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German refugee policy under fire after a week of bloodshed


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German refugee policy under fire after a week of bloodshed
VANESSA GERA, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — Four attacks in a week — three of them carried out by asylum seekers — have left Germany on edge and Chancellor Angela Merkel's policies of welcoming refugees under renewed criticism.

Anxiety over Germany's ability to cope with last year's flood of more than 1 million registered asylum seekers first surged following a series of sexual assaults and robberies in Cologne during New Year celebrations.

But in the last seven days, the violence has become even more deadly.

The unprecedented bloodshed began July 18, when a 17-year-old from Afghanistan wielding an ax attacked people on a train near Wuerzburg, wounding five people before he was shot to death by police. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility.

On Sunday, a 21-year-old Syrian used a machete to kill a 45-year-old Polish woman in the southern city of Reutlingen. Authorities said assailant and victim knew each other from working in the same restaurant, and the incident was not related to terrorism.

Also Sunday, a 27-year-old Syrian who was denied asylum detonated a backpack of explosives and shrapnel at the entrance to an outdoor music festival in Ansbach, killing himself and wounding 15 people. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility, and German security officials said a video on the attacker's phone shows him pledging allegiance to the extremists.

The deadliest attack came Friday night in Munich. The German-born, 18-year-old son of Iranian asylum seekers went on a shooting spree and killed nine people. The youth had obsessively researched mass shootings, and authorities said the attack does not appear to be linked to Islamic extremists.

The violence followed an attack in the French Riviera by a Tunisian truck driver who plowed his vehicle into a Bastille Day crowd, killing 84 people in Nice.

Experts say the attacks are likely to inflame anti-foreigner sentiment in Germany, creating a challenge for Merkel's government.

Merkel could now face increased calls for tighter border security and greater vetting of arrivals, even though the flow of migrants and asylum seekers has slowed drastically, said Florian Otto, an analyst with the risk consultants Verisk Maplecrof. The influx diminished after the European Union and Turkey agreed on a deal aimed at stopping people from reaching the continent by sea.

Although it's too soon to say whether these attacks would threaten Merkel's chances of staying in power after federal elections next year, "she will face more pressure and scrutiny for her immigration policies," Otto said.

"The motives of the ... attacks differ widely; they were not linked. But to some extent, that won't matter in the public debate, which will be focused on the outcomes," he said.

The sexual assaults in Cologne, which prosecutors said were committed largely by foreigners, fueled anti-immigrant sentiment and helped bolster support for the populist, anti-Islam AfD party in three regional elections.

Concern had lessened as border controls were re-established after being abolished for a time last fall to handle the biggest influx and warnings of a spike in crime weren't realized. But with regional elections coming in the fall, this month's attacks could give AfD fresh support.

On Monday, the AfD criticized Merkel's administration, saying that under "the current ideology of a dangerous 'multiculturalism,' the country's domestic security and the order of Germany keeps getting destroyed."

Social media criticism of Merkel was especially harsh, with some people condemning her for accepting hundreds of thousands of migrants last year.

Merkel tried to calm the mood over the weekend by saying the security services will "do everything possible to protect the security and freedom of all people in Germany."

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said most asylum seekers had come to Germany to escape persecution, and it was important to remember that only a tiny minority had links to terrorism. It would be wrong, he told the Funke newspaper group, to put all of them under "general suspicion, even if there are investigations in individual cases."

"We are currently talking about 59 investigations for possible links to terrorist structures, and that's with many hundreds of thousands of newly arrived people," he was quoted as saying. In the overwhelming number of cases, reports turn out to be false.

De Maiziere called for Germany's borders to be better protected without preventing people from coming in by legal and safe means "in reasonable numbers."

In the Munich shooting, he noted there was no indication the gunman, born in Germany to Iranian parents, had failed to integrate in German society.

Nonetheless, "people in Germany are scared," said Rainer Wendt, the head of the police union DPolG.

"Last year, we gave up control of our borders and instructed police not to check everything that should have been checked," Wendt said in an interview on German broadcaster n-tv. "There was also this welcome culture, which stopped us clearly seeing that some people have come here who are up to no good, or who are so psychologically unstable that they pose a considerable threat."

Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore."

He pointed out that "most people who commit Islamist acts of terror are also psychologically unstable."

Asked why there were so many attacks in such a short time, Nassehi suggested some of the attackers may be copycats, saying that "images of violence produce further violence."

Asked how similar attacks could best be prevented, de Maiziere said it was important to ensure that new arrivals be well-integrated quickly into German society.

"Good integration policy is always preventive security policy as well," he said.


Gera reported from Warsaw, Poland. Frank Jordans contributed from Berlin.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-26

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"de Maiziere said it was important to ensure that new arrivals be well-integrated quickly into German society."

Good luck with that. What happens if the new arrivals don't want to integrate, seeing the Germans as alcohol swilling degenerate infidels? Then comes the realisation that the immigrants lack of education, language and social skills mean that they will never achieve the comfortable lifestyle of most of the locals. No bitterness or resentment there, right? Not to mention everybody walking on eggshells to avoid offending muslim sensibilities.

One might also try an assessment of what each immigrant is likely to cost the economy they become a part of. Mental and medical treatment, education (including remedial and special needs), housing, income support and all the other costs are a huge drain on the economy paid for by taxpayers. If you told THEM how much they were paying for thousands of immigrants, do you think they would be happy?

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"The motives of the ... attacks differ widely; they were not linked. But to some extent, that won't matter in the public debate, which will be focused on the outcomes," he said.

Yeah! It's not like these guys are all reading the same book right?

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I don't know of any other country around the world that has ever taken over one million aliens of different

culture, back ground and religion at one time, Merkel has dumped those aliens on the head of her citizens telling

them, 'here, 1.1+ million strange people on your doorsteps, deal with that,' repercussions and consequences

are bound to happened and they will.....

Edited by ezzra
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Asked how similar attacks could best be prevented, de Maiziere said it was important to ensure that new arrivals be well-integrated quickly into German society.

This man is deaf.
The majority do not want unlimited immigration.
Are those responsible at all sane?

There is a real need for a mental deficiencies treatment to diagnose.

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More "balanced" news like that is needed to calm things down. Surely there must be news out there of ethnic Germans shooting children in a restaurant, hacking people to death with a machete or ax? Even one with a bomb? They were around 30 years ago so it is possible (some of the older pro-immigrant leftists are probably one in the same).

Edited by mopar71
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"Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore."

"He pointed out that "most people who commit Islamist acts of terror are also psychologically unstable."

That's only half the story.
The Quran forbids suicide (hellfire awaits you), but if you kill yourself and kill thereby infidels than it is a heroic act and brings one to the 72 virgins (paradise awaits you).

So what made now a mentally ill muslim who hates the world and want to kill himself?

Edit: underline the "big number".

Edited by tomacht8
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Quote Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore." Unquote

How about all those Muslims either born in a country or are naturalised who carry out jihad? What's their excuse??

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Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore."

He pointed out that "most people who commit Islamist acts of terror are also psychologically unstable."

well, he got that RIGHT!!

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More "balanced" news like that is needed to calm things down. Surely there must be news out there of ethnic Germans shooting children in a restaurant, hacking people to death with a machete or ax? Even one with a bomb? They were around 30 years ago so it is possible (some of the older pro-immigrant leftists are probably one in the same).

I was asking that myself too, when are we going to read about a Christian or Catholic nut case that walks into a crowded mosque on Friday afternoon with an automatic weapon and starts firing at anything that moves?

I've been expecting something like that for months already, if not from a nut case then from some one that wants revenge because he or she lost a love one (s).

A horrible act as well, but it might work preventive.

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Europe needs a wall against "immigrants". First against right wing British hooligans, Then after Trump's victory against US citizens (weapon control, - including check of the balls for bulletts, IQ

under 95 not accepted) Oh, I forgot: Send back the one million of economic refugees to East Germany. Terrorist acts of eastern neonazies are the majority in Germany.

I'm stupid? No, I only go down to the level of many posters here.

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If seems that one goal all of the perpetrators share is making the news. And with the media always looking for exciting ‘flashbang’ stories to sell, these two have a twisted common cause.

These days, any disenfranchised Muslim head job with an internet connection knows he (or she) can instantly become a worldwide sensation and have their fabled 15 minutes of fame. All they need to do is kill a group of innocent people in a public, sensational and horrific sort of way.

The headline-hungry media even cooperates by giving them romantic sounding handles. The aspiring terrorist can strap up and head off to commit carnage with macho images a ‘lone wolf’ dancing around in his warped little mind. Something any number of psychotic underachievers might salivate over. Makes one wonder if our soldier of Islam would feel just as noble if he knew the media would label him a ‘chronic masturbator’ or ‘frustrated transvestite’ instead of a ‘lone wolf’.

But naturally the media can’t do this as it would be insensitive, discriminatory and infringe on the murderer’s rights. However, one thing they could actually do is very publicly refuse to publish names and/or photos of the lunatics who commit these crimes. Would it solve the problem? Of course not, there's no reason to give them the spotlight of personal publicity they all want.

Edited by Hayduke
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Quote Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore." Unquote

How about all those Muslims either born in a country or are naturalised who carry out jihad? What's their excuse??

An apologist will be along any minute now with a plethora of excuses.

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If seems that one goal all of the perpetrators share is making the news. And with the media always looking for exciting flashbang stories to sell, these two have a twisted common cause.

These days, any disenfranchised Muslim head job with an internet connection knows he (or she) can instantly become a worldwide sensation and have their fabled 15 minutes of fame. All they need to do is kill a group of innocent people in a public, sensational and horrific sort of way.

The headline-hungry media even cooperates by giving them romantic sounding handles. The aspiring terrorist can strap up and head off to commit carnage with macho images a lone wolf dancing around in his warped little mind. Something any number of psychotic underachievers might salivate over. Makes one wonder if our soldier of Islam would feel just as noble if he knew the media would label him a chronic masturbator or frustrated transvestite instead of a lone wolf.

But naturally the media cant do this as it would be insensitive, discriminatory and infringe on the murderers rights. However, one thing they could actually do is very publicly refuse to publish names and/or photos of the lunatics who commit these crimes. Would it solve the problem? Of course not, there's no reason to give them the spotlight of personal publicity they all want.

Great comment.

I have argued with friends before about this, what if all newspaper outlets incl. the face-tweet-insta-google media gangs would completely ignore the next terrorist attack? I know, I am dreaming, but still !

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Europe needs a wall against "immigrants". First against right wing British hooligans, Then after Trump's victory against US citizens (weapon control, - including check of the balls for bulletts, IQ

under 95 not accepted) Oh, I forgot: Send back the one million of economic refugees to East Germany. Terrorist acts of eastern neonazies are the majority in Germany.

I'm stupid? No, I only go down to the level of many posters here.

I don't think you're stupid. So you must have other reasons for constantly trying to defend Islam and it's followers who commit various disgusting atrocities in the name of their chosen religion.

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If seems that one goal all of the perpetrators share is making the news. And with the media always looking for exciting flashbang stories to sell, these two have a twisted common cause.

These days, any disenfranchised Muslim head job with an internet connection knows he (or she) can instantly become a worldwide sensation and have their fabled 15 minutes of fame. All they need to do is kill a group of innocent people in a public, sensational and horrific sort of way.

The headline-hungry media even cooperates by giving them romantic sounding handles. The aspiring terrorist can strap up and head off to commit carnage with macho images a lone wolf dancing around in his warped little mind. Something any number of psychotic underachievers might salivate over. Makes one wonder if our soldier of Islam would feel just as noble if he knew the media would label him a chronic masturbator or frustrated transvestite instead of a lone wolf.

But naturally the media cant do this as it would be insensitive, discriminatory and infringe on the murderers rights. However, one thing they could actually do is very publicly refuse to publish names and/or photos of the lunatics who commit these crimes. Would it solve the problem? Of course not, there's no reason to give them the spotlight of personal publicity they all want.

Hmm. I hear what you're saying, but bear in mind governments and media are already trying to cover stories up, like all the 'fun' in Germany at New Year. I really don't think we should make their efforts to sweep matters under the carpet any easier for them...
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Maiziere said it was important to ensure that new arrivals be well-integrated ...

I am stunned.

They are still talking about new arrivals ...

What about sending them back or keep them in safe and guarded regions?

It's a fact that violence is coming from one group that was allowed in.

I believe there are honest people among them - but by not letting anybody ín of that kind Germany would have suffered less, people would be alive

and who knows what the future brings with those risky group still roaming free in the country?

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See recent police crime reports from 26.7.2016 (only half day, a excerpt) which are in connection with asylum seekers in Germany

In Güsten a 25 year old refugee have a young girl sexually assaulted.

Two young asylum seekers have come to the site of a property in the Buchenstraße on Sunday evening in a heated argument and have mutually inflicted injuries.

Leipzig - Middle of the night stumbled a 35-year-old Tunisian for reception center in Dölitz-dozing. The fact that he was no longer purely left there by the security guards, did not like the drunk like that. Forcibly he gained access, and then picked up the blade.

Werdohl (ots) -. Here sat a suspect one a piece of glass a destroyed mug, injuring his opponent hard in the chest area. The 20-year Syrians had to be spent with an ambulance to the hospital.

In the asylum accommodation Aussiger road came on Sunday at 21.30 to a skirmish between several Ethiopian and Tunisian asylum seekers.

POL-Q: 160725 - 638 sindlingen:. Public manhunt for robbery at betting shop - Reference Message

POL-KA: (CW) Simmozheim- dispute in asylum center ends with superficial cuts

POL-KR: Sexual harassment in the field of the Krefeld main station displayed

Early Saturday morning, a 50-year-old in Dresden's Neustadt was assaulted and robbed by four or five men. The police could initially provide two Tunisians (23).

Police Lübeck examined witnesses: Two girls harassed in Travemünde

POL-BS: Police seek witnesses to sexual offense in the Mönchstraße

Leipzig - Since according to the police a "freaked" 22-year-old Libyan asylum seekers decreased with broken glass and his bike going to the entrance.

POL-Fri: Maulburg: Refugee harassed young woman - arrested by the police in custody

Ingolstadt / Wellheim (DK) The case is already amazing for its crime scene: In the Wellheimer parish an applicant shall have the sacristan sexually harassed.

Rape of two girls: Judge allows four Syrians walk with parole - because they had no criminal record.

Pickpocketing investigators of the federal police took last Saturday (07/23/2016) to 06:00 on Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof two suspected pickpockets firmly. The 25- and 29-year-old Algerian national.

After Oldenburg Culture Summer |
Woman raped on way home.

Common priority effort of the Federal Police and the police against Hamburg pickpockets. Nine arrests. The list of suspects is German, Algerian, Moroccan, Romanian, Russian and Syrian nationals.

Germany have obviously big problems to handle this refugee masses.
Politicians pushing now the consequences of their irresponsible refugee policy to the police officers.

Edited by tomacht8
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To most the contrived association of these particular events as a Muslim immigrant problem, however remotely, will satisfy the agenda.

Socially unacceptable atrocity has no excuses.

But that which is consistently ignored is the cause of the mass "refugee immigrations !

Refugees are the escaping product of a drastic situation.

" Prevention is better than a cure".

Look to the actual source of infection !

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