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“Clinton is our Angela Merkel” – Trump


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On 8/16/2016 at 3:10 PM, webfact said:

we could find no evidence in German media reports that the country warrants Trump’s ‘riddled-with-crime’ characterization.”


That's because the German media is part of the problem and that if anyone does report immigrant crime, that person is apt to be charged with a hate crime, fined, and/or sent to prison.  Once 

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On 8/16/2016 at 3:10 PM, webfact said:

Speaking at a campaign rally with Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Bidendismissed Trump’s comments as anti-constitutional and populist.


For some reason, Euronews, which TVF seems so reliant on for its news about the US, as opposed to actual American news sources, well, Euronews doesn't see fit to "fact check" this particular statement.  Wonder why?  Only one side is ever fact checked on TVF these days.

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5 minutes ago, Usernames said:


That's because the German media is part of the problem and that if anyone does report immigrant crime, that person is apt to be charged with a hate crime, fined, and/or sent to prison.  Once 

Apparently not only German media but German police who recently reported:

"Absolute numbers of crimes committed by Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis - the three biggest groups of asylum seekers in Germany - were high but given the proportion of migrants that they account for, their involvement in crimes was "clearly disproportionately low."


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Hillary is not even close to Angela Merkel.  Hillary is money grabbing crook and a rich through her family fraudulent Clinton Foundation liar. Perhaps brain damaged as a lot of video shows.

Merkel however with her communist background is just indoctrinated imbecil wishing intentionally or unintentionally to destroy German and European civilization by discriminatory import of Muslims/Islamists/killer jihadists/enemies of European Christians.  

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The line of attack “baffled” political analysts, who wondered why Trump would possibly think referencing a largely-unknown European leader would help him win votes in the United States. A Pew survey last year found that “Germany is not on the radar of many Americans,” with more than a third reporting “no opinion” of Merkel at all.


But there is at least one group of Americans well familiar with Merkel, her immigration policies, and her connections to Hillary Clinton: white supremacists


To white nationalist communities that fervently support Trump, Merkel has been a popular villain. Sites like the Daily Stormer, the White Genocide Project, American Renaissance, and The White Resister have posted constantly about her since the Syrian refugee crisis began escalating earlier this year. They have accused her of making a “deliberate attempt to turn Germany from a majority White country into a minority White country.” They have called her a “crazy childless bitch,” “Anti-White Traitor,” and “patron saint of terrorists.” They have asked in articles about her, “Why would you allow a woman to run a country, unless you were doing it as a joke?”




Not much to add to that.




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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Norvid, haven't you run out of racist, anti-semite, hate cards yet?




Wow! You qualify wholeheartedly to be a bona fide signed up member of the Trump supporters club.


Frankly, such insulting comments about Merkel must infringe TV rules. I think moderators should consider this.


Norvid sounds slightly unhinged! Even more so than me! I wonder where he's from???

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