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Heard rumours from reliable people that the Chiang Mai Mayor was removed from office.

The Buranupakorn clan was implicated in the recent letter-gate scandal in Chiang Mai.


Good to hear!

Yes, very good.

But who will take his place as mayor of Shintown?

Ever who number 44 says.whistling.gif

You're probably right.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Another defeat for the Dragonhead?


Good to hear!

Yes, very good.

But who will take his place as mayor of Shintown?

Ever who number 44 says.whistling.gif

You're probably right.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Another defeat for the Dragonhead?

This rumor is interesting as NO mention of this in any Thai media. A rumor of this magnitude would be in the national news. So far nothing.wink.png


The related searches of the well known furniture shop (and owner of several hotels) has been well covered in Thai media. Apparently owner is MIA overseas (per some reports). Owner who is named is also described as a friend of a unamed but famous politician whistling.gif

Good news is they caught the delivery driverscheesy.gif

Poor sod...look at the Red bike (what a coincidence colour wise). Can't see him having shekels for any fine himself.



Yep now coming thick and fast on Thai media (Boonlert, the PAO)



But still some minor contradictory reports. Most recent seem to say that he is gone via S 44.

Although suspension is mentioned ...an immediate investigation is also mentioned which is to go to the PM.....who signed the s 44 order (copies of which are floating round as well assuming they are legit)

Cannot see him coming back from this.


Chiang Mai PAO president suspended from duty

The Nation July 26, 2016 4:13 pm
Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha has invoked Article 44 of the interim charter to suspend Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organisation president Bunlert Buranupakorn from duty.
The suspenction took effective Tuesday when the National Council for Peace and Order chief's order was published. The order announced the fifth name list of state officials who have been suspended from duty pending graft probe .

"Security officials have found that some state officials of some local administrative organisations may have committed offences related to the referendum law and the matter must be dealt urgently to prevent it from disturbing peace and order or incurring damage to the state,'' the statement said.

Bunlert is suspended from duty without pay till the order is changed otherwise. The order also stated that concerned officials carry out probe quickly and report the PM if they find that Bunlert is not involved in any crimes.



Top Chiang Mai official suspended in draft probe
THE NATION July 27, 2016 1:00 am
PM uses Article 44 to speed up inquiry into Buranupakorn Family, Pheu Thai politicians
THE political temperature has risen further after Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha exercised the power of Article 44 to suspend Boonlert Buranupakorn, president of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organisation, from duty yesterday.

The move was believed to be the result of raids on local government offices in Chiang Mai and a company owned by the family of a well-known politician on Saturday, during which security officers found copies of letters "distorting" the draft charter content.

The Royal Gazette yesterday published the National Council for Peace and Order chief's order announcing the fifth list of officials facing investigation.

"Security officials have found that state officials at some local administrative organisations may have committed offences related to the referendum law and the matter must be handled urgently to prevent it from disturbing peace and order or incurring damage to the state,'' the statement said.

Boonlert, who is on an overseas trip, is suspended from duty without pay until the order is revoked. The order also said that officials should expedite the probe and report to the prime minister if they find that Boonlert is innocent.

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said he had ordered the chief of Provincial Police Region 5 to issue arrest warrants for "five big politicians" if they are found to be linked to the allegedly distorted charter draft letters found in Northern provinces.

"We will take action in accordance with the evidence. I do not know if the evidence links to national politicians,'' Prawit said.

Meanwhile, police in Chiang Mai have not concluded that the Buranupakorn family is behind distribution of the letters, which were found in Chiang Mai, Lamphun and Lampang.

Police are trying to find other people who are involved.

Provincial Police Region 5 Commissioner Pol Lt-General Thanitsak Theerasawat said they would gather evidence to ensure the cases were handled in accordance with due process.

"We will take action against those involved from the lower levels to the masterminds. Right now we have found three groups involved including the masterminds, publishers and those who delivered the documents,'' he said.

Police have also identified suspects who deposited the documents in post boxes in Chiang Mai after they inspected fingerprints left on the envelopes, checked security cameras and identified several people who allegedly carried out the act. Police, military officers and local officials are searching for the suspects in Lamphun and Lampang.

Thanitsak said some evidence linked close aides of the "famous" family to the "distorted" charter letters, but police still have to collect more evidence before pressing charges.

Meanwhile, Thassani Buranupa-korn, a former Pheu Thai Chiang Mai MP, met police after officials raided her house and company.

She has not been charged with a crime.

Police said four of the people arrested were all from the same group, which allegedly put the documents in envelopes and delivered them.

Wissarut Kunanitisarn, who has been charged with delivering the letters, has sought a temporarily release on bail and will apparently become a witness in the case after he voluntarily applied to join a witness protection programme.

The fifth suspect, Samart Kwanchai, who allegedly distributed 407 leaflets with the message "Damn Dictatorship and Long Live Democracy, August 7 Vote No", was not from the same group, according to police. Constitution Drafting Commission (CDC) chairman Meechai Ruchupan expressed concern that opponents of the draft may resort to "dirty tactics" 10 days before the referendum.

"They have staged such campaigns even before we finished the draft.

"We think it is not fair to distort content of the draft to mislead the public. They have dirty minds to cheat the public,'' he said.

Meechai said the CDC was working to the best of its ability and hoped people would pass the draft, adding he would rather not evaluate his work.

"We drafted the charter with an honest intention to steer the country on a peaceful path,'' he said.

Meechai said a statement circulating in public - "If you want 'Lung Tu' [Prayut] to stay in power, vote down the draft" - was causing a misunderstanding.

"This is misleading because if the charter draft is rejected, 'Lung Tu' will leave faster because people will rally to oust him. If the charter draft is rejected, the reform procedures will be in disarray,'' Meechai said.

I'd be grateful if someone / anyone could explain in plain English what's being said here.

What do "furniture shops, delivery drivers, red bikes" have to do with a rumour that the Mayor of Chiang Mai has been "deposed" and why does the URL lead me to something called "Trakool"?



The related searches of the well known furniture shop (and owner of several hotels) has been well covered in Thai media. Apparently owner is MIA overseas (per some reports). Owner who is named is also described as a friend of a unamed but famous politician whistling.gif

Good news is they caught the delivery driverscheesy.gif

Poor sod...look at the Red bike (what a coincidence colour wise). Can't see him having shekels for any fine himself.



Joe -- you may be new to Thailand. Trakool is a banner ad at the top of the Thai website. Scroll down to see photos. You best source of background to explain the "furniture shop" connection is the CityLife article referenced in post No. 13. The red bike was probably used in the delivery of the letters in question. The color of the bike is very telling.

Edit: I've decided to stop wearing red nail varnish least it be misinterpreted. Fortunately, never did like red or yellow clothing, so I haven't had to clean out my closet.


Joe -- you may be new to Thailand. Trakool is a banner ad at the top of the Thai website. Scroll down to see photos. You best source of background to explain the "furniture shop" connection is the CityLife article referenced in post No. 13. The red bike was probably used in the delivery of the letters in question. The color of the bike is very telling.

Edit: I've decided to stop wearing red nail varnish least it be misinterpreted. Fortunately, never did like red or yellow clothing, so I haven't had to clean out my closet.

Nancy L

Thank you. As you suggested I did go to the Trakool website as you suggested and scrolled down to a plethora of pictures showing amongst other things (unhappy looking people, clothing, a car, a red m/cycle and a blue m/cycle). I found the CityLife article equally confusing, but I guess the more recent posts (above) go some way to providing background detail.

I'm grateful for your help.





This is a country that currently has police generals saying they will prosecute using the full weight of the law 2 8-year-old girls who took what they thought was a couple of pretty, pink pieces of paper from a gungy wall. It's a country that will send you to jail for 40 years for clicking 'like' on the wrong post on FB. People speak obliquely because that's safer than being direct.



This is a country that currently has police generals saying they will prosecute using the full weight of the law 2 8-year-old girls who took what they thought was a couple of pretty, pink pieces of paper from a gungy wall. It's a country that will send you to jail for 40 years for clicking 'like' on the wrong post on FB. People speak obliquely because that's safer than being direct.

It am sure it will get better after the 7 August vote......sure. Though I do note there was a new set of invites to Kawilla before being moved on to Bangers.

Have the inside goss from a local CM boy done good that all will be fine


Half expecting that consulates would issue some notice to citizens, but then half unexpected that they would in current climate.

Think I will sit out for a few days and catch up on GOT....

What was the old curse......"May you live in interesting times".

Positive note however, no charges against the seditious monkeys in the temple ...so far.


I see there have been more invitations to transit through Kawila on the way to Bangkok today.

The good people at the Home Office have updated their travel advice yesterday with specific reference to the 7 August vote..."political tensions are likely to increase leading up to and during the polls; you should avoid political gatherings and monitor the advice of local authorities and local media".

Pretty standard stuff and no doubt others to follow as/when/if things deteriorate having said that the advice given above as far as avoiding demonstrations etc has been much included in circulars for a year or more by most embassies.

Might be best if people have some supplies on hand....especially those dependent on medications. Can't hurt, might help.


The junta claims there are letters "distorting" the draft constitution, and the accused will be tried in a military court. That probably means that conviction is certain and we will never know what evidence is used. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/thailand-opposition-figures-military-court-160728134234938.html

Can't stand those military courts where a conviction is certain. I prefer courts that are more amenable to a cake box full of cash determining the outcome of a case.


Well, I think it only natural the Mayor and other officials from Chiang Mai visit the capital for a holiday, and enjoy themselves as guests of the government.

Sometimes the only way to clear-up distortions of distortions is by homeopathic administration of small doses of toxic distortions; these are harmless, and help the social body mobilize its immune system to increase its tolerance for distortions, and, that brings happiness to the people.

If I were more stupid, I would insert the quote from Orwell's '1984' here beginning: "From the moment when the machine first made its appearance ..."

cheers, ~o:37;

p.s. please consider that i have already received your reply to this post in which you were kind enough to share with me that you never thought I could be more stupid than I already am.


The junta claims there are letters "distorting" the draft constitution, and the accused will be tried in a military court. That probably means that conviction is certain and we will never know what evidence is used. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/thailand-opposition-figures-military-court-160728134234938.html

Can't stand those military courts where a conviction is certain. I prefer courts that are more amenable to a cake box full of cash determining the outcome of a case.

I'm sure the cakebox works fine in military courts, provided the presiding officers haven't already been ordered to arrive at the preferred verdict. How do you feel about keeping evidence secret?

Edit: Some people make a big deal of the fact that Thaksin is a convicted criminal, as opposed to the unconvicted criminals one normally finds in government. From your obvious lack of faith in the Thai judicial system, I assume you aren't one of these people.

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