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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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On ‎12‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 0:18 AM, heybruce said:


I have worked under Vietnam vets, with Vietnam vets, and over Vietnam vets.  The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service.


Ever send a brother off to war?  Ever feel that feeling?  Ever see what that does to your mother?  I have.

I don't get your point.

Vietnam war was started by Kennedy, Democrat and expanded by Johnson, Democrat.

Trump has stated he opposed the Iraq war. That war was started by a president that avoided active service and ended ( for American troops, at least temporarily ) by a president that never was in any form of military.


BTW, yes, I know the feeling.


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On ‎12‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 1:11 AM, heybruce said:


Ahh..., us vs them!  If I don't like the choices of the other party, I must choose what my party presents, regardless of what a piece of shit my party presents. 


But what your party presented was unqualified to be POTUS to a degree beyond description. 


How old are you?  Haven't you learned that life is full of the lesser of two evils choices?  Why choose and defend the clueless and unqualified candidate over the flawed candidate?

Because the "flawed" candidate lied incessantly, probably took huge bribes for access, lied about the reasons for the death of an ambassador, destroyed Libya, caused chaos in the middle east, was clearly incompetent, took money from countries that kill homosexuals while claiming to be pro LGBT and is over all a deeply unpopular person even with her own party supporters.

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So, before this week, I'd never heard of the "alt-right", Steve Bannon or Breitbart,. Calling someone a white supremacist is a pretty serious thing and despite the low regard I have for Donald Trump it is hard for me to imagine that he would appoint a white supremacist to his inner circle of advisors.  So I checked the website Publicus referenced and this is the article they printed on the topic:




Even not knowing who any of the people mentioned are, it didn't sound right to me so I checked here:




Then I checked out this website that is said to be so racist. It looked right wing to be sure, but mostly I'd say it was designed to get people to click on the article through the use of provocative headlines, which almost every website seems to be doing now. Anyhow, here was one of their articles:




I guess they call this guy an anti-semite too. Hmmm


Anyhow, rather than reflecting on just why they lost this election or looking for ways to work with, maybe even co-opt the Trump White House, it looks like the Democrats are going scorched earth. Maybe it drives fundraising, I don't know. I do know it won't win them the Senate or the House in 2018 though if they don't fundamentally change how they regard the American voting public 

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

So, before this week, I'd never heard of the "alt-right", Steve Bannon or Breitbart,. Calling someone a white supremacist is a pretty serious thing and despite the low regard I have for Donald Trump it is hard for me to imagine that he would appoint a white supremacist to his inner circle of advisors.  So I checked the website Publicus referenced and this is the article they printed on the topic:




Even not knowing who any of the people mentioned are, it didn't sound right to me so I checked here:




Then I checked out this website that is said to be so racist. It looked right wing to be sure, but mostly I'd say it was designed to get people to click on the article through the use of provocative headlines, which almost every website seems to be doing now. Anyhow, here was one of their articles:




I guess they call this guy an anti-semite too. Hmmm


Anyhow, rather than reflecting on just why they lost this election or looking for ways to work with, maybe even co-opt the Trump White House, it looks like the Democrats are going scorched earth. Maybe it drives fundraising, I don't know. I do know it won't win them the Senate or the House in 2018 though if they don't fundamentally change how they regard the American voting public 


Great post. Thanks for doing the research on Steve Bannon. The MSM have lied so much during this election, I sometimes do not even bother to check their outlandish claims. Now I know what I suspected is true, yet another lie.

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12 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Anyhow, rather than reflecting on just why they lost this election or looking for ways to work with, maybe even co-opt the Trump White House, it looks like the Democrats are going scorched earth.

This is exactly tit for tat what the republicans did with Obama. Eight years doing no work to further Americas interests, just engaging in obstructive school boy politics. Why will the Dems be any different?  It is why the American political system has reached its breaking point and there is no return without a radical overhaul. Trumps election was the message but he is in no way the solution.


Regarding Bannon, take a read from Bloomberg Politics, its a good article.


This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America 

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

This is exactly tit for tat what the republicans did with Obama. Eight years doing no work to further Americas interests, just engaging in obstructive school boy politics. Why will the Dems be any different?  It is why the American political system has reached its breaking point and there is no return without a radical overhaul. Trumps election was the message but he is in no way the solution.


I wouldn't disagree and it is exactly that level of discourse that got Obama re-elected and would have got him re-elected again if that were an option. Hey, I'm a registered Democrat who couldn't support either of the main choices. I have children and I want something better for them.


A big mistake the Democrats are making is that they can't possibly imagine how things could be any worse and are going scorched Earth on Trump. But things could be worse  a lot worse. Trump has no ideology to speak of and I think more than anything he craves adulation.. Democrats could use that to work with him and IMO he'd be receptive to that as he's probably already beginning to learn the establishment Republicans have got a big nasty agenda all lined up that they'd love him to rubber stamp. Give him an out, don't back him in a corner. Kill Harry Reid. Get Bernie on Line 1.  But don't MAKE HIM embrace the Republican leadership out of necessity. JMO

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Great post. Thanks for doing the research on Steve Bannon. The MSM have lied so much during this election, I sometimes do not even bother to check their outlandish claims. Now I know what I suspected is true, yet another lie.


Yep, Alan Derschowtz knows an innocent man every time he sees one...just ask Klaus von Bulow. Add Breitbart. And now Stephen Bannon of Breitbart...



Andrew Breitbart died under mysterious circumstances. The autopsy said that he died...not days after taping an interview with the now also deceased “alleged” gay lover of President Barack H. Obama. So why if he died of natural causes did the FBI go after his widow for potential homicide? Well according to Dr. Jim Garrow, Andrew Breitbart was not dead of natural causes. According to the interview, he was killed directly by the Obama Administration.





Heard this kind of thingy before somewhere.  :laugh:  Do read the link my friends because it's a laffer supreme, right down to OB as a Saudi plant to become Potus - Now The End Begins


Hard to believe but it gets even better. The coroner said Andrew Breitbart died of a heart attack. The Breitbart news people said he'd been poisoned...by Obama. The proof is that a month later the coroner died -- mysteriously of course.  So says Breitbart anyway.




The Breitbart story link advises us OB killed Tom Clancy too, using herbs that disappear from the corpse after five dayze.  :cheesy:   And wouldn't you know it, the Clancy autopsy was conducted five dayze after.


Bannon is a whack job who is the KKK's new Number One Guy. Accept it. Which means to admit it. Same as Donald Trump is his own particular whackjob.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't get your point.

Vietnam war was started by Kennedy, Democrat and expanded by Johnson, Democrat.

Trump has stated he opposed the Iraq war. That war was started by a president that avoided active service and ended ( for American troops, at least temporarily ) by a president that never was in any form of military.


BTW, yes, I know the feeling.


Why do so many people ignore this sentence:


" The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service. "


This is a topic about Trump's lack of fitness for POTUS.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Because the "flawed" candidate lied incessantly, probably took huge bribes for access, lied about the reasons for the death of an ambassador, destroyed Libya, caused chaos in the middle east, was clearly incompetent, took money from countries that kill homosexuals while claiming to be pro LGBT and is over all a deeply unpopular person even with her own party supporters.


The flawed candidate lied far less than the unqualified candidate  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/lists/people/comparing-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-truth-o-met/  , her charity accepted money from many sources but there is no evidence of "bribes for access", the "death of an ambassador" was thoroughly investigated and no fault found on the part of the Secretary of State, was not responsible for the fall of Qaddafi or the failure of France and the UK to follow through on their military actions with appropriate nation building support, did not cause chaos in the middle east (that was President Bush), was considered the best qualified candidate to ever run for president, and you'll have to provide details on the money and homosexual killings.


The woefully unfit President elect has never held elected office, never served in the military (though that didn't prevent him from accepting a purple heart from a veteran), has court cases in progress regarding fraud and bribery allegations, refuses to release tax returns or detailed financial records,  refuses to put investments in a blind trust in spite of obvious conflicts of interest, is clueless about nuclear issues, and acts in an erratic, impulsive manner that indicates mental instability.  Good job electing him, I hope the country can survive.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't get your point.

Vietnam war was started by Kennedy, Democrat and expanded by Johnson, Democrat.

Trump has stated he opposed the Iraq war. That war was started by a president that avoided active service and ended ( for American troops, at least temporarily ) by a president that never was in any form of military.


BTW, yes, I know the feeling.



Trump has stated he opposed the Iraq war.


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52 minutes ago, heybruce said:

...  Good job electing him, I hope the country can survive.

The USA and the world indeed is in danger  because of the trump mistake. The best hope now may be impeachment. The guy replacing him wouldn't be much better politically, but is a man of great experience and mentally stable.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The USA and the world indeed is in danger  because of the trump mistake. The best hope now may be impeachment. The guy replacing him wouldn't be much better politically, but is a man of great experience and mentally stable.

Professor predicted Trump win, says he will be impeached.


(CNN)The man dubbed "Prediction Professor" for accurately calling every presidential election since 1984, including the 2016 election, now forecasts the impeachment of President-elect Donald Trump.



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Paul Ryan Plans To Starve Unemployed Americans With $23 Billion Food Stamp Cut.


Speaker Paul Ryan and House Republicans are planning a $23 billion food stamp cut that would take food assistance away from unemployed workers who are in school or job training programs.



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That's just Paul Ryan being Paul Ryan. The truth is "normal" republicans are really bad and so are "alt-right" abnormal "republicans" like the president elect. We're used to the normal kind of right wingers. Now we've got a real BLACK SWAN mentally bizarre populist DEMAGOGUE coming to office. This is virgin territory for the USA ... don't know where this is going.

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8 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:


cheesy.gif   Do you not read the news? You are  funny.


Thousands take to the streets to protest Trump win


The adjustment on this side is rational. Youse guyz yourselves say it is silly and amounts to nothing. We disagree, but that's what your side tries to say.


The concocted and trumped up humor is btw a statement of struggle so thx cause it can be flattering. The kid here is not flattered but he is appreciative of the effort, weak as it may be. Try harder -- try really harder so it can be all the more amusing and entertaining.  :smile:

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



Because he has been saying it for months and I think it is a good thing. I have no reason to disbelieve him.


Seems like you want to have it both ways. If Trump backpedals on campaign trail statements and policies - "who cares?". If asked why believe him - "because he said so".

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Steve Bannon Reported To FBI For Campaign Finance Felony.


Steve Bannon was just reported to the FBI for allegedly committing a felony by breaking campaign finance laws while he was working for Trump’s presidential campaign.



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STANDING OVATION for Donald Trump on New York Night Out (Except from sulking reporters)

President-Elect Donald Trump went out for dinner with his family in New York City Tuesday night at the 21 Club where he received a standing ovation.


Standing ovation and cheers at Keene's steakhouse for @realDonaldTrumppic.twitter.com/zJsA1t00Sk

— Taylor Riggs (@RiggsReport) November 16, 2016


“Standing ovation and cheers at Keene’s steakhouse (sic) for @realDonaldTrump”

Trump went out without his press pool, causing scrambling and complaints from reporters camped out at Trump Tower. Bloomberg’s Taylor Riggs, who was there for a private dinner with co-workers, took a photo of Trump at the restaurant and posted it to Twitter.


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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

Ohh! The ironi.


Giuliani took money from Qatar, Venezuela, Iranian exiles.


His foreign clientele could present conflicts of interest as secretary of state.



Yes, he knows he was too dirty and has voluntarily withdrawn from consideration for Secretary of State.


Next ...   (literally)

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, he knows he was too dirty and has voluntarily withdrawn from consideration for Secretary of State.


Next ...   (literally)

Ted Cruz is being considered for AG.



Ted Cruz was spotting entering Trump Tower today and allegedly met with Trump. They’re reporting possibly AG but it’s more likely SCOTUS.

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8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Ted Cruz is being considered for AG.



Ted Cruz was spotting entering Trump Tower today and allegedly met with Trump. They’re reporting possibly AG but it’s more likely SCOTUS.

Hate to say this, as it goes against my ideals of a meritocracy, but DT really must include some ethnic minorities and other so called minority groups in his cabinet mark 1. He needs, first and foremost, to shut the frothers up once and for all. Ending the name calling will force arguments to revolve around logic, which will ultimately play straight into Trumps hands. Ted Cruz, will probably unite the Republican party but will not help to ease this divide the MSM and their rich left leaning backers have created and nurtured.

 Extinguish the fire before poring over the architects plans for rebuild, if you know what I mean.

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This is kind of funny, not so much ha ha funny, but funny anyway, because if trump picks Ted Cruz for senate he needs to be confirmed by the senate. It so happens Ted Cruz is incredibly DISLIKED by his fellow senators. That doesn't mean he wouldn't be confirmed. After all trump is in and acting out his strong man authoritarian tendencies. Opposing trump on anything for republicans will be punished. 

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22 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Ted Cruz is being considered for AG.



Ted Cruz was spotting entering Trump Tower today and allegedly met with Trump. They’re reporting possibly AG but it’s more likely SCOTUS.


Changing your icon back, then?

Gets kinda confusing with all the con/pro Trump pics.

Diversity. That's the word I was looking for.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

STANDING OVATION for Donald Trump on New York Night Out (Except from sulking reporters)

President-Elect Donald Trump went out for dinner with his family in New York City Tuesday night at the 21 Club where he received a standing ovation.


Standing ovation and cheers at Keene's steakhouse for @realDonaldTrumppic.twitter.com/zJsA1t00Sk

— Taylor Riggs (@RiggsReport) November 16, 2016


“Standing ovation and cheers at Keene’s steakhouse (sic) for @realDonaldTrump”

Trump went out without his press pool, causing scrambling and complaints from reporters camped out at Trump Tower. Bloomberg’s Taylor Riggs, who was there for a private dinner with co-workers, took a photo of Trump at the restaurant and posted it to Twitter.


So the standing ovation consists of - Trumps party walking in, the Maitre D, a security man and one diner on  the left. The rest are all ......em .........sitting down. So your post  should actually read, Donald Trump enters restaurant and one man stands up and claps.

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