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US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte apologises for making up Rio robbery story


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US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte apologises for making up Rio robbery story




Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte has said sorry for fabricating a story about being robbed during the Rio Games by gunmen posing as police officers.


The gold medallist said: “I want to apologise for my behaviour last weekend.”


In an Instagram message and Twitter tweet he says: “I should have been more responsible in how I handled myself, and for that I am sorry to my team mates.”


Explaining the fact that he wasn’t the subject of an armed robbery but was being pressed for compensation for an act of vandalism, Lochte says: “It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country – with a language barrier – and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let your leave.”


He goes on: “I accept responsibility for my role in this happening and have learned some valuable lessons.”


Earlier it was announced that another of the group, swimmer Jimmy Feigen, had agreed to make a donation to charity over the robbery scandal.


Feigen’s lawyer Breno Melaragno said under Brazilian law, a donation can be made to avoid criminal prosecution for minor offences, but he did not say which charge was being contemplated against his client.


Jeered and called “liars” and “fakes” by a crowd at the airport, the other two swimmers, Gunnar Benz and Jack Conger, flew home on Thursday night after Brazilian police announced they had admitted making up a story about being robbed at gunpoint on Sunday by men posing as police officers.


The group’s story unravelled as security footage showed them arguing with the petrol station’s armed security guards.


One of the Americans vandalised the toilet after the men asked to use it.


The US Olympic Committee issued a public apology for the men’s conduct.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-20
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I don't fault the guy for getting drunk and having a bit of fun after his medal performance. 
And I don't believe he tried to sensationalize it at all. 
Seems to me he just tole his Mom, and she was the one to make it a big story. 


Then, once the media grabbed it:  Well, he should have just come out with the truth at that time and said it was all a big misunderstanding, and apologized sincerely. 


Unfortunately, he did not. 

And yes, this recent apology seems to be a bit weak and to his teammates more than the people of Brazil, or the security people.

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A carefully worded apology of sorts posted on social media rather than face the cameras.

Doesn't he realise,   wasn't he advised,   that would have given him the opportunity for tears to prove how insincere he was   ?

Sorry that should of course read sincere,   sort of. 

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According to the Jiu Jitsu master from Brazil, who knew him, he went out with his friends to get laid. He claims he was just trying to cover up the whole event, from his girlfriend, and Mom. It would appear he really blew it. His career is over. He is worth over $6 million, nearly all from endorsements. He is now radioactive. Nobody will touch him. Guess he got what he deserved. That money will be enough to live on, but I doubt if he will earn any more, despite being the second most decorated and accomplished swimmer in US history behind Phelps. 


He could have offered a significantly more humble and sincere apology, which he did not. He even blew that opportunity. Stupid, ignorant, and petulant does not even being to cover this. More like an abomination. 

Edited by spidermike007
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It isn't really an apology. The whole thing about being out in a strange country....someone pointing a gun a you and asking for money......sounds to me he is blaming Rio. Another spoiled overpaid athlete from America. Pretty pathetic loser. That is what he has shown himself to be.

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Not much of an apology and not much of a friend. He got out of town quick- and left his 'friends' to handle the fallout.  Did he really think, he could vandalize a place in Brazil that has security cameras and armed security guards and just get in a taxi and leave?  His arrogance and sense of entitlement did him in.  If he was any kind of person- he would have stood in front of the media and apologized to the people of Brazil and America.  His gold medals now mean nothing- he has no credibility and no integrity. He should be banned from any future Olympic games.

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Actually he is not a disgrace to his country, he is simply following in the footsteps of the US govt. As far as "integrity is what is missing" lack of integrity is another natural trait for US in today's world. He is simply a shining example of what US govt, it's leaders, it's justice system, it's big biz / big phram CEO's have become ... Children imulate and grow up imitating their parents, citizens imulate and imitate their govt and their leaders. America is a disgrace to the world and the majority of it's citizens, govt, politicians, leaders have no integrity, just selfish self absorbed, greedy, lazy, socio-psychotics looking for the next country to invade, the next population to mass murder and the next territory to place their humanitarian nuke bases ... but hey that's just my opinion

Edited by carken
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Another example of how social media makes a situation far worse than it actually is.


He behaved like a <deleted>….no excuse for that at 30 years….I do it too from time to time.


Now they will dock the guys endorsements….was it worth it lochte?

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I don't know if Poster carken is American or not and  he is entitled to his opinion. I am American, and i probably criticize the US Government for many of the things that he also criticised. However, I believe his diatribe is somewhat over the top in that he paints us all with the same brush. I am certainly  not like the Olympic swimmers and their ilk. Nor are any of my friends or family members still in America. In fact, you will find most Americans are disgusted by the behavior of the Olympic swimmers. The American political system; wealthy and greedy CEOs and bankers and Big Pharma are all fair game.  Most of the majority of us Americans work really hard to stay alive  and take care of our families and we are just as disgusted with the Government and their protection of the 1% who are sucking the blood from the rest of us. However, your statement that the majority of us are a disgrace to the World is not a fair assessment and frankly it is now you who owe the apology.

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

In fact, you will find most Americans are disgusted by the behavior of the Olympic swimmers. 


Hang on…they had too much to drink and ripped a poster, possibly broke/damaged a door. Massive overreaction simply due to social media amplification….


Graffiti artists do far more damage.

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Hang on…they had too much to drink and ripped a poster, possibly broke/damaged a door. Massive overreaction simply due to social media amplification….


Graffiti artists do far more damage.

If he and his buddies hadn't made up the robbery at gunpoint story it wouldn't have been a big deal

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"Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte has said sorry for fabricating a story about being robbed during the Rio Games by gunmen posing as police officers. "


He's been reading too many posts on ThaiVisa about the RTP and brown envelopes!

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5 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

If he and his buddies hadn't made up the robbery at gunpoint story it wouldn't have been a big deal


Im assuming they were still drunk or possibly panicked when they realised what they had done and came up with that story to get out of any potential trouble with the US Olympic team management….plonkers…..but not despicable villains as they are made out to be.


Hillary tells far far far worse lies and she's about to be made president.

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3 hours ago, carken said:

Actually he is not a disgrace to his country, he is simply following in the footsteps of the US govt. As far as "integrity is what is missing" lack of integrity is another natural trait for US in today's world. He is simply a shining example of what US govt, it's leaders, it's justice system, it's big biz / big phram CEO's have become ... Children imulate and grow up imitating their parents, citizens imulate and imitate their govt and their leaders. America is a disgrace to the world and the majority of it's citizens, govt, politicians, leaders have no integrity, just selfish self absorbed, greedy, lazy, socio-psychotics looking for the next country to invade, the next population to mass murder and the next territory to place their humanitarian nuke bases ... but hey that's just my opinion


And pray tell - which squeaky clean country are you from?

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when you are representing your country on the Olympic stage you are held to a higher standard than others. The fact is they were drunk and disorderly- damaged the premises of the gas station. However, what makes it worse they then went on Worldwide media and lied; attempting to blame crime ridden Rio and fabricating a story and then possibly filing a false police report. All they had to say is we were drunk; made a mistake and pay the damages  and there would have been no issue.   Now we have a lukewarm apology from Mr Lochte to his friends and still attempting to mitigate his own behavior. Sorry, no pass. i don't care that he got drunk but when made up a story and tried to place blame on others he showed his arrogance and bad manners. I don't think he should be jailed but a real apology to the Brazilians and his own countrymen would  be a start. All of them should be kicked off the Olympic Team.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:


All of them should be kicked off the Olympic Team.


Are you kidding me? They're just athletes blowing off some steam after a gruelling competition that put them under a lot of pressure…they're not statesmen.


Rayne Wooney's done a lot worse.

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12 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

It seems integrity is what is missing in this guy's life. In my opinion he should be stripped of the gold metal for embarrassing the country he was representing, the US.


To think there was so much concern over Russia doping their athletes :facepalm: 

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I hope that all of the Athletes who are in RIO, at least try to behave them selves,

as they are all representing their countries. Getting drunk and out of control

is bad enough without making a news story for that reason. With all of the crime in

Brazil, I just hope that all the visitors get back home without losing their lives.

  Getting robbed and surviving is very lucky for anyone in that place, whether it actually

happened to this group is another question.


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4 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope that all of the Athletes who are in RIO, at least try to behave them selves,

as they are all representing their countries. Getting drunk and out of control

is bad enough without making a news story for that reason. With all of the crime in

Brazil, I just hope that all the visitors get back home without losing their lives.

  Getting robbed and surviving is very lucky for anyone in that place, whether it actually

happened to this group is another question.


No, no question at all. They misbehaved and tried to cover it up. They were not robbed.

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879 athletes had their stories moved to the back page because of Lochte.....ah, this is the world we live in.


The Kardashians will announce tomorrow that they will be getting a sex change and the Olympic Closing Ceremony will now be moved to Monday.


I also like blue turtles...which will be a headline for months...


we can only blame ourselves for liking these stories....

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