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Thai sex industry under fire from tourism minister, police

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The main problem I see with heavy curtailment of this industry is that if you check on the ladies involved they are the major

breadwinner (s) in the family of which we already know the majority who cater for tourists hail from Isaan.

The big goldfish bowls which cater for mainly Thais have a different mix of women.

My question is, who is going to support all these village households now that the girls will no longer be able to send home

a subsistence living for the families without which some will be destitute.

One crop of rice a year will not cut the mustard Mrs Minister.

The rich get richer & the poor get poorer again.

So much for Happiness for the people

so your conclusion is that poverty is so rife in some parts of Thailand families have to prostitute their daughters to survive....and you appear to think this is OK?

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What hypocrisy, Thailand is predominantly Buddhist and conservative, Yes and who runs the sex industry ?

I don't know always wanted to have a private jet and wear an orange sheet and no underwear, TOGO,TOGO, TOGO.


The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

Let me correct you.

Shut down the sex industry and a certain category of people will go elsewhere, while again another category will increase to come to Thailand, as they now avoid it because of it's seedy reputation.

The latter category is also known to spend more per day than the former, especially at businesses that pay taxes.

Being from the tourist industry myself, I know of no one who avoids Thailand because of it's seedy reputation. On the other hand, I know for a fact that a lot of regional companies conduct incentive tours, kick off meetings etc in Bangkok and Pattaya because the target audience (dealers, agents, principals) likes and indulges in it's offerings.

All sounds very sensible until you dig beneath the surface. How would you know that a prospective tourist was turned off of Thailand because of a seedy reputation? With the tell you? Would you ask? It seems to me altogether more probable that they wouldn't even inquire about Thailand if they'd heard about the seedy reputation. Or perhaps you don't agree...

"See you in a bit dear, I'm just off down to the Thai holiday shop. No dear, I'm not going to buy anything I just want to tell that nice touristy man that I think Thailand's very seedy and I won't be buying anything from him because of that".

Doesn't really seem all that likely when you see it in print…



Backpackers will still come to khaosan and the islands for the party scene. The 'eat pray love' crowd will still come to places like Chiang Mai for the temples. Couples will still come for a relaxing beach villa stay on Samui - or even for their wedding. The Chinese will still visit in ever increasing numbers.

The bar scene is slowly dying out anyway, and anyone who thinks the tourist industry depends on it is kidding themselves. You're simple not as important to Thailand as you think you are. Time for the country to move on.

According to havocscope.com, the Thai sex industry (I assume locals AND tourists) is worth 6.4 billion US$, or 10% of GDP.


They are already doing it. The raids on GoGo places and massage parlors are sending the message that the Government does not like the sex industry. Their plan is long term- they don't want sex tourists and would be happy when they give Thailand a miss and go elsewhere. Done gradually over a 10 year period- there will be little economic affect in Thailand because the Chinese are coming in the millions and soon the Indians will come en masse and Thai tourism will continues its domestic growth. The smart bar owners in Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok are getting out now or will convert their business to attract the new generation of tourists. Most Chinese, Indians and Thai families do not need or want the sex industry in their face as it exists now. The current bar and massage owners already see the writing on the wall. Those that hang on will simply go out of business due to continuous police harassment and a lack of customers. This time it is for real because those in power will remain in power for a long time whether in obvious positions or behind the scenes.


Just regulate it, or as the rest of the world does "hide it" limit to certain areas and venues, seems to work for the rest of the world.


Tourism Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul played down the role of the sex industry in drawing visitors.

"Tourists don't come to Thailand for such a thing. They come here for our beautiful culture," Kobkarn told Reuters.

"We want Thailand to be about quality tourism. We want the sex industry gone," she said.

Who is we?

Herself and the elected government of generals?

Herself and her high so friends?

Herself and her high so family?

Herself and her yoga group?


Self righteous old cow!


other than the chinese, who do not spend money, the tourist count will go down

and so will the economy. how will the BIB make money and what will all the girls do??


I seriously doubt the tourism minister came up with this idea. I am fairly certain where it came from. The US government. Only they are stupid, prurient, prudish, churlish, falsely moral, falsely puritanical, preachy, disingenuous, and non visionary enough to come up with policy like this. It is probably through the long arm of the American NGO's, those horrific organizations that go around the world pushing the US political agenda, posing as do gooder organizations, and charitable groups. There is also a small chance that there is come pressure from China. 35% of all tourists within Thailand now are Chinese. And they do not partake of much of this. The government here is doing a good job of deluding themselves into thinking the growing Chinese tourism, is a good thing for the Thai economy. It is anything but. They are very, very low quality tourists, who do not spend much money, anywhere. Not a substitute for the far superior (in terms of spending power) western tourists, that they are losing in droves.

In the US it is almost against the law to enjoy sex. For that matter, to enjoy anything. So, it stands to reason that this house of fools would want the world to be subject to the degree of silliness, and intolerance that Americans are subject to. And as much as they try to make it appear that they just don't care, my guess is that the Thai government just cannot say no to the aid, and the promises.

Hopefully, like nearly all the policies coming from the little man, this will blow over too, and be forgotten very soon. This is a terrible idea.


I honestly don't know if the shutting down of all is possible especially over a short period of time. If it could be or was done the people who are 'in charge' (of it) at the moment would have absolutely no idea how to change to a service industry that would cater for the replacement 'high end tourists' and families.

Would the high end service be put in place prior to the removal of the sex industry or would the idea of a Reeperbahn style area be established first and then eventually be removed.

It's a fact that sex will never go away and everyone has differing views on should commercial sex just be accepted or controlled?


Sorry boys , but I don't think one of you would want to see your sister, daughter, girlfriend on the streets ? I have no answers to this huge problem, and I think it's all a bit too late anyway to do much about it. If there had been an obligation to educate Thai kids in school , they in turn , would have their children educated. This not being the case has thrown millions of kids into brothels and bars, and turned young men into thugs, transvestism and violence. It's evidence can be seen every day on the streets of all tourist Venus, cities, and is now hitting the smaller quieter towns of the north. We've all seen the nice girl from reception, or at the 7/11 ending up selling herself for money she never dreamed of making. It's all about money nowadays. The girls all want to shop in the fancy stores and buy the latest fashion bags, which she / he will never earning normal wages. The manicure shop I use once a month is full to the top of these young Thai girls, having manicures and pedicures , extensions and all the rest, spending 1500 baht in an hour or two ! I do not mean, as some will say, I have this right and they don't !!! Just that in one busy shop doing hundreds of girls a day, 90 per cent are street/ bar girls. Have a look in any mall ! The boys/ men want the same, clothes, cars and big bikes, money to drink and smoke. So, what can the government do about all this, I have no answer.


As always.... cheap words without any thought behind them.... firstly: How are the hundreds of thousands of sex workers going to make a living?.... secondly: What knock on effect would there be for girls' families, hotels, bars, restaurants, airlines etc, etc.

The answer is to invest very very heavily in education so that the girls of future generations can have a decent chance of getting a decent job.... That in tern will provide industry with a better workforce and be able to compete in a world market.

The cost for this to be successful would probably be around 100 times what they would be willing to pay and the timescale to make a significant impact probably around 50 to 100 years.

Oh I dunno, I would imagine the same way the majority of Thai women not whoring themselves out do. But carry on coffee1.gif

The majority of Thai women not whoring DO NOT make a living.

Have you ever visited a Thai village.


as usual the key board warriors get it wrong, if they closed every bar on Soi 4 it would not register as a blip on the total number of visitors to Thailand. The majority of the industry is geared to Thai Men. Around 1998 or 1999 good article in Bangkok post about the total number of working girls in Thailand and they guest-a-mated around 100,000 women working of which 70,000 worked on the Thai side only 30,000 worked on the farange side. I have never figured why farange men so over estimate the actual impact of farage supported prostitution, I guess it is based upon their over estimation of their own importance


The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

Rubbish,not everybody comes to Thailand for cheap sex.What country do you suggest they go,next door i suppose.Thailand is finally moving with the times.The old model is not working any more.The new tourists are here,so 7/11 will take the place of bars.


"Sprawling" as if implying this is a recent and rapidly spreading outbreak? It is an aspect of Thai culture as ingrained and totally normal and accepted as tuk-tuks, temples and rice farms. It's not viewed as sinful or shameful or degrading to women. In fact, a large part of Issan's economy relies on working girls sending big money back to mom and dad on the farm. While it exists here to some small extent, Thai prostitution seldom involves enslavement, human trafficing or forced drug dependence. I't also is, for better or worse one of the key attractions of Thailand for eestern tourists.

Wrong on every point, it is regarded as shameful, it' s the money that's not, and it is not a mainstay of Issan economy however much the users of prostitutes like to fantasize that it is, thus justifying their paying for sex.

I tend to disagree. Yes, it may be considered shameful, when talked about in the open. But, there seems to be a ridiculously permissive attitude in Issan, regarding their women working in the sex trade. The whole notion that the girls, when they grow up will be sending money back home, is so antiquated and outdated. And what do you think the parents really believe is happening, when the daughter starts sending 15,000 or 20,000 baht per month home? She found a restaurant that has really big tippers? She found the highest paying factory job in the country?

I believe they know what is going on, but turn the other way, in order to take advantage of the lifestyle. Little do they know the details of what their sweet, lovely daughter is having to do on a daily basis, to get that cash.


It has all been said (and not done) before, only difference is this time its a woman doing the saying.

I wager gagging orders have already been given.

Police, prominant people, entertainment area landlords..all probably all tapping this gals hubby on the shoulders.

What is a big cash cow for some is also a welfare payment system for others..

grain of salt

Probably correct.

Outside of the lovely friendly Thai women, I personally don't think Thailand has too much to offer.

Food? ho hum. Beaches? If you want good clean beaches go to Australia, way better than Thailand. Temples? Seen one, seen enough. Cultural events? Commercialised long ago. Scenic countyside? yawn.

And if they were in fact actually embarrassed about it, then all they have to do is get the cops to close down all the visible sex outlets in all large cities, and in every small town and village there are houses where Thai men go to for sex with prostitues - close all them down as well. Then bring on a massive cultural change where men don't think the things they currently do about women and their status, and maybe they will make a dent in it.

The Thai people could do this if they wanted to. It's my guess that they don't, because they haven't shown any appetite to do it up to now.


Don't worry - a flight to Cambodia from Thailand is only £50.

Bangkok's sex industry has been declining slowly over the last few years, compared with its peak. It's still big, but I'm guessing that the authorities believe that rising numbers of tourists from China and Russia, and families from Europe, combined with the development of international flights to Phuket, Krabi and other cities for package holidays, will offset the decline.

There's also the small matter of trying to tempt more Chinese and Japanese investment - what government official wants to be showing a billionaire down Sukhumvit Road, and have a hideous looking ladyboy walk by and grab the poor guy's balls?

It's an economic gamble. But if you think that all the Thai economy, and its people, have to offer is sex, then you've been living a very, very sheltered life there.


That's it then. Expect a 90% drop in tourists in Bangers and Pattaya.

Well thought out, K. Khobka

90% is a huge exaggeration.Bangers can handle any loss of the sex tourist,but Sin City would be a ghost town.Expect house and condo prices to fall through the floor.


The appeal of closing vice establishments frequently used by Farangs is desirable to mainstream Thais .

Makes good propaganda.

However, there is also a sense that China is calling some shots.

It's population not only replaces the sex tourists needed baht.

It also requires Thailand to act in a Particular manner in order to be nestled in its proverbial embrace.

China seems to help with themes like Peace councils etc

How to use propaganda in media and controlling issues .

The prostitution in Thailand will operate in less visible forms and far more cheaply .

The over priced markets are vanishing gradually as numbers of Chinese increase.

Having westerners who are neither communists and are anti military are not good witnesses to have around.

Closing Thailand largely to the west is for a military government who intends to hold power a very long time makes sense.

China will be more accepting even implicate of doing away with democracy.

Keeping the northern people poor is also a move they think will work.

Fear and oppression is one thing.

But add monetary hardship with no money being sent back.

Or at least as much .

And you have the elites firmly in control .

This plan to gradually replace westerners has been underway for two years .

And give it two or three more when expats are also slowly told they can't stay for some other reasons perhaps .? And you may have a clearer picture of the military aims.


The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

Yes, the 'seedy' people will hopefully go elsewhere. How about the Thai government moving all the seedy bar owners, their bar girls, and the LB's to one of the big islands off the coast, and not allowing them back to the mainland unless they behave themselves. Clean up the trash laying around on the streets and the human trash walking them looking for prey. Lots of families come to Thailand to relax with their children. I bet, there is more of them then the sex obsessed, and drunks.


Tourism Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul played down the role of the sex industry in drawing visitors.

No visitors usually come for the Temples and Food,is that what she is trying to say,without the easy

​availability of sex,Thailand's tourism industry would collapse ,but there is so much money involved

it would never happen.

regards Worgeordie

Maybe Sin City.Haven't you heard bar owners moaning for years how this is the worst high season they have had,since last year and the year before.


The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

So true man.


Thailand may be predominantly Buddhist, or at least ostensibly Buddhist, but most people don't understand the teachings, or if they do they choose not to follow them. Ask people to tick off how many of the 5 precepts they actually follow.....most would be lucky to tick off 3 out of 5.

I do not think the minister wants to stop prostitution. She knows better than we do the needs and cogs.

However she certainly wants to reduce or eliminate the visible and highly touted prostitution, contrary to locale traditions.

In 10 0R 20 years sexpats therefore go to karaoke as an ordinary Thai to be accompanied by a pretty young hostess, pretext learning Thai songs ...

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