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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Just exactly what Obama did in 8 years.




Going to Extremes: The Supreme Court and Senate Republicans’ Unprecedented Record of Obstruction of President Obama’s Nominees.


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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:
17 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:
16 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Well yeah, Big Pharma's a big problem but there's nothing to say we can't legislate to reel them in. 

Thanks again JT for your always reasoned , mature commentary

trump's first domestic political crisis is likely to be about his promise to kill Obamacare and replace it with something "terrific" as he moronically said and many ignorant people bought.


This from a man without even one MINUTE of governing experience, now holding the most powerful office on the planet.


The thing is he CAN do this. Congress has already voted to kill it many many times, and can kill it even without 60 senate votes.


But here's the rub and it's a BIG rub (among the problems)



As far as trump's comment before that he wants to keep the preexisting condition policies of Obamacare, well anyone with the most basic common sense about finance can see that would not be possible if Obamacare is killed. 


Remember the bones of the Obamacare financing were originally from the REPUBLICANS.


Now they have made this big promise. It's their baby now. Watch people bleed. 

Another TV software stuff up. I'm only responding to lannarebirth.


Well yeah, Big Pharma's a big problem but there's nothing to say we can't legislate to reel them in. 


How can the congress legislate against big pharma when big pharma probably gave them all money to get elected?

That is exactly the reason Trump got elected. The public have had enough and aren't gonna take it anymore.

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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

This two pictures says a lot more than your 61 pages of Blah, blah, blah,

Make sure you read what they says.






She still lost.

I guess the people that lost their jobs to China and Mexico don't have shares ( or a job ).

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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

This two pictures says a lot more than your 61 pages of Blah, blah, blah,

Make sure you read what they says.



Not interested. Nothing posted here made any difference to the result of the election and nothing you post now will.


It's over.


Have a nice Trump day.


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5 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:
13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You still lost.

Childish, this is not a competition. 


Not any more, because Trump won:

Election campaigns

Main article: Political campaign

When elections are called, politicians and their supporters attempt to influence policy by competing directly for the votes of constituents.



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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Exactly right. She lost. Obama lost. Trump won.

Go Donald, go.


None of which changes the fact that Trump is still unqualified, unethical, irrational and of questionable mental stability. 


Yes Donald, go, seek help, let your VP run the country.  He's bad, but not as bad as you.

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What else was wrapped up in the Flint funding bill?  Lazy bastards.  One bill.  One issue.  If you want money for some pet project, do the work, submit it up the chain on its own and put it to a vote.  Sick and tired of this rider bill/amendment bullshit and then some <deleted> like Harry Reid starts mewing on TV about how the big bag ugly ones killed funding for "the children".  Like to punch that fker Reid in the face and steal his milk money.  :bah:

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20 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

What else was wrapped up in the Flint funding bill?  Lazy bastards.  One bill.  One issue.  If you want money for some pet project, do the work, submit it up the chain on its own and put it to a vote.  Sick and tired of this rider bill/amendment bullshit and then some <deleted> like Harry Reid starts mewing on TV about how the big bag ugly ones killed funding for "the children".  Like to punch that fker Reid in the face and steal his milk money.  :bah:

But it´s ok when Trump steals bilions?


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Trump Is Already Mulling His Cabinet Picks And It’s Clear He Has No Idea What He’s Doing.


Now that he’s president-elect, Donald Trump has begun turning his attention to his transition, as well as beginning to build up his cabinet. It’s early right now, but sources have told Politico who is in line  for some top positions. If you weren’t already panicking just from his win last night, now would be a good time to start.



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5 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

It was a rant.  Get over it. 


Some background info for anyone interested.


Nearly two years ago, the state decided to save money by switching Flint's water supply from Lake Huron (which they were paying the city of Detroit for), to the Flint River, a notorious tributary that runs through town known to locals for its filth.





Annette Williams is careful to hold her granddaughter Sharell’s head at bath time, to keep the two-year-old from taking a gulp of toxic water. Though most people no longer drink what flows through Flint’s corroded pipes, many families have little choice but to bathe in it.


Sharell has been sick for months – ear infections, skin rashes and coughs. 



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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:


Some background info for anyone interested.


Nearly two years ago, the state decided to save money by switching Flint's water supply from Lake Huron (which they were paying the city of Detroit for), to the Flint River, a notorious tributary that runs through town known to locals for its filth.





Annette Williams is careful to hold her granddaughter Sharell’s head at bath time, to keep the two-year-old from taking a gulp of toxic water. Though most people no longer drink what flows through Flint’s corroded pipes, many families have little choice but to bathe in it.


Sharell has been sick for months – ear infections, skin rashes and coughs. 



So fix the damn pipes.  Quit the guilt trips.  And I say quit playing stupid political games.  One bill, One funding request to help fix that problem, it's done, guaranteed.  No more bill riders and BS. 

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Excellent article from Foreign Policy on why China will be happy about a Trump victory.  Difficult to choose which section to quote to wet the appetite of those who like to stay informed, but I will go with the one that states the obvious:


"China no longer faces the prospect of Hillary Clinton, a tough, experienced opponent with a record of standing up to bullies. Instead, it faces a know-nothing reality TV star who barely seems aware that China has nuclear weapons, has promised to extort money from U.S. allies around China like South Korea and Japan, and has repeatedly undercut U.S. credibility as a defense partner. Trump is also exactly the kind of businessman who is most easily taken in by China — credulous, focused on the externalities of wealth, and massively susceptible to flattery."   http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/11/09/china-just-won-the-u-s-election-trump-victory/    

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trump's blatantly obvious mental illness and  lack of qualifications for the job are a great opportunity for  the entire world to GRATE on America again. 

A great example of how already great nations are not immune from falling deep and falling fast.

Thanks a million to the voters that fell for the CON MAN.

Edited by Jingthing
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Islamic State celebrates Donald Trump election victory.


Extremists celebrated President–elect Donald Trump’s stunning victory at the polls Wednesday, hoping his triumph will “lead to civil war,“ according to a jihadist monitoring group.



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BREAKING: Trump Campaign Leaks MAJOR Sarah Palin Announcement, Sit Down For This (DETAILS)


According to his campaign aides, president-elect, Donald Trump is considering making a decision that would be completely devastating to, not only America, but the entire planet.

Sarah Palin is reportedly being considered to take a position as one of Trump’s top cabinet leaders, specifically, the Interior Secretary of the Department of the Interior. In that role, Palin would be in charge of the country’s natural energy resources and America’s climate change policies.



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Garrison Keillor: Trump voters will see his disasters fall on them—more than anyone else.


Author and radio personality Garrison Keillor took to pen and wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Wednesday. Like many other political commentators, Keillor discussed the 2016 presidential results. Like few, Keillor infused wisdom and hope with some hardcore reality.



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Trump victory increases uncertainties for global economy.


The election of Donald Trump as U.S. president creates new uncertainties for the global economy, say investors and economists, who see him as a reckless novice who might disrupt trade at a time when growth is already fragile.



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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Excellent article from Foreign Policy on why China will be happy about a Trump victory.  Difficult to choose which section to quote to wet the appetite of those who like to stay informed, but I will go with the one that states the obvious:


"China no longer faces the prospect of Hillary Clinton, a tough, experienced opponent with a record of standing up to bullies. Instead, it faces a know-nothing reality TV star who barely seems aware that China has nuclear weapons, has promised to extort money from U.S. allies around China like South Korea and Japan, and has repeatedly undercut U.S. credibility as a defense partner. Trump is also exactly the kind of businessman who is most easily taken in by China — credulous, focused on the externalities of wealth, and massively susceptible to flattery."   http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/11/09/china-just-won-the-u-s-election-trump-victory/    


American voters elected D. Trump for POTUS  much more;  and less in consideration of the " commander in chief" side of the token.

And even less as would be "leader of the free world"  


So Russia is happy, China eyes this election as a chance.


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