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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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51 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As though the establishment bureaucrats can be trusted! Comey said that Clinton lied to the Congress, yet he gave her a get out of jail free card. I wouldn't trust any of them now.


Trump people seem to like the devil they know and love rather than the devil they have and detest. And the devil they know has been around for many a year, during the 1920s and 1930s in Europe most recently. We're seeing now the devil the whingenoid right is sure it knows and loves is being rejected in America.

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2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Trump people seem to like the devil they know and love rather than the devil they have and detest. And the devil they know has been around for many a year, during the 1920s and 1930s in Europe most recently. We're seeing now the devil the whingenoid right is sure it knows and loves is being rejected in America.



That "devil they know has been around for many a year, during the 1920s and 1930s in Europe most recently. " was on full display in the USA during the primaries when followers of that devil disrupted opposition political rallies, forced opposition leaders to cancel their speeches, intimidated citizens wanting to listen to the opposition speaker and waited outside in mob-strength to isolate and physically attack them as they left the opposition rallies.



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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Try keeping up. I never said Trump was a good candidate. I usually say something about him being entertaining.

In a better world, Trump wouldn't have made it past the first debate.


However, Clinton's character is so bad, she should never have been selected as a candidate, and won only, IMO, because the Dems elite decided it was time for one without male genitalia to win. Had they been able to select a black/ Hispanic, bi sexual, transgender candidate HRC probably wouldn't even have been considered.


Interesting that you think of women as people without male genitalia. As though they're lacking something. Your brand of socialism seems to hold non-white people, non-Western people, and female people in particular disrespect. There are all kinds of things called Socialism out there.  One of them had "National" as the adjective to describe it.

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5 hours ago, mopar71 said:



That "devil they know has been around for many a year, during the 1920s and 1930s in Europe most recently. " was on full display in the USA during the primaries when followers of that devil disrupted opposition political rallies, forced opposition leaders to cancel their speeches, intimidated citizens wanting to listen to the opposition speaker and waited outside in mob-strength to isolate and physically attack them as they left the opposition rallies.




Trump needs chaos. He needs people to believe it's all falling apart. He needs people to believe he is the one and only savior. The strongman equivalent of the 1920s and 1930s Europe. We'd been there before and what the torchlight right fails to know or to recognise is that neither the USA nor Europe are going to go there again.

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Obama is correct, Trump is unfit to be president but so is Hillary. Our only hope is for a third party and Gary Johnson may be just what we are looking for. I don't agree with everything he stands for but I will say I think he will make some needed changes in the political system which have needed done for a long time. He is currently at 12% in some polls and has been appearing on many news channels. His message sounds good and what's nice is that he is not left or right. I believe he is also honest and will work for the people unlike what has been happening for the last 30 or 40 years. This is perhaps the first time in the last 100 years that a third party could possibility win. Check him out.

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Something that relates to this.A piece from the Charlotte Observer, a North Carolina newspaper. Read it you will like it.




" In a turn of events that shocked the political world and threw the presidential race into unprecedented turmoil, Donald J. Trump announced yesterday that he is quitting the race and endorsing Hillary Clinton."



It's very believable in my opinion...:)

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44 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Obama is correct, Trump is unfit to be president but so is Hillary. Our only hope is for a third party and Gary Johnson may be just what we are looking for. I don't agree with everything he stands for but I will say I think he will make some needed changes in the political system which have needed done for a long time. He is currently at 12% in some polls and has been appearing on many news channels. His message sounds good and what's nice is that he is not left or right. I believe he is also honest and will work for the people unlike what has been happening for the last 30 or 40 years. This is perhaps the first time in the last 100 years that a third party could possibility win. Check him out.


EXCLUSIVE Gary Johnson op-ed: There's another choice


When it comes to electing their next president, Americans want a candidate to vote for — not just someone to vote against.
American voters want the perspective of an outsider who can bring an entrepreneurial perspective to the White House. They aren't opposed to experience in governing — so long as it doesn't bring with it an addiction to crony capitalism and the fruits thereof.
And they want a candidate who looks after American interests and doesn't use war to destabilize already volatile regions of the world like the Middle East.




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The truth about Gary Johnson.

He won't receive even one electoral vote but he will suck in mostly potential trump voters.

Go Gary Johnson.:clap2:

The truth about Jill Stein.

She won't receive even one electoral vote but she will suck in mostly potential Hillary Clinton voters.

This woman has no government experience and believes in totally flaky anti-science views on thing like vaccinations.

Vote for Hill not Jill! :clap2:

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20 hours ago, mopar71 said:


Please provide your security clearance through proper channels and maybe I will. Or just read through some of those 30k emails about yoga and wedding plans that Hillary deleted. Oh, that's right, they haven't been released to the public...yet. Be patient. ;) 


My bold.


Spoken like a true Trump supporter.It seems one of Trumps major traits is catching.

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3 hours ago, mopar71 said:

The Democrats have a [not so] powerful ally in the Communist Party of the United States. That much hasn't changed since the Reagan years when Sen. Ted Kennedy conspired with Andropov to over-throw Reagan in '84. I can see the argument that Trump is unfit to be president (as is Hillary for different reasons)...but when the commies are against you, you must be doing something right.




Now I know what is sounds like when the kitchen sink gets tossed into the pile of junk out back. 

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13 minutes ago, Bung said:

Republican security experts rail against Trump in open letter - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37016680


He's not becoming president anytime soon.  Sorry Trumpanzees. 


Yeah, the 3 big Republican shoes to drop, which have not dropped yet are Condi, Baker and Kissinger, most of whom are friendly with and respect Clinton as part of their club. They have been conspicuously silent and absent on Trump, but their silence is deafening.  Trump is an abomination as all of them know.

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Another article on the Republican security experts from CNN.


50 GOP national security experts oppose Trump:



"We are convinced that in the Oval Office, he would be the most reckless President in American history."



Edited by Silurian
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2 hours ago, Bung said:

Republican security experts rail against Trump in open letter - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37016680


He's not becoming president anytime soon.  Sorry Trumpanzees. 

Wow, just look at the signatories to this letter. All former National Security Officials serving Republican administrations/Presidents Republican Presidents. Many of them very senior officials. This is wayh beyond the 2 party bickering that one would expect and sometimes enjoy in an election year. 


If Donald Trump was running as the Democrat candidate I would be forced to do the same thing. I would hate it, but I'd have to.





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2 hours ago, Bung said:

Republican security experts rail against Trump in open letter - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37016680


He's not becoming president anytime soon.  Sorry Trumpanzees. 


Yeap, this is all over the news, more Republican officials coming out against Trump and in the strongest terms.  Clearly, they agree more with President Obama than some in their own party.  And most of these people don't have a political agenda, mostly just concerned citizens.  Except they know a bit more than the average Joe when it comes to national security.  Trump and his blind followers should listen and learn something.  Instead, they're already out there attacking the messenger. 

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3 hours ago, Bung said:

Republican security experts rail against Trump in open letter - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37016680


He's not becoming president anytime soon.  Sorry Trumpanzees. 


Trumps response is textbook idiocy. Instead of considering the contents of the letter and perhaps modifying his behaviour he says:



In response, Mr Trump said they were part of a "failed Washington elite" looking to hold on to power.


The arrogance is breath taking. 

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Trumps response is textbook idiocy. Instead of considering the contents of the letter and perhaps modifying his behaviour he says:


The arrogance is breath taking. 


Typical Trumpism.  Anyone who doesn't praise him is immediately subject to his ridicule. 


Thus far, he's made enemies out of half the sage leaders in the US.   He will turn off the other half as he continues to do what he does so well.   He's the King of Vindictiveness.  Well, at least his kids will love him, no matter what (unless he runs out of money).   Not sure about Melania.  As soon as she sees the ship listing dangerously, she'll scurry on down one of the thick ropes to the dock.   The Trumpster will remind her loudly about the pre-nup and the contract she signed which forbids her from saying anything about Him or their relationship.  It's the same non-disclosure gag order which he's slapped on all his ex-wives, ex-employees, and anyone who has had any biz dealings with him.  


Marla Maples recently wanted to speak up about The Divider, but was successfully shut up by T's lawyers.

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Yeah, the 3 big Republican shoes to drop, which have not dropped yet are Condi, Baker and Kissinger, most of whom are friendly with and respect Clinton as part of their club. They have been conspicuously silent and absent on Trump, but their silence is deafening.  Trump is an abomination as all of them know.


None of the three need to say much of anything, if anything, and each probably much prefers to stay out of public electioneering for pretentions of both propriety and appearances. Also each of 'em is vulnerable individually.


Kissinger is a Vietnam war criminal who is still escaping oncoming police in certain European countries by dashing through a hotel back door at 3 am. Rice is forever Ms Mushroom Cloud Cheney whore. Baker was a legal beagle in the 2000 Bush chad fiasco in Florida. They'd only call attention to themselves to speak out, each one of 'em. One or more might go ahead to speak up if they felt a need or a lot of pressure from peers domestically and/or foreign, so we'll see.


For instance, when Trump at a May rally said Henry the K had endorsed him during their face to face meeting, K's office issued the following statement:


Through a spokesperson, Kissinger disputed Trump’s account. “On foreign policy, you identify many key problems” Kissinger said of Trump. “I do not generally agree with the solutions. One-shot outcomes are probably not possible.”




Probably?!? The statement is feeble.


So K is being restrained in public and, yes, K is hardly being public at all. Word around is that K as with President Obama is also privately assuring foreign foreign policy elites globally Trump will not be elected, that the voters will go with the safe option of former SecState Clinton and her team. K had already said publicly HRC as SecState "ran the state department better than anyone had run it in a long time." 


Rice has zero credibility and Baker at this point in his life does not need the hassle. If the Bush family led by GHW pushed Barker he'd probably speak out, but I doubt the Bushes would be much inclined to trouble the guy.


One or more of the three may indeed speak up at some point out of some sense of something, but I wouldn't wait for any shoes to drop. Trump is much too deep in the tank for any of the three to bother with. For one thing, Trump has seriously lost white suburban Republican married women en mass across the country -- and that's a constituency no Republican can afford to alienate. Very few sane Republicans (which are anyway very few in number) are comfortable speaking up for Trump's wild madness in national security matters especially. (When Jeb said his brother kept us safe that resonates with this R suburban woman demographic -- strongly.) 


To suburban Republican married women whose neighbor is in the League of Women Voters Trump and his overdone wife are crass, uncouth and dreadfully base. Neither of 'em ever worked a day in their life. The good family man and corporate success Mitt Romney and Ann are exactly their kind of people...and we know what Romney has said about Trump as Potus. (They didn't like the grumpy McCain much but they mostly voted for him.)


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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


Trumps response is textbook idiocy. Instead of considering the contents of the letter and perhaps modifying his behaviour he says:



The arrogance is breath taking. 

It's truly astonishing. Look at the names on that list. These are people who have given their lives to public service and to the security of the country. Sure, you might not agree with them or the policies of the Presidents and Administrations they served - I don't - but to try to evade their criticism by an attempt at belittling them is as outrageous and offensive as it is preposterous. Trump is now denigrating the Service of all those signatories in exactly the same way that he denigrated Khan's parents. The man would have the country believe that the weight of the opinion of the signatories is as noting as they're looking only to hold onto power rather than protect and serve the United States. Trump has no honor, he is a disgrace. He should retire to his hotels/casinos and live out his last days in the manner of Howard Hughes (c/f Howard Hughes in James Ellroy's American Tabloid)

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17 minutes ago, Neurath said:

It's truly astonishing. Look at the names on that list. These are people who have given their lives to public service and to the security of the country. Sure, you might not agree with them or the policies of the Presidents and Administrations they served - I don't - but to try to evade their criticism by an attempt at belittling them is as outrageous and offensive as it is preposterous. Trump is now denigrating the Service of all those signatories in exactly the same way that he denigrated Khan's parents. The man would have the country believe that the weight of the opinion of the signatories is as noting as they're looking only to hold onto power rather than protect and serve the United States. Trump has no honor, he is a disgrace. He should retire to his hotels/casinos and live out his last days in the manner of Howard Hughes (c/f Howard Hughes in James Ellroy's American Tabloid)


Ofcourse all of us here understand there is a huge difference between dedicating ones life to  "pubic service" and being a "politician".






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The truth about Gary Johnson.

He won't receive even one electoral vote but he will suck in mostly potential trump voters.

Go Gary Johnson.:clap2:

The truth about Jill Stein.

She won't receive even one electoral vote but she will suck in mostly potential Hillary Clinton voters.

This woman has no government experience and believes in totally flaky anti-science views on thing like vaccinations.

Vote for Hill not Jill! :clap2:

A typical response from a hardened Hillary supporter who won't open their eyes to see all the damage Hillary and her husband has done to America.

Let me tell you two ways that Gary Johnson can win.
First: with all the recent attention third parties are receiving the media has now started to grant interviews. With these interviews and the Internet it is now possible for Gary Johnson to receive the required 15% in the polls to get into the national debates (rigged system). Only about 1/3 of voters have even heard of Gary Johnson and even little more really knows about what he stands for. The debates will inform the public and give then a real vote and not a lesser of two evil vote. With a majority of voters not liking Trump or Clinton And the fact that Gary is in the middle and honest he will perhaps pull enough votes to win, yes win !
Second: If not make an out right win he will win enough states to prevent anyone from getting the required 270 EVs. This will put selecting the president in the hands of the House. The House which has a majority of republicans will not vote for Hillary and if having another option will not vote for Trump. The only logical selection will be someone right in the middle... Gary Johnson or perhaps another.
Trump or Clinton will not be president !!! Trust me !
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7 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

A typical response from a hardened Hillary supporter who won't open their eyes to see all the damage Hillary and her husband has done to America.

Let me tell you two ways that Gary Johnson can win.
First: with all the recent attention third parties are receiving the media has now started to grant interviews. With these interviews and the Internet it is now possible for Gary Johnson to receive the required 15% in the polls to get into the national debates (rigged system). Only about 1/3 of voters have even heard of Gary Johnson and even little more really knows about what he stands for. The debates will inform the public and give then a real vote and not a lesser of two evil vote. With a majority of voters not liking Trump or Clinton And the fact that Gary is in the middle and honest he will perhaps pull enough votes to win, yes win !
Second: If not make an out right win he will win enough states to prevent anyone from getting the required 270 EVs. This will put selecting the president in the hands of the House. The House which has a majority of republicans will not vote for Hillary and if having another option will not vote for Trump. The only logical selection will be someone right in the middle... Gary Johnson or perhaps another.
Trump or Clinton will not be president !!! Trust me !

Why do you maintain that Gary Johnson is in the middle?  On economic issues, which are the ones most important to voters. he's far, far to the right. He wants to raise the Social Security full qualification age to 72.  And that's just for starters.

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Why do you maintain that Gary Johnson is in the middle?  On economic issues, which are the ones most important to voters. he's far, far to the right. He wants to raise the Social Security full qualification age to 72.  And that's just for starters.

Perhaps I should have said 75 percent far left and 25 percent far right. 75 percent of his platform is same as Bernie Sanders, 25 percent is far Right. My main concern with Gary is his support of TPP. This I don't like but it is something that I think will go ahead anyway no matter who is elected. Check out his web site. He is not for everyone but at least he is not a liar or crazy.
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I don't think Gary Johnson is crazy and yes he's less offensive than Trump (easily) but I find the scenario of him winning any states absurd and the wishful thinking that if the decision went to the house that the republican house wouldn't pick trump dangerously absurd. Go ahead ... waste your votes on the fringe candidates. That's your right.

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32 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Let me tell you two ways that Gary Johnson can win.
First: with all the recent attention third parties are receiving the media has now started to grant interviews. With these interviews and the Internet it is now possible for Gary Johnson to receive the required 15% in the polls to get into the national debates (rigged system). Only about 1/3 of voters have even heard of Gary Johnson and even little more really knows about what he stands for. The debates will inform the public and give then a real vote and not a lesser of two evil vote. With a majority of voters not liking Trump or Clinton And the fact that Gary is in the middle and honest he will perhaps pull enough votes to win, yes win !
Second: If not make an out right win he will win enough states to prevent anyone from getting the required 270 EVs. This will put selecting the president in the hands of the House. The House which has a majority of republicans will not vote for Hillary and if having another option will not vote for Trump. The only logical selection will be someone right in the middle... Gary Johnson or perhaps another.
Trump or Clinton will not be president !!! Trust me !


I would love to make a sizable wager with you...except I know I'll never see my winnings!

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I don't think Gary Johnson is crazy and yes he's less offensive than Trump (easily) but I find the scenario of him winning any states absurd and the wishful thinking that if the decision went to the house that the republican house wouldn't pick trump dangerously absurd. Go ahead ... waste your votes on the fringe candidates. That's your right.

Hahaha.... I see it as you wasting your vote. In addition if you voted for a real change you would vote for someone other than the same corrupt system that Hillary belongs to. Free country I guess.
Never trump or Hillary !
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