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Machete-wielding Syrian refugee hacks pregnant woman to death and injures two others in Germany


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germany is now facing serious problem.

our only hope and prayer is that it has not

penetrated too far below and wide. otherwise

more chaos will be the order of the day.

Don't mentions prayers! It would seem prayers/religion are a big part of the problem!

Exactly, what else but faith is capable of making people do such evil?

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And, a subject rarely, if ever, touched upon by the 'apologists/supporters' of Mad Merkel's welcoming on a million young male muslims :

Not to contradict your comment, but if one looks closely at that picture, the woman and child are both well fed. Her husband could have left yesterday, but I doubt it.

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Oops. Maybe we should have screened the people coming into our country? Why did we not think of that at the time?

Charity is lovely. Being kind to people in need is very admirable. Germany has embarked on an experiment in the act of kindness. But, perhaps it should have been done with some constraints. Some judicious thought. Some circumspection. Just like Castro did in the 1980's, when tens of thousands of Cubans were allowed to leave Cuba, and he slipped in several thousand hardened convicts from the prisons, more than likely ISIS has done the same in Germany. So, some screening would have been the right thing to do. It is more than likely a very high price will be paid for this act of silliness, carelessness, and extreme liberalism.

It's a Catch 22 which puts Germany in the shit house. They screen nearly everyone. Some are denied asylum. They're supposed to be deported, BUT THEY'RE NOT - Like the two buttplugs who committed separate terrorism acts today.

So Germany (and Denmark and France and Sweden and Belgium, ad nauseum) .....can't legally send the dirtbags back to Syria or Afghanistan because they're warring. They can't put them in jail (the perps haven't yet been convicted of crimes prior), so they usually put them in 'halfway houses' or a family home, and cross their fingers and hope the young men don't cause any trouble.

Now we see what can happen. .....and it's going to keep happening. My theory is; sex crimes will outnumber killing and maiming. It so happens, all throughout human history, we only hear about a small fraction of sex crimes, because victims, understandably, don't want to come forward to tell what happened. Expect a lot of dark-haired babies with brown eyes, born to single white moms.

Also, you'll notice in all these news articles, German press are sheepish about mentioning whether the perps are Muslims and/or from Dune countries. Usually, there will be a sheepish mention in one of the closing paragraphs, something like, "it's believed the suspect is from a Middle Eastern country, but authorities cannot say for sure at this time."

....despite the fact that the guy was probably screaming "Allah Akbar before and during his attacks."

Same thing happens in the US. Except we have far fewer Muslims to deal with. The US media is very cowardly. They will mention Islam, but only reluctantly. This is especially true of Obama. He is spending so much time and effort defending Islam, he is taking his eyes off of the big picture. I am not a racist. I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting a bit tried of doing all of the heavy lifting. Where is the outcry from the Muslim community worldwide, against the gang raping extremists? With only about 3 million Muslims in the US, in a nation of about 325 million, it has not become the problem that Europe is presently facing. Only about 1% of the population. Many are well assimilated, and do not permit (nor encourage, nor insist) their women to wear those ridiculous headdresses, that cover their faces. Many speak good english, and are very productive members of society. And the US was smart about being reluctant to accept many Syria refugees. All of them should have been sent to Saudi Arabia. Every last one. They have plenty of room, and plenty of cash.

I feel there should be a mandatory insistence of assimilation. You get two years. If you have not learned the local language, and your kids are not assimilated, and your wife is still wearing medieval dress, you must leave. Period. Make an effort. Forget politically correct. It is simply not working. Politically correct is allowing the disintegration of society.

Yes exactly. And they should have that here in Thailand for us Farangs too.

Funny man. I was trying to make a point. Are you trying to make a point? Are you claiming that our Western ways are tearing at the very fabric of Thai society, and causing massive amounts of death, destruction, and random murder? Is that what you are trying to say?

Again, he reverts to being politically correct. It seems to be the default position of so many these days, and to some extent it is allowing the extremists to operate. I do believe that the Muslim extremism problem requires a new approach. I would think it safe to say that the old techniques, approaches, policies, and ways of dealing with immigrant communities might not apply to communities where there is a high possibility of the absorption of thousands of terrorists, and extremists.

Again, I realize this is not a politically correct thing to say. Ask me if I care?

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Oops. Maybe we should have screened the people coming into our country? Why did we not think of that at the time?

Charity is lovely. Being kind to people in need is very admirable. Germany has embarked on an experiment in the act of kindness. But, perhaps it should have been done with some constraints. Some judicious thought. Some circumspection. Just like Castro did in the 1980's, when tens of thousands of Cubans were allowed to leave Cuba, and he slipped in several thousand hardened convicts from the prisons, more than likely ISIS has done the same in Germany. So, some screening would have been the right thing to do. It is more than likely a very high price will be paid for this act of silliness, carelessness, and extreme liberalism.

It's a Catch 22 which puts Germany in the shit house. They screen nearly everyone. Some are denied asylum. They're supposed to be deported, BUT THEY'RE NOT - Like the two buttplugs who committed separate terrorism acts today.

So Germany (and Denmark and France and Sweden and Belgium, ad nauseum) .....can't legally send the dirtbags back to Syria or Afghanistan because they're warring. They can't put them in jail (the perps haven't yet been convicted of crimes prior), so they usually put them in 'halfway houses' or a family home, and cross their fingers and hope the young men don't cause any trouble.

Now we see what can happen. .....and it's going to keep happening. My theory is; sex crimes will outnumber killing and maiming. It so happens, all throughout human history, we only hear about a small fraction of sex crimes, because victims, understandably, don't want to come forward to tell what happened. Expect a lot of dark-haired babies with brown eyes, born to single white moms.

Also, you'll notice in all these news articles, German press are sheepish about mentioning whether the perps are Muslims and/or from Dune countries. Usually, there will be a sheepish mention in one of the closing paragraphs, something like, "it's believed the suspect is from a Middle Eastern country, but authorities cannot say for sure at this time."

....despite the fact that the guy was probably screaming "Allah Akbar before and during his attacks."

Same thing happens in the US. Except we have far fewer Muslims to deal with. The US media is very cowardly. They will mention Islam, but only reluctantly. This is especially true of Obama. He is spending so much time and effort defending Islam, he is taking his eyes off of the big picture. I am not a racist. I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting a bit tried of doing all of the heavy lifting. Where is the outcry from the Muslim community worldwide, against the gang raping extremists? With only about 3 million Muslims in the US, in a nation of about 325 million, it has not become the problem that Europe is presently facing. Only about 1% of the population. Many are well assimilated, and do not permit (nor encourage, nor insist) their women to wear those ridiculous headdresses, that cover their faces. Many speak good english, and are very productive members of society. And the US was smart about being reluctant to accept many Syria refugees. All of them should have been sent to Saudi Arabia. Every last one. They have plenty of room, and plenty of cash.

I feel there should be a mandatory insistence of assimilation. You get two years. If you have not learned the local language, and your kids are not assimilated, and your wife is still wearing medieval dress, you must leave. Period. Make an effort. Forget politically correct. It is simply not working. Politically correct is allowing the disintegration of society.

Yes exactly. And they should have that here in Thailand for us Farangs too.

I can go with that, but I think you will find that not many westerners, if any get any hand outs from the Thai Government. Most of us will have probably flown here rather than come on a rubber dinghy after throwing our passports in the sea.

I would also hazard a guess that we won't be killing pregnant women with a machete, mowing folk down in a truck, trying to blow people up at a festival or killing people at airports!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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Same thing happens in the US. Except we have far fewer Muslims to deal with. The US media is very cowardly. They will mention Islam, but only reluctantly. This is especially true of Obama. He is spending so much time and effort defending Islam, he is taking his eyes off of the big picture. I am not a racist. I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting a bit tried of doing all of the heavy lifting. Where is the outcry from the Muslim community worldwide, against the gang raping extremists? With only about 3 million Muslims in the US, in a nation of about 325 million, it has not become the problem that Europe is presently facing. Only about 1% of the population. Many are well assimilated, and do not permit (nor encourage, nor insist) their women to wear those ridiculous headdresses, that cover their faces. Many speak good english, and are very productive members of society. And the US was smart about being reluctant to accept many Syria refugees. All of them should have been sent to Saudi Arabia. Every last one. They have plenty of room, and plenty of cash.

I feel there should be a mandatory insistence of assimilation. You get two years. If you have not learned the local language, and your kids are not assimilated, and your wife is still wearing medieval dress, you must leave. Period. Make an effort. Forget politically correct. It is simply not working. Politically correct is allowing the disintegration of society.

Yes exactly. And they should have that here in Thailand for us Farangs too.

I can go with that, but I think you will find that not many westerners, if any get any hand outs from the Thai Government. Most of us will have probably flown here rather than come on a rubber dinghy after throwing our passports in the sea.

I would also hazard a guess that we won't be killing pregnant women with a machete, mowing folk down in a truck, trying to blow people up at a festival or killing people at airports!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Precisely. Apples and oranges, as I stated earlier in this thread. Plus, in my opinion I feel many of us contribute to Thailand's well being on countless levels. In addition to bringing in and spending substantial amounts of money every month, many of us are building beautiful homes, maintaining them immaculately and taking care of our land, raising outstanding children, living lives without committing any crimes, nor taking advantage of our neighbors, driving safely, recycling, and living in such a manner as to contribute in countless other subtle way. I also think that many modern western habits that we have, are contributing to improving Thai society. I could list them. It would take hours. When it comes to the majority of ex-pats here, I really believe we are helping the country, and we are certainly not contributing to the destruction of the place, nor the society.

The bottom line is that we are helping, and not hurting our host country. That was the general theme of this post.

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I am not a fan of religion, sects or any other kind of organised superstition, but...

...how come we don't hear about hindu, tibetan, anglican, taoist, pagan or buddhists violence in Germany?

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The principle apologists seem somewhat lacking from this thread. It's as if they've stood on a garden rake called reality.

Some of us have lives, jobs, families and so do not spend all our time at the computer.

All the reports in all the media, except possibly the paranoid Ministry of Truth rants you favour, have said that the victim was known to the perpetrator.

This was not a premeditated terrorist attack carried out by a jihadist who went armed; but an act of murder following an argument carried out with a knife he picked up at the café where the victim worked and he used to work. That he went to confront the victim is beyond doubt. Whether he intended to kill her; maybe. Jihadist attack; no.

That he is a Muslim has nothing to do with it.

Just three examples of similar attacks in the UK from the last 10 years.

Nicola Edgington; not a Muslim. She committed a similar attack, only on two strangers; killing one, seriously injuring another.

Archibald Foster; not a Muslim. Serving a life sentence for knife attacks on women.

Horrett Irving Campbell; not a Muslim. Detained indefinitely after attacking children at a school teddy bears picnic.

What about Nicholas Salvador, you may ask. Yes, a Muslim. But, like this terrible attack in Reutlingen, his religion had nothing to do with his crime.

Will you bring up the murder of Lee Rigby, I wonder. Unlike the examples above, that was a terrorist attack.

No one is denying that Islamist terrorism exists.

No one is denying that Islamic terrorists carry out horrendous crimes.

But to label any and all crimes committed by a Muslim as terrorism or jihadism is pure blind ignorant prejudice. Prejudice fed by the half truths and lies of the Muslim haters at the Ministry of Truth to those gullible or prejudiced enough themselves to swallow it without actually taking the time to examine the evidence and use their own brains to reach a conclusion.

BTW, I see that yet again you use the word 'apologist.'

So, yet again, I challenge you to produce one post in any topic where anyone whom you label as such has made any attempt to apologise for, excuse or justify murder or violence by anyone, individual or group, whatever their race, religion or motive.

No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist.

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The principle apologists seem somewhat lacking from this thread. It's as if they've stood on a garden rake called reality.

You must be loving this Dan, a pregnant women hacked to death by a machete wielding Muslim no less.

You should be ashamed of yourself for using her corpse as soap box for your hate preaching!

I have just one question, how many of these attacks did we have in western countries before the Invasion of Iraq and the resulting mess in the middle east?

You can read more about this phenomena here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality

Steely Dan makes more sense than you do.

Pull your head out of your <deleted> & look at who is committing these horrific crimes.

l'll give you a hint, its not the Jehovah's Witnesses, but it is depraved moon worshippers.

The use of the term 'apologists' is just repeated attempts by the Right to silence those with whom they disagree. Personally I do not recall anyone accused of being an 'apologist' supporting or sympathising with the slaughter of innocents by Islamist terrorists. However, many members who use the term 'apologist' often post vile extremist content or sympathise with such content which is regularly removed by the Mods.

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That he is a Muslim has nothing to do with it.

Apart fro the fact that the Koran instructs no integration and many passages calling for the murder of infidels. We have seen so many murders by Muslims in the past two weeks alone it's hard to keep up with them. It has EVERYTHING to do with them being Muslim, Islam was founded on violence, is supremacist and calls for the death of those making mischief in Muslim lands.

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The principle apologists seem somewhat lacking from this thread. It's as if they've stood on a garden rake called reality.

Some of us have lives, jobs, families and so do not spend all our time at the computer.

All the reports in all the media, except possibly the paranoid Ministry of Truth rants you favour, have said that the victim was known to the perpetrator.

This was not a premeditated terrorist attack carried out by a jihadist who went armed; but an act of murder following an argument carried out with a knife he picked up at the café where the victim worked and he used to work. That he went to confront the victim is beyond doubt. Whether he intended to kill her; maybe. Jihadist attack; no.

That he is a Muslim has nothing to do with it.

Just three examples of similar attacks in the UK from the last 10 years.

Nicola Edgington; not a Muslim. She committed a similar attack, only on two strangers; killing one, seriously injuring another.

Archibald Foster; not a Muslim. Serving a life sentence for knife attacks on women.

Horrett Irving Campbell; not a Muslim. Detained indefinitely after attacking children at a school teddy bears picnic.

What about Nicholas Salvador, you may ask. Yes, a Muslim. But, like this terrible attack in Reutlingen, his religion had nothing to do with his crime.

Will you bring up the murder of Lee Rigby, I wonder. Unlike the examples above, that was a terrorist attack.

No one is denying that Islamist terrorism exists.

No one is denying that Islamic terrorists carry out horrendous crimes.

But to label any and all crimes committed by a Muslim as terrorism or jihadism is pure blind ignorant prejudice. Prejudice fed by the half truths and lies of the Muslim haters at the Ministry of Truth to those gullible or prejudiced enough themselves to swallow it without actually taking the time to examine the evidence and use their own brains to reach a conclusion.

BTW, I see that yet again you use the word 'apologist.'

So, yet again, I challenge you to produce one post in any topic where anyone whom you label as such has made any attempt to apologise for, excuse or justify murder or violence by anyone, individual or group, whatever their race, religion or motive.

No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist.

"You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye."

Posted 2016-07-19 06:59:53 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/932692-horror-on-german-train-as-more-than-20-people-are-injured-in-axe-attack/

Does that sound like an excuse/justification to you? Later proved to be utter BS.

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The principle apologists seem somewhat lacking from this thread. It's as if they've stood on a garden rake called reality.

Some of us have lives, jobs, families and so do not spend all our time at the computer.

All the reports in all the media, except possibly the paranoid Ministry of Truth rants you favour, have said that the victim was known to the perpetrator.

This was not a premeditated terrorist attack carried out by a jihadist who went armed; but an act of murder following an argument carried out with a knife he picked up at the café where the victim worked and he used to work. That he went to confront the victim is beyond doubt. Whether he intended to kill her; maybe. Jihadist attack; no.

That he is a Muslim has nothing to do with it.

Just three examples of similar attacks in the UK from the last 10 years.

Nicola Edgington; not a Muslim. She committed a similar attack, only on two strangers; killing one, seriously injuring another.

Archibald Foster; not a Muslim. Serving a life sentence for knife attacks on women.

Horrett Irving Campbell; not a Muslim. Detained indefinitely after attacking children at a school teddy bears picnic.

What about Nicholas Salvador, you may ask. Yes, a Muslim. But, like this terrible attack in Reutlingen, his religion had nothing to do with his crime.

Will you bring up the murder of Lee Rigby, I wonder. Unlike the examples above, that was a terrorist attack.

No one is denying that Islamist terrorism exists.

No one is denying that Islamic terrorists carry out horrendous crimes.

But to label any and all crimes committed by a Muslim as terrorism or jihadism is pure blind ignorant prejudice. Prejudice fed by the half truths and lies of the Muslim haters at the Ministry of Truth to those gullible or prejudiced enough themselves to swallow it without actually taking the time to examine the evidence and use their own brains to reach a conclusion.

BTW, I see that yet again you use the word 'apologist.'

So, yet again, I challenge you to produce one post in any topic where anyone whom you label as such has made any attempt to apologise for, excuse or justify murder or violence by anyone, individual or group, whatever their race, religion or motive.

No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist.

Whatever spin may be put on this story the fact remains that he was a Muslim refugee granted asylum and sanctuary in Germany. He abused that hospitality by attacking three people with a machete and killing one who was a pregnant German woman. The two survivors that he also attacked with his machete were Germans.

A machete is a long heavy sword like weapon designed for chopping small branches and hacking away undergrowth. You'd only use it as a weapon if you intend to kill or amputate a limb. It's a lethal weapon much favoured by primitive savages around the world. Whether he was acting on instructions from ISIS is neither here nor there. He was an Islamic terrorist terrorising innocent German citizens whose Chancellor Mad Ma Merkel had invited into their midst just like any other Muslim bomber or gunman who has entered Europe with murder and mayhem on his vile and twisted agenda.

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The principle apologists seem somewhat lacking from this thread. It's as if they've stood on a garden rake called reality.

Some of us have lives, jobs, families and so do not spend all our time at the computer.

All the reports in all the media, except possibly the paranoid Ministry of Truth rants you favour, have said that the victim was known to the perpetrator.

This was not a premeditated terrorist attack carried out by a jihadist who went armed; but an act of murder following an argument carried out with a knife he picked up at the café where the victim worked and he used to work. That he went to confront the victim is beyond doubt. Whether he intended to kill her; maybe. Jihadist attack; no.

That he is a Muslim has nothing to do with it.

Just three examples of similar attacks in the UK from the last 10 years.

Nicola Edgington; not a Muslim. She committed a similar attack, only on two strangers; killing one, seriously injuring another.

Archibald Foster; not a Muslim. Serving a life sentence for knife attacks on women.

Horrett Irving Campbell; not a Muslim. Detained indefinitely after attacking children at a school teddy bears picnic.

What about Nicholas Salvador, you may ask. Yes, a Muslim. But, like this terrible attack in Reutlingen, his religion had nothing to do with his crime.

Will you bring up the murder of Lee Rigby, I wonder. Unlike the examples above, that was a terrorist attack.

No one is denying that Islamist terrorism exists.

No one is denying that Islamic terrorists carry out horrendous crimes.

But to label any and all crimes committed by a Muslim as terrorism or jihadism is pure blind ignorant prejudice. Prejudice fed by the half truths and lies of the Muslim haters at the Ministry of Truth to those gullible or prejudiced enough themselves to swallow it without actually taking the time to examine the evidence and use their own brains to reach a conclusion.

BTW, I see that yet again you use the word 'apologist.'

So, yet again, I challenge you to produce one post in any topic where anyone whom you label as such has made any attempt to apologise for, excuse or justify murder or violence by anyone, individual or group, whatever their race, religion or motive.

No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist.

Below the visible part of the iceberg (Jihad) is the far larger less visible part. This comprises of honor killings, sharia patrols, bigamy, inbreeding, rape, FGM, homophobia and all manner of general culture enrichment that comes with third world Muslim culture. True some of these apply to non-Muslim populations, but not to the same extent.
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So let me try to get this right. The Syrian refugee attacked and killed a Polish woman who was pregnant with his child ? They had a relationship ?

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So let me try to get this right. The Syrian refugee attacked and killed a Polish woman who was pregnant with his child ? They had a relationship ?

Unless it was a rape case, it would be hard for her to be pregnant with his child without a relationship. Artificial insemination, perhaps.

She was reportedly pregnant, but where did you find a report that it was HIS child? There is a considerable age difference, not to mention religion, language , background.

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From a recent news report...

local police say does not bear the hallmarks of a terrorist attack and was more likely domestic violence.

German news agency DPA quoted a police spokesman as saying that officers were working under the assumption that the machete attack was "a crime of passion". German media reported that the attacker and the murdered woman worked in the same Turkish fast food restaurant, where the argument also started.


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BTW, I see that yet again you (Steely Dan) use the word 'apologist.'

So, yet again, I challenge you to produce one post in any topic where anyone whom you label as such has made any attempt to apologise for, excuse or justify murder or violence by anyone, individual or group, whatever their race, religion or motive.

No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist.

"You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye."

Posted 2016-07-19 06:59:53 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/932692-horror-on-german-train-as-more-than-20-people-are-injured-in-axe-attack/

Does that sound like an excuse/justification to you? Later proved to be utter BS.

More of a theory as to the attacker's motives.

But if it was meant as an excuse or justification; I do not agree.

Now, rise to the challenge again and see if you can find any more; but from other posters regularly labelled as 'apologists.'

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Whatever spin may be put on this story the fact remains that he was a Muslim refugee granted asylum and sanctuary in Germany. He abused that hospitality by attacking three people with a machete and killing one who was a pregnant German woman. The two survivors that he also attacked with his machete were Germans.

A machete is a long heavy sword like weapon designed for chopping small branches and hacking away undergrowth. You'd only use it as a weapon if you intend to kill or amputate a limb. It's a lethal weapon much favoured by primitive savages around the world.........

He did not attack anyone with a machete; despite the misleading headline to this topic and initial reports.

As I said before

This was not a premeditated terrorist attack carried out by a jihadist who went armed; but an act of murder following an argument carried out with a knife he picked up at the café where the victim worked and he used to work.

Check the reports, proper ones not the bile on the hate sites, if you don't believe this.

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BTW, I see that yet again you (Steely Dan) use the word 'apologist.'

So, yet again, I challenge you to produce one post in any topic where anyone whom you label as such has made any attempt to apologise for, excuse or justify murder or violence by anyone, individual or group, whatever their race, religion or motive.

No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist.

"You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye."

Posted 2016-07-19 06:59:53 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/932692-horror-on-german-train-as-more-than-20-people-are-injured-in-axe-attack/

Does that sound like an excuse/justification to you? Later proved to be utter BS.

More of a theory as to the attacker's motives.

But if it was meant as an excuse or justification; I do not agree.

Now, rise to the challenge again and see if you can find any more; but from other posters regularly labelled as 'apologists.'

"No one has yet been able to do so whenever I have issued this challenge previously; they can't because no such posts exist."

Asked and answered, but now you decide that wasn't an excuse/justification. Your false claim was proved just that.

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Those who read the whole post, rather than the part you have selected, will see that Alive was not offering excuses or justification; indeed in the following posts he says he is not!

Hypothesising on the motivations behind a violent killer is just that; it is not attempting to apologise for, excuse or justify.

Many learned people have hypothesised on he motivations of mass murderers and serial killers such as Hitler to Shipman. That does not mean they are apologising for, excusing or justifying the actions of those people.

Nice try, but F-

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Western countries like Germany, Sweden, Canada, etc., bring in anyone who is breathing to support their

dying workforce and pay sky high consumption taxes. . Because of western divorce policies, etc., western peoples don't have near as many kids as they used to, turn gay,

what have you. It is always stupid government policies that create 1 nightmare after another. Their hideous tax policies have

driven many high net worth people to other countries and resort to bringing in peoples with no money, can't speak the language and

have no desire to integrate with the long time citizens of the respective country.

In the case of muslims, the biggest mistake of all. They have zero desire to integrate, want you to convert to Islam, and eventually

take over western countries as they breed like rabbits while collecting welfare doing it. They will keep killing and breeding until they

fulfill their long term goals.

As always, complete blame lies with the politicians who haven't a clue what they are doing.

I agree with all you say bar 1 , the politicians know exactly what they are doing . They are in league with big businesses and the reason to allow mass immigration is the supply of cheap labour and low wages to maximise profits and become more competitive in the open market . They are not concerned what effect it has on their countries health care , schools or housing and of course all social benefits come out of the public purse and do not touch the big business boys whose bank balances swell . Oh, the UK would also fit into your list of countries .

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