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I love Pattaya for all the Wrong Reasons


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I love Pattaya for all the Wrong Reasons

By Inspire Guest Writer


A unique charm like no where else!

I love Pattaya. I love its musk, the way it makes me feel and the fact it seems to be getting better and better in its own unique way. I can’t make it any clearer than that really, now can I? There have been times during my eight years now spent living in Pattaya where I have questioned my logic, but still I persevered. And I guess this perseverance has been the secret of my special relationship with this city. But what is it that has charmed me? My answers may surprise you.

When you look into many Sois in Pattaya, the appeal is not obvious. Many, sorry ‘most’, roads in need of repair, food carts difficult to navigate round in your car, motorbikes parked into whatever space they can find. A mass of over head cables lining both sides of the road blocking many of the shop fascias, and, in every instance, at least two stray dogs either sleeping in the middle of the road or looking to play a game of ‘chicken’ with every car that passes. However, and this was only recently that it hit me, this is part of the appeal. It is so far removed from a typical street found in the UK or America, that it is absolutely alluring. Who wants to live in a place that reminds you of back home anyhow? I came to Pattaya to escape the mundane functionality of the UK. It is the idiosyncratic appeal to Sois that make Thailand and Pattaya what they are.

So, I love the roughness and cultural differences you get from everyday Sois here in Pattaya, but that alone are hardly a rationale to say you love the place. In actual fact, I would say that would be strangely odd.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/love-pattaya-wrong-reasons/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-07-23

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