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Hating on Hillary: Republican convention down and dirty


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The RNC have absolutely nothing to offer the American people other than "You shouldn't vote for the other lot".

Claptrap. They believe that taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone and that wages should be set by the free market. They also believe in less government regulation. These things could help the business community. They offer plenty of alternatives to the democrats ideas.

Taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone - which maintains the status quo of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And of course let's keep the things like the obscene subsidies to Big Oil.

US wages should be "set by the free market", which generally involves outsourcing jobs to the cheapest third world nations.

Less government regulation so that they can pollute, collude, rob, cheat and steal.

These things help THEM enormously, but the "business community", only if they can afford to buy politicians.

Whats your view of Obama's support of Big Solar?

I can't remember the name...Solyndra...no wait...that was last year...this year was SunEdison?

Solyndra here:


SunEdison here:


So I am not disagreeing with your statement of GOP supporting Big Oil but I wonder your opinion on DNC and Big Solar.

On the topic of buying politicians, do you remember a guy named Tony Razko? Again, my memory is not as sharp as it once was but this was a fellow who was obamas shepherd back in his early Chicago & IL poltician days. Tony got his hands dirty so Obama could appear to keep his clean. BTW, Obama came up through one of the best run political machines this country has ever seen--Chicago Democratic politics. All the charges you level against the RNC are alive and well in the cesspool that created Obama.

All politicians are for sale. Its why they all leave office and take jobs as lobbyists for the firms they created legislation for--architects of the ACA anyone? Anyone?

The idea that Trump is too wealthy to be bought is also a fallacy (not attributing this to you). For the billionaires, there is no such thing as "rich enough".

So its not that I contest all that you suggest Chicog but I do see some selective claims at the Repubs which are no less true of the Dems.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Chris Christie Puts Hillary Clinton On Trial And Prosecutes Her In RNC Speech


Last night at the Republican convention, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who’s a former federal prosecutor, did the job the FBI and the Justice Department refuse to do.


He blows her away...deservedly.smile.png

"if" Trump gets in do you think he will prosecute her or go at her in some legal way?

We can only hope he will prosecute her to the max. Have her breaking rocks in the hot sun. Working on a chain gang and making license plates in her spare time! smile.png

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I notice the Lefties here only engage is smear campaigns against Trump ... never ever really discussing any policy proposals - except to smear again ... not discuss the points...

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I notice the Lefties here only engage is smear campaigns against Trump ... never ever really discussing any policy proposals - except to smear again ... not discuss the points...

That's right.

.Posters who illustrate the positive aspects of the various cast of characters are called conspiracy nuts, retards or worse..facepalm.gif

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The RNC have absolutely nothing to offer the American people other than "You shouldn't vote for the other lot".

Claptrap. They believe that taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone and that wages should be set by the free market. They also believe in less government regulation. These things could help the business community. They offer plenty of alternatives to the democrats ideas.

Taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone - which maintains the status quo of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And of course let's keep the things like the obscene subsidies to Big Oil.

US wages should be "set by the free market", which generally involves outsourcing jobs to the cheapest third world nations.

Less government regulation so that they can pollute, collude, rob, cheat and steal.

These things help THEM enormously, but the "business community", only if they can afford to buy politicians.

Whats your view of Obama's support of Big Solar?

I can't remember the name...Solyndra...no wait...that was last year...this year was SunEdison?

Solyndra here:


SunEdison here:


So I am not disagreeing with your statement of GOP supporting Big Oil but I wonder your opinion on DNC and Big Solar.

On the topic of buying politicians, do you remember a guy named Tony Razko? Again, my memory is not as sharp as it once was but this was a fellow who was obamas shepherd back in his early Chicago & IL poltician days. Tony got his hands dirty so Obama could appear to keep his clean. BTW, Obama came up through one of the best run political machines this country has ever seen--Chicago Democratic politics. All the charges you level against the RNC are alive and well in the cesspool that created Obama.

All politicians are for sale. Its why they all leave office and take jobs as lobbyists for the firms they created legislation for--architects of the ACA anyone? Anyone?

The idea that Trump is too wealthy to be bought is also a fallacy (not attributing this to you). For the billionaires, there is no such thing as "rich enough".

So its not that I contest all that you suggest Chicog but I do see some selective claims at the Repubs which are no less true of the Dems.

Firstly, you'll find the program of which Solyndra was but a part has been a success.

Secondly, you will note that I chose my words carefully and said "Buy politicians", not "Buy republican politicians". They're all scum sucking bottom feeders and there should be term limits on the house.

But the Republicans have made an art form of it. See who the Koch Brothers throw their money at.

Edited by Scott
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I notice the Lefties here only engage is smear campaigns against Trump ... never ever really discussing any policy proposals - except to smear again ... not discuss the points...

That is the problem, there are no points but only hollow phrases from the GOP candidate.

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Chris Christie Puts Hillary Clinton On Trial And Prosecutes Her In RNC Speech


Last night at the Republican convention, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who’s a former federal prosecutor, did the job the FBI and the Justice Department refuse to do.


He blows her away...deservedly.smile.png

"if" Trump gets in do you think he will prosecute her or go at her in some legal way?

We can only hope he will prosecute her to the max. Have her breaking rocks in the hot sun. Working on a chain gang and making license plates in her spare time! smile.png

The delusional world of the wingnuts. cheesy.gif Cheeto Jesus is toast.

Get use to Madam President for the next eight years.

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Why does Trumps "make America great again" catch phrase has me thinking of Bush's "mission accomplished"?

I put Obama's promise to be the "Great Uniter" up there with "Mission Accomplished".

Have to wait and see how "Make America Great Again" plays out.

Hopefully it can get traction but the topic seems to hold little interest for most Liberals and its the kind of action which rewuires the cooperation of All.

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Why does Trumps "make America great again" catch phrase has me thinking of Bush's "mission accomplished"?

I put Obama's promise to be the "Great Uniter" up there with "Mission Accomplished".

Have to wait and see how "Make America Great Again" plays out.

Hopefully it can get traction but the topic seems to hold little interest for most Liberals and its the kind of action which rewuires the cooperation of All.

When he said mission accomplished he was correct. At that time the mission was to defeat the the Iraqi army which they did. It was what they did after that was a disaster.

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Poor little Snowflakes! 55555

Anti-RNC Protesters Lash Out After No One Joins Their Protests

Now there's a whole passel of retards! LOL

That young lady needs to take a relaxing trip to Koh Phi-Phi where she can hopefully meet up with a nice Irishman.

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Does anyone think the Dem's convention won't be a "hate Trump" fest?

That's all they've got.

I watched Trump's speech and I bet HRC is cursing, because it was pretty good. Not one "crooked Hillary", though he did an excellent job of explaining why the crooked liar must never become POTUS.

No doubt the Dems will be crowing that he didn't give specifics, though the speech was already too long. That's because they are too wilfully ignorant to know that the specifics have already been given.

BTW, I loved Christie tearing HRC a new one.

Now let the pants suited one try and overcome that!

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Chris Christie Puts Hillary Clinton On Trial And Prosecutes Her In RNC Speech


Last night at the Republican convention, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who’s a former federal prosecutor, did the job the FBI and the Justice Department refuse to do.


He blows her away...deservedly.smile.png

"if" Trump gets in do you think he will prosecute her or go at her in some legal way?

We can only hope he will prosecute her to the max. Have her breaking rocks in the hot sun. Working on a chain gang and making license plates in her spare time! smile.png

Comey better be looking for a new job. Trump basically said outright that he was corrupt for letting the crook off.

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Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter.

Black Live Matter is a farce. Republicans are telling the truth about it. The whole movement is based on a false narrative - black Americans risk being gunned down by police simply because of the color of their skin - and most of their supposed examples have turned out to be justified shootings in the end.

The Numbers Are In: Black Lives Matter Is Wrong about Police


The false narrative claim is the result of the right wing echo chamber. Lots of numbers in the link to a right wing hit piece. Got an opinion of your own? Tell us then, just how many black people gunned down by police does it take to justify a BLM movement? Clearly the 90 unarmed people gunned down in 2015 are not enough for you, whatever the proportion of African Americans. How many do you want? 500. A thousand enough for you.

One is enough for me. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/07/485066807/police-stop-ends-in-black-mans-death-aftermath-is-livestreamed-online-video These incidents happen due to systemic and institutionalized racism. This kind of racism has nothing to do with personal likes or dislikes. it is an expression of those who are in control.

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

I can go down a list of violent actions/calls from the left and none are staged as satire, parody, or couched in politics- none. It's sick that humans who find being hated repugnant are called haters for rejecting hate! Sick ppl. Hillary and hate are virtually indistinguishable in the collective lexicon.

LA Times this month calls for violence against Trump supporters and argues it justifies. The left is silent.

LA Times called gir/fancies a coup against any president Trump, etc. the left is silent.

Oh, and a ,sundry list of dead cops and Hillary embraces BLM and their cause- revolution. See sponsor, RevCom Now- a communist revolution group.

This is just more vomitus from the rationally and morally bankrupt permanent revolution class.

Here is classic right wing pro forma PC. Bring up the bogey-man, the colored person, the radical and be purposefully obtuse about the meaning of words. Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter. Yet some folk just have to create the dog whistle, the stalking horse, the creature under the bed, hiding there with the Reds from an earlier generation to stimulate the hate, fear and, lets be clear, vile and blatant racism.

Resounding condemnation of a public interest group that protests institutionalized racism and murder within the law enforcement fraternity in America. False and provocative misinformation attributed to these people in an effort to sustain a narrative against a hated political rival who daily demonstrates a competence that far outweighs here oafish, clumsy, hollow rival - a fact that is recognized by even those who dislike her as a result of decades of brutish personal attacks by the fringe.

You know how I know this poster is full of it? Because amongst this litany of false outrage there is not one mention of Al Baldasaro. http://www.ibtimes.com/who-al-baldasaro-trump-adviser-says-hillary-clinton-should-be-shot-treason-2393385

Right wing agitprop PC. So full of hypocrisy that it cannot stand to look itself in the mirror. You make reference to vomit?

Here it is. The left: always emotional, always personal, and always varying degrees of violent. Witness the ad hominem- a point being offers as better by declaring an opponent personally worse.

No, there's no duty to include in an observation an opposing POV. Irrespective of Al the point is valid.

It's not false outrage. It's real.

Unsure what the "colored person" nonsense is all about, but then most won't. It's just not exercised from my post. I've no where made any post the better by making a TV poster personally worse. It's a characteristic of the left that's employed the same way healthy minds employ reason.

Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason. Because it wasn't battlefield or such shot would be exessive. She is a traitor.

It is becoming apparent that your castles are built entirely on sand. Replete with blanket stereotypes, appeals to logic where none exists, references to emotion where this is none, references to ad hominem where there is none and none can be demonstrated. Yes, demonstrated. Such things are entirely lacking

You brought up Black Lives Matter. You made the false, incendiary and low accusation against them. You provided no evidence of any of moral bankruptcy, just assume you can lead readers by the nose to your perspective.

No duty to include in an observation an opposing POV? Then why the reference to liberal silence on the LA Time accusation? Because all of your arguments use false equivalence and do not apply the same standards to yourself as you apply to others.

Accusing Secretary Clinton of being a traitor is deranged. Provide the case law that substantiates your accusation. Provide some evidence that you actually have any business accusing anyone, let alone a public servant of her calibre, experience and service of this absolutely lunatic charge. Oh, small comfort that you indicate that execution by gunfire in the case of HRC is not necessary. Talk about 'emotive' responses. Way over the top.

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Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter.

Black Live Matter is a farce. Republicans are telling the truth about it. The whole movement is based on a false narrative - black Americans risk being gunned down by police simply because of the color of their skin - and most of their supposed examples have turned out to be justified shootings in the end.

The Numbers Are In: Black Lives Matter Is Wrong about Police


The false narrative claim is the result of the right wing echo chamber. Lots of numbers in the link to a right wing hit piece. Got an opinion of your own? Tell us then, just how many black people gunned down by police does it take to justify a BLM movement? Clearly the 90 unarmed people gunned down in 2015 are not enough for you, whatever the proportion of African Americans. How many do you want? 500. A thousand enough for you.

One is enough for me. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/07/485066807/police-stop-ends-in-black-mans-death-aftermath-is-livestreamed-online-video These incidents happen due to systemic and institutionalized racism. This kind of racism has nothing to do with personal likes or dislikes. it is an expression of those who are in control.

The real narrative:


Question for you:

Why do so many black men resist arrest?

Question for you:

Why is the Black Lives Matter movement not at all interested in the black lives lost each day in Chicago at the hands of other blacks?


Edited by ClutchClark
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Does anyone think the Dem's convention won't be a "hate Trump" fest?

That's all they've got.

I watched Trump's speech and I bet HRC is cursing, because it was pretty good. Not one "crooked Hillary", though he did an excellent job of explaining why the crooked liar must never become POTUS.

No doubt the Dems will be crowing that he didn't give specifics, though the speech was already too long. That's because they are too wilfully ignorant to know that the specifics have already been given.

BTW, I loved Christie tearing HRC a new one.

Now let the pants suited one try and overcome that!

The GOP convention was a disaster. Lacking in substance, star power, or any semblance of professionalism, it was a cheap, amateurish affair. And I'm not even talking about the Melania and Cruz debacle.

The Dems are going to bury Trump next week. It will be fun. And you'll get to see what a professionally run convention looks like. Say goodbye to Don the Con!

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Does anyone think the Dem's convention won't be a "hate Trump" fest?

That's all they've got.

I watched Trump's speech and I bet HRC is cursing, because it was pretty good. Not one "crooked Hillary", though he did an excellent job of explaining why the crooked liar must never become POTUS.

No doubt the Dems will be crowing that he didn't give specifics, though the speech was already too long. That's because they are too wilfully ignorant to know that the specifics have already been given.

BTW, I loved Christie tearing HRC a new one.

Now let the pants suited one try and overcome that!

The GOP convention was a disaster. Lacking in substance, star power, or any semblance of professionalism, it was a cheap, amateurish affair. And I'm not even talking about the Melania and Cruz debacle.

The Dems are going to bury Trump next week. It will be fun. And you'll get to see what a professionally run convention looks like. Say goodbye to Don the Con!

No doubt about it...Bill & Hillary have been perfecting their craft now for over 30 years. They will run their con and pick your pocket and you won't even know you have been hustled.

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No, don't take the THREAT of trump lightly. He could win. Getting complacent will help him do that.

You do have a point...although I don't see any Earthly way that the majority of Americans can possibly elect Trump. But yes, sane and responsible Americans do need to get to the polls.

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

I can go down a list of violent actions/calls from the left and none are staged as satire, parody, or couched in politics- none. It's sick that humans who find being hated repugnant are called haters for rejecting hate! Sick ppl. Hillary and hate are virtually indistinguishable in the collective lexicon.

LA Times this month calls for violence against Trump supporters and argues it justifies. The left is silent.

LA Times called gir/fancies a coup against any president Trump, etc. the left is silent.

Oh, and a ,sundry list of dead cops and Hillary embraces BLM and their cause- revolution. See sponsor, RevCom Now- a communist revolution group.

This is just more vomitus from the rationally and morally bankrupt permanent revolution class.

Here is classic right wing pro forma PC. Bring up the bogey-man, the colored person, the radical and be purposefully obtuse about the meaning of words. Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter. Yet some folk just have to create the dog whistle, the stalking horse, the creature under the bed, hiding there with the Reds from an earlier generation to stimulate the hate, fear and, lets be clear, vile and blatant racism.

Resounding condemnation of a public interest group that protests institutionalized racism and murder within the law enforcement fraternity in America. False and provocative misinformation attributed to these people in an effort to sustain a narrative against a hated political rival who daily demonstrates a competence that far outweighs here oafish, clumsy, hollow rival - a fact that is recognized by even those who dislike her as a result of decades of brutish personal attacks by the fringe.

You know how I know this poster is full of it? Because amongst this litany of false outrage there is not one mention of Al Baldasaro. http://www.ibtimes.com/who-al-baldasaro-trump-adviser-says-hillary-clinton-should-be-shot-treason-2393385

Right wing agitprop PC. So full of hypocrisy that it cannot stand to look itself in the mirror. You make reference to vomit?

Here it is. The left: always emotional, always personal, and always varying degrees of violent. Witness the ad hominem- a point being offers as better by declaring an opponent personally worse.

No, there's no duty to include in an observation an opposing POV. Irrespective of Al the point is valid.

It's not false outrage. It's real.

Unsure what the "colored person" nonsense is all about, but then most won't. It's just not exercised from my post. I've no where made any post the better by making a TV poster personally worse. It's a characteristic of the left that's employed the same way healthy minds employ reason.

Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason. Because it wasn't battlefield or such shot would be exessive. She is a traitor.

It is becoming apparent that your castles are built entirely on sand. Replete with blanket stereotypes, appeals to logic where none exists, references to emotion where this is none, references to ad hominem where there is none and none can be demonstrated. Yes, demonstrated. Such things are entirely lacking

You brought up Black Lives Matter. You made the false, incendiary and low accusation against them. You provided no evidence of any of moral bankruptcy, just assume you can lead readers by the nose to your perspective.

No duty to include in an observation an opposing POV? Then why the reference to liberal silence on the LA Time accusation? Because all of your arguments use false equivalence and do not apply the same standards to yourself as you apply to others.

Accusing Secretary Clinton of being a traitor is deranged. Provide the case law that substantiates your accusation. Provide some evidence that you actually have any business accusing anyone, let alone a public servant of her calibre, experience and service of this absolutely lunatic charge. Oh, small comfort that you indicate that execution by gunfire in the case of HRC is not necessary. Talk about 'emotive' responses. Way over the top.

BLM chant "what do we want- dead cops". Can't get any lower than that.

HRC aided the enemy by putting classified documents on a hackable ( and almost certainly hacked ) private server. That is indeed treason. Just because Comey wouldn't charge her doesn't mean she isn't guilty. He'll get his when Trump is president.

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No, don't take the THREAT of trump lightly. He could win. Getting complacent will help him do that.

I think the risk is real. The Clinton supporters are not really as fanatic as the Trump ones, and she is not getting many people outside the guaranteed voters very enthusiastic.

Trump on the other hand is getting his followers enthusiastic, but he has far less.

I see Clinton win, but complacency could spring a surprise.

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No, don't take the THREAT of trump lightly. He could win. Getting complacent will help him do that.

I think the risk is real. The Clinton supporters are not really as fanatic as the Trump ones, and she is not getting many people outside the guaranteed voters very enthusiastic.

Trump on the other hand is getting his followers enthusiastic, but he has far less.

I see Clinton win, but complacency could spring a surprise.

Not surprising when one considers the baggage she is carrying. I can't see her getting anyone enthusastic other than die hard Dems.

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Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter.

Black Live Matter is a farce. Republicans are telling the truth about it. The whole movement is based on a false narrative - black Americans risk being gunned down by police simply because of the color of their skin - and most of their supposed examples have turned out to be justified shootings in the end.

The Numbers Are In: Black Lives Matter Is Wrong about Police


The false narrative claim is the result of the right wing echo chamber. Lots of numbers in the link to a right wing hit piece. Got an opinion of your own? Tell us then, just how many black people gunned down by police does it take to justify a BLM movement? Clearly the 90 unarmed people gunned down in 2015 are not enough for you, whatever the proportion of African Americans. How many do you want? 500. A thousand enough for you.

One is enough for me. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/07/485066807/police-stop-ends-in-black-mans-death-aftermath-is-livestreamed-online-video These incidents happen due to systemic and institutionalized racism. This kind of racism has nothing to do with personal likes or dislikes. it is an expression of those who are in control.

The real narrative:


Question for you:

Why do so many black men resist arrest?

Question for you:

Why is the Black Lives Matter movement not at all interested in the black lives lost each day in Chicago at the hands of other blacks?


Anytime a discussion arises on the issue of BLM the same sort of people come out of the woodwork. Throwing out statistics without context and diverting the issue to the completely unrelated and unconnected issue of black on black homicide. Your questions are not questions. They are signals of your disrespect. And some of your best friends are black? Yeah right.

The attempt to define BLM as something it is not is precisely the expression of the language of oppression that defines racist cultures and systems.

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Wait until you see the dem convention before you conclude Hillary voters won't get fired up. Especially if her VP pick is Booker. Kaine is fine too but boring. Also Obama who is currently quite popular will be actively campaigning for her. Polls now say 85 percent of Bernie feelers will support her so don't believe the trump bs that that fascist can steal them to the dark side.

Edited by Jingthing
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