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Thai police say wave of bomb blasts in central and south of the country are not linked to Islamic terrorism


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What I don't understand in all the posts is that the insurgency in the south appears is not included in assessing 'political' motivation for the bombings. Maybe it wasn't southern insurgents that planted the bombs. But what seems to be ignored is that the the south has been under military rule for a number of years.  The military isn't liked in the south. A simple fact of life.


There were a number of bombs detonated in the south in the lead-up to the referendum. In addition, it was reported in the media that a campaign against the draft constitution was based on information circulating that the draft threatened Muslim religion. The three southern provinces rejected the draft by the widest margin in the whole country.  While all of us on this forum are engaging in speculation and conjecture, what group of people feel the most alienated and threatened by a constitution that perpetuates military rule?

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The Burupha Payak faction in the Army (aka: The Queen's Guard, or taharn sua Phra Rajini (soldiers of HM the Queen))  which is currently in power for the long term has long marginalized the previously socially-superior Wong Thewan Army faction.


I still say this smells like a 'message', given the referendum which solidifies the Burpha Payak faction for the foreseeable future, given the day/date and relative precision. Neither the 'Reds', nor the 'insurgents', nor foreigners have the means/motive/opportunity, nor the desire to strike on one of the most sacred days. And the preceeding fires insured minimal deaths. 

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Let's be clear, they are saying it's not linked to international terrorism, but is a purely local affair. God, or Allah, help us if the Southern insurgents get linked up with Da'esh.  A red-shirt connection is really the best we can hope for at the moment.

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International media reports that it is possibly a backlash against the referendum that was a sham.  Failure to allow people to express opinions on it, intimidation to vote yes and the huge arrests of those who dared speak against it.  Not to forget the privacy and lack of monitors


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21 minutes ago, nausea said:

Let's be clear, they are saying it's not linked to international terrorism, but is a purely local affair. God, or Allah, help us if the Southern insurgents get linked up with Da'esh.  A red-shirt connection is really the best we can hope for at the moment.



a bomb is a bomb if hit by one.........international terrorism or not........cold comfort

Edited by Nasrullah
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29 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Agreed - if the Red Shirts want to challenge the government all they need to do is get a million supporters out on the streets in their strongholds and hold a peaceful demonstration to challenge the government and restore democracy. They would claim the high moral ground and then it would be down to the junta how they handled that. If they started a repetion of 2010 and began shooting they would have lost the plot both nationally and internationally and then we would be in a whole different ballgame. That said no-one seems to want to claim these which is interesting. The Guardian has some interesting speculation.



That article is written by a professor at Chula, Khun Thitinan, and he implies the anti junta forces, not the southern separatists are behind the bombs.

Regarding the million supporters of the reds on the streets in the above post- impossible, the army know all the leaders of the reds, they would be arrested in minutes. And let us not forget, the leaders of both Pheau Thai and the Democrats openly declared themselves against the constitution but their supporters didn't agree.

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27 minutes ago, nausea said:

Let's be clear, they are saying it's not linked to international terrorism, but is a purely local affair. God, or Allah, help us if the Southern insurgents get linked up with Da'esh.  A red-shirt connection is really the best we can hope for at the moment.


Why not the yellow? Broaden your thinking. Why Hua Hin. I cannot discuss further. Even green shirts. Too much spin and hype towards the red shirts. They are not an organisation but folks normally poor and marginalized who has their beliefs. 

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7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


Why not the yellow? Broaden your thinking. Why Hua Hin. I cannot discuss further. Even green shirts. Too much spin and hype towards the red shirts. They are not an organisation but folks normally poor and marginalized who has their beliefs. 

Nobody is thinking the red shirts, they are thinking the very rich owners of the red shirts who have lost out with the vote on the constitution.

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All the Thai Visa political experts know as much as I do. That is NOTHING! I just hope the government somehow finds the lunatics who did horrible thing and executes them. They are a waste of air.

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I admit I don't know the details of Thai politics. So I ask:

Just because it happened on the Queen's birthday, a few days after the election, does that speak strongly against the Muslim separatists planting the bombs? Couldn't they also (like some other political groups in Thailand) be unhappy with royalties and elections??

Edited by thailandsgreat
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it doesn't matter if its Islaamic or not.It was organised bombing set to go off in tourist places.

It was obviouslt arranged by people intelligent enough to make bombs,plant them and then set them off with cell phones.Now i didnt know the Thais were capable of  organising such a feat .

it was bombs,constructed to kill people,if that isn't terrorism i dont know what is.personally i hope it kills tourism somewhat and gives a better baht rate.

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4 hours ago, renaissanc said:

I think that most people thought immediately of Thaksin and his Red Shirts as being behind the bombs. I think that his people will be behind them. The more violence they instigate, the heavier will be their defeat in the 2017 elections.


Expect Jatuporn to announce tomorrow that his Red Shirts had nothing to do with the bombs because he knows that people will think that the UDD and the Red Shirts are involved.

I don't think most people thought anything of the sort. In fact you undermine the logic of your own statement by pointing out how damaging it would be to their electoral prospects. Expect Jauporn tomorrow to announce that he and his party are 100% behind the authorities in their efforts to find the real culprits, not the demons of your imagination.

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16 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


Why not the yellow? Broaden your thinking. Why Hua Hin. I cannot discuss further. Even green shirts. Too much spin and hype towards the red shirts. They are not an organisation but folks normally poor and marginalized who has their beliefs. 

OK Eric, I'll broaden my thinking. I see where you're coming from. Have you read "Burmese Days" by George Orwell. We really are just children in this game, and everyone thinks they are so, so clever.

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37 minutes ago, nausea said:

OK Eric, I'll broaden my thinking. I see where you're coming from. Have you read "Burmese Days" by George Orwell. We really are just children in this game, and everyone thinks they are so, so clever.


More closer to Game of Thrones. 

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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," comes to mind, whenever I look a the developing map. I begin to smell a collusive effort afoot, with the timing just right in what might seem to be one unrelated yet critical area for these otherwise geographically spurious events to represent 'its' birth (rebirth?) pangs. For those who might be weak at inference/extrapolation, suffice it to say that there have only been two or three real 'its' (non-possessive, plural), in the past hundred years or so, the last which carries an ominous but unspoken addendum that more-or-less guaranteed one more in our lifetimes. If this isn't the birth, it is somewhere between foreplay, and "Honey, I think I missed my period." Lest we forget, there is and has been something much, much bigger and more imminent at stake than rice deals and constitutions, which, don't misunderstand me, are certainly no laughing matter; at least they shouldn't be. However, misdirection is the tool of choice across the globe, and the current monopolizers of media and money are no exception. "The world's a stage," loosely translates here to mean, everything is scripted. Please forgive the cryptic obfuscation throughout, but it is now, more than ever, essential to stay under the radar. Yes, I have a flare for melodrama, but this is not necessarily that. Keep your heads down.

Edited by Songlaw
I omitted an 's.'
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4 hours ago, smedly said:

if southern terrorists don't claim responsibility then what was the point, unless they claim responsibility then the police are likely correct - political motivation


as I have said many times, if Thaksin doesn't get his own way he will make every effort to destroy Thailand but he will not have the ball  s to take responsibility as that would be counter productive to his reputation or what is left of it

They haven't exactly been making such claims over the past 10 years have they?

You don't see the Southern Insurgency as political either then? You don't see that the draft charter wanted to have Buddhism as the National Religion even when it's actually a faith and not technically a religion? 

yes you've said it so often it's not worth listening to as I'm still waiting for Thailand to be destroyed ever since he went into self imposed exile, you love your hyperbole, as much as your Junta.

The red shirts have everything to lose if this was their handy work, the Police have already stated numerous times, the MO's and types of devices are similar to that used of the Southern Insurgents.

The reds couldn't organise or muster more than 6-10,000 at their last Bangkok Rally but you keep banging on about them leading towards a civil war, they couldn't organise a blanket NO vote for the referendum either, but all of a sudden, they're sophisticated and coordinated enough to be able to move right out of their comfort zones, 5 days after the No vote, and plant, and detonate all these devices, within a 12 hour period?

Roll me whatever it is you're smoking and pass that "dutchie"

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2 hours ago, Franky Bear said:

yes it is. The biggest thing is having the balls to do it. They are also not as stupid as you think. they know if they did go balls out all over the country they would get hit hard. Terrorists, although evil have smart people directing them.

I wouldn't bet on it, as every time something like this happens, it all unfolds on LINE as it's the terrorists favourite App in Thailand, it's how they all get caught ;)  using an un secure app, and discussing TTP's is far from smart.

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9 minutes ago, Holy Cinema said:

They haven't exactly been making such claims over the past 10 years have they?

You don't see the Southern Insurgency as political either then? You don't see that the draft charter wanted to have Buddhism as the National Religion even when it's actually a faith and not technically a religion? 

yes you've said it so often it's not worth listening to as I'm still waiting for Thailand to be destroyed ever since he went into self imposed exile, you love your hyperbole, as much as your Junta.

The red shirts have everything to lose if this was their handy work, the Police have already stated numerous times, the MO's and types of devices are similar to that used of the Southern Insurgents.

The reds couldn't organise or muster more than 6-10,000 at their last Bangkok Rally but you keep banging on about them leading towards a civil war, they couldn't organise a blanket NO vote for the referendum either, but all of a sudden, they're sophisticated and coordinated enough to be able to move right out of their comfort zones, 5 days after the No vote, and plant, and detonate all these devices, within a 12 hour period?

Roll me whatever it is you're smoking and pass that "dutchie"

That reminds me

Pass the dutchie on the left hand side

Cant remember anymore

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

what on earth are you talking about, have you taken your meds today


you do understand why terrorists do what they do and why those creating terror in the south would want to claim responsibility for their achievements - it is called leverage, if we don't get what we want we will escalate - this is typical were a group have a specific goal in mind


A motive were responsibility is not claimed is something entirely different were the group or individual involved will not want to be associated as such but still wants the death and destruction, it is retribution and to an extent revenge fueled by hate and in the case of Asia - possibly loss of face, it is extremely divisive were no particular gain is sought - just revenge and the need to destroy what they can't have or what was taken away    



What am I talking about?


Don't you even know what you post?


I am talking about your eternal drivel   "If Thaksin doesn't get his own way he will make every effort to destroy Thailand".


But obviously you are to embarrassed too remember you said that.


It must be a psychological quirk of some kind that participates a knee jerk reaction from you to blame any untoward incident on the Thaksin camp; and you don't even consciously know you are doing it.


Thus, "absolutely mindless BS".


Which is why we all ignore it for as long as we can until we get sick to the stomach of your pathetic drivel.


Destroy Thailand! why would he bother when the junta are making such a good job of it on their own?






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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

The Burupha Payak faction in the Army (aka: The Queen's Guard, or taharn sua Phra Rajini (soldiers of HM the Queen))  which is currently in power for the long term has long marginalized the previously socially-superior Wong Thewan Army faction.


I still say this smells like a 'message', given the referendum which solidifies the Burpha Payak faction for the foreseeable future, given the day/date and relative precision. Neither the 'Reds', nor the 'insurgents', nor foreigners have the means/motive/opportunity, nor the desire to strike on one of the most sacred days. And the preceeding fires insured minimal deaths. 


And I still say this is Rubbish, how was it a "Sacred Day" to the Southern Muslim terrorists?


Sacred days are just their ideal for causing maximum mayhem.


If it was any faction of the Army, there would have been very different targets and many more  casualties.


This is just more juanta backed BS to blame anybody except those who it doesn't suit them to have named as it will expose their failed policies even more.




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57 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," comes to mind, whenever I look a the developing map. I begin to smell a collusive effort afoot, with the timing just right in what might seem to be one unrelated yet critical area for these otherwise geographically spurious events to represent 'its' birth (rebirth?) pangs. For those who might be weak at inference/extrapolation, suffice it to say that there have only been two or three real 'its' (non-possessive, plural), in the past hundred years or so, the last which carries an ominous but unspoken addendum that more-or-less guaranteed one more in our lifetimes. If this isn't the birth, it is somewhere between foreplay, and "Honey, I think I missed my period." Lest we forget, there is and has been something much, much bigger and more imminent at stake than rice deals and constitutions, which, don't misunderstand me, are certainly no laughing matter; at least they shouldn't be. However, misdirection is the tool of choice across the globe, and the current monopolizers of media and money are no exception. "The world's a stage," loosely translates here to mean, everything is scripted. Please forgive the cryptic obfuscation throughout, but it is now, more than ever, essential to stay under the radar. Yes, I have a flare for melodrama, but this is not necessarily that. Keep your heads down.



You certainly have a flair for mindless drivel!


Please stay under the radar and keep your head down for as long as possible.

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2 hours ago, Siripon said:

Nobody is thinking the red shirts, they are thinking the very rich owners of the red shirts who have lost out with the vote on the constitution.

Do you honestly believe that the Reds or Thaksin ever expected a NO vote when they were not allowed to debate or discuss the charter in any shape or form?

The whole way in which the referendum was conducted was done solely to benefit the Junta, and the "good people" the decks were as stacked then as they are for any potential election next year, Prayuth and Suthep are not done dismantling the Thaksin support base yet, not by a long shot. The purge in its truest form hasn't even begun yet.

The next election is already pointless, when no MP's or potential MP's are allowed to canvass till "just before the polls open" what does that tell of the mindset of those who wish to keep their snouts in the trough longer.

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while most of the bombs have been in fairly touristy areas one was found not far from our place(few hundred metres) in an area that is frequented by thai families mainly as well as youths, it is not touristy at all. The insurgents have been using bombs that cause way more damage than the ones we are seeing now and they are also in areas the insurgents want. Last weekend the thais voted for a referendum(mainly voted yes in the south) that will stop many party members/officials from being re elected if they have been or are corrupt and any that have been/are convicted of crimes, this will effect several in the ptp and red shirt factions(leaders especially) more so than the others, it will also make it very hard for them to be able to get back into govt at the elections. The possibility that all this is a result of that is not out of the question,  doesnt mean it was not insurgents but certainly could be a just as much if not more of a probability, hopefully we will all know more before too long or any more deaths

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1 minute ago, seajae said:

while most of the bombs have been in fairly touristy areas one was found not far from our place(few hundred metres) in an area that is frequented by thai families mainly as well as youths, it is not touristy at all. The insurgents have been using bombs that cause way more damage than the ones we are seeing now and they are also in areas the insurgents want. Last weekend the thais voted for a referendum(mainly voted yes in the south) that will stop many party members/officials from being re elected if they have been or are corrupt and any that have been/are convicted of crimes, this will effect several in the ptp and red shirt factions(leaders especially) more so than the others, it will also make it very hard for them to be able to get back into govt at the elections. The possibility that all this is a result of that is not out of the question,  doesnt mean it was not insurgents but certainly could be a just as much if not more of a probability, hopefully we will all know more before too long or any more deaths

Mainly voted yes in the South? Not the Southern part where the Separatist Islamic Insurgents have their base, they voted a resounding NO.


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4 hours ago, Franky Bear said:

Too much of a risk? This is real low level stuff. Bombs made in a living room. It's easy to plan, make the bombs. The result comes in. the bombers go to pre planned places. And there you go.


The other thing to take into account is that no matter what the outcome of the referendum the same side were always going to come out as the losers....

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Who has the most to gain from these attacks? Unknown - but they do give more justification for the military government to stay in control and further expand their powers.............. 

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Thailand will do anything to not say the "T" word and risk tourist numbers. Reminds me of when they announced that 25000 chickens died of fright from a thunderstorm before finally admitting a week later there was bird flu in the kingdom.


I'm sure the BIB are actively searching for goats at the moment.

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