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Republican Convention Day 1: security, Melania and marines


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Republican Convention Day 1: security, Melania and marines


CLEVELAND: -- The Republican National Convention has kicked off in Cleveland – the theme on Day 1 ‘make America safe again’, a play on presumptive nominee Donald Trump’s slogan to make America great again.

The Grand Old Party hopes to sell the brash media mogul as the man to bring law and order back to the US, in the wake of deadly shootings and threats from Islamist militants.

Security at home and abroad will be put under the spotlight, with speakers aiming to highlight Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s perceived failings over the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi in 2012.

The list of speakers include US marines, Homeland Security experts, and mothers who lost children in car accidents involving undocumented immigrants. Though the most hotly anticipated speech will come from Trump’s partner Melania.

Notable absences include the Bush family, as well as previous presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Trump’s candidacy is not only proving controversial within his own party. It has its own protest movement – dump the Trump activists gathered outside the convention to make their point known.

Comedian Stephen Colbert made waves as he hijacked the stage mocking Trump’s candidacy saying, “I know I’m not supposed to be here but neither is Trump”, before being escorted off by security.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-19
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Tumult at GOP convention over effort to stop Trump

CLEVELAND (AP) — Republicans cast Donald Trump as the right man for turbulent times as they opened their presidential convention Monday against a backdrop of unsettling summer violence and deep discontent within their own party.

Tumult broke out on the convention floor after party officials adopted rules by a shouted voice vote, a move aimed at blunting anti-Trump forces seeking to derail the presumptive nominee. Delegates erupted in competing chants in a televised dispute Republican leaders had hoped to avoid.

"I have no idea what's going on right now. This is surreal," said Utah Sen. Mike Lee, who had helped lead the efforts to force a state-by-state roll call vote on the rules.

Republican leaders hope the convention centers instead on the glue that does unite the party's factions: disdain for Hillary Clinton. Convention speakers planned to relentlessly paint the presumptive Democratic nominee as entrenched in a system that fails to keep Americans safe.

"Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted. Her judgment and character are not suited to be sitting in the most powerful office in the world," said Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, according to excerpts of her speech released in advanced.

While safety and security was the focus of Monday's opening session, Trump was also trying to shore up Republican unity, in part by assuring party leaders and voters alike that there's a kinder, gentler side to what many see as merely a brash businessman. Trump's family is playing a starring role, beginning Monday with an evening speech by his wife, Melania Trump, who has kept a low profile throughout the campaign.

In a surprise, Trump announced he would come to Cleveland and go onstage on opening night to introduce her.

The convention comes amid a wrenching period of violence and unrest, both in the United States and around the world. On the eve of the opening, three police officers were killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the city where a black man was killed by police two weeks ago.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus welcomed delegates with a brief acknowledgement of the "troubling times" swirling outside. The chairman called for a moment of silence out of respect for "genuine heroes" in law enforcement.

"Our nation grieves when we see these awful killings," he said.

In a matter of weeks, Americans have seen deadly police shootings, a shocking ambush of police in Texas and escalating racial tensions, not to mention a failed coup in Turkey and gruesome Bastille Day attack in Nice, France.

Trump has seized on the instability, casting recent events as a direct result of failed leadership by President Barack Obama and by Clinton, who spent four years in the administration as secretary of state. But Trump has been vague about how he would put the nation on a different course, offering virtually no details of his policy prescriptions despite repeated vows to be tough.

Campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Trump would "eventually" outline policy specifics but not at the convention.

Clinton, during remarks Monday at the NAACP's annual convention, said there was no justification for directing violence at law enforcement.

"As president, I will bring the full weight of the law to bear in making sure those who kill police officers are brought to justice," she said.

Clinton was expected to be a frequent target of the eclectic group of lawmakers, military service members and entertainers headlining opening night of the convention. They include Ernst of Iowa and Jeff Sessions of Alabama, actor Scott Baio and Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty, as well as immigration advocates and a Marine who fought in the Benghazi attack that occurred during Clinton's tenure at the State Department.

The line-up of speakers and no-shows for the four-night convention was a visual representation of Trump's struggles to unify Republicans. From the party's former presidents to the host state governor, many leaders were staying away from the convention stage, or Cleveland altogether, wary of being linked to a man whose proposals and temperament have sparked an identity crisis within the GOP.

Trump's team insists that by the end of the week, Republicans will plunge into the general election campaign united in their mission to defeat Clinton. But campaign officials undermined their own effort Monday by picking a fight with Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is not attending the convention and has yet to endorse Trump.

Manafort called Kasich "petulant" and said the governor was "embarrassing" his party in his home state.

Even some of those participating in the convention seemed to be avoiding their party's nominee. When House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke to Wisconsin delegates Monday morning, he made no mention of Trump in his remarks.

Ryan, asked at a later event whether Trump was really a conservative, said: "Define conservative; he's not my kind of conservative."

The summer disturbances had tensions running high outside the heavily secured convention site in Cleveland.

Hundreds of Trump supporters and opponents held rallies a half-mile apart, with a few of the Trump supporters openly carrying guns as allowed under Ohio law. The president of the police union had asked Kasich to suspend the law allowing gun owners to carry firearms in plain sight. But Kasich said he didn't have that authority.


AP writers Kathleen Hennessey, Erica Werner and Josh Lederman in Cleveland and Bill Barrow in Atlanta contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-19

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From the RNC, the prime-time schedule:

  • Monday: Make America Safe Again Headliners: Melania Trump, Lieutenant General (ret.) Michael Flynn, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Jason Beardsley and U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke (Mont.).
  • Tuesday: Make America Work Again Headliners: Donald Trump, Jr., U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Ben Carson and Kimberlin Brown.
  • Wednesday: Make America First Again Headliners: Lynne Patton; Eric Trump; former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista; and Indiana Governor Mike Pence, whom Donald Trump has chosen as his vice presidential running mate.
Thursday: Make America One Again Headliners: Peter Thiel, Tom Barrack, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump


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From the RNC, the prime-time schedule:

  • Monday: Make America Safe Again Headliners: Melania Trump, Lieutenant General (ret.) Michael Flynn, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Jason Beardsley and U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke (Mont.).
  • Tuesday: Make America Work Again Headliners: Donald Trump, Jr., U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Ben Carson and Kimberlin Brown.
  • Wednesday: Make America First Again Headliners: Lynne Patton; Eric Trump; former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista; and Indiana Governor Mike Pence, whom Donald Trump has chosen as his vice presidential running mate.
Thursday: Make America One Again Headliners: Peter Thiel, Tom Barrack, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump


Next appearing at the Holiday Inn in Paducah, Kentucky.

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Melania Trump: From Small-Town Slovenia to Doorstep of White House



You've come a long way Baby! smile.png

When a reporter got slalmmed with an avalanche of anti-semitic comments after she wrote an article about Melania Trump, here is Melania's Trump comment:

“I don’t control my fans,” Melania said in an interview with DuJour. “But I don’t agree with what they’re doing. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them."
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Murican intelligence at its best.....you can romp around the convention with your AK47 but tomatoes are not allowed in case you throw them at someone....don't want that great Murican Homer Simpson thinking too much about that one as his head will hurt.

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NEWS FROM THE RNC: Milo Yiannopoulos Proposed a Gay-Conservative Alliance and the Pro-Trump Crowd Loved It: ‘The left does not own homosexuals anymore,’ said Yiannopoulos. ‘We’re your gays!.’

"You might not have expected the crowd at a rally outside the Republican National Convention to cheer an out-and-proud gay man who bragged about his good looks and sex life. But in the age of Donald Trump, anything is possible: even a conservative Christian audience going gaga over Milo Yiannopoulos".


Indeed the times have changed...smile.png

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Boonme, You forgot a key speaker on Day One, Chachi, aka Scott Baio, from the hit series Joanie Loves Chachi! Trump wants to bring American back to Happy Days....


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Melania Trump: From Small-Town Slovenia to Doorstep of White House



You've come a long way Baby! smile.png

And of course she married him for his youth, extreme good looks, winning personality and most certainly that wonderful hairstyle. I wonder if she would have married Joe the plumber?

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Major chaos at RNC convention. If you want to know what the opposite of united is, watch this video from a few hrs ago:


I've never understood why people in America have to shout 'U.. S.. A! U.. S.. A!' It's silly. If you were abroad at a football game, it might make sense but in America why???

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Melania Trump ignites GOP convention after gloom, turmoil

CLEVELAND (AP) — After a harsh primary, Donald Trump's general election campaign officially opened with a warm and personal validation from his wife, Melania Trump, who kicked off the Republican convention by assuring voters that the brash candidate has the character and determination to unite a divided nation.

"If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you, he is the guy," Mrs. Trump told delegates in her highest profile appearance of the presidential campaign.

Her husband made a brief, but showy entrance, into the convention hall to introduce her, emerging from shadows and declaring to cheers, "We're going to win, we're going to win so big." He returned to the stage after his wife's remarks, greeting her warmly with a kiss and cheering her on along with the crowd.

Mrs. Trump's appearance was a sharp contrast to most of the night's other speakers, who painted a bleak picture of an American future that they said only her husband can correct. A parade of speakers told emotional stories about loved ones killed while serving in the military or at the hands of people in the United States illegally. And they cast the turbulent times as a direct result of weak leadership by President Barack Obama and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who spent four years in the administration.

"Who would trust Hillary Clinton to protect them? I wouldn't," Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said in one of the night's most fiery addresses.

Many of the party's past and future stars were glaringly missing from the lineup, underscoring the concerns GOP leaders have with closely aligning themselves with Trump. The businessman has cast aside decades of Republican orthodoxy in his unexpected political rise, creating a crisis within the GOP about its future.

Republican divisions erupted briefly on the convention floor Monday afternoon after party officials adopted rules by a shouted voice vote. Anti-Trump forces seeking to derail his nomination responded with loud and angry chants, though they were quickly quieted and there were no lingering signs of the protests as delegates returned to the cavernous convention hall for the evening program.

Trump hoped the chaos would be little more than a footnote. Despite persistent party divisions, his campaign is confident Republicans will come together behind their shared disdain for Clinton.

Republicans also highlighted at length the deadly 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, while Clinton was serving as secretary of state. The mother of one of the victims choked back tears as she personally blamed Clinton for her son's death and accused her of giving a false explanation for the attack.

"If Hilary Clinton can't give us the truth, why should we give her the presidency," Pat Smith said.

The convention comes amid a wrenching period of violence and unrest, both in the United States and around the world. In a matter of weeks, Americans have seen deadly police shootings, a shocking ambush of police in Texas and escalating racial tensions, not to mention a failed coup in Turkey and gruesome Bastille Day attack in Nice, France. Three police officers were killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on the eve of the convention's opening day.

Convention speakers relentlessly cast the troubling times as a result of ineffective leadership by President Barack Obama and Clinton, who spent four years in his administration.

"Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted. Her judgment and character are not suited to be sitting in the most powerful office in the world," said Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, according to excerpts of her speech released in advance.

Clinton, during remarks Monday at the NAACP's annual convention, said there was no justification for directing violence at law enforcement.

"As president, I will bring the full weight of the law to bear in making sure those who kill police officers are brought to justice," she said.

Trump has been vague about how he would put the nation on a different course, offering virtually no details of his policy prescriptions despite repeated vows to be tough.

Campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Trump would "eventually" outline policy specifics but not at the convention. However, Trump said in a Monday night interview with Fox News that his convention speech Thursday would discuss a "major, major" tax cut, immigration, getting rid of burdensome regulations and taking care of veterans.

Yet the line-up of speakers and no-shows for the four-night convention was a visual representation of Trump's struggles to unify Republicans. From the party's former presidents to the host state governor, many leaders were staying away from the convention stage, or Cleveland altogether, wary of being linked to a man whose proposals and temperament have sparked an identity crisis within the GOP.

That left Trump with an eclectic array of validators, including Scott Baio and Willie Robertson, star of "Duck Dynasty," who took the stage with an American flag bandanna wrapped around his head.

"No matter who you are, Donald Trump will have your back," Robertson said as he opened the evening program.

Trump's team insists that by the end of the week, Republicans will plunge into the general election campaign united in their mission to defeat Clinton. But campaign officials undermined their own effort Monday by picking a fight with Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is not attending the convention and has yet to endorse Trump."

Manafort, in remarks to reporters at a Bloomberg breakfast, called Kasich "petulant" and said the governor was "embarrassing" his party in his home state.

Even some of those participating in the convention seemed to be avoiding their party's nominee. When House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke to Wisconsin delegates Monday morning, he made no mention of Trump in his remarks.

Ryan, asked at a later event whether Trump was really a conservative, said: "Define conservative; he's not my kind of conservative."


AP writers Kathleen Hennessey, Erica Werner and Josh Lederman in Cleveland and Bill Barrow in Atlanta contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-19

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GOP speakers fault Clinton on Benghazi deaths
MATTHEW DALY, Associated Press

CLEVELAND (AP) — The mother of a State Department employee killed in the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, angrily lashed out at Hillary Clinton on Monday at the Republican National Convention, accusing Clinton of lying to her about her son's death.

Two Marine Corps veterans who fought in Benghazi as part of a security team posted near the U.S. diplomatic compound also blamed Clinton for lax security before the attacks on Sept. 11, 2012, that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador.

The accusations came during the opening night of the convention, as Republicans cast Donald Trump as a strong leader who can keep Americans safe in a dangerous world.

Security officers Mark "Oz" Geist and John Tiegen spoke harshly about Clinton, but did not repeat a widely debunked claim by some conservatives that high-level officials in Washington had issued a "stand down" order delaying a military rescue in Benghazi.

Pat Smith, the mother of State Department employee Sean Smith, accused Clinton of lying to her by blaming the assault on an anti-Muslim video, instead of labeling it a calculated terrorist attack. Clinton was secretary of state when the attacks occurred and now is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

"I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son," Smith said in an emotional speech applauded by delegates.

Smith noted that Clinton had told her daughter, Chelsea, in an email that the attacks were likely terrorism, but told Smith and other family members a different story.

Clinton told the House Benghazi committee last year that "some" people had wanted to use the offensive, anti-Muslim video to "justify" the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. She rejected that justification, Clinton said.

Clinton and other officials have acknowledged inadequate security in Benghazi — a point also made by numerous congressional investigations and an independent panel.

Geist and Tiegen, the former Marines who fought in Benghazi, also focused on the lack of security — and blamed Clinton. The two men and Smith all support Trump for president.

"Hillary failed to protect her people on the ground," said Geist, who has appeared in TV ads sponsored by the NRA in support of Trump.

In a 30-minute address, Geist and Tiegen said they defied a "stand down" order by a local CIA station chief to try to rescue Stevens and others at the diplomatic outpost.

"We took off and went to the consulate," Geist said in a claim also repeated in the book and movie "13 Hours." Geist and Tiegen were co-authors of the book, a detailed account of the attacks.

The Senate Intelligence Committee found "no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction" of movement by the team from the CIA annex, although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly.

U.S. military leaders told the House Benghazi committee they thought an evacuation was imminent, slowing any response. The Benghazi panel said in a report last month that Marines based more than 2,000 miles away in Rota, Spain, changed into and out of their uniforms four times as officials debated whether to launch a full military response. The attacks occurred in waves at two locations over 13 hours.

Democrats accuse Republicans of exploiting the tragedy for political reasons and note that the Benghazi panel has spent more than two years and $7 million investigating the attacks. Democrats eagerly point to comments last year by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggesting that the Benghazi panel could take credit for Clinton's slumping poll numbers.

The report last month by Republicans on the Benghazi panel accused the Obama administration of lethal mistakes, but produced no new evidence pointing to wrongdoing by Clinton.

Clinton has said the Benghazi report "found nothing to contradict" the findings of multiple earlier investigations into the attacks.

"I think it's pretty clear it's time to move on," she said last month.

David M. Perry, a cousin of Stevens, accused Republicans of politicizing his death. His cousin "loved Arabic, diplomacy, internationalism. I reject politicization of his death," Perry said on Twitter.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-19

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Major chaos at RNC convention. If you want to know what the opposite of united is, watch this video from a few hrs ago:


That's entertainment!

Trump is in his glory.

It will be a hard act for the Dems to follow.

After all, what's a convention without Scott Baio giving a speech.

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Rick Perry Gives Speech At Trump-Centered Convention, Pretends Donald Trump Doesn’t Exist

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry took to the stage Monday at the Republican National Convention to praise a man for his courage and love for America. That man was not soon-to-be-nominated Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

In fact, Perry didn’t mention Trump at all.


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I stayed up way past my time watching this. I loved it when a delegate threw his badge on the floor as one group of delegates was demanding a roll-call vote.... Love it dissent in the ranks and really great intellectual speakers (NOT)... I'm close to disavowing some of my redneck cousins for their political myopia, but watching this circus I'm less worried about Trump becoming president...

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Conservative writer Ben Domenech, "The Republican Party is going to Cleveland to die."

Rudy Giuliani attempts to apply lipstick on the pig. Fail

Trump's old lady? Let's face it, a little eye candy can't possibly hurt this cluster %$#&

RNC shamelessly exploits the mother of a Benghazi victim. Watching her speak is pathetic. She's a bitter, grieving woman who should be handled gently, not exploited for national political gain. Where was the Republican outrage over the 60+ embassy personnel deaths between 2001 and 2009? Where was the outrage at the 4,000+ American deaths in the Bush/Cheney illegal war? BENGHAZI!!!

Pandemonium broke out on the floor of the Republican National Convention with a resolution to release delegates from their pledges on the first vote. The sad irony is that the anti-Trump factions likely aren't able to put forward a candidate that would be any better than Cheeto Jesus.

Can't wait to hear Trump proclaim how much he'd love to punch his own party's' delegates in the face. "GET'EM OUT! GET'EM OUT OF HERE!"

Well so far the convention is going pretty much as everyone expected it would clap2.gif

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Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Rocks GOP Convention With Powerful Speech

If you missed it, you really need to see this. Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who was the subject of the 2013 film Lone Survivor, spoke at the Republican convention tonight, giving a powerful and moving speech.

Many people in the audience were moved to tears. Partial transcript at the link:


Edited by Boon Mee
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Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Rocks GOP Convention With Powerful Speech

If you missed it, you really need to see this. Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who was the subject of the 2013 film Lone Survivor, spoke at the Republican convention tonight, giving a powerful and moving speech.

Many people in the audience were moved to tears. Partial transcript at the link:


Considering your enthusiastic recommendation of the Dinesh D'Sousa "documentary", I think I'll give it a miss. If you want your words to convince anybody, you'll have to learn to be at least a little discriminating.

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So let me see...you've got the last two Republican Presidents refusing to attend and refusing to endorse their party's nominee, the governor of the "host" state absent, the last two Republican Presidential nominees bowing out, the Chair of the convention (Paul Ryan), when asked if he considers the nominee to be a conservative, stating, "You have to define conservative. He's not my kind of conservative", a sitting Republican Senator announcing that he's not attending the convention because he's going to "watch some dumpster fires" (Ben Sasse), another Senator can't come because he has to "mow my lawn" (Jeff Flake), one of the Senators from Montana chooses to go fly fishing rather than support his party's offering, numerous past corporate sponsors refusing to help fund this circus, and over eight members of the House and Senate have opted to take taxpayer-funded overseas trips rather than risk being contaminated at the convention.

Dear Don: Just a quick note to say "Thanks" in advance for turning handing the Democrats the Oval Office for the third consecutive time. A very rare occurrence! And for turning the Senate blue again. Oh, and while I'm at it...one small request. Could you keep making those delightfully fact-free, mindlessly ignorant, and stomach-turning bigoted statements you're so famous for (You are to be commended for helping the GOP garner the lowest ratings from African Americans since the advent of political polling!)? It'd be a huge help in getting the House back to the DNC also. Many thanks!

Yes, this is one YUUUUUGE demonstration of party unity.

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Marcus Luttrell is a genuine hero. Something BLM supporters, SJW's and latte-liberals cannot understand.whistling.gif

Yes, let's all get behind the Donald's idea of banning all Muslim refugees and forcing all Muslim-Americans onto a registry because we KNOW that down deep they ALL support the extremists!!!


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Melania is a very attractive seemingly intelligent women. But at the end of the day she is an eastern European ex model 3rd trophy wife some 35 years younger then Trump.

One of the prime reasons Rockefeller was deemed unfit for the nomination in 1964 by the conservative base was due to his divorce. Reagan's single divorce was overlooked in 1980 after a carefully managed PR campaign. Now we have this.

For the self declared party of "family values" and wishing to return to the "Happy Days" time to cheer her is the prime example of the hypocrisy of the current republican party.


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So let me see...you've got the last two Republican Presidents refusing to attend and refusing to endorse their party's nominee, the governor of the "host" state absent, the last two Republican Presidential nominees bowing out, the Chair of the convention (Paul Ryan), when asked if he considers the nominee to be a conservative, stating, "You have to define conservative. He's not my kind of conservative", a sitting Republican Senator announcing that he's not attending the convention because he's going to "watch some dumpster fires" (Ben Sasse), another Senator can't come because he has to "mow my lawn" (Jeff Flake), one of the Senators from Montana chooses to go fly fishing rather than support his party's offering, numerous past corporate sponsors refusing to help fund this circus, and over eight members of the House and Senate have opted to take taxpayer-funded overseas trips rather than risk being contaminated at the convention.

Dear Don: Just a quick note to say "Thanks" in advance for turning handing the Democrats the Oval Office for the third consecutive time. A very rare occurrence! And for turning the Senate blue again. Oh, and while I'm at it...one small request. Could you keep making those delightfully fact-free, mindlessly ignorant, and stomach-turning bigoted statements you're so famous for (You are to be commended for helping the GOP garner the lowest ratings from African Americans since the advent of political polling!)? It'd be a huge help in getting the House back to the DNC also. Many thanks!

Yes, this is one YUUUUUGE demonstration of party unity.

So you are saying that with previous Republican conventions no senators opted out of attending, or are you just trying to take a normal occurrence out of its context just to make your point.

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