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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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Damn his daughter is giving an awesome speech right now!

I would presume it will have been checked for plagiarism.

They needed this, because so far the lead up to Trumps own speech has been more than disappointning.

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The amount of vitriol spewed by the Liberals on this thread should be a red flag warning on the divided future of America.

It seems the divisive hatred stsrted with GWB "Yer either with us or agin' us" and has only gotten worse. The original Obama platform of being the great "Uniter" was a complete joke. The Country needed unity after 8 years of GWB BS but all it got was a guy even worse.

Sadly, the attitudes displayed here offer great insight into how the American Civil War could have happened.

I will vote Trump this election. I have no respect for the man but I support the GOP.

Americans got their %*{!.' handed to them with the obamacare debacle.

The simple fact is the Republican Party supports Americans who work hard for a living and the Dems want to provide handouts for those that don't...just likr the ACA.

Trump is a scumbag. No doubt about it.

The Clintons are scumbags. No doubt about it.

What is amazing to me is how much hatred and vitriol I see from Americans towards other Americans today.

And the way some of you think obama is like the second coming is hilarious. He is a politician. He is not the black baby jesus.

The amount of vitriol spewed by the Liberals Republicans on this thread should be a red flag warning on the divided future of America.


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The amount of vitriol spewed by the Liberals on this thread should be a red flag warning on the divided future of America.

It seems the divisive hatred stsrted with GWB "Yer either with us or agin' us" and has only gotten worse. The original Obama platform of being the great "Uniter" was a complete joke. The Country needed unity after 8 years of GWB BS but all it got was a guy even worse.

Sadly, the attitudes displayed here offer great insight into how the American Civil War could have happened.

I will vote Trump this election. I have no respect for the man but I support the GOP.

Americans got their %*{!.' handed to them with the obamacare debacle.

The simple fact is the Republican Party supports Americans who work hard for a living and the Dems want to provide handouts for those that don't...just likr the ACA.

Trump is a scumbag. No doubt about it.

The Clintons are scumbags. No doubt about it.

What is amazing to me is how much hatred and vitriol I see from Americans towards other Americans today.

And the way some of you think obama is like the second coming is hilarious. He is a politician. He is not the black baby jesus.

The amount of vitriol spewed by the Liberals Republicans on this thread should be a red flag warning on the divided future of America.


Right over your head.

You missed the whole message man.

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This is so stupid I thought it must have been a set-up. NYT article then said the professional speechwriters product was rejected and it was revised from inside the campaign.

I think Melania wrote it herself and cribbed the speech herself, too Vapid to realize it would become a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The conspiracy nuts are saying the Trump is so clever, he planned the plagiarism to dominate the news cycle.

Then he planned on letting Ted Cruz trash him to dominate the next news cycle.

To top it off, several convention speakers, like that underwear model and Chachi, are rabid conspiracy nuts that think Obama is a muslim double agent that is going to declare martial law and stay president for life and live under sharia law.

These are the "quality people" that surround Trump and will be advising him on domestic and foreign affairs.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Malania claims she's been a loyal wife to Mr. Trump for 18 yrs, but it was only 16 yrs ago The Divider divorced from wife #2.

When Gary Hart was running for president, years ago, he got busted for a photo of him seated on a private boat with an attractive woman sitting on his knee. What is it about Trump? Even by his own admission, he can shoot someone in the face with a gun, and every one of his fans will still love him. An alphabetical list of his transgressions could fill a thick book, small font. And that would just be A to F

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"Always trust yourself, think for yourself, act for yourself, speak for yourself. Be yourself!"
Recent Tweet from Melania Trump (Trophy wife of Donald Trump)
"Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide."
Marie Collins, (black woman, educator)
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"Always trust yourself, think for yourself, act for yourself, speak for yourself. Be yourself!"
Recent Tweet from Melania Trump (Trophy wife of Donald Trump)

"Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide."
Marie Collins, (black woman, educator)

Since she is not a native speaker of English, she might do best by not using quotes from others unless she is going to credit them.

I think people would be a lot more forgiving of her if she were a little more authentic.

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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.

Edited by Jingthing
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The amount of vitriol spewed by the Liberals on this thread should be a red flag warning on the divided future of America.

It seems the divisive hatred stsrted with GWB "Yer either with us or agin' us" and has only gotten worse. The original Obama platform of being the great "Uniter" was a complete joke. The Country needed unity after 8 years of GWB BS but all it got was a guy even worse.

Sadly, the attitudes displayed here offer great insight into how the American Civil War could have happened.

I will vote Trump this election. I have no respect for the man but I support the GOP.

Americans got their %*{!.' handed to them with the obamacare debacle.

The simple fact is the Republican Party supports Americans who work hard for a living and the Dems want to provide handouts for those that don't...just likr the ACA.

Trump is a scumbag. No doubt about it.

The Clintons are scumbags. No doubt about it.

What is amazing to me is how much hatred and vitriol I see from Americans towards other Americans today.

And the way some of you think obama is like the second coming is hilarious. He is a politician. He is not the black baby jesus.

The amount of vitriol spewed by the Liberals Republicans on this thread should be a red flag warning on the divided future of America.


Right over your head.

You missed the whole message man.

'Right over your head'... oh, you mean how your average garden-variety Trumkin spends his/her waking hours?

Right, got it wai2.gif

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"Always trust yourself, think for yourself, act for yourself, speak for yourself. Be yourself!"
Recent Tweet from Melania Trump (Trophy wife of Donald Trump)

"Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide."
Marie Collins, (black woman, educator)

Since she is not a native speaker of English, she might do best by not using quotes from others unless she is going to credit them.

I think people would be a lot more forgiving of her if she were a little more authentic.

I don't think 'native English speaker' is a factor. Decency is decency all over the world. You're right, though. Maybe Melania needs to learn a basic tenet: If you use someone else's words (written or spoken), it's common decency to clearly credit the quote to the original person if you know who it is. If not, it's ok to simply say, "this is a quote from someone, but am not sure of her name." The Donald could do a nice service for his wife by teaching her that basic courtesy.

Here's a fun little video of a genuine, original-thinking First Lady. Yup, the original, beautiful, sexy Michelle Obama. . . . . . .

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There was a feature about Melania's hometown which pointed out that plagiarism is considered normal in that culture ... coffee1.gif

The locals there have mixed feelings about her and trump.

You are getting a bit nasty now.Her home town has a reputation? It happened, it was cringe worthy, Move on.

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There was a feature about Melania's hometown which pointed out that plagiarism is considered normal in that culture ... coffee1.gif

The locals there have mixed feelings about her and trump.

Plagiarism might also be considered normal in Democratic circles.

The following is provided for some balance...


7 Democrats Who Were Caught For Plagiarism, Including Obama And Biden
Melania Trump, wife of real estate mogul Donald Trump, has dominated the news headlines due to the revelation that her speech at the Republican National Convention plagiarized a portion of First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2008. While that's certainly a problem, it's worth noting that plenty of Democrats have been guilty of plagiarism as well. Here are seven of them.
1. President Barack Obama.
2. Vice President Joe Biden.
3. Former Sen. John Walsh (D-MT).
4. Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA).
5. Former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke.
6. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D).
7. Former Democratic senate candidate Gordon Ball.
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It's ok to take words written/spoken from others' . It's just common courtesy to verbally (or make a written) mention in context. Melania either didn't know about that courtesy (she should have) or thought no one would notice she was taking phrases from a speech by Michelle. Lots of people, particularly right wingers, are sure that Melania's speech was completely written by one or more of Trump's handlers. If so, then they were similarly impolite and/or thought no one would notice.

To me, the whole thing is not a big deal. If anything, if reflects more on the incompetent/rude people that Trump surrounds himself with, than anything else. Trump has shown, consistently, that he picks inept people for important positions. If he becomes prez, expect the hundreds of people he appoints to be rude, underqualified, uninformed, always blaming and bullying, ......like he is.

Edited by boomerangutang
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"Always trust yourself, think for yourself, act for yourself, speak for yourself. Be yourself!"

Recent Tweet from Melania Trump (Trophy wife of Donald Trump)


"Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide."

Marie Collins, (black woman, educator)

Wait a minute, how old is Marie Collins?

My own father spoke those words to me 70+ years ago.

Either he plagiarized Marie or Marie plagiarized him.

Edited by ClutchClark
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It's ok to take words written/spoken from others' . It's just common courtesy to verbally (or make a written) mention in context. Melania either didn't know about that courtesy (she should have) or thought no one would notice she was taking phrases from a speech by Michelle. Lots of people, particularly right wingers, are sure that Melania's speech was completely written by one or more of Trump's handlers. If so, then they were similarly impolite and/or thought no one would notice.

To me, the whole thing is not a big deal. If anything, if reflects more on the incompetent/rude people that Trump surrounds himself with, than anything else. Trump has shown, consistently, that he picks inept people for important positions. If he becomes prez, expect the hundreds of people he appoints to be rude, underqualified, uninformed, always blaming and bullying, ......like he is.

Reasonable conclusions.

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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.


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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.

The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

Edited by ClutchClark
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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.

The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

Wonder who is spinning. She did use a copy of mrs. Obamas speech and said in an interwiev that she wrote it her self. Som nam na.

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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.

The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

I believe it's you Chuck that is spinning and denying obvious truth. Admit it.

The Chairman of the Republican Party admits it....says its plagiarism and the writer should be fired.

Come on Chuck, admit it

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The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

It's not the thoughts nor the concepts which are the issue. The issue is how she put the words/phrases/sentences together. Looked at in that way, it was plagiarism.

I've been a songwriter and more recently, a book writer (haven't made much $$'s from either). I have no problem if someone takes some phrases from my songs or books. The issue is; I would hope they would credit me (the author) when doing so. It only becomes a legal issue if there's money involved and/or long passages in the mix. With Melania's speech, it's not a legal issue. Instead it's loss of face for her, for Trump and their campaign. All Melania had to do was devote a few words to mention Michelle's contribution. If she forgot to do so during the speech, she could have easily done so afterwards, as soon as the copying became clear. Easy peazy. Melania could have smiled her winning smile, and simply said something like, "I'm sorry, I forgot to credit Michelle with writing parts of the speech I gave." Simple, and all is forgiven. But, because Melania is part of the Trump machine; lying, deception and non-courtesy are what's on the menu every day. It's the main course.

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