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Machete-wielding Syrian refugee hacks pregnant woman to death and injures two others in Germany


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Recruitment/Thank you letter from ISIS:


Have mental issues?
Criminal background?
Violent tendencies?
Feel like you don't fit in?
Feeling vengeful?
Feeling suicidal?


Don't waste your demise by going out solo, or by going out as just another nutter/loser run amok, instead make a name for yourself and US! As an added bonus, fear-mongering rednecks in the west will blame, castigate and alienate 'ALL' muslims, thus trigger even MORE nutters for us and ultimately help our relatively tiny group to create a clash of civilisations.

Without your help we cannot expand or win. So thanks in advance to nutter/losers who run amok (even if it had nothing to do with us) and a special thanks to fearful western rednecks for castigating ALL Muslims, thus directly helping and accelerating our cause! We are grateful for your help.

xxoo, ISIS

The above is written as satire only of course but is relevant. In this case like most others, we have yet another nutter who has mental issues, had run-ins with the law and incidents of assault. It could be rightfully argued that he should have been promptly deported at first infraction but to tar 'ALL' Muslims only helps ISIS terrorist cause. So please develop a wee bit of mettle and rationality, or at the least, stop helping ISIS...(!!)

Edited by sujoop
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If Germany, or any other western European country tried rounding up young M.Eastern men and forcefully sending them back to Dune countries, there would be an uproar from a segment of the population, screaming, "RACIAL PROFILING!" "Maybe there are some bad migrants, but these here that I'm familiar with are fine folks!" .....and so on. The barn door has been opened, but rather than the horses bolting, it's the rats who have entered, and it ain't gonna be easy to deport even the guys who already have a rap sheet.

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Hungary had the right idea, and I thought so at the time - when they were building a steel fence, and posting guards. The migrants who were able to breach the fence (it was easy to do) were sent packing to places further north, where Merkel and her nice folks were waiting with bouquets of flowers.

"It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole batch", but it's a big batch and there are many bad apples. ....sorry to say.

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Oops. Maybe we should have screened the people coming into our country? Why did we not think of that at the time?

Charity is lovely. Being kind to people in need is very admirable. Germany has embarked on an experiment in the act of kindness. But, perhaps it should have been done with some constraints. Some judicious thought. Some circumspection. Just like Castro did in the 1980's, when tens of thousands of Cubans were allowed to leave Cuba, and he slipped in several thousand hardened convicts from the prisons, more than likely ISIS has done the same in Germany. So, some screening would have been the right thing to do. It is more than likely a very high price will be paid for this act of silliness, carelessness, and extreme liberalism.

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"The asylum-seeking Syrian man had been involved in previous incidents causing injuries to other people, police said"

one more woman dead in the name of multiculturalism, he should have been deported on first offence as undesirable.

50% of those "refugees" you can not send back as their true identity is unknown, and MAGHREB countries entirely refusing to take back their nationals even if the identity is known and they committed crimes

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Oops. Maybe we should have screened the people coming into our country? Why did we not think of that at the time?

Charity is lovely. Being kind to people in need is very admirable. Germany has embarked on an experiment in the act of kindness. But, perhaps it should have been done with some constraints. Some judicious thought. Some circumspection. Just like Castro did in the 1980's, when tens of thousands of Cubans were allowed to leave Cuba, and he slipped in several thousand hardened convicts from the prisons, more than likely ISIS has done the same in Germany. So, some screening would have been the right thing to do. It is more than likely a very high price will be paid for this act of silliness, carelessness, and extreme liberalism.

It's a Catch 22 which puts Germany in the shit house. They screen nearly everyone. Some are denied asylum. They're supposed to be deported, BUT THEY'RE NOT - Like the two buttplugs who committed separate terrorism acts today.

So Germany (and Denmark and France and Sweden and Belgium, ad nauseum) .....can't legally send the dirtbags back to Syria or Afghanistan because they're warring. They can't put them in jail (the perps haven't yet been convicted of crimes prior), so they usually put them in 'halfway houses' or a family home, and cross their fingers and hope the young men don't cause any trouble.

Now we see what can happen. .....and it's going to keep happening. My theory is; sex crimes will outnumber killing and maiming. It so happens, all throughout human history, we only hear about a small fraction of sex crimes, because victims, understandably, don't want to come forward to tell what happened. Expect a lot of dark-haired babies with brown eyes, born to single white moms.

Also, you'll notice in all these news articles, German press are sheepish about mentioning whether the perps are Muslims and/or from Dune countries. Usually, there will be a sheepish mention in one of the closing paragraphs, something like, "it's believed the suspect is from a Middle Eastern country, but authorities cannot say for sure at this time."

....despite the fact that the guy was probably screaming "Allah Akbar before and during his attacks."

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Police said there were no indications pointing to terrorism.


and of course nothing to do with islam


merkel - the chancellor from hell invited them all

deport her together with them

Edited by sweatalot
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Under the direction of the Chancellor the German Police suppressed the wave of attacks in Cologne and elsewhere on NYE. Now they do anything to find a motive for these shocking incidents by saying this man or that man was a failed asylum seeker and depressed. The Munich attacker was obsessed with mass killing and a fan of Angus Brevik and the BBC is happy to indulge in these lies.

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People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists. They need to understand that we are at war with these people and they can’t just stick their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away, with no thought for future generation.

Indeed. But it's incomprehensible for most in the West. Religion has waned in most Western countries. Those that are religious are not violent fanatics who preach jihad and see any religion but theirs as infidels fit for slaughter. Completely different mind set and therefore oblivious to how the mind of the religious zealot and fanatic can work.

Complacency and doing nothing will not make this all go away.

It's not just a completely different mind set It’s a clash of civilization and a clash of two species that have an entirely different level of mental development

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"The asylum-seeking Syrian man had been involved in previous incidents causing injuries to other people, police said"

one more woman dead in the name of multiculturalism, he should have been deported on first offence as undesirable.

50% of those "refugees" you can not send back as their true identity is unknown, and MAGHREB countries entirely refusing to take back their nationals even if the identity is known and they committed crimes

You can tell where most of the migrants come from, language is a good give away plus cultural habits etc, the EU has an agreement with Turkey to take back failed assylum seekers so many if not all could be deported if there was the political will to do so.

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"The asylum-seeking Syrian man had been involved in previous incidents causing injuries to other people, police said"

one more woman dead in the name of multiculturalism, he should have been deported on first offence as undesirable.

Indeed. Hilarious really that there are not a few posters gleefully championing the Thais for their incessant 'crackdowns on mere 'overstayers' threatening deportation, isn't it? How many of these sanctimonious scum are among those on these threads?

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I feel sorry for my generation.

Such disorder and crime will be go on and on.
And it doesn't depend on religion or confession. The cause is in education and mental stability. No one normal person, is it Muslim or Christian, isn’t going to kill others.

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And, a subject rarely, if ever, touched upon by the 'apologists/supporters' of Mad Merkel's welcoming on a million young male muslims :

But they've gone to arrange a better life, for themselves.

Yes they're most certainly fleeing war but not as they want people in Europe and the BBC to understand.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Oops. Maybe we should have screened the people coming into our country? Why did we not think of that at the time?

Charity is lovely. Being kind to people in need is very admirable. Germany has embarked on an experiment in the act of kindness. But, perhaps it should have been done with some constraints. Some judicious thought. Some circumspection. Just like Castro did in the 1980's, when tens of thousands of Cubans were allowed to leave Cuba, and he slipped in several thousand hardened convicts from the prisons, more than likely ISIS has done the same in Germany. So, some screening would have been the right thing to do. It is more than likely a very high price will be paid for this act of silliness, carelessness, and extreme liberalism.

It's a Catch 22 which puts Germany in the shit house. They screen nearly everyone. Some are denied asylum. They're supposed to be deported, BUT THEY'RE NOT - Like the two buttplugs who committed separate terrorism acts today.

So Germany (and Denmark and France and Sweden and Belgium, ad nauseum) .....can't legally send the dirtbags back to Syria or Afghanistan because they're warring. They can't put them in jail (the perps haven't yet been convicted of crimes prior), so they usually put them in 'halfway houses' or a family home, and cross their fingers and hope the young men don't cause any trouble.

Now we see what can happen. .....and it's going to keep happening. My theory is; sex crimes will outnumber killing and maiming. It so happens, all throughout human history, we only hear about a small fraction of sex crimes, because victims, understandably, don't want to come forward to tell what happened. Expect a lot of dark-haired babies with brown eyes, born to single white moms.

Also, you'll notice in all these news articles, German press are sheepish about mentioning whether the perps are Muslims and/or from Dune countries. Usually, there will be a sheepish mention in one of the closing paragraphs, something like, "it's believed the suspect is from a Middle Eastern country, but authorities cannot say for sure at this time."

....despite the fact that the guy was probably screaming "Allah Akbar before and during his attacks."

Countries have varying laws regarding deportation, but even for countries where deportation is not legally complicated, it does require that the receiving country agrees to accept the deportee. Establishing the citizenship can be trickier than what it appears. Along the Afghan/Pakistani border area, neither country might acknowledge someone as a citizen. Warring areas may have had records destroyed, or changes in leadership might result in certain groups being excluded from the country.

Years ago, while working with Vietnamese refugees, we had a situation where a person was denied refugee status and was to be returned to Vietnam. Vietnam said that he was ethnic Chinese and not a Vietnamese citizen and he should be sent to China. China refused saying they had no reason to believe that he was Chinese.

The protocols on denied asylum seekers is that they should not be detained, however, in some of the European countries the number of asylum seekers is significant enough to warrant limiting their movements.

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germany is now facing serious problem.

our only hope and prayer is that it has not

penetrated too far below and wide. otherwise

more chaos will be the order of the day.

Don't mentions prayers! It would seem prayers/religion are a big part of the problem!

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And, a subject rarely, if ever, touched upon by the 'apologists/supporters' of Mad Merkel's welcoming on a million young male muslims :

But they've gone to arrange a better life, for themselves.

Yes they're most certainly fleeing war but not as they want people in Europe and the BBC to understand.

Really? Wish I could find the link, but a young German guy had volunteered for the 'hug a refugee' program who'd given up on his allotted 'flee-er from the war' after just two months. He'd said he really couldn't tolerate his sense of entitlement and constant complaining about Germany and when aforesaid bright eyed and bushy tailed German volunteer had enquired after his family back in Syria he was told his father and two brothers were still there running the family business and 'were doing alright'. So. It appears that only the rubbish have been sent for the free money in the eu. Have a lazy arsed errant problematical son? Ship him off to the eu. Job done.

Edited by dageurreotype
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And, a subject rarely, if ever, touched upon by the 'apologists/supporters' of Mad Merkel's welcoming on a million young male muslims :

But they've gone to arrange a better life, for themselves.

Yes they're most certainly fleeing war but not as they want people in Europe and the BBC to understand.

Really? Wish I could find the link, but a young German guy had volunteered for the 'hug a refugee' program who'd given up on his allotted 'flee-er from the war' after just two months. He'd said he really couldn't tolerate his sense of entitlement and constant complaining about Germany and when aforesaid bright eyed and bushy tailed German volunteer had enquired after his family back in Syria he was told his father and two brothers were still there running the family business and 'were doing alright'. So. It appears that only the rubbish have been sent for the free money in the eu. Have a lazy arsed errant problematical son? Ship him off to the eu. Job done.

Hello little boy and what do you want to be when you grow up ?

An economic migrant heading for Europe.

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The man was hit by a BMW, which ended the attack.

The driver's brother has told Sky News he did it deliberately and has been released from hospital after suffering minor injuries.


Give that driver a farquin medal.

Hope the BMW is ok.

Nice to see these scum taken out.

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And, a subject rarely, if ever, touched upon by the 'apologists/supporters' of Mad Merkel's welcoming on a million young male muslims :

But they've gone to arrange a better life, for themselves.

Yes they're most certainly fleeing war but not as they want people in Europe and the BBC to understand.

Really? Wish I could find the link, but a young German guy had volunteered for the 'hug a refugee' program who'd given up on his allotted 'flee-er from the war' after just two months. He'd said he really couldn't tolerate his sense of entitlement and constant complaining about Germany and when aforesaid bright eyed and bushy tailed German volunteer had enquired after his family back in Syria he was told his father and two brothers were still there running the family business and 'were doing alright'. So. It appears that only the rubbish have been sent for the free money in the eu. Have a lazy arsed errant problematical son? Ship him off to the eu. Job done.

Reminds me of my early days in Hong Kong where some of the colonial ' cheps ' were ' remittance boys ' who had been told by the family to go overseas to a colony / territory and were sent an allowance to basically stay away.

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Recruitment/Thank you letter from ISIS:



Have mental issues?

Criminal background?

Violent tendencies?

Feel like you don't fit in?

Feeling vengeful?

Feeling suicidal?


Don't waste your demise by going out solo, or by going out as just another nutter/loser run amok, instead make a name for yourself and US! As an added bonus, fear-mongering rednecks in the west will blame, castigate and alienate 'ALL' muslims, thus trigger even MORE nutters for us and ultimately help our relatively tiny group to create a clash of civilisations.

Without your help we cannot expand or win. So thanks in advance to nutter/losers who run amok (even if it had nothing to do with us) and a special thanks to fearful western rednecks for castigating ALL Muslims, thus directly helping and accelerating our cause! We are grateful for your help.

xxoo, ISIS


The above is written as satire only of course but is relevant. In this case like most others, we have yet another nutter who has mental issues, had run-ins with the law and incidents of assault. It could be rightfully argued that he should have been promptly deported at first infraction but to tar 'ALL' Muslims only helps ISIS terrorist cause. So please develop a wee bit of mettle and rationality, or at the least, stop helping ISIS...(!!)

There are muslim terrorists.

There are muslim enhousiasts about and supporters of the terrorists.

And then there is the silent majority of muslims that keep silent, don't speak out, cover up, hide and so in fact support the terrorists and the enthousiasts.

Open your eyes, good man.

Don't blame the wrong people.

Lay the blame where it must be laid.

Muslims declared war on us, the "unbelievers" world.

Not the other way around.

Edited by hansnl
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I have been listening to German radio today.

They are broadcasting people who tell what they think.

They say something like "it's terrible, but we shall stay strong"

Nobody is asking why did this happen? What can be done to avoid this in the future?

Total denial.

Looks to me like strong censorship from the radio people

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Can't wait for the guys who, whenever something like this happens in Thailand, come out and go "It happens everywhere!"
Yeah...it does!

One idiot with a machete!

But wait: he was Syrian, so it must be a Muslim- influenced act of terror!

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