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Build a house on thai wife's father's land and he thinks he owns it

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Granted, mostly us younger guys don't really read Thaivisa on a regular basis (besides check in on visa info or political highlights).


But threads like this just are hilarious.  You guys realize that this is literally one of the most common, played out jokes about the old white man in Thailand?  If it wasn't the forum it is, I'd say the OP is trolling, because ... come on.  It's like by the book.  


1. Not learn basic Thai in TEN years?  - standard whitey joke, oh poor whitey, memorizing words, it's impossible

2. Build a house (joke by itself) on some romantic interest's father's land?  - ok that's not even standard, that's super hilarious .. the only question is how bad will that get;  get out the popcorn

3. The thai chick is an ex (ha), and she's in her ... 50's?  - gold, OP, gold!

4. Threaten beating/burning/action in general - we all know old whitey never actually does anything besides titter around on forums, talking big talk.  

5.  Record oneself being a complete nozzle.  - more solid gold; solid, solid gold performance


And then the whole thread everybody says the obvious, over and over and over, "hey dude, GTFO while you can" and the guy keeps going yea, yea, maybe I'll demolish it, yea, yea, maybe, it's not my fault, the language ... just *classic* dumbassery of the highest epic quality.


Hey.  HOW you going to demolish the house?  By hiring locals with your Thai skills?  By using your charming whiles with the ladies?  By filming ... things?  By your allegiances and cunning?  Is the old man going to stand around and watch while you do it?  Will the local cops?  Will you explain to them your rationale when they show up, angry land owner in tow, all speaking Thai?


Of course OP is screwed.  He'll record himself at the train station, leaving.  Or wind up in some trench somewhere if he has an especially dumb moment.  And the world will keep turning and we'll keep shaking our heads at how very little it honestly takes to solidly take another old white man for his money.


Why bother posting?  Because this shit is *embarrassing* to the rest of us.  Making us all look like idiots.  "Hey look, there's another 'farang'".  Thanks, OP, propagating the stereotype of the dumb white guy.


(also sorry, sucks for your loss.  record more vids, and try to get out of there in one piece)


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17 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Thanks for the cultural insight.


Just guessing here but I don't think he is going to buddy up to the OP any time soon.


And the young lad in the video talking on his phone is not too happy with the old man's timing. 

I am sure he would have prefered the house be finished before kicking the OP off the property.


calm down,


the old man is simply emulating his idol michael jackson

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Ok I do not reply often ,but I would believe after 25 Years in Thailand I may give you a very good advise;

I had seen that the ground had been done sofar,and you may just want to leave it that way.....walk away...nothing to say from yourside,just leave.Any conversation from your side is just a big waste of time.Respectfully person or not ,the Father would win in your case ...as you never own the House and it seem the fundamental side of respecting each other is cracked .

If you feel you like to own a House ,search for a Land ...if you still with the daughter together somewhere out of side.

If the Daughter is as well on your drowning list leave all behind....it safe you a lot of money and headache.

This country has a lot to offer .so it does not depending on 1 part only, choose another direction leave without words if nothing else is to be cleared ...just settle down in another part of Thailand or area..........................other wise you will end up being surely not the winner here

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18 hours ago, bearpolar said:

Always a good idea to learn the language of the country you're building a house in if you are not gonna own the land..


Imagine a Northen american that failed his daugther, she works at 7/11, and one day some mexican that doesnt speak english comes home with her and builds a house on his land..


Dbag or not, the father sees a man who does not even speak his country's language abusing his easy picking daughter.. Enough for most less civil/educated people to go apeshat


But doesnt say anything until its near completion...............whose the douchebag then?


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16 hours ago, pattayahenry said:

"He even kicked his own daughter out".
dont believe that, thats only a show for you, his daughter has the legal duty to support him, if he is older, he will not reject that. if you loose the house, your thai girlfriend is to blame, nobody else, very likely she has 5 other falang friends, who are just waiting to build another house.
such things happen every single day in thailand. you are lucky, if you survive that. police always say- suicide.

really? its law you "must" support your parents?

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16 hours ago, Slip said:

Slaarty- you could potentially fix this.  Go now to him with a bottle of whisky and make it work.  If you fail he may kill you however.  Good luck.


I used to have great respect for him. He worked hard for his family every day of his life. Not many of the old school left.

We build the house together 13 years ago (re-checked), all the family mucked in.

We also had another enterprise where he contributed big time (not financially) and my ex-wife was supposed to keep him in his old age.

The enterprise went pear shaped and he now still works, every day at 85. Yes, I'd be pissed too.

There was a chance of salvaging some money and I offered to give him 100,000 b if I got it. (He stopped whisky a long time ago due to medical reasons)

Don't think he got the message.

Now I have no respect for him at all. But I'm still a young kid (nearly 70) and I don't have to work every day but I know how easy it is to get grumpy as the years pile on.




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I am confused.  Is the house still under construction or is this an old video and your construction is long completed?  


Its a a no brainier.  If construction is currently in process, immediately halt ANY further work, cut your losses and clear out.  Either way you need to go.  Whatever you invested, write it off, and never forget NOT to ever again enter into another property developement here.  Own a legal condo if you must.  Of course, future resale values are very likely to be at a loss. 


Building a structure on someone else's property is a dumb move.  Also, you mentioned something about the father throwing his own daughter out, the daughter you based this project on.


My strongest advice for all falong is if they ever detect their girl is from a disfunctional family, even if said disfunction only involves one individual in her family, stay clear.  Point two is to try to avoid getting involved with girls from low income/low educational background grounds, but that's more of a challenge.  Point three is avoid girls from large families, which is a receipe for lots & lots of problems.


I read a story where a farang had the same experience.  He claimed he burned down his home.  The best of luck to you.  Just don't throw good money after bad.

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5 hours ago, Syduan said:

If you have the receipts. you own the house/materials and he owns the land,


Watch out for "agreements"...oral or written...that his daughter made with him. Like "Permanent Structures on his property remain so". The poster has no agreements or rights...as he does not speak or write in the language. My guess is that you and the owner signed and agreed to nothing.  It was all done by your wife.



Bringing him to the headman is not going to work, either. They are probably related...or grew up together.'





Edited by slipperylobster
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1 hour ago, SlartyBartfast said:

I used to have great respect for him. He worked hard for his family every day of his life. Not many of the old school left.

We build the house together 13 years ago (re-checked), all the family mucked in.

We also had another enterprise where he contributed big time (not financially) and my ex-wife was supposed to keep him in his old age.

The enterprise went pear shaped and he now still works, every day at 85. Yes, I'd be pissed too.

There was a chance of salvaging some money and I offered to give him 100,000 b if I got it. (He stopped whisky a long time ago due to medical reasons)

Don't think he got the message.

Now I have no respect for him at all. But I'm still a young kid (nearly 70) and I don't have to work every day but I know how easy it is to get grumpy as the years pile on.




Sorry to say this all seems like b...st to me.


The quoted peoples ages, the tone if the conversation and the context (this has obviously happened before, if this was the first time there would be no video, and no posing by the father like that). 


Sorry, but really I think you should be banned from TV for this post.


And you're a POM as well which makes it worse. ?

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20 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

So is sticking his junk out at you a well known insult in Thailand? 


I don't speak much Thai but I think I understood what he was saying with that one.

If the old boy swore at a Thai like that,he would be flat on his back and the boots would be in.

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To my understanding if not wrong,the old man said everything here belong to him . except the house.

if the OP want he can demolish it.

And when he walk up towards the OP,he only say take whatever (video)you want.

But sure that he's really piss off.

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Was it Peter, Paul, and Mary who sang   When Will They Ever Learn?


Unless you contracted with the land owner, to secure ownership of the building,  prior to building, it now belongs to him.


If it becomes too dangerous to demolish and remove the building, burn it to the ground.  Either way, you won't have a building, but if you burn and run, you will have your life.


I'd be very wary of the daughter's involvement here.  I'm sure you trust her, but thousands of other foreigners have trusted their Thai wives/girlfriends, and ended with nothing too.

Why does everybody want vengeance,is this a christian thing.-It will cause more problems than what it is worth.Walk away,but still fight that fraud case if you have the will.Cut your losses,and go for a holiday somewhere.

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20 hours ago, SlartyBartfast said:

Well that's right. The house is 10 years old. Great house. He has his own house on the same land. He was living in it for a few years and reluctantly moved out when I wanted it again.

I can live in it. The only way he can get rid of me is to make me demolish the house.

If I leave Thailand, that's exactly what I'll do. Think burning is a bit extreme but I'm nearly there.

Sorry, but you must have done something that wound your FiL up so much. In any event what made you decide to build a house on his land? Seems like you are looking for cheap at your FiLs expense. It also seems that you have no idea how to handle Thai people and that you and your wife have muscled in probably without first coming to some agreement with your FiL. Did you have any agreements in writing witnessed by a lawyer, no, I thought not.


I speak Thai and your FiL is saying; get your ass off my land and go away, that seems like good advice to me because it`s obvious that your wife`s family hate your guts and you have no rights to impose yourself on other people`s land.


Whatever happens he will always be your wife`s father, you can`t win. Take your wife and go to live in a condo, or a Moo Bann or rent somewhere and get yourself away and independent from your out laws.

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The land belongs to him. He's very old and he told you many times to get off his land. What part of the land deed do you not understand. You had no right to build there in the first place. Making a rough guess that the house is not in your name. You might be able to demolish it, but you need to get a court order to go on his property without his permission. If he has ordered you off his land then you are trespassing. Just because you dumped an object on his land doesn't mean you have any right to the land underneath it.

Get off of this poor old man's land. You have no rights to it. Not by any laws. 

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The OP posted to warn others, and I think those of us who have not embarked down this road should be grateful for that. It only reinforces my view that it is probably better to rent and give yourself the flexibility to bail out of any situation that you are unhappy with. I understand that some people prefer to buy a condo that gives them a legal owner right and also allows them to decorate and furnish the place the way they like it. There is some sense to this ... the qualification being that the condo price should be a small percentage of your overall wealth ... so if something goes wrong you can easily recover from it.


Good luck OP ... I have no idea what your options are, but I would not advise doing anything illegal, its simply not worth it.  

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5 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Sorry, but you must have done something that wound your FiL up so much. In any event what made you decide to build a house on his land? Seems like you are looking for cheap at your FiLs expense. It also seems that you have no idea how to handle Thai people and that you and your wife have muscled in probably without first coming to some agreement with your FiL. Did you have any agreements in writing witnessed by a lawyer, no, I thought not.


I speak Thai and your FiL is saying; get your ass off my land and go away, that seems like good advice to me because it`s obvious that your wife`s family hate your guts and you have no rights to impose yourself on other people`s land.


Whatever happens he will always be your wife`s father, you can`t win. Take your wife and go to live in a condo, or a Moo Bann or rent somewhere and get yourself away and independent from your out laws.

She has pissed him off as well.Go away and start again op.

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