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Proper disposal of medicines?


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I've accumulated a small collection of expired/unneeded pills, capsules, syrups, etc that I want to dispose of safely. Do hospitals here routinely accept such trash and dispose of it safely, or will I receive those wonderful puzzled looks if I show up with the bag? Would the pharmacy counter be the best place to start?

On a related note, what do you all do with old batteries? I also have a collection of old AA, AAA, C and D batteries that I'm not sure what to do with.

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You will indeed get puzzled looks, I'm afraid there is no system for this.

Down the toilet would be my suggestion (for the meds, not the batteries obviously).

Fort batteries I just throw them in the trash, would be interested to know if anyone has an alternative.

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Any particular reason why you dont dump them in the bin ?

Expired medication, down the toilet... why bother a busy pharmacist.

Because proper disposal is incineration. Putting it in the trash it ends up in a landfill where the chemicals leach into the soil and waste

Isn't flushing down the toilet similar? If dissolved into the water in the tank it can leach out into the soil, no?

Google "medicine environment contamination" for some light reading.

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Myself have a collection of big rubbish bins with heavy duty black bags inside, batteries go in a bag, as do anything metal/tin. glass, coloured plastic and clear plastic, cardboard/paper. about every 3 months or so take all these different bags off to the recycle place... last week received cash back of 430 baht... stuff that many people just throw into the trash... same place has gone a old cooker, 2x fridge, washing machine, pond pumps etc.. also it more convenient there is a least 1x pickup and 2 x motorbike with side trailer that come down the Village a couple of time a week.. well that is where my old batteries go and have done for past 13 years..

As for old or unwanted medicine, I hand them in to the Hospital Pharmacist, also take my use needles and used vials... Diabetic so testing + Insulin Injections = 6 needle a week and 4 vials, so every 3 month visit is quite a collection.

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With regards to the disposal of the medicines, have you asked at one of the chain Pharmacies (e.g. Boots).? Be surprised if they do not have a process.

Then you should be prepared to be surprised. They might "have a process" at some central warehousing facility, but at any of the retail outlets they'd just dump it in the bin.

If you bring along an old, half used tube or bottle of something to show them in order to get a new, fresh supply, the old containers will be dropped in the bin along with general waste.

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