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Public approval of draft charter reflects people’s need for change: PM


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Public approval of draft charter reflects people’s need for change: PM

supawadee wangsri


BANGKOK, 13 August 2016 (NNT) – Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha commented that public approval of a draft referendum reflected the people’s need for change and that the government will follow its road map toward a general election in late 2017. 

Speaking in his weekly televised program entitled: “Return Happiness to the People”, the premier said that he has named the draft constitution the “People’s Constitution” with nearly 60 percent of eligible voters having gone to the polls. 

He said the charter referendum echoed the desire of the people for positive changes. 

The constitution-drafting committee is yet to make organic laws under the charter which will be submitted for approval by the Constitutional Court within three months so that the election will take place in late 2017, he said.


-- nnt 2016-08-14
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Actually the people want fairness, freedom, equality, and justice for all. Prayuth didn't ask the people what they want. He forced his bs on the people and most said no or wouldn't take it at all. He's a proven liar and thug. This is the truth.

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A  career military man who reached the top job in the armed forces and who was used to being obeyed without question throughout his career is now trying to assure that he will listen to everyone and take their views into consideration while his actions to silence critics,  stifle debate and criticism etc says the exact opposite.

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5 minutes ago, DM07 said:

"It is hard to twist those figures..."

And yet you try, again and again...

And to compare this farce of a referendum to a (flawed) democratic process! 

You are so sad, yet so hllarious!

Maybe just a happy troll who seems to get away with much more than the rest of us   !

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3 hours ago, Alive said:

Actually the people want fairness, freedom, equality, and justice for all. Prayuth didn't ask the people what they want. He forced his bs on the people and most said no or wouldn't take it at all. He's a proven liar and thug. This is the truth.


It's always worked in the past when Thais had all sorts of bogus but powerful beliefs.


They think it will always work, so they're stupid liars and thugs.



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2 hours ago, djjamie said:

And the excuses begin.


but, but, but more people voted for the charter than voted for Yingluck.


Yup those excuses have really begun.


Accepting the Charter at this point in time was a good thing, despite the climate of fear. intimidation, detentions and restrictions related any open debate of the Charters. Politics is a long game. Being able to set up an election with some ground rules in place next year is the end goal.


But Jamie for the love of god, stop it. The Charter referendum was not a vote on the popularity of the government or the establish political parties.


Only a squeaky voiced politically illiterate fool would interpret the results as anything else  other than a vote on accepting the Charter, or not. That's why the PM when to such lengths to ensure all people had as much factual information as possible and prevented political parties intervening.


BTW What is your fixation with Yingluck? Do you sub-consciously fancy her as you cant stop mentioning her in every post?  

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One just wonders what the sixty percent, who  out of that lot vote yes will be thinking in 2 years time , as NKK pointed out,  you have a military establishment who have no idea of running a country , Junta's have never run anything properly in any part of Asia except to their own advantage, they also introduced draconian laws that will persecute anybody that has a opinion ,  you will notice this as they settle in with this mandate from the people, personally I feel sorry for Thailand , it promised so much and delivered very little....................................................

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47 minutes ago, jonclark said:


but, but, but more people voted for the charter than voted for Yingluck.


Yup those excuses have really begun.


Accepting the Charter at this point in time was a good thing, despite the climate of fear. intimidation, detentions and restrictions related any open debate of the Charters. Politics is a long game. Being able to set up an election with some ground rules in place next year is the end goal.


But Jamie for the love of god, stop it. The Charter referendum was not a vote on the popularity of the government or the establish political parties.


Only a squeaky voiced politically illiterate fool would interpret the results as anything else  other than a vote on accepting the Charter, or not. That's why the PM when to such lengths to ensure all people had as much factual information as possible and prevented political parties intervening.


BTW What is your fixation with Yingluck? Do you sub-consciously fancy her as you cant stop mentioning her in every post?  


They hardly went to such lengths, they did not even bother to send people copies. Not sure where the 31 million copies ended up, might be interesting to find out who printed them and how much they were paid. If it was any type of General Meeting it would of been stopped before it started as people were not sent the perquisite information before the meeting started.


You are also assuming that the information the PM gave was 'factual'. It was 'factual' when you take it from his point of view. If people were allowed to voice opposite opinion, i am sure they would very of likely given a different opinion of 'factual' information on the likely outcome of many of the provisions in the charter. 


The military are as political as any proper political party. To think they are doing this for the betterment of the country is insanity. They have proven time and time again they are no better than political parties.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Speaking in his weekly televised program entitled: “Return Happiness to the People”, the premier said that he has named the draft constitution the “People’s Constitution” with nearly 60 percent of eligible voters having gone to the polls. 


Just two tiny mistakes:


- It's not the People's Constitution. The people had nothing to say in the drafting and people could not openly discuss it before the vote;


- It wasn't 60% of eligible voters, it was 60% of those who went to vote. And that was a mere 54% of the eligible voters. Do the math!



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6 hours ago, candide said:

Oh Gosh!  After the army's constitution we will discover soon the related organic laws.....

The PM left out the word "orchestrated" If a starving animal does not like a certain type of food keep setting it in front of him eventually he will wolf it down. There seems to have a certain amount of Pavlovian theory in this referendum. 

Edited by elgordo38
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A post containing off topic deflection comments has been removed as well as the replies.  Please stay on topic.


Another post of a profane and vulgar nature has been removed:


8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.




Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. 




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Public approval of the draft charter reflects the lack of alternatives for the public.  After all, it wasn't like the referendum was a choice of constitutions, it was merely a choice of, um, military rule or military rule.


I not only question whether the junta honestly reported the outcome, I question whether turn-out was actually 60%.  Even with village headmen using speakers to remind people to vote twice a day, I have trouble believing 60% of people would waste their time on these two options.

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I am sure those who voted saw the need for change. They had a choice to vote for the constitution or have another one foisted on them without any vote. 

I doubt even the most anti PTP people can be secure in the knowledge that the Military is still the Arbitrary law in Thailand. To move from a flawed democracy to a Myanmar style Pseudo Dictatorship is hardly condusive to the growth of democracy or the Thai Economy. The clouds on the Horizon have got larger and darker. When the Head of the Old Guard passes there will not be a seamless transition but sadly for the Thai People I fear a 3 way bloody split. An the glorious PM will shrug his shoulders and say but why the people had their charter?

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Prayuth should stop telling lies. They have made it very clear from the beginning that even a no vote would not alter the roadmap and that elections would be held in 2017.



Maybe 59% voting yes on the charter has something to do with the wish to get the military out of the spotlight, and take it from there ?


Oh by the way, how could it possibly be the charter of the people, the people have not been asked to participate, they weren't allowed to discuss the content and the referendum was a sham, because even a no vote would have lead to the same outcome.

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As usual Prayut does know hiss a$$ from  a hole in the ground.  Yes the people voted for the draft because they want change.  The problem is that the change they really want is to see the end of the military running this country.  Unfortunately, what they did not realize is that by endorsing the draft they gave the military carte blanche to run this country for the forseeable future.


Woe is Thailand.

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15 minutes ago, WhizBang said:

As usual Prayut does know hiss a$$ from  a hole in the ground.  Yes the people voted for the draft because they want change.  The problem is that the change they really want is to see the end of the military running this country.  Unfortunately, what they did not realize is that by endorsing the draft they gave the military carte blanche to run this country for the forseeable future.


Woe is Thailand.

Voting no would have led to the exact same thing, there was no choice. I personally would have liked a no vote, which would put pressure on the junta, but I can understand people voting yes in the hope they cannot go back on their promise of elections in 2017.



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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

Voting no would have led to the exact same thing, there was no choice. I personally would have liked a no vote, which would put pressure on the junta, but I can understand people voting yes in the hope they cannot go back on their promise of elections in 2017.



According to the NIDA poll, most voted yes because they wanted political change. See BP.

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16 minutes ago, halloween said:

According to the NIDA poll, most voted yes because they wanted political change. See BP.

Well, considering those polls have a polling sample of a few thousand, those cannot possibly be taken seriously.


The question remains, how is it possible that the democrates have used big words to oppose the charter (retreat from Democracy I think were Abhisit's exact words) yet the south voted in favor of the charter, despite the fact that the south has been a political stronghold of the democrats for decades. Something stinks here.


Of course we don't need to go over the way the referendum was conducted (no debate, no campaigning, no secret votes) but do you really believe people voted for less democracy ?


In light of the above, I find that impossible to believe. Many people probably didn't even know they would hand the elite and the military unprecedented powers, but at the center of the matter is the fact that even a no vote would have done this. Remember the roadmap and the assurance that even a no vote wouldn't adjust that roadmap. They quite clearly had the intention to enact another constitution within the same time frame, without a referendum.


So the referendum didn't offer a choice, probably one of the reasons why so many people didn't even bother.


Rest assured political change will happen, and it won't be the elite that will run the country, as a loophole will be found, and staging a coup to rectify that will be almost impossible to explain and justify. They aren't that smart after all..

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Let us absolutely forbid any discussion of the charter, prosecute the few independent minded reporters who do break it down and talk about it, and mislead the people every step of the way. And then after they vote favorably, let us continue the disinformation campaign, by insisting the people smoke loudly and clearly with their intimidated votes. 


This mental midget just does not care. He never cared. Quite the opposite. I am beginning to believe he despises the public. At least the members of the public with less than several million baht. 

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