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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

" The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service. "  http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/30/trump-says-hes-made-a-lot-of-sacrifices-in-response-to-khizr-khans-blistering-dnc-speech.html  


Do you feel better now that I've referenced my fact?



This is opinion not fact!

He was not equating his sacrifices, just responding to "he sacrificed nothing and no one".




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28 minutes ago, Morch said:


Can't recall him going on about a fence while on the campaign trail. Do recall him going on in detail about his beautiful wall. It was all pretty straightforward in his rallies. Your own interpretations are just what I said - trying to have it both ways.


More like who cares? A big wall with some fencing keep people out and secure the borders and that has always been the point.

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36 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Typical detached from reality Trump supporter.  Hasn't any facts so makes things up.

Au contraire - once the fake protesters stop getting paid, you reckon they'll hang around for ideological reasons?

We think not. :smile:

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like who cares? A big wall with some fencing keep people out and secure the borders and that has always been the point.


Exactly what I said to begin with:



Seems like you want to have it both ways. If Trump backpedals on campaign trail statements and policies - "who cares?". If asked why believe him - "because he said so".



Guess he isn't quite the marketed non-politician-straight-talker-saying-it-is-like-it-is-guy.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, I'm saying it was just another pointless post from the sour grapes club.


POTUS potentially at a conflict of interests with regard to economic and foreign policy is "pointless"? Jeez, thought that made half of the posts against HRC during the election campaigns.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. The only destruction going on at the moment is by the Clinton supporter crybabies.


The usual inane deflections. Same old when you can't address a criticism on a post you made.

If you wish to argue Bannon's appointment is good for the US, beneficial for US citizens (and by extension of both, the world) - you're welcome to explain how and why. Doubt that you can.

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


POTUS potentially at a conflict of interests with regard to economic and foreign policy is "pointless"? Jeez, thought that made half of the posts against HRC during the election campaigns.

Of course it's a pointless rant from the sour grapes club. He IS going to be president, and crying about it isn't going to change that. Canute comes to mind.

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23 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:



This is opinion not fact!

He was not equating his sacrifices, just responding to "he sacrificed nothing and no one".


Responding and not acknowledging the obvious; his self-serving "sacrifices" are nothing compared to those who have served and died for their country.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


The usual inane deflections. Same old when you can't address a criticism on a post you made.

If you wish to argue Bannon's appointment is good for the US, beneficial for US citizens (and by extension of both, the world) - you're welcome to explain how and why. Doubt that you can.

LOL. I don't have to argue anything. Trump IS going to be president. He will do whatever he is going to do and the sour grapes club ain't going to change anything.

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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Au contraire - once the fake protesters stop getting paid, you reckon they'll hang around for ideological reasons?

We think not. :smile:

Right.  And you have no evidence the protesters are paid or fake, but in your fantasy world evidence is unnecessary.

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Right.  And you have no evidence the protesters are paid or fake, but in your fantasy world evidence is unnecessary.

There's always someone that didn't get the memo, eh?







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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

There's always someone that didn't get the memo, eh?



Did you read the article?  Craigslist ads don't prove the protesters are fake, and the article doesn't support it's claim the funding source is Soros.  Perhaps you should try reputable news sources, and reading more than just the headlines.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course it's a pointless rant from the sour grapes club. He IS going to be president, and crying about it isn't going to change that. Canute comes to mind.


You are simply repeating the same old and going off tangent. I didn't comment about him not becoming president, didn't even argue the election results. His victory does not change the fact that ere are potential issues involving conflict of interest. They have been dodged by Trump himself, and by his supporters, but not addressed. This is more of the same, another deflection.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I don't have to argue anything. Trump IS going to be president. He will do whatever he is going to do and the sour grapes club ain't going to change anything.


You argued that Bannon's is somehow a positive appointment. You offer no real reason why. And again, there was nothing said about Trump not being the next president or whining about the election results. Slogans and deflections are all you got on offer.

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

One unverified claim, no tie to Soros.  Next.

Skipped over this one again did you?



The operative paragraph:   While it’s certainly true Soros hasn’t forked over a personal check to any participants in these events — frankly, even suggesting that would be the case ignorantly ignores the larger issues at play — the association of organizations and groups his Open Society Foundations funding is not only evident, it should not be dismissed.

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19 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


Pointing out again, the middle link is a political satire column.

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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's an extremely positive appointment for so many reasons.

No more same-o, same-o in Washington w/regard to Wall Street for one. 


You know, trust and verify - so even using bold, that's still not much of an actual argument.

So far Trump's transition team and future staff appointments do not shun these types.

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21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's an extremely positive appointment for so many reasons.

No more same-o, same-o in Washington w/regard to Wall Street for one. 


You may be satisfied to in fact have Bannon as POTUS from behind : "a dynamic emerged, with Bannon often coaxing Trump to agree to his viewpoint, whether on climate change, foreign policy or the need to take on Republican leaders in Congress."

"How Bannon flattered and coaxed Trump on policies key to the alt-right"




" The clearest public sense of how the two will work together — and what policies Bannon may try to push — can be gleaned from a series of one-on-one interviews on Bannon’s radio show between November 2015 and June of this year. "




( Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon suggests having too many Asian tech CEOs undermines ‘civic society’)





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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Au contraire - once the fake protesters stop getting paid, you reckon they'll hang around for ideological reasons?

We think not. :smile:

You actually believe (along with a few choice others on here) every word that comes out of Trumps mouth. If Trump said  s*** tastes like best USDA Tenderloin, you guys would be serving yourselves poop with salad and fries before the weekend. Trump is a CONMAN and the next 4 years would be as funny as it gets for non American observers if there were not the real chance this guy is going to destroy millions of innocents lives.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like who cares? A big wall with some fencing keep people out and secure the borders and that has always been the point.


I care UG because it makes you WRONG!  :cheesy:   You are a self declared 'non Trump' supporter, you just thought he was better than Hillary whom you hated. But now Hillary has gone and is no longer on the scene you just cannot bring yourself to criticise Trump can you. HE PROMISED a wall, a big big beautiful wall, more beautiful than any other wall. Do you think the rednecks would have gone to his rally's shouting 'build a fence, build a fence'. - NO! They wanted a WALL. They were not shouting "Build a wall and bits of fence, build a wall and bits of fence'. People cut through fences (as they do already).


At no point here at the end of the short vid does Trump say build a fence



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"A wall, a big big beautiful wall, more beautiful than any other wall". And you thought he was speaking literately, rather than figuratively? 


A secure boarder is what matters, and is what the people want and expect.  That is what he needs to deliver, and no one cares how much wall/fence/ditch is involved.

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