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French Tourist Brutally Beaten by Pattaya Motorbike Taxi Drivers

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So this shoppowner is going to say taxi guys sitting in front of his shop every day started the fight?

Thais stick up for Thais even when wrong....see it in the classroom....moral compass broken....

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

Your on the money, Thai's and I speak for most, don't like farangs, they tolerate us, but give them an opportunity and the pack will go you, as was the case here, have seen it time and time again from the stray farang, not knowing better than to argue/raise their voice/s, like the cop pulling you over for speeding, no no no officer I wasn't speeding I have cruise control set at 70 and its an 80 zone, yes yes yes you in wrong lane, pay fine 400 baht, got to laugh at it and enjoy "the land of smiles/corruption/laws unto themselves" farangs don't stand a chance !


Awareness that there are substantial numbers of Thai people, and particularly angry young Thai men, who hate farangs (and likely all foreigners) is something people should be aware of when coming to Thailand.

Just as there are likely many young men in your home country who feel the same about non-whites and arent afraid to act on it.

The difference is that most farang are treated far better in Thailand than any Thai/non-white person would be in your home country and other predominantly white/euro countries.

Farangs questioning why such incidents happen need look no further than the disparaging, hateful things said by their fellow countrymen about Thais on TV and other forums daily.

It's no wonder Thais retaliate when they encounter one too many arrogant/belligerent farang who while living in their country, think theyre entitled to look down on them and treat them with disrespect.

As for this incident, one can only surmise that the Frenchman-who like his countrymen, are used to being confrontational and expressing themselves aggressively, exacerbated the situation resulting in the assault.

What planet did you roll in off, it is not right for anyone to gang up on a single person, this is a cowardly act, irregardless if the guy was expressing his opinion, but then again Thai's aren't allowed to express there's are they, otherwise they get put in the slammer, just think about it for a minute, all that pent up anger because they cannot express themselves, this guy didn't deserve it, as much as anyone deserves it, what ever happened to freedom of speach, oh I forgot, I am in Thailand, SMILE.............


So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

I read your post after I posted similar above. You hit the nail on the head. Their hate is like a pressure cooker, waiting to explode at any given opportunity. Any Farang causing trouble and/or raising his voice is the perfect opportunity.

I don't agree.

I meet many nice Thais in both Pattaya and other places, non violent persons.

Okay many of the motor bike taxi dudes are not so nice and you have to be careful when dealing with them. There are many examples of taxi thugs ganging up on tourists in Pattaya and beat them up and I don't understand those cowards don't get some jail time. 1st time (depending of the severity of the assault), mild case= 3 month. 2nd time= 6 month. 3rd time 3 years. 4th time= 10 years. 5th time= throw the keys away.

I think they envy us, having money, having sex with young local women, flying out to Thailand and live in a hotel like a king. Those taxi guys are stuck, riding their small motor bikes and the prospects of moving up in society are nil, they will be riding their little bikes for the rest of their life and some are very frustrated. This off-course don't give them the right to gang up and beat up anybody that pisses them off, but they do.

Many here seems to think that only westerners are targets but that is not the case, many Thais are victims too, a well know Thai singer (if memory serves me right) also got pretty badly beat up after he got into a drunken argument with some taxi boys on the beach road.

I been here for app 15 years and I never been beaten up and don't think I ever will be.


The cowardly Thai men scums that always attacks in packs like rabid dogs, seen it happening

over and over again, and always a bunch of them on one victim, and very unique to this country,

you wanna beat someone up, go it alone, Mano A Mano, you cowherds....

Let's be real. It is not unique to this country.

it is unique to thailand that a pack goes after an individual

or the attachers outnumber the victims by a huge margin.why do

thugs who are not privy to the issue join in.

This kind of incident is far from being unique to Thailand.

As an Aussie, I adhere to the principles of a fair fight. But as an emergency services shift worker, I can assure you that unevenly numbered pack attacks are common in the red light and entertainment strips of most Australian cities.

Australia's media just doesn't report the altercations with the same enthusiasm that Thai Visa Forum does.


<<<" Thais hate all foriegners">>>

Let me correct this..

Thais hate rude belligerent smart mouth foriegners

and let me correct the correction on this....

Many (not all, but still), sooo many rude belligerent and not so smart thais, just hate foreigners, not because there is anything wrong with you, apart from not being a "local", if that can be considered a fault at all, but to the eyes of many it is, sad but true.

Not restricted to thais though, plenty of nationalistic and intolerant bigots almost everywhere, just in some place it's more prevalent than into some other places, possibly because there is not much they can be proud of, so these people just tend to create some imaginary personal's talent to brag about....WPFflags.gif


To bad thing is they never get punished for doing so, beating a 62 year old man, for a stupid 1000 b, common police do something about that, don't tell me its the old mans fault, he start fighting haha


The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

The dispute was over 300 baht.

Yup but the frenchman started the fight according to the shopowner.

She shopowner's face doesn't show even the slightest red mark a punch would have left.

As usual, the cowards just lie to save their face and avoid prosecution.

Well just look at the size and weight of that frenchman and the shopowner...I bet he could see the punch coming from far, thai are very fast.

But i doubt the frenchman started a fight, is there no videocam in that shop?


I would have left a long time ago if I could take my money with me. Guess I was stupid to bring most of my money here. I don't see things getting better any time soon.


Motorcycle taxi stands do not just materialise out of nowhere. They are an integral part of the black economy. (Thailand has a huge black economy which, including criminal activity such as prostitution and drug dealing, is larger than the legal economy. There are very few countries with larger economies with such a large black economy). Back to motorcycle taxi stands. They are protected and 'owned' by senior figures, often senior police officers to whom money is funneled up every single day. A medium size taxi stand with revenue of 12,000 Baht a day would hand over around 5,000 a day, every day to the owner.

So, you can see the patron has an incentive and an obligation under the patronage system to protect his troops on the ground.


The shop owner decided to charge 300 baht because his time was wasted..I am sure that will piss most people off especially if you were accused of time wasting and you weren't

The French tourist agreed to a 3 day rental and a ride to the airport. The next day, returned the scooter, got into an argument and cancelled the airport transfer. The shop owner decided to keep 300 Baht. Hard to argue with the shop owner. A verbal contract was changed.

When abroad, if I make changes to the verbal or written agreement I will gladly pay a small service fee to keep things friendly. On the other hand, if you try to scam me out of a additional sum, like 20baht or more, like some tuk tuk/taxi drivers, expect to be called a 'cheat' before I walk away.


Deposit : "a sum payable on the purchase of something or as a pledge for a contract, Usually forfeited if the contract is not met"

I am not condoning the violence, but the frenchman broke a contract. Maybe the renter knocked back other rentals thinking the bike is already rented. Made arrangements for a car to be available for an airport run.


Once upon a time I had a physical altercation with a Motorcycle guy and I left him with a big fat, bruised and bleeding lip.

Fortunately it was a one on one situation while the guy deserved what he got .......after....( repeat after ).... laying his hands on me and threatening to "box me up" ..Muay Thai style.......after "forcefully demanding" I pay him more money than the previously negotiated and agreed upon motorcycle taxi fare.

Long story short .....Surprise, surprise for him, while I laid a beating on him.

I know, I know...I should have avoided any confrontation and let him blatantly rip me off while threatening to beat me up...right?? .....Or I should have gone to the local police and complained about the man ripping me off.... and then.... let the Thai police get in on the rip off also......right ???

So now .....all you Thai Visa arm chair critics can whine and whinge all you want and berate me and tell me I was a bad farang......because I made a Thai guy lose face.........Farang My Dee Loy....lol..........but still...he started it and I finished it....



I would like to read just one time when 6 Thai,s are beating on a one farang that 5 farang,s jump in and beat the Thai,s silly. I would love to read a story of some Thai,s being beat senseless.by farang,s in self defense.

The foreigners would be arrested, fined 50,000bht each, then held in jail until deported.


Multiple off topic and troll posts have been removed and some posters warned

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

Knock it off......... they also show this pack mentality towards other thais !


The cowardly Thai men scums that always attacks in packs like rabid dogs, seen it happening

over and over again, and always a bunch of them on one victim, and very unique to this country,

you wanna beat someone up, go it alone, Mano A Mano, you cowherds....

Ever heard a dog yelp out in pain or bark in anger? In minutes all the other mutts in earshot appear and theyre not there to see fair play, they just want to jump in and get some action.

Thats pretty much mirrors thai men.


I'm in no way sticking up for the motor bike taxi guys, but I'm amazed at the way some of these posts are so anti Thailand or Pattaya.

Do you who post actually live here, and if so why if you hate it so much.

Look at the French guy, 62 built like a brick shitter, dressed like a complete yob.

Is there no way he may have bought on this beating him self.

Please if you have this much hate, then get a ticket home.


I would like to read just one time when 6 Thai,s are beating on a one farang that 5 farang,s jump in and beat the Thai,s silly. I would love to read a story of some Thai,s being beat senseless.by farang,s in self defense.

Will never happen.First the thai,s will not start anything unless they know they will win.ie many of them and the person drunk or very old or both.If it was the other way.There would be very large fines and jail time ,then deported.Nothing will happen.Its normal now in thailand,not just pattaya.I know the place very well.Ive lived there for over 10 years in many places.Have a son there.I have not been there for over a year. as well as many freinds of mine dont go anymore.I tell everyone not to go anymore.Up to them.The place is now expencive.and its a free for all to be robbed beaten,and even killed that is put down to suicide.On this forum you see nothing that is realy happening there.The thai,s care one thing.And that is your money.


More and more foreigners are voting with their feet- giving Pattaya a pass. This just reinforces what most Westerners already know- Pattaya is simply not any fun anymore. Why go to a place where violence is prevalent and the water is polluted. So many other places in Thailand to visit or other countries.


8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

31 years here and never been beaten up and robbed just once when drunk.


Awareness that there are substantial numbers of Thai people, and particularly angry young Thai men, who hate farangs (and likely all foreigners) is something people should be aware of when coming to Thailand.

Just as there are likely many young men in your home country who feel the same about non-whites and arent afraid to act on it.

The difference is that most farang are treated far better in Thailand than any Thai/non-white person would be in your home country and other predominantly white/euro countries.

Farangs questioning why such incidents happen need look no further than the disparaging, hateful things said by their fellow countrymen about Thais on TV and other forums daily.

It's no wonder Thais retaliate when they encounter one too many arrogant/belligerent farang who while living in their country, think theyre entitled to look down on them and treat them with disrespect.

As for this incident, one can only surmise that the Frenchman-who like his countrymen, are used to being confrontational and expressing themselves aggressively, exacerbated the situation resulting in the assault.

What planet did you roll in off, it is not right for anyone to gang up on a single person, this is a cowardly act, irregardless if the guy was expressing his opinion, but then again Thai's aren't allowed to express there's are they, otherwise they get put in the slammer, just think about it for a minute, all that pent up anger because they cannot express themselves, this guy didn't deserve it, as much as anyone deserves it, what ever happened to freedom of speach, oh I forgot, I am in Thailand, SMILE.............

LOL> Thais put in the slammer? If a foreigner assaults a Thai they'll be charged, punished AND deported. We have a lot more to lose.


Look at the French guy, 62 built like a brick shitter, dressed like a complete yob.

I don't see that he's dressed all that differently to any other male foreigner or Thai man I see around me.

Looks pretty average to me.


Once upon a time I had a physical altercation with a Motorcycle guy and I left him with a big fat, bruised and bleeding lip.

Fortunately it was a one on one situation while the guy deserved what he got .......after....( repeat after ).... laying his hands on me and threatening to "box me up" ..Muay Thai style.......after "forcefully demanding" I pay him more money than the previously negotiated and agreed upon motorcycle taxi fare.

Long story short .....Surprise, surprise for him, while I laid a beating on him.

I know, I know...I should have avoided any confrontation and let him blatantly rip me off while threatening to beat me up...right?? .....Or I should have gone to the local police and complained about the man ripping me off.... and then.... let the Thai police get in on the rip off also......right ???

So now .....all you Thai Visa arm chair critics can whine and whinge all you want and berate me and tell me I was a bad farang......because I made a Thai guy lose face.........Farang My Dee Loy....lol..........but still...he started it and I finished it....


I'm not going to berate you for being bad, but I will for being stupid. You were very lucky. Unless you had credible witnesses to prove you were acting in self defence you were very lucky not to be charged. They would take the Thai person's word over yours. The Thai guy you beat up was a gentleman for not taking it further. What was it over? 20 baht?


I don't hate Pattaya, I hate what it has become. It is way overbuilt; prone to violence; an attraction for criminals of every form; and just generally a place where the fun is gone and Thai people have become quite unfriendly. I had my honeymoon there almost 45 years ago when it as the most beautiful and pristine place on earth filled with friendly, smiling Thai people who actually liked to help tourists. What I seen now is just the opposite- mostly due to greed by both Thais and foreigners as well as the criminal element that is allowed to dwell without any control. When people ask me where there is a nice place to visit in Thailand- Pattaya is not on the list. Why would I want to recommend a place filled with scammers; thieving ladyboys; polluted waters and generally unfriendly local people. They did it to themselves-and as we say- the chickens have come home to roost.

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