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Hating on Hillary: Republican convention down and dirty


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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

Buzz, That is really quite a litany of reasons to dislike Trump that you have cooked up there, of course I could do the same with Hillary, however I have better things to do with the next couple hours biggrin.png

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Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans.

Indeed. A majority of Americans think Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about her emails. That is a fact.

Here is some more facts!

George W. Bush Had His Own Email Scandal


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The attempt to define BLM as something it is not is precisely the expression of the language of oppression that defines racist cultures and systems.

He is defining BLM as it actually IS - a racist movement that keeps accusing white policemen of crimes that it turns out they did not commit. Time after time, the slayings of black criminals by cops have turned out to be justified shootings.

That is your OPINION which you try to present as FACT. You and others cannot counter BLM so you and they attempt to define it by diverting to non relevant issues.

You now say that all black persons slain by police are criminals.

This is a perversion of the truth. You and others cannot stand the fact that people including the first Black President and the soon to be first woman President call you and your type out for what you are.

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Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans.

Indeed. A majority of Americans think Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about her emails. That is a fact.

She's going to find it very hard indeed to explain away the dirty ticks campaign against both Sanders and Trump, details of which are just emerging now through Wikileaks ( 20000 emails with more to come in what they are calling Hilary Leaks). Not a good week coming up for Hilary at the convention and in the polls.

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Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one did

Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

Edited by Jingthing
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Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one did

Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

Six months ago I would have agreed. Now there's every chance she's going to crash and burn. Tainted and toxic. It's a pity Obama can't run again: on balance he's been good.

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Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one did

Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

Six months ago I would have agreed. Now there's every chance she's going to crash and burn. Tainted and toxic. It's a pity Obama can't run again: on balance he's been good.

I will clarify.

Of course the actual Obama would be in a much stronger position than Clinton to run for an actual Obama third term.

Also, it's a fact that Clinton is politically damaged and I think also in a normal election year, she would not be an acceptable candidate because of it.

HOWEVER, she's running against trump. A huge percentage of Americans see trump as an existential threat to American democracy. We don't want a strong man dictator, from the left, right, middle, or OUTER SPACE. So because of that, Hillary Clinton is still the favorite to win.

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Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one did

Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

If Obama was allowed to run for a third term, he'd easily beat both Clinton and Trump. Since he can't, Hillary will have to do...which is nearly as good.

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Liberals are desperate to defend crooked Hillary who is the most corrupt presidential candidate in USA history and will go down in history as the greatest panderer who never delivered anything.

Fine, she is allegedly corrupt. Is Donald any more honest? Admits to shafting contractors, the same people he now says he supports. Americans have no choice if they wish to vote for an honest candidate. Democracy turned into a farce.

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The upcoming Presidential Debates.

I will be surprised if Clinton is intellectually quick enough to counter Trumps violent attack.

I think she will choke.

She has never had an original thought

In her entire life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Clearly, Trumps grade school insults won't be working on the national electorate and judging from his statements, he is not up to speed on economics, domestic or foreign affairs.

His handlers will try to force feed Trump info for the debates but Trump will be flustered & naturally fall back to his " 9th grade hit hard' strategy.

He will come across like a Banana Republic Dictator..."when I'm president.... I'll throw you and your rapist husband in jail"

Hillary knows her stuff. She will slaughter Trump in the debates I predict.

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The upcoming Presidential Debates.

I will be surprised if Clinton is intellectually quick enough to counter Trumps violent attack.

I think she will choke.

She has never had an original thought

In her entire life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Clearly, Trumps grade school insults won't be working on the national electorate and judging from his statements, he is not up to speed on economics, domestic or foreign affairs.

His handlers will try to force feed Trump info for the debates but Trump will be flustered & naturally fall back to his " 9th grade hit hard' strategy.

He will come across like a Banana Republic Dictator..."when I'm president.... I'll throw you and your rapist husband in jail"

Hillary knows her stuff. She will slaughter Trump in the debates I predict.

The limits of Trump's intellectual prowess are readily apparent and known to all, including his handlers. Any debate will have to be very, very carefully controlled to keep him out of trouble. He lacks any of the depth of intellect, knowledge of issues and their interrelated complexities, and of course, only a cursory and errant knowledge of history and foreign relations. One thing that may be impossible to script is his temper, and for sure, the Dems will try to provoke him at every turn so he can expose that Presidential part of his character.

If I were Trump, I would assemble a crackerjack team and get a hidden earpiece so they could spoon-feed me the answers and responses to Hilary. Otherwise, he will get destroyed.

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The upcoming Presidential Debates.

I will be surprised if Clinton is intellectually quick enough to counter Trumps violent attack.

I think she will choke.

She has never had an original thought

In her entire life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Clearly, Trumps grade school insults won't be working on the national electorate and judging from his statements, he is not up to speed on economics, domestic or foreign affairs.

His handlers will try to force feed Trump info for the debates but Trump will be flustered & naturally fall back to his " 9th grade hit hard' strategy.

He will come across like a Banana Republic Dictator..."when I'm president.... I'll throw you and your rapist husband in jail"

Hillary knows her stuff. She will slaughter Trump in the debates I predict.

The limits of Trump's intellectual prowess are readily apparent and known to all, including his handlers. Any debate will have to be very, very carefully controlled to keep him out of trouble. He lacks any of the depth of intellect, knowledge of issues and their interrelated complexities, and of course, only a cursory and errant knowledge of history and foreign relations. One thing that may be impossible to script is his temper, and for sure, the Dems will try to provoke him at every turn so he can expose that Presidential part of his character.

If I were Trump, I would assemble a crackerjack team and get a hidden earpiece so they could spoon-feed me the answers and responses to Hilary. Otherwise, he will get destroyed.

Yes, keem, you got it. All she has to do is throw something that makes him flip his lid and he'll go into "bleeding from her wherever" mode and make a complete mess.

As for the GOP convention, I think they spent more time talking about the Democrats than themselves. But I'm convinced now that the thugs who controlled the party from 1999 until 2008 are no longer running things. I still can't believe they let The Clown take the nomination.

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I notice the Lefties here only engage is smear campaigns against Trump ... never ever really discussing any policy proposals - except to smear again ... not discuss the points...

That is the problem, there are no points but only hollow phrases from the GOP candidate.

What a fine example of blind bias and brainwashed mentality I speak of ...

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Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one did

Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

Six months ago I would have agreed. Now there's every chance she's going to crash and burn. Tainted and toxic. It's a pity Obama can't run again: on balance he's been good.

I will clarify.

Of course the actual Obama would be in a much stronger position than Clinton to run for an actual Obama third term.

Also, it's a fact that Clinton is politically damaged and I think also in a normal election year, she would not be an acceptable candidate because of it.

HOWEVER, she's running against trump. A huge percentage of Americans see trump as an existential threat to American democracy. We don't want a strong man dictator, from the left, right, middle, or OUTER SPACE. So because of that, Hillary Clinton is still the favorite to win.

Please enumerate how Trump is a threat to American Democracy and provide any factual evidence you can muster. I realize that emotion is paramount to Liberals and Leftists not facts... Please find in Trumps final Convention speech evidence of his threat to Democracy and post it here. Ah -- but discussing actual statements made by Trump to prove up evidence of Trump being a threat to Democracy is more difficult than making an unwarranted emotional statement.

American Democracy is not Welfare, nor is it special rights - rather it is equal rights and equal opportunity - not a guaranteed equal outcome. This statement sums up one major difference between Trump and Clinton who espouses just the opposite of what I just stated. The U.S. Constitution spells out rights in the original 10 Amendments... Trump and Republicans want nothing but what is in the Constitution and the Amendments ...

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The Republican Party the 'Grand Old Party' the Party of hatred, fear and division. The Convention was day after day of hate speech, racism, bigotry and fear mongering topped off with the chant of "USA USA USA" as if there was anything there that any Republican could be proud of.

Of course the REAL issues that face America that require the most urgent attention were totally and utterly lost in the celebration of hate speech, racism, bigotry and fear mongering. For many years now the Republican strategy has been 'Find someone, something for the rank and file members to hate and they will follow"

It was an entirely successful Convention as it managed to avoid the key issues that need resolving for America to go forward affordable Healthcare, affordable Education, affordable Pharmaceuticals, a liveable minimum wage, Corporate welfare, income inequality, the financial corruption of the political system, the political corruption of the Supreme Court, police brutality and executions of African Americans, global warming and environmental vandalism by Corporate America, privatization of prison systems.

The Republican Party is a global embarrassment to Democracy.

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Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

Six months ago I would have agreed. Now there's every chance she's going to crash and burn. Tainted and toxic. It's a pity Obama can't run again: on balance he's been good.
I will clarify.

Of course the actual Obama would be in a much stronger position than Clinton to run for an actual Obama third term.

Also, it's a fact that Clinton is politically damaged and I think also in a normal election year, she would not be an acceptable candidate because of it.

HOWEVER, she's running against trump. A huge percentage of Americans see trump as an existential threat to American democracy. We don't want a strong man dictator, from the left, right, middle, or OUTER SPACE. So because of that, Hillary Clinton is still the favorite to win.

Please enumerate how Trump is a threat to American Democracy and provide any factual evidence you can muster. I realize that emotion is paramount to Liberals and Leftists not facts... Please find in Trumps final Convention speech evidence of his threat to Democracy and post it here. Ah -- but discussing actual statements made by Trump to prove up evidence of Trump being a threat to Democracy is more difficult than making an unwarranted emotional statement.

American Democracy is not Welfare, nor is it special rights - rather it is equal rights and equal opportunity - not a guaranteed equal outcome. This statement sums up one major difference between Trump and Clinton who espouses just the opposite of what I just stated. The U.S. Constitution spells out rights in the original 10 Amendments... Trump and Republicans want nothing but what is in the Constitution and the Amendments ...

A man who says that he loves war is a danger to the US and the rest of the world.

Edited by ubonjoe
fixed quoting error by removing the excess and uneeded quotes only 4 are allowed
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Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one did
Funny. Obama's popularity is quite HIGH especially when compared the the REPUBLICAN controlled congress which is less popular than genital warts.

It is well understood that Obama would win a third term if legally possible, so the question is if Hillary Clinton will be an acceptable replacement for Obama for his third term.

The odds look really good for her but mainly because she's running against the horror show clown -- trump.

Six months ago I would have agreed. Now there's every chance she's going to crash and burn. Tainted and toxic. It's a pity Obama can't run again: on balance he's been good.

I will clarify.

Of course the actual Obama would be in a much stronger position than Clinton to run for an actual Obama third term.

Also, it's a fact that Clinton is politically damaged and I think also in a normal election year, she would not be an acceptable candidate because of it.

HOWEVER, she's running against trump. A huge percentage of Americans see trump as an existential threat to American democracy. We don't want a strong man dictator, from the left, right, middle, or OUTER SPACE. So because of that, Hillary Clinton is still the favorite to win.

Please enumerate how Trump is a threat to American Democracy and provide any factual evidence you can muster. I realize that emotion is paramount to Liberals and Leftists not facts... Please find in Trumps final Convention speech evidence of his threat to Democracy and post it here. Ah -- but discussing actual statements made by Trump to prove up evidence of Trump being a threat to Democracy is more difficult than making an unwarranted emotional statement.

American Democracy is not Welfare, nor is it special rights - rather it is equal rights and equal opportunity - not a guaranteed equal outcome. This statement sums up one major difference between Trump and Clinton who espouses just the opposite of what I just stated. The U.S. Constitution spells out rights in the original 10 Amendments... Trump and Republicans want nothing but what is in the Constitution and the Amendments ...

A man who says that he loves war is a danger to the US and the rest of the world.

I don't think we need waste time enumerating. It's well documented. You may have missed it, it hasn't been well covered by Fox News.

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I will clarify.

Of course the actual Obama would be in a much stronger position than Clinton to run for an actual Obama third term.

Also, it's a fact that Clinton is politically damaged and I think also in a normal election year, she would not be an acceptable candidate because of it.

HOWEVER, she's running against trump. A huge percentage of Americans see trump as an existential threat to American democracy. We don't want a strong man dictator, from the left, right, middle, or OUTER SPACE. So because of that, Hillary Clinton is still the favorite to win.

Please enumerate how Trump is a threat to American Democracy and provide any factual evidence you can muster. I realize that emotion is paramount to Liberals and Leftists not facts... Please find in Trumps final Convention speech evidence of his threat to Democracy and post it here. Ah -- but discussing actual statements made by Trump to prove up evidence of Trump being a threat to Democracy is more difficult than making an unwarranted emotional statement.

American Democracy is not Welfare, nor is it special rights - rather it is equal rights and equal opportunity - not a guaranteed equal outcome. This statement sums up one major difference between Trump and Clinton who espouses just the opposite of what I just stated. The U.S. Constitution spells out rights in the original 10 Amendments... Trump and Republicans want nothing but what is in the Constitution and the Amendments ...

A man who says that he loves war is a danger to the US and the rest of the world.

I don't think we need waste time enumerating. It's well documented. You may have missed it, it hasn't been well covered by Fox News.

You actually mean you don't have any proof...

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What else does this poster need to know?

Begin with why anyone would vote for Crooked Hillary for starters...whistling.gif

This upcoming movie may put a few off laugh.png Scary, particularly the bit about the DNC per se ermm.gif

Fox News on steroids.

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The mother of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died during the Benghazi attacks, penned a letter, asking Donald Trump and the GOP stop invoking her son's death.

"I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection," "I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign."
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The mother of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died during the Benghazi attacks, penned a letter, asking Donald Trump and the GOP stop invoking her son's death.

"I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection," "I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign."

I bet THAT wasn't covered on Pox News, and I bet the Donald's answer was something along the lines of "you don't actually mean that".

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The Republican Party the 'Grand Old Party' the Party of hatred, fear and division. The Convention was day after day of hate speech, racism, bigotry and fear mongering topped off with the chant of "USA USA USA" as if there was anything there that any Republican could be proud of.

Of course the REAL issues that face America that require the most urgent attention were totally and utterly lost in the celebration of hate speech, racism, bigotry and fear mongering. For many years now the Republican strategy has been 'Find someone, something for the rank and file members to hate and they will follow"

It was an entirely successful Convention as it managed to avoid the key issues that need resolving for America to go forward affordable Healthcare, affordable Education, affordable Pharmaceuticals, a liveable minimum wage, Corporate welfare, income inequality, the financial corruption of the political system, the political corruption of the Supreme Court, police brutality and executions of African Americans, global warming and environmental vandalism by Corporate America, privatization of prison systems.

The Republican Party is a global embarrassment to Democracy.

"The Republican Party the 'Grand Old Party' the Party of hatred, fear and division. The Convention was day after day of hate speech, racism, bigotry and fear mongering topped off with the chant of "USA USA USA" as if there was anything there that any Republican could be proud of."

This inane flag waving is one of the most repelling aspects of the GOP. Hey guys, the US is the world's only remaining superpower. What are you flag wavers so insecure about?? I sincerely hope that the coming election will make the GOP explode and a new, rational GOP will rise from the ashes. The USA needs more than one party for grown-ups.

Edited by MZurf
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