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Trump to Russia: Uncover, release deleted Clinton emails


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Trump is saying he never met Putin, doesn't know him.

But he knew him last November


Trump implied/lied that he met Putin, that they were interviewed together on 60 Minutes, but they were in different countries giving their interviews. The magic of TC

Edited by mopar71
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Twitters tweets from by Republicans after Obama's speech - read it and weep:

Still stunned. Feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Obama just defended America & conservative values from attacks by the Republican nominee.

Trump is asking Russian President for help. Hillary Clinton is asking an American President

Will a Trump apologist explain to me why an 18 yo watching the conventions would want to be a Republican? We're giving away a generation

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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on............"

The average Clinton voter will quickly dismiss this with "what's the big deal about email....I use it all the time...?"

And that's as far as their inquiring little minds will take it.

5555555! A Trump voter accusing Clinton voters of having "little minds".

Personally, I don't like Trump. I agree in principle with a number of his positions although not necessarily the means or methods of accomplishing it. Wish there was a better spokesperson.

Clinton however, is human filth and would be more dangerous because Congress no longer exercises their solemn duty to act as a check against Executive overreach in a non-partisan manner.

In this sense, I believe Trump would have more Republicans challenge his initiatives than Clinton would ever have member of her own party....who would have zero resistance as the democrats in Congress are hyper partisan drooling lapdogs. Obama demonstrated them to be as such during his 1st term. This alone makes Clinton more dangerous once you get beyond any emotional "dislike" of Trump.

"Clinton however, is human filth...."

Wow, you must really dislike the lady. It sounds as though she's a convicted criminal, but she isn't is she?


Is she so powerful that she controls the FBI as well?

"... and would be more dangerous because Congress no longer exercises their solemn duty to act as a check against Executive overreach in a non-partisan manner."

Please explain. If you can't prove this then I call it BS.

"In this sense, I believe Trump would have more Republicans challenge his initiatives than Clinton would ever have member of her own party....who would have zero resistance as the democrats in Congress are hyper partisan drooling lapdogs."

Uh, no.

"Obama demonstrated them to be as such during his 1st term."

Explain, please. Or is that another statement based on hate instead of facts?

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......... The Clintons are the same people who deducted their used underwear on their tax returns.

Great Idea, did not think of that one before but will try.

However, the expenses for laundry will fall significantly, calculating the net effect now ...


Imagine, there are two candidates shortlisted for a job and you have to decide.

One Candidate has great experience and had the opportunity to learn, sometimes by mistake, and manage the consequences of decision making.

The other Candidate has no experience, a great waffle, and changes his mind every few minutes after he makes a provocative remark that does go wrong, and tries to wiggle out of it rather than manage and solve a problem.

Who would you hire ?

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If the American public cannot figure that Donald Trump is a poor businessman who hides behind lawyers, lawsuits and bankruptcy and has no experience that would even remotely make him a viable candidate for President they deserve him.

While Hilary Clinton is not my first choice for President when the only choice is between someone who has vast experience; a husband who is a former President and and advisor; and the backing of the current President- the choice is simple. Hilary has a plan that is somewhat progressive but Trump has no plan except to foster divisions in America and bombastic insults that make America look like a bully and a liar. Americans of all stripes will reject Trump en masse and he will be confined to a footnote in the history books.

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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

The pic confirms popular theory that she is actually reptilian.

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The previous email hack exposing DNC came from Russia and now Trump is asking 'his buddies' to hack Clinton.
Why do the Russians want Trump in versus Clinton? (Chinese as well).

Russian government hackers penetrated DNC:

They must think having Trump as president is better for them than Clinton. Also, Trump is very likely to weaken NATO thus destabilise foreign alliances, creating vacuums for the likes of Russia and China to expolit.

Quote from Brookings translation of:

'" A website that targets China’s growing middle-class, published an article which said that it’s "Better to have a U.S. President that only cares about trade than someone who aggressively promotes democracy and bolsters U.S. allies in Asia.” It added: “China should welcome Trump to become the next president because his administration will be more friendly towards China than Obama’s"'

So, Trump plans on 'Making the world safe again' by weakening NATO, emboldening Russia & China, aiding ISIS recruitment with his rhetoric and also tearing up the Iran nuclear treaty deal.

If Trump 'tears up the Iran deal' as he says he will on his 1st day in office on Jan 21 2017, this would leave almost no restraints to prevent Iran from rapidly resuming their nuclear weapons program. Tearing it up would also un-bind Russia and China from upholding sanctions and instantly halt the critical monitoring which was a direct result of the 'Worst deal America has ever made' as Trump calls it. This would also bring Israel back into the fore, threatening to attack Iran.

One also wonders when ISIS will endorse Trump? Afterall, he's HELPING and accelerating ISIS in their strategy to create a clash of civilizations with Trump becoming their #1 recruitment 'tool' (figuratively & literally;) by his constant painting/insinuating of an ENTIRE religious group same as a relatively tiny group of extremists and nut cases.

The short-fingered sociopath Trump is extremely dangerous, should get nowhere near the nuclear codes and saying he was just 'joking' about essentially asking his BFF Putin to hack a home political opponent (via Assange) just adds to his reckless record and character.

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......... The Clintons are the same people who deducted their used underwear on their tax returns.

Great Idea, did not think of that one before but will try.

However, the expenses for laundry will fall significantly, calculating the net effect now ...


Imagine, there are two candidates shortlisted for a job and you have to decide.

One Candidate has great experience and had the opportunity to learn, sometimes by mistake, and manage the consequences of decision making.

The other Candidate has no experience, a great waffle, and changes his mind every few minutes after he makes a provocative remark that does go wrong, and tries to wiggle out of it rather than manage and solve a problem.

Who would you hire ?

I don't know why you are referring to Hillary as a he. She is most definitely a woman.

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Of course the Russians and Chinese would rather have Trump. They know he can be manipulated and lacks any real experience. All they have to do is bend to a few trade issues and he will look the other way on the important issues like Chinese hegemony in Asia and Russia trying to recapture the days of the Soviet union. Hilary would not be a soft touch- while I do not care for her style- she is competent and cannot be fooled by any Nation.

The emails are a red herring- whatever is in them should not be public knowledge. She was Secretary of State so her emails are US government property not hers or the general public. Her error was not using a secure server not what she has written. Frankly, I am surprised the US Government does not have one of most secure systems in the World. To me, that is the scariest prospect. No, I take that back- Donald Trump as President would be scarier.

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Of course the Russians and Chinese would rather have Trump. They know he can be manipulated and lacks any real experience. All they have to do is bend to a few trade issues and he will look the other way on the important issues like Chinese hegemony in Asia and Russia trying to recapture the days of the Soviet union. Hilary would not be a soft touch- while I do not care for her style- she is competent and cannot be fooled by any Nation.

The emails are a red herring- whatever is in them should not be public knowledge. She was Secretary of State so her emails are US government property not hers or the general public. Her error was not using a secure server not what she has written. Frankly, I am surprised the US Government does not have one of most secure systems in the World. To me, that is the scariest prospect. No, I take that back- Donald Trump as President would be scarier.

I think you are missing the point. She destroyed the emails and said they were not classified anyway. Since, through her negligence her server was probably hacked (treason) Russia most probably will have a copy of the deleted emails which she lied about being non classified. Russia has read them anyway to why not release them?

The FBI said as much but also said there are different rules for the Clinton's and anyone else would probably be prosecuted.

Edited by Scotwight
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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on............"

The average Clinton voter will quickly dismiss this with "what's the big deal about email....I use it all the time...?"

And that's as far as their inquiring little minds will take it.

5555555! A Trump voter accusing Clinton voters of having "little minds".

Funny. Tomorrow I can use that tape on an HRC photo as a way to keep Hillary honest !

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Somehow, Trump has created the narrative that "anyone who attacks me is just part of the old establishment machine", and the Democrats have no answer to that.

So the more the DNC wheels out celebs like Meryl Streep, Alicia Keys, Demi Lovato to puff Hillary or excoriate Trump, not to mention Bill Clinton himself and Obama trying to link Trump with Russia, the more they emphasize their establishment status, and strengthen Trump's stated position as the anti-politics outsider.

Rather like all the UK Government's pro-EU agit-prop worked against them and produced a vote for Brexit, so the full-court press against Trump is in danger of backfiring.

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Maybe they can find his tax returns while they are at it.

Dangit Chicog,

If it wasn't for your excellent wit I would really dislike you.

It isn't wit, because the Democrats have offered money to find them, they must be pretty desperate to find more dirt than Hilary is carrying.


Democratic donors, allies offer reward for Trump tax returns
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Trump has already shown his great love to Russia. Should this be a huge warning sound already? Yes it should.

However some of the posters still do think that Trump is an "independent" rival to go against the WESTERN establishment. In fact, he is exactly that. Selfish Trump, backed by loads or Russian money, is doing exactly that.

Trump is going after WESTERN establishment.

He never mentioned that he would be against RUSSIAN establishment. He never had to do so.

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'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."
Few would argue Wednesday that what the Republican presidential nominee said will directly cause Russia to conduct more cyber-espionage against the U.S. than it already is doing. But several described Trump's statements as dangerous for America's global standing. Some echoed the Clinton campaign in calling the comments a threat to national security.


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Traitor trump?

Not exactly, but what a dirty ROTTEN (doesn't need to rhyme) nasty piece of work he is!

Pause to consider: The Republican presidential nominee wants another country to steal secrets from the United States and not in the interests of exposing military misadventures or for some high-minded reason. He wants to expose American secrets in order to hurt his foe. Nixonian doesn’t even begin to capture it.


Also to consider Wikileaks losing the moral high ground?

Fundamentally, WikiLeaks was supposed to be better. Assange openly said he hoped the DNC leak damaged the Clinton campaign. “There was the hope that in the wake of WikiLeaks’ emergence, a thousand WikiLeaks would bloom, in the same way that the Arab Spring was a really romantic ideal of the effect that digital communication can have on geopolitics,” says Fenster. “But the ideal of WikiLeaks as an information conduit that is stateless and can serve as a neutral technology isn’t working. States fight back.” WikiLeaks’ moral high ground depends on its ability to act as an honest conduit. Right now it’s acting like a damaged filter.


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Trump is working for RUSSIA. He has been doing so ever since he started to allow money flow, even during the cold war, from Russia, to reestablish his empire to get back to it's feeds again.

Trump is now paying back to Soviet Union. Not willingly as Trump knows that otherwise Russia have the tools to burn him down. Trump has no other way to go. He simply has to obey the rules coming from Russia.

So if there are people who are willing to get Trump elected as the first president of the United States of the America, who is played by Russia.. that's your choice. But be aware, that you are really electing Russian power to be in power of the USA nuclear codes.

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Trump and Putin are both anti-Illuminati, anti-NWO, so I'd guess they are both not lizardpeople!!

- maybe together they can clear out some of the rubbish on this planet - much like the new pilipino president already is doing in his corner of the Earth...

Wikileaks will clear out the rest of what's still unknown

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Trump and Putin are both anti-Illuminati, anti-NWO, so I'd guess they are both not lizardpeople!!

- maybe together they can clear out some of the rubbish on this planet - much like the new pilipino president already is doing in his corner of the Earth...

Wikileaks will clear out the rest of what's still unknown

I guess they are also against chemtrais as well.

Idiots leading even more stupid people.

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What's the big deal? Hillary has assured us the deleted emails were purely personal and had nothing to do with government business. Surely the emails were comments about how beautiful Chelsea's new kitchen remodel is and things of that nature.

I'm sure there's no concern whatsoever over at Cankles, Inc.

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Trump is working for RUSSIA. He has been doing so ever since he started to allow money flow, even during the cold war, from Russia, to reestablish his empire to get back to it's feeds again.

Trump is now paying back to Soviet Union. Not willingly as Trump knows that otherwise Russia have the tools to burn him down. Trump has no other way to go. He simply has to obey the rules coming from Russia.

So if there are people who are willing to get Trump elected as the first president of the United States of the America, who is played by Russia.. that's your choice. But be aware, that you are really electing Russian power to be in power of the USA nuclear codes.

Are you the person that just typed this?

"Idiots leading even more stupid people."

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'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."
Few would argue Wednesday that what the Republican presidential nominee said will directly cause Russia to conduct more cyber-espionage against the U.S. than it already is doing. But several described Trump's statements as dangerous for America's global standing. Some echoed the Clinton campaign in calling the comments a threat to national security.

Translation: Holy &$#% we have GOT to do something about to combat Hillary's solid reputation for being a corrupt liar. I have an idea! Let's try and trump up some drama over a pretty benign comment. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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Trump has already shown his great love to Russia. Should this be a huge warning sound already? Yes it should.

However some of the posters still do think that Trump is an "independent" rival to go against the WESTERN establishment. In fact, he is exactly that. Selfish Trump, backed by loads or Russian money, is doing exactly that.

Trump is going after WESTERN establishment.

He never mentioned that he would be against RUSSIAN establishment. He never had to do so.

Wow, you must have been OUTRAGED when Hillary tried her reset strategy with Russia. Clearly she must have been anti-Western, yes? But hey, I guess now that she and Bill pocketed some serious coin after getting the Russians 20% of US uranium mining capacity, it's all good.

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Specifically to Trumps call to Russia to find those missing emails...

1) Russia doesn't need to be asked to spy on anyone.

2) Trump asked them to find the 30,000 emails Hillary deleted.

3) Those deleted emails were on her private server (now gone) not a gov't one.

4) Hillary has said, there was nothing at all classified. In fact, they were all about weddings, grand children and yoga class.

Trump is crazy,,,crazy like a fox.

BINGO! And as you said, the emails WERE on her private server. So these deranged leftists that say Trump was calling for hacking- hack the emails from where exactly???????? Was there some backup server Hillary hasn't told us about?

This is nothing more than Democrat hysterics. They know that the most common word that comes to mind when people think Hillary Clinton is LIAR.

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Hilay leads in 48 polls .... Trump on 11 of the top 50 polling news and websites 1 a toss, heh

Trump needs continual national or and International Chaos to beat Clinton. Might happen, might not. I'm sure the boys rattling spears, chanting around the fire, "Benghazi Benghazi" will remain convinced Clinton will lose. oh and sure she is the Antichrist ... Anyone, Trump, Putin, Franco ..... Mugabe ... will be thought of as a preferrable POTUS biggrin.png

The Obama cartel and Hillary Clinton are creating all the chaos needed. They provide plenty of material to exploit.

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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

Sorry she's not a glamorous model!!

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The big deal is that Trump is owned by Russian investors.

You are clearly confusing Donald Trump for Hillary Clinton. The money trail clearly shows Hillary is owned by a plethora of foreign interests- $100,000,000 in Muslim gulf states alone.

This strategy of yours reeks of hilarious desperation.

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