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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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8 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Unfortunately, Republicans have now embraced him, which I didn't think would ever happen. In spite of everything, it is quite possible for him to win. Astounding, but goes to show the level of unhappiness with Clinton and the effect of a chaos candidate in this political environment. This chaos person will indeed lead the largest setback in modern times of the US if elected.


Unfortunately, Republicans have now embraced him, which I didn't think would ever happen


Yes, and yes.


Republicans by and large have accepted Donald Trump as the 2016 nominee of their party for Potus. Many of us didn't think that would happen. Not so many of 'em anyway.


The extreme right drove Trump to the nomination. In doing so, we saw that there are more crackpot Republicans than anyone to include the marginal right thought existed or that would accept Trump as such. Many elite Republicans, in the foreign policy establishment in particular, reject him. This however is insignificant in numbers of votes.


The significant vote is the suburban white educated Republican, the married female one in particular, in the key states. Key 'battleground' states such as New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado. It's also true in Ohio which is always close but where the popular Gov. John Kasich is putting out for the ticket with impact, to the point it's a tie there. Nevada may not have enough of 'em to start with which is why it is so close there.


But in the blue states, suburban white educated Republican voters -- women in particular -- have wrecked Trump's hopes to turn some blue states red for him by winning over the lesser educated white voters. Think Michigan, Wisconsin, New Hampshire or even Oregon. While Trump has gained some of the lower socio-economic voters in those places, the Obama coalition is holding with the white educated Republicans in the burbs added on to it. Too many of these suburban Republicans who voted for GW Bush, McCain, Romney can't pull the lever for Trump. No way.


Most of the suburban educated Republican voters are somewhat conservative rather than hard core wingnut conservative. They are members of the mainstream religions (Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist etc) rather than of evangelical nutcase church groups. During the R party primaries, they split their vote among Rubio, Bush for a while, Christie, Kasich toward the end with some going for Cruz when it came down realistically to Cruz or Trump.


Kasich won Ohio in the primary and he's gone all out to secure the reelection of first term R Senator Bob Portman. Some of that has spilled over to Trump as the party's nominee, which is making what is always a close vote in Ohio really close this time -- as in really tight. Still, it is unlikely those suburban Republicans who voted big time for Kasich twice for governor, once for Potus in the primary and will vote to reelect the R Sen. Portman, will go for Trump as their Potus.


In Ohio, they wanted John Kasich as their president, not Donald Trump. It's clear for this particular demographic on this score.

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Donald Trump’s absolutely ridiculous response to The Post’s Trump Foundation story


"On Tuesday morning, The Washington Post published a story headlined: "Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems." Written by David Fahrenthold, who has reported extensively about the Trump Foundation, the piece details how Trump directed more than $250,000 of the charity's money to help pay fees related to his businesses."   Whatta surprise!

"Those payments could qualify as "self-dealing" and violate laws governing how the leaders of nonprofit organizations can use the money they receive in donations."



Read the response from the Bloviator's lackeys.




Dunning Kruger.

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5 minutes ago, iReason said:


"On Tuesday morning, The Washington Post published a story headlined: "Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems." Written by David Fahrenthold, who has reported extensively about the Trump Foundation, the piece details how Trump directed more than $250,000 of the charity's money to help pay fees related to his businesses."   Whatta surprise!



Well, this is straight out of Trump's signature playbook and one he self promotes.


In a recent statement from Trump, "It's called OPM. I do it all the time in business. It's called other people's money," Trump said. "There's nothing like doing things with other people's money because it takes the risk -- you get a good chunk out of it and it takes the risk."

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Trump’s puzzling pitch to black voters


The Republican nominee promises to 'fix' African-American communities.

And expand stop-and-frisk policing nationwide. (sub-title)


"Donald Trump campaigned Wednesday morning in a church in a historically African-American community,

and sold himself as the candidate who could fix the problems of urban America."


"Within hours, Trump was proposing a vast expansion of “stop-and-frisk” policing policies that have proved explosively controversial in black communities for encouraging racial profiling."



The Bloviator. The Mussolini wannabe.

The pathetic pandering embarrassment of America.


Dunning Kruger.


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13 minutes ago, iReason said:




Was this a demonstration of Trump's "stop and frisk"policy?


Anyway, you know how it is with politicians. You say one thing to one audience and then a whole other thing to another audience. It is called pandering. Trump has this down pat for an "outsider".

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Corey Lewandowski Continues to Be Paid by Donald Trump’s Campaign

"Donald J. Trump paid his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski $20,000 in August for “strategy consulting,” two months after Mr. Lewandowski left the team and was hired by CNN as a commentator."

"The payment, revealed in Federal Election Commission filings on Tuesday, was the second monthly consulting fee paid to Mr. Lewandowski through his consulting company since he left the Trump campaign and joined CNN, raising questions about whether the network in effect has a Trump campaign strategist on its payroll."


"Mr. Lewandowski still speaks with Mr. Trump regularly. Reached by phone, Mr. Lewandowski said he could not comment because of his contractual obligations with CNN."





The Bloviator's mole. :thumbsup:



Dunning Kruger.

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Yeah, for instance Trump never expresses his feelings on the Climate issue. Hillary and Obama have. Not only that, but they support international agreements on it, Trump doesn't. This makes me feel good so I will vote for Hillary. Otherwise, 8 more years of doing nothing about infrared radiation trapping CO2 that takes 10 to 40 years to effect the climate (we're still guessing on this number) and thousands of years before it dissipates and is now at a level not seen in more than 3 million years....  might have made me a little apprehensive otherwise... but Hillary's feelings on this topic and the Paris Agreement of 2015 make me think much more optimistically on this issue.  I like that. It lets me feel good.  And especially since it included a blanket exemption for aviation and shipping... which we now know will be solved by converting airplanes to biofuels. That also makes me feel good. I like those feelings. Otherwise I would be really really worried. I might even get upset about it.   

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I notice that Trump had Don King on stage.

What's the difference between Don King and Donald Trump?

One is a known cheat who has been involved in numerous lawsuits where he has tried to cheat people out of their money.

The other one is a boxing promoter.



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Law professor: Trump can be impeached for fraud and racketeering before he even takes office.



A legal researcher at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law says that current lawsuits against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump are sufficient grounds to impeach him from the presidency.

Professor Christopher L. Peterson has found that should Trump win the election in November, he would be vulnerable to impeachment even before he takes office, thanks to fraud and racketeering lawsuits related to the Trump University case.

“In the United States, it is illegal for businesses to use false statements to convince consumers to purchase their services,” Peterson wrote in a paper published Mondaytitled Trump University and Presidential Impeachment. “The evidence indicates that Trump University used a systemic pattern of fraudulent representations to trick thousands of families into investing in a program that can be argued was a sham.”

“Fraud and racketeering are serious crimes that legally rise to the level of impeachable acts,” he said.

Trump University, say a number of litigants, was billed as a series of seminars with Donald Trump and top real estate professionals that would teach enrollees to wheel and deal in high-value properties and amass millions in profit.



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Here’s the Mind-Blowing List of All of Donald Trump’s Outrageous ‘Pants on Fire’ Lies.



Donald Trump’s supporters love insisting that “he tells it like it is,” but the truth is, he’s one of the most dishonest (if not the most) presidential candidates in U.S. history. Practically nothing he says is true or even remotely close to being true. It’s not even just that he lies, but how he lies. While all politicians lie, typically their lies are derived from some sort of truth that they’ve cherry picked or twisted to such an extent that their statement is no longer factual. However, when it comes to Donald Trump, he just seems to make stuff up out of thin air that’s not remotely linked to a shred of anything factual.




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9 hours ago, iReason said:

Donald Trump’s absolutely ridiculous response to The Post’s Trump Foundation story


"On Tuesday morning, The Washington Post published a story headlined: "Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems." Written by David Fahrenthold, who has reported extensively about the Trump Foundation, the piece details how Trump directed more than $250,000 of the charity's money to help pay fees related to his businesses."   Whatta surprise!

"Those payments could qualify as "self-dealing" and violate laws governing how the leaders of nonprofit organizations can use the money they receive in donations."



Read the response from the Bloviator's lackeys.




Dunning Kruger.


I enjoyed the link.

I am amazed that the press and media have put up with the continual negative diatribe from Trump about them and how he is always saying how bad and dishonest they are. The solution is simple and would be sweet. The main stream media and press that Trump despises so much should not turn up at his events. When he walks out a building there should be no photos and questions, just turn their backs on him and turn the TV cameras away. They would crush him to zero within a week and Fox could have him all to themselves. They would literally deny him of all oxygen if they did this and he would fall out of the race. It would be funny to see him win and then go to the annual White House Correspondents  Dinner. They could all stand up and leave when he started to speak.

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Yes. Woefully unfit.


More people of substance WARNING Americans about making the greatest mistake in our history. Red flags everywhere. Open your eyes!



A group of 75 retired career Foreign Service officers, including ambassadors and senior State Department officials under Republican and Democratic presidents over nearly a half-century, has signed an open letter calling Donald Trump “entirely unqualified to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief.”




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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Well, if you read the article in question it would be more prudent not to bounce back with such a reply like yours.



The letter is the latest in an unprecedented number of joint public statements signed by retired high-level government officials and military officers this election cycle. Most have focused on national security, and most have been against Trump.


The most prominent exception was a letter early this month signed by 88 retired generals and other military officials who endorsed Trump as a “long overdue course correction in our national security posture.”

Last spring, more than 100 Republican national security experts signed a petition, even before Trump won the GOP nomination, saying they would never work for a Trump administration. Last month, 50 more Republicans, including former top aides and Cabinet members for the George W. Bush administration, signed a letter saying Trump would be “the most reckless president in American history” and that none of them would vote for him


So the article acknowledges the 88 retired Generals you quote but the against Trump letters are now 75 senior diplomats, 100 Republican National Security experts and 50 more Republicans including top Government aides.


Interesting how the Trump campaign responded to the letter by the Diplomats.


The Trump campaign responded on Thursday that the country needs “an America First foreign policy.”

“How terribly weak and ineffective for a bunch of career overseas bureaucrats to send a letter or cable saying they want to keep things exactly as they are now and that they’re rallying around fellow insider Hillary Clinton,” the statement said. “The world has become a more dangerous place on their watch and they need to step up and own it.”


These are senior diplomats that have served their country diligently and Trump derides them disgracefully for simply not supporting him. Did Clinton deride the 88 Generals? Where in the Diplomats letter does it say they want to keep things exactly as they are now? The letter says no such thing. Another Trump lie. Yet another reason he is so woefully unfit to be Commander in Chief.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Yes. Woefully unfit.


More people of substance WARNING Americans about making the greatest mistake in our history. Red flags everywhere. Open your eyes!





JUST IN: 375 Top Scientists Pen Open Letter Begging America To Not Vote Trump.



Over 375 of the world’s leading scientific minds published an open letter on Tuesday warning America about the dangers that a Donald Trump presidency presents to the environment. The Republican nominee, who believes that global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese, has stated his intention to pull out of the historic Paris climate change treaty that President Obama signed a few months ago with all 194 other countries in the world. That agreement, expected to be implemented by at least 61 of the world’s worst polluters (accounting for 47% of all emissions), is set to be ratified by the end of the year.

The letter, signed by such notable names as Stephen Hawking and over 30 Nobel laureates, paints a bleak picture for our nation if Trump is elected and reneges on our international climate treaty obligations.


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UNHINGED: Trump Campaign Chair Says Racism Didn’t Exist Before Obama In Viral Rant.



Republican nominee Donald Trump’s Ohio chairwoman recently took it upon herself to prove to the world just how delusional the right-wing in America really is when Kathy Miller told reporters that racism in America didn’t exist until President Obama. “I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this … Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that’s a big change, and I think that’s the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America. Growing up as a kid, there was no racism, believe me. We were just all kids going to school.”

This perfectly illustrates how the right-wing digs their mental bogs of ignorance – blame Obama for literally everything; absolve self/race/identity group of all responsibility, then construct pleasant fantasy.

Supporting her candidate’s constant efforts to sabotage what little support he has within the African-American community, she then went on to say that black Americans are responsible for the decades of their socioeconomic disenfranchisement by saying that “if you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you. You’ve had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didn’t have. You had all the advantages and didn’t take advantage of it. It’s not our fault, certainly.”



-Sigh, once again the Trump supporters stupidity shines trough.

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Speeches of all dictators are alike

Donald Trump says he'll upset the world order with simple solutions - he'll succeed where others have ( he said)  failed.  He'll quickly cut off the head of the Islamic State and take their oïl, he'll will stop illegal immigration by building a wall on the mexican border, .

Trump thinks that ignorance is an advantage. the important thing to him  is to mark the spirits - 

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This isn't funny anymore:







Trumpism Is the Symptom of a Gravely Ill Constitution

A Trump victory would render the Constitution as toothless as the Statuto Albertino of 1848 after Mussolini’s March on Rome. That’s not because Trump proposes violating this or that provision; it is because, to him and his followers, the Constitution is simply nonexistent.





The Constitution can’t protect us from Trump

Trump’s desires for wealth, notoriety and adoration appear insatiable. This has been the definition of the tyrannical soul since antiquity. He admires autocrats such as Russian President Vladi­mir Putin because he recognizes those who share his character type.



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Donald Trump’s claim he got $150G in post-9/11 state funds for small businesses because he helped people in need is unfounded, docs show 

"Donald Trump’s tale about why he took $150,000 in 9/11 money is as tall as the Downtown skyscraper he says he used in recovery efforts, according to government records."


"Though the billionaire presidential candidate has repeatedly suggested he got that money for helping others out after the attacks, documents obtained by the Daily News show that Trump’s account was just a huge lie." :whistling:


"Records from the Empire State Development Corp., which administered the recovery program, show that Trump’s company asked for those funds for “rent loss,” “cleanup” and “repair” — not to recuperate money lost in helping people."




The Bloviator. Man of the people.
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Trump campaign chair in Ohio resigns over ‘no racism before Obama' remarks

"Donald Trump’s campaign chair in a crucial Ohio county has resigned after an interview with the Guardian in which she said there was no racism in America until the election of Barack Obama."


"Kathy Miller, who was coordinating the Republican nominee’s campaign in Mahoning County, apologized for her “inappropriate” remarks on Thursday and said she would no longer have a role with the campaign."


"Her resignation came just hours after the release of the first film in a series of election videos, Anywhere but Washington."



Another of the Bloviator's Deplorables exposed. :thumbsup:

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43 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump campaign chair in Ohio resigns over ‘no racism before Obama' remarks

"Donald Trump’s campaign chair in a crucial Ohio county has resigned after an interview with the Guardian in which she said there was no racism in America until the election of Barack Obama."


"Kathy Miller, who was coordinating the Republican nominee’s campaign in Mahoning County, apologized for her “inappropriate” remarks on Thursday and said she would no longer have a role with the campaign."


"Her resignation came just hours after the release of the first film in a series of election videos, Anywhere but Washington."



Another of the Bloviator's Deplorables exposed. :thumbsup:

An Open Letter to Trump Voters from His Top Strategist-Turned-Defector.



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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


They made a very valid point. Republicans that vote for Hillary are the REAL deplorables.  :facepalm:


That's a long list of eminent thought leaders, former Presidents and top advisers, and those who've attained the pinnacle of success in their fields. But, if you want to call them deplorable, so be it.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


They made a very valid point. Republicans that vote for Hillary are the REAL deplorables.  :facepalm:


Proverbial Straws.

Pathetically. :laugh: 


I know you are, but what am I?



The true Deplorables have been branded and crowned.


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Trump's bizarre ad strategy


"It's less than 50 days until the election and the GOP nominee's television advertisements have all but vanished.

It’s seven weeks before Election Day, five days before the highly anticipated first debate, and Donald Trump’s television advertisements have all but vanished."


"Trump’s ads last ran nearly a week ago in four battleground states: Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania."


"Since then, the GOP presidential nominee has ceded the airwaves to Hillary Clinton — and is only poised to launch a limited,

less-targeted ad campaign in the days before next week’s debate."



The "Self-Funded", "Self-Proclaimed Billionaire" Bloviator can't cough up the funds for the Big Leagues. :clap2:


Whatta clown.


Rollin', rollin', rollin', keep that Clown Train Rollin'...



Dunning Kruger.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


They made a very valid point. Republicans that vote for Hillary are the REAL deplorables.  :facepalm:


We continue to get an insight into the deeper reaches of your mind. So it is wrong for HRC to call welfare grabbing, bigoted, racist buffoons deplorable, but it is ok for you to call people who are exercising their constitutional right to vote for who they want deplorable. Face palm indeed !


Perhaps those republicans voting Hilary have actually started changing channel and reading the real news and have realised that what is being said is almost all total BS. You should try it, go on, change channel, there is a whole world of new real info for you to explore.

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I know this video is far too much for the Deplorables to comprehend.

Given the fact that it is over their one and a half minute attention span. (And that's being too generous)


But, Lemmings, please attempt to enlighten yourselves.

(I know. It's a lost cause.)


Listen to what your Bloviator says.




Dunning Kruger.  Maak.

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25 minutes ago, iReason said:

I know this video is far too much for the Deplorables to comprehend.

Given the fact that it is over their one and a half minute attention span. (And that's being too generous)


But, Lemmings, please attempt to enlighten yourselves.

(I know. It's a lost cause.)


Listen to what your Bloviator says.




Dunning Kruger.  Maak.


Olbermann is fantastic.


Ulysses, out of the 176 points given are there any you question the validity of? It is not too late to save your soul and your dignity. You can vote for someone else. Hate is like cancer it is going to consume all the Trump supporters.

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