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Nutter neighbour insults wife - what can we do? Help please.

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43 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:

A lot of posters on TV never had the plot to lose in the first place,

It does make you wonder when there are four pages of comments about the 'nutter' (according to the OP) - and yet pretty much zero of them query his wife who was looking for a hitman :blink:.

5 hours ago, mesterm said:

Being educated in terms of knowing how those places in the world work? Not many. Eg. Pattaya.

OK, this new format does not include the chain of quotes so maybe there was something lost due to that but I asked where in the world a woman stays with a man when he runs out of money.

By your suggesting Pattaya, I would guess you have misunderstood my question.

5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

OK, this new format does not include the chain of quotes so maybe there was something lost due to that but I asked where in the world a woman stays with a man when he runs out of money.

By your suggesting Pattaya, I would guess you have misunderstood my question.

Many women stay with their hubands when they're going through financial difficulties - but you (for some reason) have never been in this situation.

Nothing to do with this topic though - which is about a poster who (if we believe him) has an annoying neighbour - who his wife wants to have murdered :blink:!

Edit - Meanwhile, he's more worried about the neighbour than his wife!

18 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

OK, this new format does not include the chain of quotes so maybe there was something lost due to that but I asked where in the world a woman stays with a man when he runs out of money.

By your suggesting Pattaya, I would guess you have misunderstood my question.

Oh I see. Sorry then.

But yes this new quoting format is confusing.

11 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Many women stay with their hubands when they're going through financial difficulties - but you (for some reason) have never been in this situation.

Nothing to do with this topic though - which is about a poster who (if we believe him) has an annoying neighbour - who his wife wants to have murdered :blink:!

Edit - Meanwhile, he's more worried about the neighbour than his wife!

BTW, do me a favor and go read the entire context of this discussion before you jump in. 

Does anyone know how to include the entire convo of quotes with this new format? 

And I have never had financial difficulties. 



Just now, ClutchClark said:

BTW, do me a favor and go read the entire context of this discussion before you jump in. 

Does anyone know how to include the entire convo of quotes with this new format? 

And I have never had financial difficulties. 



I read the OP and most of the comments - 99% of which were symapthetic to the poster and offering suggestions re. the 'nutter' highlighted in his post.

Which is why I'm still shocked that the four pages of posters have pretty much ignored the real 'nutter' - his wife - who wanted a hitman to murder the neighbour who was annoying her!

18 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Many women stay with their hubands when they're going through financial difficulties - but you (for some reason) have never been in this situation.

Nothing to do with this topic though - which is about a poster who (if we believe him) has an annoying neighbour - who his wife wants to have murdered :blink:!

Edit - Meanwhile, he's more worried about the neighbour than his wife!

I'm posting the comment again to make it easier for Clutchclark.

2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm posting the comment again to make it easier for Clutchclark.

Thanks Dick but it was actually the discussion I was having with another poster earlier on that I had hoped you would read.

but thanks for re-posting Dick.

Just now, ClutchClark said:

Thanks Dick but it was actually the discussion I was having with another poster earlier on that I had hoped you would read.

but thanks for re-posting Dick.

No problem.  Can you now see that the worry is the four pages of comments, ignoring his comment that his wife wanted the neighbour murdered?!

They were all too happy to blame the 'nutty' neighbour, rather than the 'nutty' wife.

Dependent on course, on whether you think there is a word of truth in the OP or whether it was just an obvious attempt to 'press posters' buttons'.... 

It certainly worked as four pages of posters came out defending the honour of the wife who was looking for a way to murder the neighbour :lol:!

6 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

No problem.  Can you now see that the worry is the four pages of comments, ignoring his comment that his wife wanted the neighbour murdered?!

They were all too happy to blame the 'nutty' neighbour, rather than the 'nutty' wife.

Dependent on course, on whether you think there is a word of truth in the OP or whether it was just an obvious attempt to 'press posters' buttons'.... 

It certainly worked as four pages of posters came out defending the honour of the wife who was looking for a way to murder the neighbour :lol:!


Now I got it...some days I am kinda slow.

+1 for your post.

1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

No problem.  Can you now see that the worry is the four pages of comments, ignoring his comment that his wife wanted the neighbour murdered?!

They were all too happy to blame the 'nutty' neighbour, rather than the 'nutty' wife.

Dependent on course, on whether you think there is a word of truth in the OP or whether it was just an obvious attempt to 'press posters' buttons'.... 

It certainly worked as four pages of posters came out defending the honour of the wife who was looking for a way to murder the neighbour :lol:!

Now I am lost as to who said what, but his wife should be defended because certainly she would not really try to murder her neighbour; and deserves all our sympathy because living with a nutter can be very wearing .........as obviously some of the wives/partners of posters on this forum would well understand, especially those who specialise in flaming instead of trying to help.


to call the British Embassy and tell them you don't feel safe and ask them to do something is not an option the British embassy is there to facilitate large company's doing business in Thailand, not to help individuals with problems

On 7/30/2016 at 1:07 PM, Squeegee said:

"Maybe try and talk to her and buy her a present?"

Out of touch. This woman already forced out two Thai nationals and has a history of offensive behaviour and you're suggesting she'll be appeased by being given a present! A preposterous suggestion after "...and if she really is mental [sic] unstable she is not to blame." Presents cure mental illness?

So there she is hurling abuse and you also suggest to respond with a friendly wave?! That could easily exacerbate the situation, not just from misunderstanding (assumed sarcasm) but quite simply because many people who make a habit of throwing their poo at others are not reasonable people.

Normal, decent folk get driven to distraction by problem neighbours. It doesn't mean the OP's wife - the victim here - deserves to be blamed for having 'issues'... or whatever that foul taste in the mouth was.

Since you feel qualified to dictate to the OP's wife on what you think her knowledge of her own culture should be, would you care to answer how, if two Thai women are in conflict, it therefore implies one may not "...understand how the system works"?

Well i was responding to the op's first post and there was no mention of a certified psychotic person and where did you see she was throwing poo at the op?

I kind of hinted the op's wife had an issue but i had no intention to offend anyone,i hope the op was not but you seem to be?You used rather strong language which you edited later.

I do feel the op's wife makes herself a victim,the real victim is the mentally challenged lady.

Sticks and stones?

Mister Squeegee you can take this to the bank,if my wife would ever suggest to me to get a gun and hire a hitman to do the dirty work i would be out of that relationship one minute later!

However i do feel for the op and his wife,it must be really difficult to deal with a situation like that,Squeegee did you offer any ideas?Like the op asked for?

I will leave it at that,have a nice evening.


Have you seen those things people put on the wall of their property when it is situated opposite a t-junction?


You know, for good luck and to stop cars crashing into the wall.


Put one of those up directly opposite her front door, along with a mirror to reflect the negativity back to her.


She sounds like she might believe it would actually work.

On 30/07/2016 at 5:02 AM, cliveshep said:

I guess my post was too long for you.

We are selling the house - I did say that - but it takes time and really - should I have to for this reason?

In Thailand maybe not buy is a good idea.


Right, let me clarify for those who clearly think the obese woman is the victim here. In Thailand things, as you may have noticed, are very different to the West. So for those of you living in cloud cuckoo land I suggest you go up to a woman you don't know and tell her she is a buffalo, or a bar-girl, or a prostitute. Get a friend to film the results from a safe distance and if you can still walk afterwards he can then help you to the hospital. My wife got very down, this sort of thing has that effect, and was getting desperate hence comments about guns and hitmen. I doubt her capabilities to do either as she is a good person normally but constant pressure is like a dripping tap. Even the police offered to sell her a gun and assist in permits so they don't regard her as a real risk. She is NOT the sicko here, she is hurting and stressed, this has been going on for 9 months now.


The obese woman hates my wife because she is slim and pretty, it appears the same hatred was extended to the two girls who previously owned the house and for the same reason. She has been certified as psychotic and boasts of the paper saying so to the police. For a poster to suggest that I am more worried about her than my wife is rude and fallacious, my original post was BECAUSE I am worried about my wife. The fat nutter (and she IS a nutter, medically speaking) does not bother me at all, to me she is nothing, an irrelevance and her husband to be pitied, no more. It is solely the effect her constant barrage of shit has on my wife that concerns me.


We had reasons for buying the house when we did - we had a container coming from the UK that had already arrived in port, we HAD to accept delivery as it had already been delayed a month so the pressure to find a house ready to live in was intense. We had no time to carry out "risk assessments" on the neighbours first, it was pay the cash, get the Chanote registered, and take possession because 15 tonnes of gear, furniture, machines, tools, boats and engines was almost on our doorstep along with a shipping container that actually belonged to us.


It is clear that this topic has now been done to death and although there have been helpful comments there have been the predictable veiled abuse and negative posts as well from those who think they are superior to everyone else. We have read all and have decided to stay with our original decision - we'll sell up and move as that will give us both a fresh perspective. We are not going to buy a condo or house in a village or in town, we are buying land and building new if we can, and hopefully a little bit remote from idiots.


Thank you very much for those who have offered sympathetic advice, we appreciate it. To the trolls who want to create talking points - we leave the thread to you and good luck with that!


Is there a local head of the area or (hua na)?.Maybe take it up with him .If u want anything done maybe a back hander is needed.Unfortunately money talks in these situations.

45 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

If your property is over the road then it follows you have a natural block ie the road whack a 6ft wall up along the road side on your property nice big solid gate  if needed problem solved


Did you not follow this post, the crazy woman insults everybody in the street, putting up a wall  - which I am sure the poster must have considered (or already has a wall) will not solve the problem.


I still postulate that a prominently displayed reasonable size picture of un unmentionable personage in the front window (or in front of the house) Will solve the problem. But Cliveshep's wife may think this is untenable.

3 minutes ago, MiKT said:


Did you not follow this post, the crazy woman insults everybody in the street, putting up a wall  - which I am sure the poster must have considered (or already has a wall) will not solve the problem.


I still postulate that a prominently displayed reasonable size picture of un unmentionable personage in the front window (or in front of the house) Will solve the problem. But Cliveshep's wife may think this is untenable.

Yes I read posts but after the last rant from op I won't bother anymore. Wants advise gets it then rants perfect tv poster.

3 hours ago, cliveshep said:

Right, let me clarify for those who clearly think the obese woman is the victim here. In Thailand things, as you may have noticed, are very different to the West. So for those of you living in cloud cuckoo land I suggest you go up to a woman you don't know and tell her she is a buffalo, or a bar-girl, or a prostitute. Get a friend to film the results from a safe distance and if you can still walk afterwards he can then help you to the hospital. My wife got very down, this sort of thing has that effect, and was getting desperate hence comments about guns and hitmen. I doubt her capabilities to do either as she is a good person normally but constant pressure is like a dripping tap. Even the police offered to sell her a gun and assist in permits so they don't regard her as a real risk. She is NOT the sicko here, she is hurting and stressed, this has been going on for 9 months now.


The obese woman hates my wife because she is slim and pretty, it appears the same hatred was extended to the two girls who previously owned the house and for the same reason. She has been certified as psychotic and boasts of the paper saying so to the police. For a poster to suggest that I am more worried about her than my wife is rude and fallacious, my original post was BECAUSE I am worried about my wife. The fat nutter (and she IS a nutter, medically speaking) does not bother me at all, to me she is nothing, an irrelevance and her husband to be pitied, no more. It is solely the effect her constant barrage of shit has on my wife that concerns me.


We had reasons for buying the house when we did - we had a container coming from the UK that had already arrived in port, we HAD to accept delivery as it had already been delayed a month so the pressure to find a house ready to live in was intense. We had no time to carry out "risk assessments" on the neighbours first, it was pay the cash, get the Chanote registered, and take possession because 15 tonnes of gear, furniture, machines, tools, boats and engines was almost on our doorstep along with a shipping container that actually belonged to us.


It is clear that this topic has now been done to death and although there have been helpful comments there have been the predictable veiled abuse and negative posts as well from those who think they are superior to everyone else. We have read all and have decided to stay with our original decision - we'll sell up and move as that will give us both a fresh perspective. We are not going to buy a condo or house in a village or in town, we are buying land and building new if we can, and hopefully a little bit remote from idiots.


Thank you very much for those who have offered sympathetic advice, we appreciate it. To the trolls who want to create talking points - we leave the thread to you and good luck with that!

I am happy that you have decided to do the only logical thing and move. A farang will never win in a situation like this.

However, I find it hard to believe that you would even consider buying again, having experienced what can go wrong. That, IMO, is jumping from the frying pan into the fire.


I also find it hard to understand how you could be shipping 15 tonnes of anything to a country about which you plainly know little, and without doing a "recce" first. I know that will put me in the "not helpful" box, but have you listened to yourself? It's not like when I first turned up in Thailand before the internet, and I was able to understand that what you did was not a good idea, even back then. Everything that has happened to you has been documented over and over again on this and any other farang forum.

I'd like to be sympathetic, but when you say that you are buying again, I just can't.

Sorry, but with your "I bought her a house, car etc etc", you come across as just another farang kwai.

On 30 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 0:15 PM, transam said:

What's that got to do with anything.....?

Of course you would eh............rolleyes.gif

You seem to forget a prospect buyer could be Thai nationals...rolleyes.gif

Thai nationals would no doubt be informed by the neighbours of the situation before buying. IMO the only hope the OP has is to sell it to another farang that doesn't do their homework.

That was not meant in a nasty way, just my opinion.


BTW, if the OP feels that there are too many "negative" replies, as he appears to do, he can ask a moderator to close this thread.

14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I am happy that you have decided to do the only logical thing and move. A farang will never win in a situation like this.

However, I find it hard to believe that you would even consider buying again, having experienced what can go wrong. That, IMO, is jumping from the frying pan into the fire.


I also find it hard to understand how you could be shipping 15 tonnes of anything to a country about which you plainly know little, and without doing a "recce" first. I know that will put me in the "not helpful" box, but have you listened to yourself? It's not like when I first turned up in Thailand before the internet, and I was able to understand that what you did was not a good idea, even back then. Everything that has happened to you has been documented over and over again on this and any other farang forum.

I'd like to be sympathetic, but when you say that you are buying again, I just can't.

Sorry, but with your "I bought her a house, car etc etc", you come across as just another farang kwai.



I say this is absolute know nothing BS, I have worked in 20+ countries and lived in about 15 of them, sometimes I have moved on less than a weeks notice and have often turned-up knowing only what I can glean on the internet (or books before this was invented). I don't blame the poster for this and I sympathize even more about the customs situation, having been screwed by shippers so many times, they all lie and never do what they promise, always loading as many "hidden" costs as possible. Customs, to (especially in LOS) are all thieving, bas...ds  and extort money all the time.


The poor blokes having to move, but hopefully this will prove a happy, successful venture for him. I wish him the VERY BEST of LUCK.


4 minutes ago, MiKT said:



I say this is absolute know nothing BS, I have worked in 20+ countries and lived in about 15 of them, sometimes I have moved on less than a weeks notice and have often turned-up knowing only what I can glean on the internet (or books before this was invented). I don't blame the poster for this and I sympathize even more about the customs situation, having been screwed by shippers so many times, they all lie and never do what they promise, always loading as many "hidden" costs as possible. Customs, to (especially in LOS) are all thieving, bas...ds  and extort money all the time.


The poor blokes having to move, but hopefully this will prove a happy, successful venture for him. I wish him the VERY BEST of LUCK.


Your situation is of no relevance to the OP. You weren't moving permanently to another country and getting married to a local, or buying property in any of them.

5 minutes ago, MiKT said:



Can't delete all of the double quote.



5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Your situation is of no relevance to the OP. You weren't moving permanently to another country and getting married to a local, or buying property in any of them.

Can't delete all of the double quote.




5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Your situation is of no relevance to the OP. You weren't moving permanently to another country and getting married to a local, or buying property in any of them.

Can't delete all of the double quote.





More BS about something you have know way of knowing the facts.


Of course I moved to another country, married a local  and bought  property in the specific case of Thailand and it could well have happened in the countries I lived in for say 7 years like HK. Only sheer stupidity and other mitigating reasons, stopped me buying my lovely beachview house in HK, or a condo in Singapore,I would be a millionaire now, but for, but for, but for, etc.


My second wife came from Rhodesia and we were going to sell-up and move permanently  to SA, but I hated the level of violence and the apartheid (so did she). I very nearly married a beautiful Taiwanese girl (hello Crossy), etc............... who knows what can happen.


Anyway, a shipping container full of your household goods and chattels is a shipping container full of your household goods and chattels. It does not matter if you planned to live in the country permanently or work for a few years, they are still an expensive item to keep in storage/customs.


When you move a lot, things have  a different viewpoint.





Here is a good pair of noise cancelling hearphones. Give it to your wife and tell her to wear them when she leaves the house.

She will no longer hear the prostitutes insults from the crazy neighbour.

Problem solved.

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