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US election: Trump denies urging supporters to kill Clinton


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I have a question.Does Trump write all his own speeches? Because ,surely as a guy in his political position would have a speech writer,and wouldn't the speech be checked by his advisors to ensure that there is no subject or content that would cause his supporters embarrassment. If he has,i would suggest he fire him pdq,because this guy is not our Donalds best mate.Does the speech not have to go before political censors? The idiotic rubbish he has been spouting of late is doing him no good.Many of his people are now trying to alienate themselves from him.I dont think i have ever followed any party conventions where the presumptive shoots himself in the foot and makes such ridiculous claims. I once thought that Trump was a man of the people,by the people,for the people.But after these weeks i am convinced he is insane and is committing political suicide.

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1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:

He's some jerk running for president as the nominee of the Republican Party.


Sure, I think he's a jerk in many ways. But you wonder why so many Americans are supporting him. A large part of the peoples concerns are not being heard.

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26 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I have a question.Does Trump write all his own speeches? Because ,surely as a guy in his political position would have a speech writer,and wouldn't the speech be checked by his advisors to ensure that there is no subject or content that would cause his supporters embarrassment. If he has,i would suggest he fire him pdq,because this guy is not our Donalds best mate.Does the speech not have to go before political censors? The idiotic rubbish he has been spouting of late is doing him no good.Many of his people are now trying to alienate themselves from him.I dont think i have ever followed any party conventions where the presumptive shoots himself in the foot and makes such ridiculous claims. I once thought that Trump was a man of the people,by the people,for the people.But after these weeks i am convinced he is insane and is committing political suicide.


Yes, Trump has paid political speechwriters and uses them regularly,  such as at the RNC and his recent economic policy speech.


The issue is he likes to ad lib during his usual "stump" speech and says whatever is going through his head at that moment. This is what gets him in trouble and I'm sure drives his staff crazy.


It gets him huge cheers in front of his supporters which makes him feel good, but it does not get him any new voters as it is very telling as to how he thinks and what his basic personality is.


Not very appealing to logical, rational people with even a smidgen of common sense that hopefully make up the majority of US voters. We shall see.


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I watched/listened to a psychology expert who scrutinized several Trump speeches.  She noticed how he would sometimes say one thing, and then immediately say something else (back and forth), to gauge audience response.  He's continually assessing what Trumpism gets the most laughs/applause and therefore what will put him in the next day's headlines.  He's an entertainer.  Deeply embedded in the entertainers' creedo is; "There's no such thing as bad publicity."


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41 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Sorry, same media doesn't seem to have an interest in the twists and turns of the other candidate.

I disagree with you there, but that really has no influence at all on your statement. 'the media twists and turns'. It is the candidate, or in your view the candidates that do the twisting and turning.

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I don't think republican supporters are Trump supporters.  Certainly not the republicans I know.  Just like many democrats are not Clinton supporters.  The dilemma is that If you don't vote for Clinton then there is a chance (miniscule I know) that Trump will be elected so you opt for the least destructive and vote Hillary.  On the other hand if you are that much against Clinton (and I do get that) and you only have Trump as an option what do you do then?


Apart from the fact that Trump is seen as a joke figure, (who would want a joke figure running/ruining their country) he would also destroy the US.  So I guess you have to abstain and not vote at all.  Is this how democracy is supposed to work?  I fear America you only have yourselves to blame.  I am British so I should know about screwing up over politicians.

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6 hours ago, mesterm said:

This is the quote: "Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know,"


I don't like Trump, but it's simple to assume that he's NOT telling people to shoot her. A politician is telling people to vote against his opponent. How blind and dumb can some of you people be?

No. Read the flow of it. If she gets to pick is clearly talking about a scenario of her being president. If president she gets to pick. Correct. If president there's nothing trumpies can do to stop her from her picks. Except to kill her. That was clearly insinuated by the crowd. trump should have pushed back at them. Instead he added fuel to the fire. He is indeed a disgusting human being..

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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No. Read the flow of it. If she gets to pick is clearly talking about a scenario of her being president. If president she gets to pick. Correct. If president there's nothing trumpies can do to stop her from her picks. Except to kill her. That was clearly insinuated by the crowd. trump should have pushed back at them. Instead he added fuel to the fire. He is indeed a disgusting human being..


In case you missed the other poster's reply.


Hillary Clinton's death wish in the last election?



"Why would I drop out before Barack Obama is assassinated?"


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4 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I have a question.Does Trump write all his own speeches? Because ,surely as a guy in his political position would have a speech writer,and wouldn't the speech be checked by his advisors to ensure that there is no subject or content that would cause his supporters embarrassment. If he has,i would suggest he fire him pdq,because this guy is not our Donalds best mate.Does the speech not have to go before political censors? The idiotic rubbish he has been spouting of late is doing him no good.Many of his people are now trying to alienate themselves from him.I dont think i have ever followed any party conventions where the presumptive shoots himself in the foot and makes such ridiculous claims. I once thought that Trump was a man of the people,by the people,for the people.But after these weeks i am convinced he is insane and is committing political suicide.

No man, the dude speaks without filter. Purr and simple like; no speech writers or nuthin. Tellin it like it is...like it is in his head. Everyone should thank him for that.  His supporters should than him for hat and his detractors too. There he is, up there and unvarnished, proud and behaired. The mental equivalent of going commando with shorts on.

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5 hours ago, mesterm said:


Looking at the comments and headlines going around, it seems like that's what some seriously want others to think.

Apparently the Secret Service reacted to his speech concerning his Second Amendment comments. Secret Service official said there has been more than one conversation on the topic. The Secret Service's communications director Cathy Milhoan has not confirmed the conversations between the campaign and the Secret Service, but said in a statement that "the U.S. Secret Service is aware of Mr. Trump's comments."

Reuters later reported that the Secret Service had not formally spoken with Trump about the comments. Trump spun that into a tweet that  Reuters announced that Secret Service never spoke to me or my campaign.

The point is however the Secret Service made contact with the Trump campaign, if followed almost immediately after Trump's 2nd Amendment comments. That does gve the appearance of seriousness.


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4 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Reuters later reported that the Secret Service had not formally spoken with Trump about the comments. Trump spun that into a tweet that  Reuters announced that Secret Service never spoke to me or my campaign.


So informally meaning what? They spoke to a random guy who was at the rally wearing a Trump tee?

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8 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Apparently the Secret Service reacted to his speech concerning his Second Amendment comments. Secret Service official said there has been more than one conversation on the topic. The Secret Service's communications director Cathy Milhoan has not confirmed the conversations between the campaign and the Secret Service, but said in a statement that "the U.S. Secret Service is aware of Mr. Trump's comments."

Reuters later reported that the Secret Service had not formally spoken with Trump about the comments. Trump spun that into a tweet that  Reuters announced that Secret Service never spoke to me or my campaign.

The point is however the Secret Service made contact with the Trump campaign, if followed almost immediately after Trump's 2nd Amendment comments. That does gve the appearance of seriousness.




There was no spinning.  That is what this Reuters article says. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-secretservice-idUSKCN10L29W

Unless you have names or CNN has names, then all the both of you are doing is making stuff up.  And we know that CNN does make stuff up, because it came out in wikileaks that there was coordination between CNN and the DNC and Clinton campaign.

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7 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Must build a wall between myself and those people. It will be 'uge and wonderful.  I will make them pay for it.


Just bill Sanders for it. He's got nothing to fuss over these days after being put out of commission by the Clintons.

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5 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Secret Service's communications director Cathy Milhoan

You think the Secret Service was making contact to tell Mr. Trump to have a nice day?


Better than making contact with the Attorney General at an airport.

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Just now, mesterm said:


Just bill Sanders for it. He's got nothing to fuss over these days after being put out of commission by the Clintons.

Socialists never pay their debts. Give all their money to the undeserving plebs. Hopeless.

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8 hours ago, Rancid said:

This is all very bizarre theatre. The Republicans have Trump who keeps putting his foot in his mouth, and The Democrats have Hilary, a war monger and person of questionable ethics. Who would vote for either of them? I get Democrats disliking Trump but cannot for the life of me fathom how they could possibly support a candidate that is fully backed by the Pentagon, CIA, Wall St, Billionaires and who has critics that keep turning up dead. If the alarm bells aren't going off by now then what will it take?


Trump is a nutter in general but much of what he says he will do will never come to fruition. Hilary is also a nutter in general who will be unable to get anything done which is exactly what she and her backers want. Trump could be a better option as he will be out in four years rather than eight.


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2 minutes ago, notmyself said:


Trump is a nutter in general but much of what he says he will do will never come to fruition. Hilary is also a nutter in general who will be unable to get anything done which is exactly what she and her backers want. Trump could be a better option as he will be out in four years rather than eight.



Walmart 2020.

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OK now it's gone beyond bizarre.  Trump has said that Obama was the founder of IS and that Clinton was the co-founder.  This has to be a death wish from Trump. Surely his most ardent supporters now must see he is insane.   It was on the news the news in the UK and even the newsreader couldn't hide the chuckling. 

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7 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Trump gets responses to his ignorant remarks by his white trash base.  Then he ramps it up when he gets a rise with outright lies, "Hillary wants to abolish the second ammendment" "She will take the guns" The ignorant crowd like it even more. 

They chant "lock her up" like they do in some frenzied banana republic mob.  Now Trump is telling them "all you gun lovers, hey, you know what to do".  


There are some serious morons on the trump train. On social media they are talking about civil war(because if Trump loses, the vote was "rigged" obviously)  i saw one guy all amped up saying "all the mosques will be leveled" in the USA !!


Trump gets his jollies by ramping up his poorly educated base.  He feeds off their cheers. 

They can't wait to get those $1 an hour jobs back from China. LOL







And his white trash base are cheering along on here too.

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Voters are trying gauge who to vote for.  Most have already decided to not vote for Trump. People even interview baby sitters.  They want to know who's going to watch over their valuable children.  Trump couldn't even get vetted as a babysitter.  He's got a dirty mouth and there are allegations he raped a 13 yr old four times (and there's a witness).


I just listened to an interview with Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate.  It gave me renewed hope that there are still some sane, caring, smart people running for political offices in the US.  If I was in a 'battleground-' or 'red state', I would vote for HRC.   As it is, because I'm registered to vote in a 'blue state' (California), I'll vote for Stein.  Way back in August last year, a rock group was about to play a song on Late Night TV.  The leader of the band said 3 words before starting to play, "Anyone but Trump."   I couldn't agree more.


 If Bernie had not decide to kneel and kiss HRC's ring and instead joined Jill they would have had a fighting chance.

They would have at least been able to make their case in the debates. But then again he might have ended up shot in the back by another attempted robber who forgot to take wallet and valuables ala poor Seth Rich.  

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