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Republican Convention Day 1: security, Melania and marines


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Riders of The Clown Train: The D-Listers...

After 9/11 I was really impressed with Giuliani. That respect went down the drain last night after his rant of a speech.

What took you so long? You can'y have been watching him these past few years.

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Riders of The Clown Train: The D-Listers...

After 9/11 I was really impressed with Giuliani. That respect went down the drain last night after his rant of a speech.

What took you so long? You can'y have been watching him these past few years.

I'm a Brit mate. I follow US politics probably as much as you do British. When was the last time you watched Prime Ministers questions?

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Riders of The Clown Train: The D-Listers...

After 9/11 I was really impressed with Giuliani. That respect went down the drain last night after his rant of a speech.

What took you so long? You can'y have been watching him these past few years.

I'm a Brit mate. I follow US politics probably as much as you do British. When was the last time you watched Prime Ministers questions?

The last one I watched was Cameron's last appearance. When was that - last week or the week before?

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She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering.

"That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages."

Despite not even finishing high school? I wonder if anyone has heard her speak those four languages, or is it just fiction, just like her high school diploma?

"You have difficulty with just one. Lol"

On what do you base that statement? I have a feeling you're a native English speaker. I'm not, and yet my English is better than yours!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering."

Now, that's plain mean!passifier.gif

Interesting stories about Mr. small hands/appendige and how he is about a one minute finisher?

I sincerely hope for Mrs Trump's sake that his wiener is not proportional to his hands!tongue.png

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A litany of lies and distortions fed to the Lemmings at the Convention of Bloviators:

Day 2 of GOP convention speeches: CNN vets the claims

"The Republican Party gathered in Cleveland on Tuesday for the second night of its convention,

and CNN's Reality Check Team put the speakers' statements and assertions to the test."

"The team of reporters, researchers and editors across CNN listened throughout the speeches and selected key statements,
rating them true; mostly true; true, but misleading; false; or it's complicated."
Fact Check: Republican National Convention Day 2
GOP Convention, Day 2: The speakers went too far in their claims on guns, Benghazi, coal jobs, Keystone and more.

CLEVELAND β€” The theme of the second night of the Republican convention was β€œMake America Work Again,”

but the false and misleading claims we flagged touched on topics beyond the economy and jobs:


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To phuketand see:

I would have thought that millions who usually don't watched Cameron's last. How about the Beast of Bolsover's tribute to Tony Benn?

Saw that too. I'm a Brit too but also interested in events outside my own country.

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She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering.

"That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages."

Despite not even finishing high school? I wonder if anyone has heard her speak those four languages, or is it just fiction, just like her high school diploma?

"You have difficulty with just one. Lol"

On what do you base that statement? I have a feeling you're a native English speaker. I'm not, and yet my English is better than yours!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering."

Now, that's plain mean!passifier.gif

Interesting stories about Mr. small hands/appendige and how he is about a one minute finisher?

I sincerely hope for Mrs Trump's sake that his wiener is not proportional to his hands!tongue.png

Check this out:


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Melania Trump’s Claims She Graduated From College Are About As Credible As Her Speech Last Night

β€œShe became ― and remained ― a college dropout.” (sub-title)

"Melania Trump’s professional biography says the wife of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump began modeling at age 16,

but she only began working full-time after obtaining a degree."

"She graduated β€œin design and architecture at University in Slovenia,” according to the bio as of Monday night:"

"It’s a good story, but it doesn’t appear to be true."

Melania Trump: The education of a first lady

"CLEVELAND β€” News that a portion of Melania Trump’s Republican convention opening night speech appeared to be plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s,

2008 Democratic convention address threw the two women into vivid contrast Tuesday and led to fresh questions about Trump’s claims about her education."

"Though Trump says on her website that she obtained a degree in design and architecture from a university in Slovenia,

her biographers have made clear that she left college after her first year to pursue a career as a model."

"Not finishing β€” or even attending β€” college is a first lady background that’s been more common in Republican administrations,

over the past 75 years, perhaps reflecting the greater gender traditionalism on the GOP side of the aisle." clap2.gif


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I listened to Donald Trump Jr.'s speech. Scary. Not just the lies he spewed, but how he spewed them. Sorry to be so judmental, but the way that guy talks makes me want to puke. He's loud, fast-talking, devoid of humanity - like a robotron pushed beyond maximum power voltage. His voice sounds like paintballs slapping against a frying pan, 100 per minute.

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I listened to Donald Trump Jr.'s speech. Scary. Not just the lies he spewed, but how he spewed them. Sorry to be so judmental, but the way that guy talks makes me want to puke. He's loud, fast-talking, devoid of humanity - like a robotron pushed beyond maximum power voltage. His voice sounds like paintballs slapping against a frying pan, 100 per minute.

Apparently part of his speech were plagiarized too. Like step-mother, like son

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B.S. It was not intentional. Nobody would believe that.

Some incredibly stupid theories being advanced to explain away idea theft by a bimbo who probably doesn't even know what she did wrong.

Did you take note that because of this minor "issue", actually the entire US is discussing Trump once again? laugh.png

Been discussing it with my Asian staff in my office today. They are all saying that Trump comes across as an arrogant fool. "We thought Western politicians were supposed to be sophisticated?"

You are their boss so of course they're going to say negative things about Trump.

Edited by mesquite
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To phuketand see:

I would have thought that millions who usually don't watched Cameron's last. How about the Beast of Bolsover's tribute to Tony Benn?

Saw that too. I'm a Brit too but also interested in events outside my own country.

Well at least there are two of us.

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Riders of The Clown Train: The D-Listers...

After 9/11 I was really impressed with Giuliani. That respect went down the drain last night after his rant of a speech.

Guiliani parlayed the 9/11 thing quickly into a paid gig with Fox when it was clear that he was eminently unsuitable for higher office. This did not result from his personal life but from his association with this giant turd who also happens to be a paid contributor to fox (post-prison) http://edition.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/02/18/kerik.sentence/ Kerrick is now getting a second life attacking BLM and using the tragic killing of police officers to make people forget that he is a crook and was a crook with a badge.

I remember thinking a few years ago when I first starting hearing the right wing looney talking points coming out of Guiliani's mouth how incongruous that sounded from someone whose reputation was so strong. Turns out his feet were particularly clay like and he has clearly joined the fringe. Like this gem accusing the President of not loving America http://mediamatters.org/blog/2015/02/19/fox-gives-giuliani-a-safe-space-to-explain-why/202568, a statement of such obviously bloated bigotry that it loses any sense of credibility. Yet the fringe-dwellers lap it up. How can they not? Clearly you have to pin a stupid bit of metal to your jacket to prove that you love your country.

Guiliani, a permanent seat in the clown car now. Trading off the deaths of thousands to keep his nasty presence 'relevant'.

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Hey Melanie, where is your high school diploma!

Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one. Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you.

"Diploma? With looks like that she probably does just fine without one."

Of course she does just fine. She is a trophy wife bimbo!

"Would rather have a coffee and chat with her than the likes of you."

Of course you would. You would have been even stranger if you didn't......coffee1.gif

That "bimbo" speaks 4 languages. You have difficulty with just one. Lol

She probably has tons of interesting stories..compared to your jabbering.

I would suggest you read this https://www.amazon.com/American-Culture-Myth-Reality-Diversity/dp/0897895428/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469018879&sr=8-1&keywords=naylor+american+culture but then again, what's the point?

There is a certain sort of American who thinks the 'melting pot' is a mechanism to make every immigrant part of the White Right. This is why such people hate Obama so much because they thought by voting for him that he would conform to white culture. Instead he exposed the hypocrisy and racism of this marginal but loud group of people.

In the case of Melania Trump, the fact that she may speak 4 languages is naturally a surprise to these fringe assimilationists because they cannot conceive of an environment where people do not all conform to a mono-culture speaking English and being right wing nationalists. For the benefit of those types of Americans, I suggest that you book a low cost flight to any Central European country and go and see that most people in such countries are multi-lingual. There is a great deal of research available on how multilingualism works but this is probably not of interest to the low information sort. If you can't get to Central Europe, then get on a VIP bus and go to the North and observe the way in which multiple dialect and languages are used in communities where there are a number of Trump's precious 'poorly educated'.

Speaking 4 languages is an accomplishment determined more by cultural necessity than by intelligence. Of course, not everyone speaks Murican although this tends to come as a surprise to the nativists.

Melania Trump has become a victim of her looks and position in life, that she has chosen. Most everyone can see what she is. It shouldn't dehumanize her but "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining".

Edited by PTC
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I listened to Donald Trump Jr.'s speech. Scary. Not just the lies he spewed, but how he spewed them. Sorry to be so judmental, but the way that guy talks makes me want to puke. He's loud, fast-talking, devoid of humanity - like a robotron pushed beyond maximum power voltage. His voice sounds like paintballs slapping against a frying pan, 100 per minute.

Apparently part of his speech were plagiarized too. Like step-mother, like son


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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


So what? She did great.

Actually, she didn't. While she did apparently come across as reasonably poised in the moment, this was supposed to be one of the keystone moments of the convention. Instead, it has turned into a s***storm of biblical proportions. Trump wanted her to be seen as intelligent, intellectual, polished, and competent. The resulting firestorm of ridicule and mockery has destroyed any chance of that happening. Keep in mind, Trump wanted her to look good for the sole reason that her shiny moment would reflect on him and make him look good. Didn't happen. She wound up looking like a hack, which is unfortunate for her on many levels, not the least of which will likely be the egocentric wrath from her husband. All that she managed to do was to further derail the convention (as if they needed any help on that front), detract from Trump's "moment of glory", and pull the curtain back just a little further so that we can see that the old geezer behind that curtain really isn't as magical as he'd like everyone to believe.

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I heard that Trump doesn't read books. He has the attention span of a sparrow, according to the ghost writer of "The Art of the Deal" Schwartz.. Yet, Trump keeps a book near his bedside, written by A. Hitler. It would be interesting if Trump lifts some lines from that book in his acceptance speech..

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Here she goes again:whistling.gif

I like that picture, please post it a few more times.

I read somewhere that the dress she wore during the speech sold out within hours after she appeared on the stage, and now already is called the new Jackie Kennedy.

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You like a video of a Bimbo impersonator on a comedy talk show? ( That you obviously didn't watch )

No surprise coming from a Trumpeteer. laugh.png

I read somewhere "already is called the new Jackie Kennedy"... facepalm.gif


And insulting.

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Shooting large vegetarian beasts. Sick. Well, in his defense, probably not as bad as raping a 13 yr old girl 4 times like dear ol' dad.

The punk is as likeable as his voice, which sounds like dragging a metal rake over a corrugated sheet metal roof.

It's even more fun to kill animals which are on the brink of extinction, and then watching them die slowly while standing over them, in victorious pose while the butler takes trophy photos.

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The blood lusting spawn of the Bloviator:

Sadistic Bloviator Jr. even enjoys slashing tails off elephants.

For fun.

To be fair, he shot them BEFORE they were on the endangered species list.......

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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


So what? She did great.

I doubt there has been few speeches given or papers written that have not taken or borrowed some words or thoughts from another's work. So what if she took a few lines from another speech. Do you really believe Michelle wrote her own speech or used speech writers. Almost every speech a President gives is written by others. I guess that should be considered as plagiarism as well since it is not the speakers original thought. There has been more made about this than it is worth.

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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


So what? She did great.

I doubt there has been few speeches given or papers written that have not taken or borrowed some words or thoughts from another's work. So what if she took a few lines from another speech. Do you really believe Michelle wrote her own speech or used speech writers. Almost every speech a President gives is written by others. I guess that should be considered as plagiarism as well since it is not the speakers original thought. There has been more made about this than it is worth.

Sugar coat the plagiarism all you want.

Even the Chairman of the Republican Party is calling for the speech writer to be fired.

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