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French Tourist Brutally Beaten by Pattaya Motorbike Taxi Drivers

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Tough guys. Gang fight against a 62 year old. They should be ashamed of themselves. Terrible behavior here.

I believe there are many reasons for their behavior, pent up anger, an oppressive culture of not showing any emotion, and not least the fact that perpetrators of extreme violence towards foreigners is not punished by law. In a society where many children are not raised in any way by parents to know right from wrong combined with almost zero law enforcement I am only surprised that things are not even worse than they currently are.

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I am beginning to think that because of the brainwashing of Thais for thousands of years it is having a serious affect

which is becoming more visible each day, the thai rak thai and the general dislike of all foreigners that has been drilled into

them from birth is manifesting itself in these daily attacks on all things that are not Thai.

it is getting worse as they can not change their lives and they can not blame the ruling class so who is left for them to take

their frustration out on.....this is simmering away just under the surface and as soon as they get a chance they lash out.

the cancelling of the hire and the taxi are not the main issue it is probably because he drew attention to himself by raising his voice

I have been in situations like this and even if the thai is in the wrong people are ready to attack the foreigner no matter what has caused the incident I was lucky as I had hired a taxi and the driver got in-between me and the drunken thais I was the innocent party but no doubt they would of all jumped me if the taxi driver had not taken their attention from me for a few seconds.

and this is not just your street type Thai's it seems to be even the better educated from my latest experience's.

The Thai state, starting with the Sukhothai era, is only about 800 years old, so right off the bat your post is incorrect, and only goes further down hill from there.

I am beginning to think that because of the brainwashing of Thais for thousands of years it is having a serious affect

which is becoming more visible each day, the thai rak thai and the general dislike of all foreigners that has been drilled into

them from birth is manifesting itself in these daily attacks on all things that are not Thai.

it is getting worse as they can not change their lives and they can not blame the ruling class so who is left for them to take

their frustration out on.....this is simmering away just under the surface and as soon as they get a chance they lash out.

the cancelling of the hire and the taxi are not the main issue it is probably because he drew attention to himself by raising his voice

I have been in situations like this and even if the thai is in the wrong people are ready to attack the foreigner no matter what has caused the incident I was lucky as I had hired a taxi and the driver got in-between me and the drunken thais I was the innocent party but no doubt they would of all jumped me if the taxi driver had not taken their attention from me for a few seconds.

and this is not just your street type Thai's it seems to be even the better educated from my latest experience's.

The Thai state, starting with the Sukhothai era, is only about 800 years old, so right off the bat your post is complete horse apples, and only goes further down hill from there.

The gist of his post is not invalidated by his error in dates. Replace 800 years for 1,000's and his point is still a valid argument.

Besides which, the sentiment of clan or tribal behavior against the outsider goes back to the earliest periods in human history...not the start of the Thsi State.

Now I don't necessarily agree with his post but argue it on other grounds than he does not have his dates correct.


So many Thais are such angry, cowardly savages. sad.png

Thais are still tribal by nature and have not yet reached Western civilized development. Okay, they have TV, cars etc all the mod cons but that's just a facade. The attack on this man can be seen in any major tourist area, especially late at night. For example Phuket for one where I lived for several years where a tribal bashing of a foreigner was almost a weekly event.

Questions someone might have the answers for about this event is did he finally get his 1000 Baht, and did the attackers get locked up or am I expecting too much?


What has the controversy overthe return of a deposit got to do with a gang of corner boys?

Thailand ain't no place for white folks anymore...

Asians it's all yours.......... and you're welcome to it.bah.gif

When ya leaving? id like to see you off.............lol.


What has the controversy overthe return of a deposit got to do with a gang of corner boys?

Thailand ain't no place for white folks anymore...

Asians it's all yours.......... and you're welcome to it.bah.gif

When ya leaving? id like to see you off.............lol.

Oh.... do try to keep up with things..........

I'm not the subject of this thread.

It's about unpunished thug culture

ps don't let your thesaurus hit you on the foot.


Off topic post about golf and caddies removed also posts about the US and Australia

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


So the Frenchman took a beating over 300 baht giggle.gif

He took a beating for a principle. Not everyone is cowards who attack in packs or a coward who doesnt stand up for what is right or wrong.


You can say many words, but you don't beat a man for this, even it was 1 million baht.
It is a man from 62 years old beaten by a group. Brave guys.

All those taxi-drivers a ticket to their home city and no job as taxi-driver anymore.
If they don't this will happen every time when Thai find their self subordinated.

Protect your tourists, because without tourists Pattaya was a little town with no business.
Let Thai realize that fact.


A white hunter made his way through the jungle and came to a clearing where he spotted a Pygmy standing on top of a dead bull elephant, the hunter asked the Pygmy if he had killed the elephant? "yes" was the reply.."how?" asked the hunter, "with my club" replied the Pygmy.."how big is your club?" asked the hunter...."oh, there's about 50 of us" replied the Pygmy.

Ring any bells?



So the Frenchman took a beating over 300 baht giggle.gif

He took a beating for a principle. Not everyone is cowards who attack in packs or a coward who doesnt stand up for what is right or wrong.

I'd hand over the 300 baht and be on my way...now where's my cheese ???


So many Thais are such angry, cowardly savages. sad.png

Thais are still tribal by nature and have not yet reached Western civilized development. Okay, they have TV, cars etc all the mod cons but that's just a facade. The attack on this man can be seen in any major tourist area, especially late at night. For example Phuket for one where I lived for several years where a tribal bashing of a foreigner was almost a weekly event.

Questions someone might have the answers for about this event is did he finally get his 1000 Baht, and did the attackers get locked up or am I expecting too much?

I read 4 of them got arrested, but that's it



So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

It does look that way doesn't it.

It may look that way in some places in Thailand but certainly not in all of Thailand.


Awareness that there are substantial numbers of Thai people, and particularly angry young Thai men, who hate farangs (and likely all foreigners) is something people should be aware of when coming to Thailand.

Just as there are likely many young men in your home country who feel the same about non-whites and arent afraid to act on it.

The difference is that most farang are treated far better in Thailand than any Thai/non-white person would be in your home country and other predominantly white/euro countries.

This is an international forum, but you're making the assumption that all members here come from "white countries" and should understand what is going on in your country. Africans, Asians etc all read and post on here.

Having said that, non-white, indigenous people are treated very well in my home countries. Thais are also treated better than they treat us here and have more rights, especially if they're being scammed, AND the police are not corrupt and take complaints of tourists being mistreated very seriously. If my home countrymen beat a tourist this badly they most certainly would do time. It wouldn't make much difference who started it. A gang bashing of a 62 year old man is a very serious offense. The prosecutors would be going for attempted murder, and that's not far fetched at all.

The assumption being made is that most commenting on TV and non-Thais living in Thailand do come from 'white countries.'
As for the idyllic description of your home country, please tell us more about this place where the indigenous people are 'treated very well.'
I'm sure a simple google search will prove otherwise.

In a civilized society when a dispute arises between a business (a bar, a vendor, etc.) and a customer, or between individuals, the people normally call the police to resolve the issue.

In Thailand it seems that it is okay for the local population to take justice into their own hands, gather in a pack and issue a beat-down.

Is this the primitive way they do it in the village/jungle?

No respect for law and order, well ya what law and order?

Even animals have a structured hierarchy that dictates order in the herd, for their existence.


That lady in charge of the Ministry of Tourism who wants to change things, i.e. sex industry, tourist insurance, should have the Ministry of Tourism issue a travelers warning.

Dear Tourist, Welcome to Thailand.

Please be advised that Foreigners in Thailand can be Targets for theft, extortion, beat-downs, etc., etc.

We do not approve of this behavior but you are a foreigner in Thailand for a short time.

So by the time your case goes to the courts you will have already left the country, with less money in your pockets.

We are Thai and believe Mai Pen Rai is good, so we make the fines and penalties small for crimes against foreigners, so Thai people can afford them, because what is stolen from you has to take care of the extended family in the village who needs smart phones and motorbikes, etc.

I think I just vented!!!


Awareness that there are substantial numbers of Thai people, and particularly angry young Thai men, who hate farangs (and likely all foreigners) is something people should be aware of when coming to Thailand.

Just as there are likely many young men in your home country who feel the same about non-whites and arent afraid to act on it.

The difference is that most farang are treated far better in Thailand than any Thai/non-white person would be in your home country and other predominantly white/euro countries.

Farangs questioning why such incidents happen need look no further than the disparaging, hateful things said by their fellow countrymen about Thais on TV and other forums daily.

It's no wonder Thais retaliate when they encounter one too many arrogant/belligerent farang who while living in their country, think theyre entitled to look down on them and treat them with disrespect.

As for this incident, one can only surmise that the Frenchman-who like his countrymen, are used to being confrontational and expressing themselves aggressively, exacerbated the situation resulting in the assault.

Regarding Farangs questioning why such incidents happen : Do you (or anyone else) have any first hand evidence that some percent of Thais in Pattaya read or are informed about negative comments about them on the foreigner forums. And resent and become angry at what is being said about them, thus predisposing them to be aggressive in various situations ?


So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

That is exactly the situation/problem. They do!

Until police start dishing out some serious sentences, which I doubt they will, it will get worse before it gets better.


I'm in no way sticking up for the motor bike taxi guys, but I'm amazed at the way some of these posts are so anti Thailand or Pattaya.

Do you who post actually live here, and if so why if you hate it so much.

Look at the French guy, 62 built like a brick shitter, dressed like a complete yob.

Is there no way he may have bought on this beating him self.

Please if you have this much hate, then get a ticket home.

Wow! I'm REALLY surprised at how long the love-it-or-leave-it brigade took to kick in here!! Come on now guys! Pay attention! 'Opinions here in need of being suppressed!


The really disturbing thing is....there is hardly a chance that any other Thai people would step up and at least tell the perpetrators to stop ganging up and beating on another person.......regardless if it is another Thai person or a foreigner.

Yes sometimes...depending on the circumstances but there must have been witnesses in the immediate vicinity and I am quite certain none of them did anything at all to intervene including shouting at the gang of thugs to stop what they were doing.

I think all of them they like to witness some violence.



The really disturbing thing is....there is hardly a chance that any other Thai people would step up and at least tell the perpetrators to stop ganging up and beating on another person.......regardless if it is another Thai person or a foreigner.

Yes sometimes...depending on the circumstances but there must have been witnesses in the immediate vicinity and I am quite certain none of them did anything at all to intervene including shouting at the gang of thugs to stop what they were doing.

I think all of them they like to witness some violence.

Meantime: I think I will apply for a job at Pattaya One News...as the criminal action is non stop and never ending so the job as a news paper reporter has got to be interesting and never boring.....lol



I would like to read just one time when 6 Thai,s are beating on a one farang that 5 farang,s jump in and beat the Thai,s silly. I would love to read a story of some Thai,s being beat senseless.by farang,s in self defense.

Me too but probably ain't gonna happen 'cause they are like cockroaches and come outta the woodwork! Same with the ladyboys...they multiply and defend their own even if they don't know the situation or their brethren they are aiding. Just want a chance to release their hated and self-loathing on the "farang". BEWARE

The Prime Minister told his troops to clean up Pattaya. Where is the clean up? Where are our share of soldiers?


The Prime Minister told his troops to clean up Pattaya. Where is the clean up? Where are our share of soldiers?

And its not really all that complicated. All the army has to do is roll in about 15 large trucks, load up the local lowlifes, and take them away.

Fascism isnt all bad.


Pattaya and the rest of Thailand is very safe compared to Europe - the UK is a nightmare of unwarranted and unforseen random violence. As is parts of Spain - France - Portugal etc etc. I wonder if many of the pattaya haters have ever been to Pattaya? Have they travelled in Asia? Or Eastern Europe? I think not. Usually it is best not to argue vehemently over a few dollars. Put it down to experience - try to avoid such scenarios in the future. Having seen the disgraceful, arrogant, rude behaviour of many foreign visitors towards locals I am suprised there is not more violence by Thais against tourists. So he was in the right- his assailants were in the wrong. But he could have walked away but he chose not to.  Pride won out to common sense. Part of travelling is the art of surviving - I do not consider this visitor's response as being very practical. 

2 hours ago, The manic said:

Pattaya and the rest of Thailand is very safe compared to Europe - the UK is a nightmare of unwarranted and unforseen random violence. As is parts of Spain - France - Portugal etc etc. I wonder if many of the pattaya haters have ever been to Pattaya? Have they travelled in Asia? Or Eastern Europe? I think not. Usually it is best not to argue vehemently over a few dollars. Put it down to experience - try to avoid such scenarios in the future. Having seen the disgraceful, arrogant, rude behaviour of many foreign visitors towards locals I am suprised there is not more violence by Thais against tourists. So he was in the right- his assailants were in the wrong. But he could have walked away but he chose not to.  Pride won out to common sense. Part of travelling is the art of surviving - I do not consider this visitor's response as being very practical. 

I highly doubt the farang victim had any idea how volatile these Thai males can be. He thought he was having a discussion for the return of his money like he would do in most of the developed world. 

He didn't realize how thin the veneer surface of the Thai smile can be.

1 minute ago, The manic said:

In English the term is 'beaten up'. And to be honest I can't imagine any guys losing sleep over a French guy getting battered. No not at all.

Are you saying that users of the English language are only allowed to say, "Beaten up" when referring to someone who got their arse kicked? 

And it bothers me what happened to this French guy just like it bothered me when the entireelderly Scottish family got their <deleted> kicked, excuse me, "beaten up", by that group of drunk Thai guys. 

Packs of Thai males who roam the streets looking for a chance to attack farang concerns me since I am a farang.

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