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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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1 hour ago, Crowes said:

Sheriff David Clarke (a black Trump supporter) telling it like it is and one of the reasons he supports Trump.





What an ignorant human being that sheriff is. 

Dumber than dirt. 

I bet he watches right wing media. 


I wonder how many of the police that have been involved in shooting blacks watch FOX?

A study will show many of them are watching right wing media,  I will bet. 


Sad, what the right wing media does to these people. 


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First of all, some of you don't understand why Blacks get shot and arrested more often than most. They commit almost half of the crimes

in the USA! Murder, they kill each other. 90% of Black deaths are caused by Blacks. 44% of the murders in the US are committed by Blacks.They are 13% of the population. Why? 80% of Blacks have no Father and in some cases no Mothers. They are raised by their Grandmothers. Only half graduate from high school. 80% of the drug dealers are Black. They are raised in  Ghettos, aka Socialist Democratic Plantations, and kept their with Democratic Welfare to maintain their votes. Every program the Democrats have started since 1966 war on poverty and hunger has failed including Obama Care. They want votes not success.Vote for Trump!

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26 minutes ago, tomwct said:

First of all, some of you don't understand why Blacks get shot and arrested more often than most. They commit almost half of the crimes

in the USA! Murder, they kill each other. 90% of Black deaths are caused by Blacks. 44% of the murders in the US are committed by Blacks.They are 13% of the population. Why? 80% of Blacks have no Father and in some cases no Mothers. They are raised by their Grandmothers. Only half graduate from high school. 80% of the drug dealers are Black. They are raised in  Ghettos, aka Socialist Democratic Plantations, and kept their with Democratic Welfare to maintain their votes. Every program the Democrats have started since 1966 war on poverty and hunger has failed including Obama Care. They want votes not success.Vote for Trump!


And if you drill through all the statistics, you'll find that skin color isn't the controlling factor.  It's poverty.  Soul crushing, dehumanizing poverty.  Generations of it for black folks.  Blacks that can move out of poverty and into middle class neighborhoods look pretty much exactly like whites in the crime statistics.


I'm not claiming the black community doesn't have a crime and violence problem to deal with.  But the root of the problem is poverty.

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29 minutes ago, impulse said:


And if you drill through all the statistics, you'll find that skin color isn't the controlling factor.  It's poverty.  Soul crushing, dehumanizing poverty.  Generations of it for black folks.  Blacks that can move out of poverty and into middle class neighborhoods look pretty much exactly like whites in the crime statistics.


I'm not claiming the black community doesn't have a crime and violence problem to deal with.  But the root of the problem is poverty.


What's really needed is to create an inner city job training program and college prep programs. 



That's what Obama did, but the low info right wing types mock him as a "community organizer."


You hear that nonsense on FOX all the time. 

Sad, what the right wing media has done to their viewers. So ignorant, it's embarrassing. 






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1 hour ago, impulse said:


And if you drill through all the statistics, you'll find that skin color isn't the controlling factor.  It's poverty.  Soul crushing, dehumanizing poverty.  Generations of it for black folks.  Blacks that can move out of poverty and into middle class neighborhoods look pretty much exactly like whites in the crime statistics.


I'm not claiming the black community doesn't have a crime and violence problem to deal with.  But the root of the problem is poverty.

And further proof of that is that in cities like Pittsburgh, where whites used to have good paying jobs and stable families, formerly working class whites now suffer from the same ills as do black inner city communities. Except the white communities consume more heroine and amphetamines.

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And further proof of that is that in cities like Pittsburgh, where whites used to have good paying jobs and stable families, formerly working class whites now suffer from the same ills as do black inner city communities. Except the white communities consume more heroine and amphetamines.


Yet another group of American workers sold out by politicians bought and paid for by the corporations shipping their jobs off to China while cashing in on sweet tax breaks not available to common folk.


Someone's got to break that cycle.  I'm not sure it's Trump.  But I'm 100% sure it isn't Clinton.

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10 minutes ago, impulse said:


Yet another group of American workers sold out by politicians bought and paid for by the corporations shipping their jobs off to China while cashing in on sweet tax breaks not available to common folk.


Someone's got to break that cycle.  I'm not sure it's Trump.  But I'm 100% sure it isn't Clinton.

You mean the guy who wants to give yuuge tax breaks to billionaires? While Clinton supports raising the minimum wage, Trump made no mention of it in his economic speech.  Clinton supports programs that will actually help working people and people on Social Security.  

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29 minutes ago, impulse said:


Yet another group of American workers sold out by politicians bought and paid for by the corporations shipping their jobs off to China while cashing in on sweet tax breaks not available to common folk.


Someone's got to break that cycle.  I'm not sure it's Trump.  But I'm 100% sure it isn't Clinton.


Automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and efficiency have taken 9 out of 10 jobs. 

It a fallacy the jobs are going overseas. 

Fact is, even the Chinese are replacing workers with robotics. 

Get used to it. 


What is the answer?

Perhaps education in science, engineering and technology like Bernie Sanders was promoting. 


The republican answer is bringing back the $1 an hour jobs for their low IQ fan boys. 

Believe it or not, these low IQ, minimum wage fan boys also agree with the republican policy, DO NOT RAISE MINIMUM WAGE. 

How dumb can you be ? 




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9 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

The Donald can't seem to win; he's trying to get the black vote. If he didn't try to get the black vote then he'd also get the same type of comments against him.



He's also losing the college-educated white male vote according to polls.


Romney did quite well with this segment, besting Obama by a wide margin, but obviously anyone with half a brain would not support Trump.


No way to gerrymander the old, white, poorly educated male segment at this late date. Even letting them vote more than once wouldn't help. Assuming they can even use a voting machine. Maybe it's not too late to give African Americans 3/5 of a vote? Make America Great Again?

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7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


He's also losing the college-educated white male vote according to polls.


Romney did quite well with this segment, besting Obama by a wide margin, but obviously anyone with half a brain would not support Trump.


No way to gerrymander the old, white, poorly educated male segment at this late date. Even letting them vote more than once wouldn't help. Assuming they can even use a voting machine. Maybe it's not too late to give African Americans 3/5 of a vote? Make America Great Again?

Actually, I think it's the college educated white vote. I believe that Trump still holds a small lead among white male college educated voters. But white college educated women overwhelmingly support Clinton. 

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The old adage about teaching to fish better than handing our free fish comes to mind. US unemployment is higher than advertised due to how they remove people after a period of time, statistical BS at its finest.


Welfare keeps the masses content but just entrenches it as a family generational lifestyle. People need jobs, Hillary will never deliver on that, Trump probably wont either, but at least there is the possibility. Eventually the ability to print will stop and then the hammer will drop.


The current paradigm is seeing rising unemployment, cities decaying and more no go zones emerging. With the choice of no possibility of change and some small ray of hope, the latter is the better option. Doubt that Trump will get much positive reaction, especially after the media has spun it into something racist.

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The current paradigm is seeing rising unemployment, cities decaying and more no go zones emerging. 


Not to minimize the effects of poverty, education, welfare, or even how employment statistics are presented, but violent crime has been on a long downward trend for 20-30 years, many inner cities are being resurrected and the overall tone is much more positive than you portray.


By most economic measures




things aren't as bleak as you, and Senor Trump, portray. Are things changing? Yes.


Employing more people, without the associated gains in GDP, just for the sake of employing them would negatively impact productivity.


Addressing an issue, like poverty, and failing is probably a more noble endeavor than doing nothing, or talking about doing nothing? 


Call me crazy, but I'll always be a half-glass full guy. But Trump appeals to the glass empty sort of folks.

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I think Trump needs to take this new slogan to the airwaves.


Vote Trump - Why the heck not!

Vote Trump - Try it, you might like it!


Hmm...that last slogan reminds me of something. I think I found the perfect ad to replicate for Trump.



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41 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:




things aren't as bleak as you, and Senor Trump, portray. Are things changing? Yes.


Employing more people, without the associated gains in GDP, just for the sake of employing them would negatively impact productivity.


Addressing an issue, like poverty, and failing is probably a more noble endeavor than doing nothing, or talking about doing nothing? 


Call me crazy, but I'll always be a half-glass full guy. But Trump appeals to the glass empty sort of folks.


You mean the economic measures that tell us how rich the 1% are getting?  Or the economic measures that tell us mainstream wages have stagnated (or declined in real terms) since the '70s while the income and wealth are more and more concentrated at the top?


Edit:  Henry Ford and George Westinghouse were right.  If their own employees can't afford to buy their products, there isn't much hope for the future of the company.  Or the nation.

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1 hour ago, Buzzz said:

The republican answer is bringing back the $1 an hour jobs for their low IQ fan boys. 

Believe it or not, these low IQ, minimum wage fan boys also agree with the republican policy, DO NOT RAISE MINIMUM WAGE. 

How dumb can you be ? 


Have you, by chance, noticed that Trump isn't toeing the Republican line on a lot of issues?


Truth is, I doubt he's the guy.  But I'd rather have a slight chance that he is, vs. no chance with Clinton.  It's sad, but that's what this election comes down to.  Clinton- a predictable continuation of an ongoing disaster for mainstream wage earners, or Trump- with a small chance of stopping the cycle of wealth concentration and offshoring jobs and the tax base, but a real possibility of absolutely screwing the pooch.


Decisions, decisions.

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3 hours ago, Shot said:

Hillary Clinton Struggles to Talk About Her Many Black Friends - August 5, 2016  





What on earth are you talking about???


I challenge any white person to demonstrate they have  a richer and broader base of experience with African-American people than that which she was easily able to reference in this clip. For God's sake, man, many African-Americans don't have as extensive base of experience with African Americans as she does!  

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Minimum wage is fine. It's for young kids to get a job and get experience. My first job was at 11, $1 and hour. (MY last job $110. an hour).

I had experience where others didn't, so I got the jobs and climbed the ladder and became successful. I agree the problem with Blacks is poverty and the Socialists Democrats have failed this group for the past 60 years. They have thrown money and welfare at them along with money towards the Union Run Failed Education System. I know what the problems are, so VOTE FOR TRUMP. He can't fail as bad as the Status Quo including all Elites in Washington, both Socialists Democrats & Republicans! VOTE FOR TRUMP!

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17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

He certainly doesn't talk like clinton….she would have flattered them, pandered to them and then after getting their votes, forget about them.

What, you mean like Trump is doing to all working Americans stupid enough to believe the promises of this bloviating billionaire born to privilege and entitlement?

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29 minutes ago, impulse said:


Incumbents usually run for a 2nd term.  


Oh, snap. Good one. 


Trump is on a roll...all downhill. :thumbsup:


Warning: MSM links


NY Times: "Why Blacks Loath Trump" 

"The speech was tone deaf, facile and nonsensical, much like the man who delivered it."



From the Washington Post's article, "It’s hard to imagine a much worse pitch Donald Trump could have made for the black vote"

Four-in-5 blacks have a very unfavorable view of Trump, with a slightly higher percentage, 83 percent, agreeing with the idea that he is biased against women and minorities.



If Trump’s numbers fall even further or Republican Senate candidates fade down the stretch, as some did in 2012, the Senate picture may become even gloomier for the GOP.


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3 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Oh, snap. Good one. 


Trump is on a roll...all downhill. 


I'll wait until the fat lady sings...  


I don't recall in my lifetime an election where the media was as biased against a candidate. 


But the media don't vote, so we'll see.

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7 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'll wait until the fat lady sings...  


I don't recall in my lifetime an election where the media was as biased against a candidate. 


But the media don't vote, so we'll see.

Too true. Reporting what he says, in fact quoting what he says and even, gasp, showing him saying the shit that he says, is very very biased against him. They - "the media" should do what his enthusiasts do and edit out or rephrase or reinterpret what he says and in this way make him seem like a stable and sane man. This would be reporting, oh yes it would be.

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46 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

"Poor people have been voting for Democrats for the last fifty years... and they are still poor."

~ Charles Barkley



Is there any particular reason you omitted the very next thing he said?

Here's the whole paragraph (emphasis mine):



Ah, well, I vote Democratic most of the time,” Barkley said. “But the democrats don’t have a candidate I really like. Neither one of the parties is doing anything for poor people. They’re both full of it. Black people have been voting for Democrats their whole life, and they’re still poor. Republicans don’t do anything for poor people, either. So, I vote for the person I like the most and right now, it’s the governor of Ohio.


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manual coding fix
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5 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Too true. Reporting what he says, in fact quoting what he says and even, gasp, showing him saying the shit that he says, is very very biased against him. They - "the media" should do what his enthusiasts do and edit out or rephrase or reinterpret what he says and in this way make him seem like a stable and sane man. This would be reporting, oh yes it would be.


If I were to follow you around 24/7 with a camera, and do some creative editing, I could make you look like an absolute genius, or an idiot; a caring individual, or a callous heel; presidential material, or a buffoon.   


Perhaps enough voters are smart enough to realize that they're seeing some of the real Trump and all they get from Clinton are well rehearsed, focus group vetted, carefully choreographed sound bites.

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