're paying the price of our (modest) involvement in the wars in Irak, Libya and now Syria.

Whether we should have left Saddam and Gaddafi alone is a question that needs to be asked.The West have open a real huge can of worms there. It can't be closed anymore.

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What I don't understand is that although France was at a state of emergency the roads were not blocked off to prevent any vehicular traffic access to a huge, publicized event.

Where was the security?

RIP to all the victims of this disgusting terrorist act.

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You never cease to amaze. 80 + people including babies and children have died in an horrible unjustified attack on the innocent. Children now without parents. Parents losing there children. Can't just for once you put aside your petty point scoring agenda's. And use this thread as a condolence page is that to much to ask for really.

My deepest condolences to families who have died and suffered in this attack. My thoughts are with you today.

Those are nice sentiments, and it's surely a great loss to the famalies of the dead and injured, but unfortunately they won't save anyone from the next attack.

In fact, nothing can save people in Europe from further deaths as they're already baked into the "multicultural" cake.

Yeah yeah, and Bagdad bombings last week with 350 deads are also because of their multiculturalism...as well as Turkey...

In fact each time you hate the "muslims" you let Daesh win...

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We really have to face the fact that these people are waging a war on Western Society. We can argue until the cows come home about who's responsible, who and why it started, and the level of support they enjoy amongst the Muslim population. The fact remains that they believe that they are at war. Wars end when one side comprehensively defeats the other. We can either accept defeat, or defeat them. There really is no other option.

OK, what do you suggest then? reasonable estimates put the percentage of Muslims living in France around 8%. Should we put 8% of the people in concentration camps? dump them in the Mediterranean Sea for someone else to pick them up? build a wall on the Italian border?

We're paying the price of our (modest) involvement in the wars in Irak, Libya and now Syria.

Whether we should have left Saddam and Gaddafi alone is a question that needs to be asked.The West have open a real huge can of worms there. It can't be closed anymore.

That what the simple minded want!

They forgot the first victims of terrorism in term of casualties are the muslims, but as the news do not give a single sh!t about the terrorist attacks in Iraq and muslims countries, it helps a lot.

And as Daesh want a civilization confrontation, each time the racists yell, Daesh win!

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We really have to face the fact that these people are waging a war on Western Society. We can argue until the cows come home about who's responsible, who and why it started, and the level of support they enjoy amongst the Muslim population. The fact remains that they believe that they are at war. Wars end when one side comprehensively defeats the other. We can either accept defeat, or defeat them. There really is no other option.

OK, what do you suggest then? reasonable estimates put the percentage of Muslims living in France around 8%. Should we put 8% of the people in concentration camps? dump them in the Mediterranean Sea for someone else to pick them up? build a wall on the Italian border?

We're paying the price of our (modest) involvement in the wars in Irak, Libya and now Syria.

Whether we should have left Saddam and Gaddafi alone is a question that needs to be asked.The West have open a real huge can of worms there. It can't be closed anymore.

You can ask all the questions you want about Saddam and Qaddafi. What is done is done now and asking such questions does nothing to help what is going on now. Let's say the answer to those questions is a resounding no we shouldn't have taken out Saddam and others. Well does that matter anymore?

What's relevant now is what are we going to do about these type of attacks? I am not sure anybody has the answer to that unfortunately.

There is no reason to think that these attacks won't occur more frequently in the future.

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