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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So the standing ovation consists of - Trumps party walking in, the Maitre D, a security man and one diner on  the left. The rest are all ......em .........sitting down. So your post  should actually read, Donald Trump enters restaurant and one man stands up and claps.


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15 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

What is a so-called "alt right" account?

Something that differs with the philosophy spouted by the far left?


Disclaimer:  Honest question - not a Troll

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


Seems like you want to have it both ways. If Trump backpedals on campaign trail statements and policies - "who cares?". If asked why believe him - "because he said so".


Only he has not backpedaled. Combining a wall with a fence still accomplishes the same goal and he said that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions all along.

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14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Very interesting. You are correct, Maths is maths and the Maths does not add up. There should be an investigation or a physical vote count.


Skywalker, not being American I am unsure of procedure. Should the respective electoral colleges not identify such anomalies and initiate an investigation? Or is it just left to a lawyer to file a complaint (can that be done)?

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Skywalker, not being American I am unsure of procedure. Should the respective electoral colleges not identify such anomalies and initiate an investigation? Or is it just left to a lawyer to file a complaint (can that be done)?

As I am not an amreican my self I know as much as you about procedure. Common sense amd USA dosen´t walk hand in hand nowadays so we shall se whats happen.

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29 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Only he has not backpedaled. Combining a wall with a fence still accomplishes the same goal and he said that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions all along.


No a great big beautiful wall, the most beautiful long wall, the  most beautiful wall ever is NOT a bit of a wall and a fence!

you say


and he said that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions all along.

 You're making it up! When did he say that, where did he say that. Come on there are clips of him saying everything and I have not seen any clips of him saying ' that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions'   -  all along. I smell male bovine feaces here UG.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


No a great big beautiful wall, the most beautiful long wall, the  most beautiful wall ever is NOT a bit of a wall and a fence!

you say

 You're making it up! When did he say that, where did he say that. Come on there are clips of him saying everything and I have not seen any clips of him saying ' that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions'   -  all along. I smell male bovine feaces here UG.

There won´t be much of Trump elecion promises left when he takes (if) the office.

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4 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

As I am not an amreican my self I know as much as you about procedure. Common sense amd USA dosen´t walk hand in hand nowadays so we shall se whats happen.



Before the Trumpeteers come on and scream that your suggestion of maths being wrong is rubbish, lets take a look at something else. Many Americans seem to have short memories when it suits them and seem to have forgotten about a man called Clint Curtis!


Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis is an American attorney, computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil, who also exposed election hacking.


He is notable chiefly for making a series of whistleblower allegations about his former employer and about Republican Congressman Tom Feeney a Republican and Speaker of the House of Florida at the time of the investigation (and congressman in the House of Florida Representatives, )including an allegation that in 2000, Feeney and Yang Enterprises requested Curtis’s assistance in a scheme to steal votes by inserting fraudulent code into touch screen voting systems.


Curtis is seen in the video below testifying under oath in front of the U.S. House Judiciary Members in Ohio.

He tells the members how he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would secretly rig an election to sway the result 51/49 to a specified side.


So Republicans were paying programmers to design a program with the aim of subtly swinging votes to make it a slight win in favour of whoever was wanted. The whole Trump story gets curiouser and curiouser! But hey don't let me be accused of spouting BS by the diehard right, let the judicial hearing tell you itself. This hearing was in 2006 in Ohio.






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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, he knows he was too dirty and has voluntarily withdrawn from consideration for Secretary of State.


Next ...   (literally)

The precedent set by Hillary when Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation taking money from Qatar is well known so don't worry.  

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10 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

This is exactly tit for tat what the republicans did with Obama. Eight years doing no work to further Americas interests, just engaging in obstructive school boy politics. Why will the Dems be any different?  It is why the American political system has reached its breaking point and there is no return without a radical overhaul. Trumps election was the message but he is in no way the solution.


Regarding Bannon, take a read from Bloomberg Politics, its a good article.


This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America 

LOL. The Dems can't DO anything this time, except filibuster the senate.

I hope Bannon is dangerous to the elites. I hope he is dangerous to the system. I hope he is dangerous to the lobbyists and business as usual. I didn't support Trump for him to be corrupted by the office and change nothing.

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a potential massive conflict of interest for Donald Trump :  "Deutsche Bank is in crisis. It holds more than $300 million in Trump's debt. That's a problem."

In the past few years, Trump obtained $364 million in loans from Deutsche Bank;

The Justice Department demanded the gigantic German bank pay $14 billion to settle claims regarding its sale of bad mortgage-backed securities in the the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis. .




Edited by Opl
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17 hours ago, Publicus said:


Trump hasn't any clue of what being CEO of the U.S. Government is or of running the executive branch, or of being CinC and of being President of the United States. He hasn't any clue of who to bring in or of who to put where. Trump doesn't know anything about any of it.


We're much more likely to get the KKK's hero Stephen Bannon's choices mostly if not entirely and they will be loyal to Bannon first and foremost. That is likely just fine with the rightwing.


Actually when Obama was elected president, he lowered the bar for future presidents.  Even after Obama's eight years of on-the-job-training, he proved over and over again to be woefully unfit to serve as president.


Obama will leave office with a failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and red lines, and a laughable Iran deal.  Obama divided the country with the apology tour, the rhetoric of disparagement "you didn't build that," he supports the anti-police group Black Lives Matter movement, and a will leave a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders.  Trump is light years ahead of where Obama was when he took office.


One observation I have made viewing many of the anti-Trump posts, is it appears some of you left-wing people appear to be suffering from the "Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder," (TARD).  This disorder is a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to "Make America Great Again."  Some symptoms include telling others you are moving to Canada, fixated fantasies about the Electoral College, referring to Trump supporters as racist, sexist, bigoted,  homophobic, and even bed wetting.


The only known treatment is to be repeatedly exposed to reality, and to wear a "Make America Great Again" cap.  Most patients with TARD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups.  If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TARD, please urge them to seek treatment.







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4 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Steve Bannon Reported To FBI For Campaign Finance Felony.


Steve Bannon was just reported to the FBI for allegedly committing a felony by breaking campaign finance laws while he was working for Trump’s presidential campaign.



Obviously I don't know, and nor does anyone else on here, but having read it, seems on a par with the 12 women claiming Trump molested them ( and have all vanished from view now ) and written by an obviously anti Trump woman.

I'll wait and see on that one. 

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9 minutes ago, Opl said:

a potential massive conflict of interest for Donald Trump :  "Deutsche Bank is in crisis. It holds more than $300 million in Trump's debt. That's a problem."

In the past few years, Trump obtained $364 million in loans from Deutsche Bank;

The Justice Department demanded the gigantic German bank pay $14 billion to settle claims regarding its sale of bad mortgage-backed securities in the the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis. .




OMG the clutching at straws continues unabated. He owes them 300 MILLION. That's chump change for big banks nowadays. He probably spends more than that every time he builds another hotel or whatever.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:



Before the Trumpeteers come on and scream that your suggestion of maths being wrong is rubbish, lets take a look at something else. Many Americans seem to have short memories when it suits them and seem to have forgotten about a man called Clint Curtis!


Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis is an American attorney, computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil, who also exposed election hacking.


He is notable chiefly for making a series of whistleblower allegations about his former employer and about Republican Congressman Tom Feeney a Republican and Speaker of the House of Florida at the time of the investigation (and congressman in the House of Florida Representatives, )including an allegation that in 2000, Feeney and Yang Enterprises requested Curtis’s assistance in a scheme to steal votes by inserting fraudulent code into touch screen voting systems.


Curtis is seen in the video below testifying under oath in front of the U.S. House Judiciary Members in Ohio.

He tells the members how he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would secretly rig an election to sway the result 51/49 to a specified side.


So Republicans were paying programmers to design a program with the aim of subtly swinging votes to make it a slight win in favour of whoever was wanted. The whole Trump story gets curiouser and curiouser! But hey don't let me be accused of spouting BS by the diehard right, let the judicial hearing tell you itself. This hearing was in 2006 in Ohio.


That is gold! Thanks.





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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:
2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:



Very interesting. You are correct, Maths is maths and the Maths does not add up. There should be an investigation or a physical vote count.


Yes, he is correct. Many Trump voters leave polling stations and tell the idiot pollster that they voted for Clinton, mainly in the hope that they wouldn't get beaten up by the rabid Clinton supporters.


Simple, even for "youse guyz" to understand, no?


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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


 You're making it up! When did he say that, where did he say that. Come on there are clips of him saying everything and I have not seen any clips of him saying ' that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions'   -  all along. I smell male bovine feaces here UG.


I smell it too, but it is not coming from my direction. Trump has said that he wants to protect pre-existing conditions over and over again. How can you not know that? From last March:




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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


I smell it too, but it is not coming from my direction. Trump has said that he wants to protect pre-existing conditions over and over again. How can you not know that? From last March:




And how can you be so ignorant of how obamacare works not to know that for pre-existing conditions to be covered you need lots of healthy people in the system as well. And if those healthy people cant afford to pay because of the people with pre-existing conditions raising the rates, then they need subsidies. In other words the 3 legs of obamacare. Coverage for people with pre-existing conditions,, healthy as well as people with pre-existing conditions being in the system, and subsidies.

What's scary is not your ignorance. but Trump's. He genuinely doesn't have a clue.

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Actually when Obama was elected president, he lowered the bar for future presidents.  Even after Obama's eight years of on-the-job-training, he proved over and over again to be woefully unfit to serve as president.
Obama will leave office with a failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and red lines, and a laughable Iran deal.  Obama divided the country with the apology tour, the rhetoric of disparagement "you didn't build that," he supports the anti-police group Black Lives Matter movement, and a will leave a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders.  Trump is light years ahead of where Obama was when he took office.
One observation I have made viewing many of the anti-Trump posts, is it appears some of you left-wing people appear to be suffering from the "Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder," (TARD).  This disorder is a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to "Make America Great Again."  Some symptoms include telling others you are moving to Canada, fixated fantasies about the Electoral College, referring to Trump supporters as racist, sexist, bigoted,  homophobic, and even bed wetting.
The only known treatment is to be repeatedly exposed to reality, and to wear a "Make America Great Again" cap.  Most patients with TARD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups.  If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TARD, please urge them to seek treatment.

Yes. We know. We've seen the wiki leaks Pepe the frog themed reeducation camps.
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1 hour ago, JetsetBkk said:


Yes, he is correct. Many Trump voters leave polling stations and tell the idiot pollster that they voted for Clinton, mainly in the hope that they wouldn't get beaten up by the rabid Clinton supporters.


Simple, even for "youse guyz" to understand, no?



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37 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And if those healthy people cant afford to pay because of the people with pre-existing conditions raising the rates,


The thing is not that healthy people can not afford to pay, they just don't want to pay as long as they don't need it.

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48 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And how can you be so ignorant of how obamacare works not to know that for pre-existing conditions to be covered you need lots of healthy people in the system as well. 


What is ignorant is not realizing that Trump intends to repeal and replace Obamacare. Trump will usher in a completely different system that does not forbid pre-existing conditions. Obamacare will vanish. How can anyone not know that?

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


What is ignorant is not realizing that Trump intends to repeal and replace Obamacare. Trump will usher in a completely different system that does not forbid pre-existing conditions. How can anyone not know that?

And what will this magic system be? How can you have a system that allows people with pre-existing conditions to purchase insurance at affordable rates if you don't either offer massive subsidies to  them or do what Heritage Care,  I mean Romneycare, I mean Obamacare does?  So far, no one has come up with any other plan that addresses this apart from that dreaded monstrosity: socialized medicine which in effects put everyone, healthy or not into the system..  But if Trump or someone else does manage to do  without either massive subsidies or enlisting all of society into it, the Noble Memorial Prize in Economics is theirs. And from there they can go on to squaring the circle.  

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