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Can France prevent another attack?


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Populations need to give up more privacy to prevent more attacks. That's a political decision. The more attacks, the more privacy they'll be willing to give up.

Age old Baloney

Even waaaay back in Benjamin Franklin's time he warned of such thinking

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Truth is we are seeing backlash/blowback for our own governments actions in foreign lands period.

So to the OP's Q of Can France prevent another attack...NO

Not until it stops behavior such as France being the first to fire on Libyan Ground Troops while supposedly enforcing a No Fly <sic>

What goes around comes around simple as that

You make enemies...you need to watch your back

It is not preventable now...maybe you can minimize damages with vigilance but prevent? Impossible

We think tiny simple events such as this is horrifying? Oh my buckle up turbulence ahead

Edited by mania
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genuine question. So who's the enemy?

the political establishment and the elites, are you aware that some ISIS fighters in Syria from France, UK and Belgium are still receiving their monthly welfare payments ?? don't tell me that this is a coincidence absolutely not, just to let you know that between 2011-2014 France were delivering planes full of weapons to Al-Qaeda / ISIS fighters in Libya and Syria, the political establishment does not care if thousands of innocent people dies in bombings, all they cares is to follow the secret agendas of the elites to reach their ultimate goals, ISIS is very useful pawn for some powerful regional allies.

Articles in French / François Hollande confirms delivering arms to the Islamist in Syria.




Edited by marcofunny
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genuine question. So who's the enemy?

the political establishment and the elites, are you aware that some ISIS fighters in Syria from France, UK and Belgium are still receiving their monthly welfare payments ?? don't tell me that this is a coincidence absolutely not, just to let you know that between 2011-2014 France were delivering planes full of weapons to Al-Qaeda / ISIS fighters in Libya and Syria, the political establishment does not care if thousands of innocent people dies in bombings, all they cares is to follow the secret agendas of the elites to reach their ultimate goals, ISIS is very useful pawn for some powerful regional allies.

Articles in French / François Hollande confirms delivering arms to the Islamist in Syria.



The same can be said in reverse. These people are now being imported into Europe.

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The same can be said in reverse. These people are now being imported into Europe.

ask any politician in Asia if it s okay to leave the doors and windows of his home wide open and then invites criminal strangers and then let them murder, rape his family members, this has been done on purpose, they are many websites talking about the real objectives, this website has lot of censorship, you better read them on sites like returnofkings or others that discusses this issue in more details.

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When when the President, or was it Prime Minister, said that the French have to learn to live with terrorism!!

There seems to be a serious lack of will to confront the problem.

Believe it or no, it s useless to talk about the Muslims they are being used as a vehicle, most french voters knows the solution since 20 years ago and it s called (Marine le pen and FN party), the real problem is those elites who keeps bringing more and more migrants or continuing their divide and conqueror strategy, they even cheated blatantly in the latest Austrian presidential election, they control the MSM in France, go check the backgrounds of most academia and journalists who supports massive Islamist migration to Europe, they wont let Marine le Pen the chance to access to power and that s the real problem of France.


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Shooting incident in Munich now several people dead



This never ends, people in Europe & the west need to wake up, overturn their governments if they won't comply.

Put an end to this senseless murder

Why Bavaria...?

Its the rich end of Germany...

This will hurt more in Munich than in some isolated village... Very hard for regular Germans

To ignore this one though....

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Some germans I've talked say all these shooting are actually not the fault of the muslims, it's the americans who are behind and who want to weaken Germany.

So, the muslims don't think for themselves...?

And Too many germans have this "media-propaganda" excuse... it's all a "fabrication"... etc...

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So, while the OP is France specifically, it's clear the EU cannot prevent another attack. Just hours ago, and some hundreds km away, Munich was hit by more of the imported proxy army the EU wields on its own people. Orwell could not have made up such diabolism.

Likewise, we do not find in history any examples of an advanced civilization importing its own end, consciously, affirmatively, with purpose, and couched as compassion. Op Gladio has nothing on jihad.

Such clever stewards.

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Shooting incident in Munich now several people dead



This never ends, people in Europe & the west need to wake up, overturn their governments if they won't comply.

Put an end to this senseless murder

Why Bavaria...?
Its the rich end of Germany...

This will hurt more in Munich than in some isolated village... Very hard for regular Germans

To ignore this one though....

Munich/Vienna=400km. Vienna, the Golden Apple of caliphs for ages because it is the gateway to Europe. Symbolism is quite rich and present when you mentally live in the 7th century.

Nice, Munich, Vienna...no difference, not really. This was always going to happen when you add a solvent into the culture and agitate.

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Shooting incident in Munich now several people dead


This never ends, people in Europe & the west need to wake up, overturn their governments if they won't comply.

Put an end to this senseless murder
Why Bavaria...?
Its the rich end of Germany...
This will hurt more in Munich than in some isolated village... Very hard for regular Germans
To ignore this one though....
Munich/Vienna=400km. Vienna, the Golden Apple of caliphs for ages because it is the gateway to Europe. Symbolism is quite rich and present when you mentally live in the 7th century.

Nice, Munich, Vienna...no difference, not really. This was always going to happen when you add a solvent into the culture and agitate.

So obvious for folk with a functioning brain!
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What the heck do these people want? they kill and maim and don't give a damn if its children, mothers fathers etc. nor what religion.

Every day - i turn on the news and another atriocity. Now Munich, or those little girls getting stabbed in France because they were wearing shorts... one in intensive care. There is a child in intensive care in Nice - no one has come forward to claim him, they think his parents are dead. That wee poppet is all alone.

Absolutely, heart rending. I am not political, but, sadly - i think i am becoming a bit sort of and not wanting to be - racist. And who would tell me not to be, after the past couple of weeks. This is so sad, all of it. Breaks your heart, and your brain a bit. After being open minded about all religions all your life, and being brought up that way too. But to try and understand this hatred - i can't do it anymore. Its sadness, more than hate that i feel.

And i know, that the western world also kills lots of people, but this goes beyond that. Maybe because it was on my doorstep.

Can France prevent another attack? I hope so. They better.

Watch out Rio.

Was my post a bit OTT? If it was zap it.

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Why Bavaria...?

Its the rich end of Germany...

This will hurt more in Munich than in some isolated village... Very hard for regular Germans

To ignore this one though....

Munich/Vienna=400km. Vienna, the Golden Apple of caliphs for ages because it is the gateway to Europe. Symbolism is quite rich and present when you mentally live in the 7th century.

Nice, Munich, Vienna...no difference, not really. This was always going to happen when you add a solvent into the culture and agitate.

Interesting web site, re. Gates of Vienna: http://gatesofvienna.net/

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Here it is in Venn diagrams so even a liberal globalist can understand.

This is not just the author of this video's opinion, it is the entire exegesis of the experience of this early faith. In this struggle to define themselves their experience developed in 3 distinct stages, each offering further reward as they adapted to their environment. The end result was an actual formula. Mixing this with the central nexus of their forming faith- their flight from Mecca- their migration- they evolved the hijra/migration as the central pillar of their testimony of their faith- going forth.

These events set in place a formula that is not just presenting new in France. It is not. This same exact process has been repeated over and over and over again. How contemporary leaders overlook this is stunning. One can argue all day long about the motives and behaviors of all the individual actors in jihad, the fact remains, they are following a script laid down long ago and enshrined in their jurisprudence.

What is happening in France, the EU, and soon the US is entirely predictable.

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Here's one truth that the world's leaders need to get their heads around:


Christopher Hitchens arguing with that liberal progressive idiot Jon Stewart.

Quote: "It is wrong to say that the cause of terrorism is our resistance

to it, which is the root fallacy that is now being put around: 'If we

weren't mean to them they wouldn't be so mean to us' - Absolute BS."

Full video here:

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Maybe said before but my take on Frances Nice attack was a total security lapse and observation, not only the lack of road blocking l also cannot

understand when they asked the truck driver what he was doing, replying "delivering ice cream" a simple well OK but we still need to search truck

anyway may of stopped what followed.

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