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8 dead in Munich mall shooting; police hunt up to 3 suspects


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Once again the naïve are assuming immigrants are responsible and once again they are wrong. As with the Nice attack the perpetrator was a citizen of Munich and had been for many years. Eventually we will get to known who he really was but until then we have to put up with all the ignorant posts based on nothing but right wing rhetoric. It's what you get when people live inside their little blinkered boxes.

At the moment all we know is that was a lone gunman shooting innocent people. Something that will be very familiar to our American chums.

--As with the Nice attack the perpetrator was a citizen of Munich and had been for many years.

The moslem terrorist in Nice was not a citizen of Munich, Bavaria, or Germany. He was not even a citizen of France or a dual citizen of France. He was just a guest worker from Tunisia.

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Another disturbing thing about this trend, without concluding yet that there is a Jihadist motivation in this case, is that there are always a significant percentage of young people that feel alienated, mentally disturbed, angry at the world, and considering or acting on suicidal feelings. Always in all cultures.

But with Jihadist ideology which people can be infected easily online, a "normal" suicide can be transformed into some kind of "glorious" ideological act.

Whether this was a case of that or not, yes, expect more of it. The genie is out of the bottle.

What a revelation!!!

Perhaps you should go to the press and world governments with this.

These people are willing to murder en-masse knowing it will end in their death.

So of course they are mentally disturbed. It's hardly the action of someone with their head on straight.

Good Lord give me strength...[ facepalm.gif

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Goodness knows how many jihadists are walking free in Europe due to the EU’s porous borders and the disastrous policies of multiculturalism and political correctness

Evil knows much better how many jihadists are walking free in Europe.

3 deadly attacks in 8 days.

And the BBC, supporting jihad whenever it can, has the nerve to say "motive unclear", even after one of the main ISIS propaganda channels celebrated the Munich attack, saying "Whole Europe is under our terrorism."

Edited by RickBradford
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At this point, there is no evidence at all that the mass murdering young man in Munich had any Jihadist motivation. I'm sure that question will be looked into quite thoroughly so don't jump to any final conclusions.

Each case is different. The Nice case was obviously linked to Jihad from the start. It quacked like a duck at a high level. This case ... more ambiguous from the start. We'll know more later.

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All terrorists were moderate Muslims once? That will include the IRA and the Baader Meinhof will it?


Thank you for pointing out that I should have made it clear that the Nice bomber was in fact from Nice and not Munich. My response was to the indication from some posters that the people responsible for these awful atrocities were migrants let in through the recent influx. Particularly when a poster refers to Merkel's decision to let them all in.

The Nice "terrorist" was born in Tunisia but held a French passport. He was a non practising Muslim who drank, beat his wife and was involved in petty crime. Not exactly following the Islamic way. He was very volatile with fits of depression and violence. Perfect fodder to be radicalized but let's not kid ourselves, he could have radicalised by any group with an axe to grind.

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All terrorists were moderate Muslims once? That will include the IRA and the Baader Meinhof will it?


Thank you for pointing out that I should have made it clear that the Nice bomber was in fact from Nice and not Munich. My response was to the indication from some posters that the people responsible for these awful atrocities were migrants let in through the recent influx. Particularly when a poster refers to Merkel's decision to let them all in.

The Nice "terrorist" was born in Tunisia but held a French passport. He was a non practising Muslim who drank, beat his wife and was involved in petty crime. Not exactly following the Islamic way. He was very volatile with fits of depression and violence. Perfect fodder to be radicalized but let's not kid ourselves, he could have radicalised by any group with an axe to grind.

Simple truth: All Muslims are not terrorists. Most terrorists are Muslims.

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No Iranian is gonna be an ISIL jihadist. According to family facebook posts, at least 3 of the victims were Albanian-Kosovans (i.e. Moslems). Add to that the guy's rants, and you can see why the authorities are a little puzzled over motivativation.

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No Iranian is gonna be an ISIL jihadist. According to family facebook posts, at least 3 of the victims were Albanian-Kosovans (i.e. Moslems). Add to that the guy's rants, and you can see why the authorities are a little puzzled over motivativation.

I think there is a good chance there is no Jihadist connection. But ISIL isn't the only brand of Jihadist terrorism. There are multiple flavors. Also, when ISIL is crushed, which it will be, that certainly won't be the end of Jihadist terrorism.

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The thing that always amazes me is the beautiful Cities built in the Centuries of the early Caliphates and the wondrous Architecture and Libraries. How they cultivated science and advancement. Yes now those same people cultivate so much hate. The wars and occupations on them do not help. But going back 600 years in thinking does not either. All I am saying is the Arab and the Middle East has produced and continues to produce some forward thinking people. By giving into the fanatics. And by Ourselves realising these are a minority not the whole. By reacting with hate we just play their game. It is easy to go along with the crowd hard to stop and think is your reaction correct or a knee jerk reflection of the hurt you feel.

Getting desperate are you, as you are tossing up the old myth about how advanced the Caliphate was. That architecture came from the non muslims. Those books? Ancient Greece and Rome provided much of it. Remember those Israelites? They had a history of learning that was looted by the muslims.

Forward thinking? Please provide an example of this forward thinking, because there is none. The Turkish Empire ruled the middle east for centuries. What great scientific discoveries or contributions to the advancement of humankind have come from the muslim dominated countries in the past 500 years? I admit that hummus is delicious. I like my kebabs too. However, I was wondering if there was something like a vaccine for polio, or mobile phone technology or oncology treatments? You repeat a lie because it fits with your political views. Educate me. What great scientific contributions have we seen in the past 500 years from your idols? Arm chair socialists must be getting sore bottoms now.

Even their mathmatics was derived from Ancient Greece.

Their astronomy from Greece & lndia.

And the so-called "Arabic" numerals that we now use came from lndia.

The lndians developed the concept of zero.

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Ok no worries as I have stated before go on your crusade. Hey nuke and napalm every Muslim. And when you finish get rid of every other person who offends you in your World. Blacks, Hispanics, Get to the Jews. Every man woman and child. Don't forget every Hindu and Buddhist because they are not the same as you "Christian " Faith. Make sure to kill every man . Woman and child because children grow up and may hold resentment. Because I ask you not to judge every Muslim as this person or the Nice offender I am weak. I do not care I know your bigotry. I left school 1971 I was then idealistic. I went to enlist in the Army to fight in Vietnam to fight the evil Communism. By that time it was obvious the War for my Country after 10 years was over. Over the next 20 years I came to see how corrupt was the vision of the war on communism. For Vietnam it was a war of Liberation and Unification. Ever since then i try to take a step back and analyse what is this conflict about.

You Guys on here Kill everyone Let God sort them out.

Seen you before. seen you piss you pants when the other fellow shot back.

I have known fear. Thought wholly <deleted> I am going home in a bag.

But I cannot hate people the way you seem to. I have seen the worst of people. But seen so much good. So judge all as a package if you want. Call me weak. But I will take every person on this planet as I find them. If that makes me weak in your opinion Good. But I sleep ok each night because i AM A HUMAN BEING WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?


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As much as I would never suggest that the BBC is non-biased (how many news channels are) I am not sure that I would take as gospel something posted by ISIL? They feed on fear and any opportunity to exploit that is eagerly claimed no matter how false it may be. Best to wait for the mist to clear over Munich.


As the Muslim religion is the second largest in the world it may well be true that there are more "active" terrorists from that religion at the moment. However just how many of that faith are actually terrorists is pretty much unknown. Given that 10% of physicians in the US are Muslim but Muslims make up barely 1% of the population I would say that maybe statistics can be interpreted any way you want them to be.

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Sky News has quoted a German source saying that on his FB profile he had posted pictures of several infamous murderers, one of them being Anders Breivik .

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That he shouted "Allahu Akbar" is hearsay, not fact, may have been an elaboration to make a story more interesting, and focussing on it may detract from discovering the true motivation, given the other evidence that is accumulating, not least of which is the invitation made on facebook. I, personally, would like more info. on that. For example, was it a general invite or was it targeted at certain kinds of people. I am fairly convinced this was no Jihadist shooting spree because of the Shia Iranian aspect, but I remain open-minded, given that we still have only partial info..

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As much as I would never suggest that the BBC is non-biased (how many news channels are) I am not sure that I would take as gospel something posted by ISIL? They feed on fear and any opportunity to exploit that is eagerly claimed no matter how false it may be. Best to wait for the mist to clear over Munich.


As the Muslim religion is the second largest in the world it may well be true that there are more "active" terrorists from that religion at the moment. However just how many of that faith are actually terrorists is pretty much unknown. Given that 10% of physicians in the US are Muslim but Muslims make up barely 1% of the population I would say that maybe statistics can be interpreted any way you want them to be.

If you were a wanna-be immigrant would a doctors degree help? Not so strange after all.

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If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.

The Moslem advance into France was halted at the Battle of tours in 732.

The media is now trying to link it to the Mass shooting 5 year anniversary in Norway.


Well, technically the shooter is a German Aryan.

Link to a terorrgroup or not, he is Iranian and muslim. There's nothing German about this guy.


But the Duke of Wellington was descended from Irish kings - the kings of Thomond.
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It is now confirmed that the Munich shooter Ali Sonboly was born and raised in the city. After extensive investigation there are no links to ISIL. There is some history of mental illness but not many details as yet. There are more reports of him having photographs of famous lone shooters but as yet this still to be confirmed.

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Sky News has quoted a German source saying that on his FB profile he had posted pictures of several infamous murderers, one of them being Anders Breivik .

Absolutely correct no links to IS, also he was under psychiatric care. Munich is peaceful today, from what I have seen.

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"Islam is responsible for over 200 MILLION deaths since this crazy ideology was started by the murdering child abusing thief called Mohamad"

Please do not use Aryan Nation right wing Propaganda you figures may be correct but Christianity has killed as many if not more, All religions and Empires in their Day. Nazism how many millions of deaths in Europe,Japanese Imperialism, British Imperialism. Religions , So called Empires guilty of mass genocide. We are supposed to be the enlightened western Civilisation and yet we kill 4 million in pursuit on a war on Terror. The more you buy into the spiel of Islamist hate speech the more you serve the Mullahs of Death. I am not saying not to be outraged by acts of Terror or atrocities. But do not condemn all people of the Muslim faith. I will say again Voltaire said Islam and Christianity are the worst curses ever visited upon Man. We kill indiscriminately in the name of both. I have Muslim, Hindu , Christian and Buddhist friends . Do you? Do not presume to know me. Because we may disagree does not mean I do not try and see your side. I just try and balance it.

Religions are collections of mythical beliefs. Most are benign. Islam is the most evil.

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As much as I would never suggest that the BBC is non-biased (how many news channels are) I am not sure that I would take as gospel something posted by ISIL? They feed on fear and any opportunity to exploit that is eagerly claimed no matter how false it may be. Best to wait for the mist to clear over Munich.


As the Muslim religion is the second largest in the world it may well be true that there are more "active" terrorists from that religion at the moment. However just how many of that faith are actually terrorists is pretty much unknown. Given that 10% of physicians in the US are Muslim but Muslims make up barely 1% of the population I would say that maybe statistics can be interpreted any way you want them to be.

Muslims are well aware of the horrors being perpetrated by their violent co-religionists and in the civil wars coming our way they will take the side of the extremists.

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That he shouted "Allahu Akbar" is hearsay, not fact, may have been an elaboration to make a story more interesting, and focussing on it may detract from discovering the true motivation, given the other evidence that is accumulating, not least of which is the invitation made on facebook. I, personally, would like more info. on that. For example, was it a general invite or was it targeted at certain kinds of people. I am fairly convinced this was no Jihadist shooting spree because of the Shia Iranian aspect, but I remain open-minded, given that we still have only partial info..

He should have tried with a hacked Facebook account, to lure young people in the Mc Donalds Branch. He has deliberately shot at young people.

The victims have been old three 14-year-old, two 15-year-old, and each 17, 19, 20 and 45 years. Three of those killed were women.

Now it is investigated, who knew of his murderous intent and who gave him the 9mm-Glock with 300 rounds of ammunition.

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