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New Texas gun control law allows concealed guns on campus


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New Texas gun control law allows concealed guns on campus

AUSTIN: -- A new law has come into effect in the US state of Texas that allows students to carry concealed guns on campuses.

Students aged 21 or over who have a concealed handgun permit may take guns into classrooms, under the new law.

Texas has now become one of eight US states that allows students to carry guns into college buildings.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36948149

-- BBC 2016-08-02


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The concept of "going to school" has surpassed some I think. So now the nutcase student will have an excuse too. By law he can take a weapon to school, all het needs to do is practice fast reloading/clip switches and it will get "the job" done.


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A handgun would have been little deterrence to Charles Whitman.


Not sure why it's limited to concealed carry handguns? Why not open carry? Wouldn't that be a stronger deterrent? And why just handguns? Surely our Founding Fathers envisioned being able to bear any/all arms?

I think everyone over the age of 18 should be required to carry a firearm, and it they can't afford one, a gun should be provided by the government, just so everyone has equal "rights".


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29 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

A handgun would have been little deterrence to Charles Whitman.


Not sure why it's limited to concealed carry handguns? Why not open carry? Wouldn't that be a stronger deterrent? And why just handguns? Surely our Founding Fathers envisioned being able to bear any/all arms?

I think everyone over the age of 18 should be required to carry a firearm, and it they can't afford one, a gun should be provided by the government, just so everyone has equal "rights".


I agree.. and preferably a full automatic rifle. It would solve a lot of problems for sure. just think of the massive depopulation that would occur in the USA. They have already shown they don't need foreign terrorist their home grown nut cases kill more then all terrorists combined. 

Maybe one should get a gun free if one buys more then 10 liters of alcohol. 

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Strangest laws ever the USA have...

I would love to see a President / Congress who has guts to just say enough of this nonsense and killing and pass a law and just stop this. hanging on to this argument by the NRA to some ancient amendment law is dumb and stupid...people are dying because they are too gutless to make a sensible government decision. 

Dumb Dumb Dumb

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

I agree.. and preferably a full automatic rifle. It would solve a lot of problems for sure. just think of the massive depopulation that would occur in the USA. They have already shown they don't need foreign terrorist their home grown nut cases kill more then all terrorists combined. 

Maybe one should get a gun free if one buys more then 10 liters of alcohol. 

Just make sure it's Budweiser.

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This is an example of how ridiculous America has become and how impotent the American Congress and president have become.  The politicians are gutless- they refuse to put in real checks before someone can purchase a gun. they need to ban assault weapons completely; stop open carry; and never allow guns in public places like schools; theatres etc. The  US Second Amendment never gave the right to bear arms in every circumstance and in every way.  The killing will continue; the gun lobby will remain strong and the armaments industry get richer.

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1 hour ago, yardrunner said:

definitely the patients are running the madhouse 

And "shoot to kill" training will soon become part of the curriculum!

Especially in response to "you been laughing at my mule?" scenarios!

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3 hours ago, neverdie said:

What could go wrong with kids in the grip of puberty.



Where / how did this go off the rails.

Surely we need to urgently get back to a situation where people carrying guns (other than in war? and sometimes the police?) is just not needed and is seen as not pursuant to a healthy civil society.

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I read all of these comments above and had to respond in kind:

A CCW is a mighty deterrent to the deranged gunmen who often target "gun-free zones" such as university campuses, cinemas, festivals, etc because they do not meet any resistance when they commit their crimes.  Paris, Brussels, Orlando, Nice, etc were such "gun-free" zones - and we all know what terrible things happened at each of these places.

Note: The new Texas law states a minimum age limit of 21 for a student to carry a CW on campus.  These are young adults by this age - not the feckless 18 year olds just coming into college..............

I gladly paid for the government required training courses, gun safety courses, practice range training (under a qualified instructor) for my college aged daughter (who just turned 20).  I would rather for her to be in a position to protect herself and not cower in fear, if, God forbid, some maniac goes on another shooting spree where she happened to be.

The world is a very dangerous place these days and the police cannot be everywhere and protect everyone, all the time.  Each individual must take on the responsibility of defending himself / herself

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1 hour ago, Thai66 said:

I read all of these comments above and had to respond in kind:

A CCW is a mighty deterrent to the deranged gunmen who often target "gun-free zones" such as university campuses, cinemas, festivals, etc because they do not meet any resistance when they commit their crimes.  Paris, Brussels, Orlando, Nice, etc were such "gun-free" zones - and we all know what terrible things happened at each of these places.

Note: The new Texas law states a minimum age limit of 21 for a student to carry a CW on campus.  These are young adults by this age - not the feckless 18 year olds just coming into college..............

I gladly paid for the government required training courses, gun safety courses, practice range training (under a qualified instructor) for my college aged daughter (who just turned 20).  I would rather for her to be in a position to protect herself and not cower in fear, if, God forbid, some maniac goes on another shooting spree where she happened to be.

The world is a very dangerous place these days and the police cannot be everywhere and protect everyone, all the time.  Each individual must take on the responsibility of defending himself / herself


The training course in gun safety sounds fun, but a course in gun death statistics might have been more useful. 


By buying your daughter a gun you actually increased the chance of her, or a member of her/your family being killed by gun fire. 


We can now wait for the data to come in on gun related deaths at Texas colleges and universities to roll in. 

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I read all of these comments above and had to respond in kind:

A CCW is a mighty deterrent to the deranged gunmen who often target "gun-free zones" such as university campuses, cinemas, festivals, etc because they do not meet any resistance when they commit their crimes.  Paris, Brussels, Orlando, Nice, etc were such "gun-free" zones - and we all know what terrible things happened at each of these places.

Note: The new Texas law states a minimum age limit of 21 for a student to carry a CW on campus.  These are young adults by this age - not the feckless 18 year olds just coming into college..............

I gladly paid for the government required training courses, gun safety courses, practice range training (under a qualified instructor) for my college aged daughter (who just turned 20).  I would rather for her to be in a position to protect herself and not cower in fear, if, God forbid, some maniac goes on another shooting spree where she happened to be.

The world is a very dangerous place these days and the police cannot be everywhere and protect everyone, all the time.  Each individual must take on the responsibility of defending himself / herself

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