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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



Despite the obsessive posts, you really do not know much about America. That is not insult that you are looking for. :lol:


It's exactly the insult I was looking for.

Perhaps you are out of touch with modern American culture.






(slang, derogatory) a black or Asian person who conforms to white culture at the expense of his or her ancestral culture, the idea being that, like a coconut, he or she is dark on the outside and white on the inside



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57 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


They watch TV like everybody else.


Yes, so they will have watched him read his obviously prepared and hardly credible remarks in front of a white audience, and be able to draw their own conclusions.



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12 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Yes, so they will have watched him read his obviously prepared and hardly credible remarks in front of a white audience, and be able to draw their own conclusions.



Hardly credible?


Have you seen the destruction that is Detroit after Democrat 'leadership'

Or the murder rate in Chicago with the Democrats in charge?

Or Baltimore or Milwaukee under the failed policies of the Democrats?


Enough Blacks will come to their senses and choose to go against the grain and vote for Trump because their lives can only get better. :)

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Enough Blacks will come to their senses and choose to go against the grain and vote for Trump because their lives can only get better. :)

How many is enough? Seriously, what percentage of Registered black voters do you think will vote for him?


I'm betting it will be in the single digits. I'm sure that Trump is no more racist that you are, so he should get some of the vote.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump to Speak at Historic Black Church on Sunday – Wants to Make America Great for Black Americans



Thomas Rodgers, Antioch’s pastor, said that it was imperative for Blacks to support Trump.  He echoed comments he made in a recent CNN interview in which he said Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was not fit to lead the country, calling her “dangerous.”

Katrina Rodgers, his daughter, also spoke to Trump’s leadership, echoing that his economic prowess made him the best choice for president. Rodgers said the Democratic Party made Blacks reliant on government handouts.



Indeed.  :thumbsup:



Appears that story has disappeared.  It certainly never made to any other source



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7 minutes ago, Neurath said:

How many is enough? Seriously, what percentage of Registered black voters do you think will vote for him?


I'm betting it will be in the single digits. I'm sure that Trump is no more racist that you are, so he should get some of the vote.

His poll numbers with the Blacks and Latino voters have been steadily going up and if he can reach say 25% of that vote, it's all over for Grandma. :)

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28 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

His poll numbers with the Blacks and Latino voters have been steadily going up and if he can reach say 25% of that vote, it's all over for Grandma. :)

OK then, you think he'll get 25% or 25% would be enough for him to win? Because if he got 100% he'd win too. What do you think he can actually get?

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

His poll numbers with the Blacks and Latino voters have been steadily going up and if he can reach say 25% of that vote, it's all over for Grandma. :)


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters


Fox News Latino poll: Clinton holds 46-point lead over Trump among Hispanics


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Enough Blacks will come to their senses and choose to go against the grain and vote for Trump because their lives can only get better. :)


I think they came to their senses about Trump a long, long time ago.



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

His poll numbers with the Blacks and Latino voters have been steadily going up and if he can reach say 25% of that vote, it's all over for Grandma. :)


When you say "going up", is that an abbreviation of "going up in smoke"?

If not, I'd suggest an edit.



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Polls show Trump getting 1 percent of black vote

"While Democrats have long had an advantage among African-American voters, GOP nominee Donald Trump, is gaining little support among blacks."

"In several polls released in the first half of August, Trump is earning just 1 percent of the African-American support nationally.
This is compared to between 83 to 89 percent for Clinton."

"In a poll released by Fox News, Clinton is pulling in 85 percent of the vote, while Trump had just 1 percent."



Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters



Fox News Latino poll: Clinton holds 46-point lead over Trump among Hispanics



Fox News Latino poll: Trump has deepened wedge between GOP and Latinos



Reality, Lemmings.  :thumbsup:

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8 hours ago, Pinot said:


Oh boy...still on about Obama. IMO bigotry is first and foremost in the Republican party.





Oh dear, are you saying his mother is black and he was raised in an inner city of mainland USA? If you are not, then what I was saying is the truth and you are flaming me, which is against the forum rules.


BTW, I am not a conservative- never have been, but I don't support the 1%, which HRC is, so I'd never support her.



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On 2016-08-21 at 2:55 AM, impulse said:


Yet another group of American workers sold out by politicians bought and paid for by the corporations shipping their jobs off to China while cashing in on sweet tax breaks not available to common folk.


Someone's got to break that cycle.  I'm not sure it's Trump.  But I'm 100% sure it isn't Clinton.

One Comment on Friday Summed Up Just How Full of Crap Donald Trump’s Entire Campaign Is (Video)

"And at the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote, I promise you"




 "Delusional Trump"


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42 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh dear, are you saying his mother is black and he was raised in an inner city of mainland USA? If you are not, then what I was saying is the truth and you are flaming me, which is against the forum rules.


BTW, I am not a conservative- never have been, but I don't support the 1%, which HRC is, so I'd never support her.



I guess you're just a supporter of the .01%.  It's them Trump wants to give huge tax cuts to and end the inheritance tax.

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13 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

....his (a black preacher's) daughter, also spoke to Trump’s leadership, echoing that his economic prowess made him the best choice for president.


Is the above a joke statement?  Trump's 'economic prowess' consists of....

>>>  accepting millions of granted money from his dad

>>>  getting his dad to co-sign loans up to $30 million

>>>  not paying back loans

>>>  not paying dividends to investors

>>>  going bankrupt 5 times,

>>>  arranging for investors/loaners/contractors to take much less back than promised

>>>  not paying workers for work done.    

If that's 'economic prowess', I'd hate to see what 'economic failure' is.


Want to hear more about Trump's Wall?   Here's a sobering spin on it. . . . . . .



It's not a brand new video, but it rings true now - every bit as much as it did months ago.

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@Post 97 Boon Mee


"His poll numbers with the Blacks and Latino voters have been steadily going up,

and if he can reach say 25% of that vote, it's all over for Grandma."


Pure, (as usual) uninformed balderdash.


The Trumpeteers, even those who abandoned their hero Ted Cruz for the Bloviator,

think that if they say something repeatedly it is true.


The Republicans have lost the Latino vote for 32 straight years.

As for the your delusions of grandeur regarding the black vote?

See post: 102  

The Bloviator couldn't be doing worse. :D


But you've never let facts get in your way before, so why start now?





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Ain't gonna work!



It’s hard to imagine a much worse pitch Donald Trump could have made for the black vote

Black voters will not give Trump 95 percent of the vote should he be up for reelection in 2020. If he got 25 percent of the vote from black Americans, it would be remarkable. And unless he persuades his own party to support his candidacy, the only one returning to a golden palace after Election Day will be Donald Trump.



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12 hours ago, Chicog said:


It's exactly the insult I was looking for.

Perhaps you are out of touch with modern American culture.





Never heard anyone call a black person a coconut. Oreo is the proper condescending insult.



a hispanic person trying to be white. Compare with oreo



Definition Of:


Black person who wants to be white, or people of mixed race. An oreo is a type of cookie black on the outside with white cream filling inside
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20 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The Negro vote in Louisiana will be affected for sure by Trump's kindness! :)

Now there's your problem. What's in this statement propagates like radio waves and it's picked up loud and clear.

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Trump called this one right.  He got down to Louisiana as a Leader should have.  :thumbsup:


Obama, Democrats Ignore Own Disaster Response Advice; Could Cost Clinton Black Votes


"In 2005, erstwhile talented rapper Kanye West made the following claim at the end of an otherwise incoherent rant during a live fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Katrina: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”.


Fast forward 11 years, when over three times as much rain has fallen on Louisiana, and you will see a news media doing their best to ignore the Obama administration’s fecklessness during a similar time of strife, and a central government response that in and of itself has been underwhelming and deleterious to public confidence."




Poor Grandma was resting and couldn't get down there we guess? :whistling:


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On 8/21/2016 at 10:32 AM, Buzzz said:



What an ignorant human being that sheriff is. 

Dumber than dirt. 

I bet he watches right wing media. 


I wonder how many of the police that have been involved in shooting blacks watch FOX?

A study will show many of them are watching right wing media,  I will bet. 


Sad, what the right wing media does to these people. 



Wow. So you would  show your support  of Black Lives Matter and march in the streets chanting  " What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it, Now"   ?? Or in your estimation it's all a right wing conspiracy and the video is not real?


Sad what the left wing media does to some people



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On 8/21/2016 at 1:23 PM, Buzzz said:


Automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and efficiency have taken 9 out of 10 jobs. 

It a fallacy the jobs are going overseas. 

Fact is, even the Chinese are replacing workers with robotics. 

Get used to it. 


What is the answer?

Perhaps education in science, engineering and technology like Bernie Sanders was promoting. 


The republican answer is bringing back the $1 an hour jobs for their low IQ fan boys. 

Believe it or not, these low IQ, minimum wage fan boys also agree with the republican policy, DO NOT RAISE MINIMUM WAGE. 

How dumb can you be ? 





You seem to indulge in a lot of condescending rhetoric. "Low IQ, minimum wage, dumb"...what is your IQ btw?


However you are right about robotics and this will be a problem for Trump  restoring past levels of employment.

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On 8/21/2016 at 2:10 PM, mtls2005 said:

The current paradigm is seeing rising unemployment, cities decaying and more no go zones emerging. 


Not to minimize the effects of poverty, education, welfare, or even how employment statistics are presented, but violent crime has been on a long downward trend for 20-30 years, many inner cities are being resurrected and the overall tone is much more positive than you portray.


By most economic measures




things aren't as bleak as you, and Senor Trump, portray. Are things changing? Yes.


Employing more people, without the associated gains in GDP, just for the sake of employing them would negatively impact productivity.


Addressing an issue, like poverty, and failing is probably a more noble endeavor than doing nothing, or talking about doing nothing? 


Call me crazy, but I'll always be a half-glass full guy. But Trump appeals to the glass empty sort of folks.


So if you haven't had a raise in 15 years like a good deal o middle Americans, nevermind then just look at your glass as half full? Yeah you are right I will call you crazy


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Trump is spouting what the fringe racial right has been spouting for several decades.


Which make it sound that black Americans are poor, criminals, uneducated, violent, thugs and awful people who are only a terrible drag on the USA.


Fact is most black Americans are middle class and upper middle class. Black Americans are the most prosperous and educated group of black people in the world.


Listening to the fringe lunatic screaming and hollering rightwhingenuts is entirely misleading. The racial right now led by Donald Trump focus on black Americans on the outside and ignore the large number of black Americans who are in the mainstream of American society and who are well advanced beyond other black folk in the world.


This is yet another matter to ignore both Trump and the right wing crackpots about. That blacks dismiss Trump, the Republican Party and the right wing, means black Americans see, as a part of the vast majority of Americans see, the three of 'em as the one gang of nutcakes that the three of 'em are.


Black Americans are not right wingers. Never have been. Never will be.

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On 8/21/2016 at 4:23 PM, Pinot said:


Oh, snap. Good one. 


Trump is on a roll...all downhill. :thumbsup:


Warning: MSM links


NY Times: "Why Blacks Loath Trump" 

"The speech was tone deaf, facile and nonsensical, much like the man who delivered it."



From the Washington Post's article, "It’s hard to imagine a much worse pitch Donald Trump could have made for the black vote"

Four-in-5 blacks have a very unfavorable view of Trump, with a slightly higher percentage, 83 percent, agreeing with the idea that he is biased against women and minorities.



If Trump’s numbers fall even further or Republican Senate candidates fade down the stretch, as some did in 2012, the Senate picture may become even gloomier for the GOP.



Man, you criticize Fox continually but you quote the Washington Post?? I am a subscriber and I can't believe how much they are in the pocket of the establishment. Fox is biased but almost a lone voice amongst those that haven't joined forces with government to further the oligarchy



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20 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Trump is spouting what the fringe racial right has been spouting for several decades.


Which make it sound that black Americans are poor, criminals, uneducated, violent, thugs and awful people who are only a terrible drag on the USA.


Fact is most black Americans are middle class and upper middle class. Black Americans are the most prosperous and educated group of black people in the world.


Listening to the fringe lunatic screaming and hollering rightwhingenuts is entirely misleading. The racial right now led by Donald Trump focus on black Americans on the outside and ignore the large number of black Americans who are in the mainstream of American society and who are well advanced beyond other black folk in the world.


This is yet another matter to ignore both Trump and the right wing crackpots about. That blacks dismiss Trump, the Republican Party and the right wing, means black Americans see, as a part of the vast majority of Americans see, the three of 'em as the one gang of nutcakes that the three of 'em are.


Black Americans are not right wingers. Never have been. Never will be.


Keep on topic. "Fringe lunatic screaming and hollering rightwingenuts" is your language  of indulgence while you paint a pretty picture because Trump addresses Black poverty? 


"There are really two nations within Black America. The problem of income inequality, is not between Black America and White America but between black haves and have-nots

 The childhood poverty rate for African-Americans remains stubbornly close to what it was the day Dr. King was assassinated; unemployment for black Americans runs nearly double that of the national average; and the distrust between impoverished communities and the police continues to spiral "



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Pity Trump.  His efforts to pivot have not gone well....




[Here at last is the long-awaited Donald Trump campaign pivot in all of its glory. Having locked down the "alt-right" vote, the Republican nominee is slowly but unmistakably repositioning his campaign to ... insult African-Americans, Latinos and women (and maybe even his white nationalist base).]

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3 hours ago, Linzz said:


Keep on topic. "Fringe lunatic screaming and hollering rightwingenuts" is your language  of indulgence while you paint a pretty picture because Trump addresses Black poverty? 


"There are really two nations within Black America. The problem of income inequality, is not between Black America and White America but between black haves and have-nots

 The childhood poverty rate for African-Americans remains stubbornly close to what it was the day Dr. King was assassinated; unemployment for black Americans runs nearly double that of the national average; and the distrust between impoverished communities and the police continues to spiral "




Mind your temper and judgement plse thx about the topic and the discussions.


My point in all of Trump's wild lunatic rantings in which Trump absurdly cites President Lincoln is that blacks do not identify with the Republican party. Blacks are not conservatives, blacks are not right wingers and blacks certainly are not politically paranoid rightwhingenut crackpots.


Black Americans have nothing in common with the Republican party. Not since early in the 20th century at the most 'recent' period in the history of black voting in the USA -- which is not a long history nor is the history of black voting in the US a placid history.


Black Americans as a demographic and as a particular public among the general public have no interest in being Republicans or in suddenly or eventually becoming rightwhinge crackpots. Trump says more about himself as a nutcase and the Republican party as the enemy of black Americans than most of what black people themselves could and do say against Trump and his fanboyz.

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